

Dec 19th, 2011
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  1. Episode 1:
  3. Opens with Dmitri’s wife’s funeral, with Dr Heiden delivering the AM Speech to shankokiyo. Cuts to the first day of school, introduce Artemis, Illia, Adhelami, Shane Shank, Tau, Iyo, Shikoku, Bel, Myrtle, Jillian, Kay, John, and Alanoch, as well as Mr Dodridge, Mr Strelnikov, Ms Erdritch, Mr Lament, Mr Knight, Ms Light, Mr Laito, Too and Mal, Mac and Midnight, and Glacon. And Dr Heiden.
  5. Follows a day through the classes’ lives, with groups here and there and scenes in class. Ep 1 focuses on establishing all the characters one after the other, with a focus on Adhelami, Artemis, and IyoShikoku.
  7. Episode 2:
  9. Shank starts bullying Adhelami, establishing himself as the obvious school bully. Art stands up to him and they start a rivalry.
  11. Alanoch and Bel meet. No real romance there, they just start hanging out together. Join the AV club, meet Tau, Rosa and Myrtle.
  13. Episode 3
  15. Auditions start for the play, which is apparently something written by Ms Chantili. Myr, Adhelami, Iyo, Artemis, and some NPCs try out. Bel and Alanoch do the technical shit. Glacon keeps fucking everybody over, until Alanoch addresses him directly.
  17. Side Plot with Shankokuiyo’s clubhouse being established in a treehouse somewhere near the library.
  19. Episode 4
  21. Athletics episode! Establishment of Jason and the various sports teams. Shank and Art do near-equal in all sports, though Art’s better at baseball and Shank’s better at soccer.
  23. Adhelami, Illia and Iyo try out for girl’s basketball team, with Illia helping Adhelami try to get the basics down and Iyo comically failing at everything vaguely North American. Eventually Adhelami becomes the cheerleader.
  25. Shikoku has a small side quest involving going to the corner store to get snacks for the clubhouse. On the way he’s mercilessly hounded by Midnight.
  27. Episode 5
  29. Science episode! Chronicles several science classes, Biology, Chemistry, and physics. Dr Light is the teacher in all of them; plotlines following Shank/Adhelami/Rosa in Bio, Artemis/Iyo/Shoikoku in Chem, and Alanoch/Bel/John in Physics.
  31. Shank does pretty much everything perfectly wrong in bio, and somehow Adhelami finds a dead frog dropped down the back of her shirt. Rosa excels in the class, outshining the both of them.
  33. Iyo and Shikoku prank Artemis, escalating so much as to cause an explosion in class. Dr Light bodily throws them out and sets up a meeting with the three and the principal.
  35. Between the two plotlines, short interludes of John and Alanoch doing near-godly level things in physics experiments, with the last scene of the episode being of Bel writing stuff on the board in ftagnwriting. The walls start to bleed and the scene cuts to credits.
  37. Episode 6
  39. This entire episode takes place in the principal’s office, occurring immediately after Episode 5. Shank and the kami twins meet up and lol about the frog and explosion, with Iyo being glad she didn’t have to touch dead frogs and Shank being glad he didn’t burn to death.
  41. They natter at each other for a little while, before the sleek, bronzed principal office door swings open and Sadler steps out, darting out of the office. The trio looks at the secretary, who is actually Birdman, and are told “New Transfer.”. Iyo and Shikoku are called in, and the door closes. Several minutes later, they exit, silent, and goes back to class, sobbing quietly. Shank enters, yaoming.jpg.
  43. Dr Heiden sits him down, the room literally dripping with hatred. The enormous fireplace burns behind Shank, and Heiden recites the AM speech, with passion from the blackest of souls. Shank goes all pale and runs the fuck out of the room.
  45. Creepy scenes are shown on the TV in the background; SCP-895, random feeds of 087 (Twice with the face), Bobble the Clown: How To Stalk episode, and disjointed scenes of 701.
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