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- ::Made by RU$$ for Shevaras []
- @Echo off
- Title Set Terraria TmodLoader's Priority
- tasklist | find "Terrariamod"
- IF [%errorlevel%] EQU [0] (GOTO :MENU) ELSE (GOTO :NotFound)
- :NotFound
- echo ERROR: TmodLoader is not open!
- echo.
- pause.
- exit
- cls
- echo 1. Idle[64]
- echo 2. Bellow Normal[16384]
- echo 3. Normal[32]
- echo 4. Above Normal[32768]
- echo 5. High Priority[128]
- echo 6. Real Time[256]
- echo.
- echo 7. Exit
- echo.
- SET /P INPUT= Select a Priority:
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='1' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 64 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='2' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 16384 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='3' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 32 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='4' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 32768 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='5' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 128 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='6' wmic process where name="Terrariamod.exe" CALL setpriority 256 & goto :A
- IF /I '%INPUT%'=='7' exit
- goto :MENU
- :A
- cls
- echo SUCCESS: TmodLoader's priority has been set!
- echo.
- pause.
- exit
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