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UAP Disclosure Template

a guest
Aug 23rd, 2023
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  1. My name is [My Name] and I’m registered to vote in [My State] and I’m planning on voting this election cycle, and I wanted to let my voice be heard on a topic I consider to be of the highest importance. I believe that the recent UAP hearing that was held by the House Oversight Committee on July 26 was vitally important, not only because of the possibilities raised as a result of the more incredible claims that were made during that hearing, but also because the witness David Grusch swore under oath that there was a deliberate deception being carried out by the DOD against Congress and against the people of this country. This ongoing crime must come to an end. Let there be disclosure of what the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense knows about these undisclosed programs lacking congressional oversight, and of the disinformation campaigns that have been inflicted upon the people of this nation along with the related financial fraud that was alleged to have taken place and which would have impacted all of us.
  3. I care about a number of different issues, but more important to me than any of them right now is this one. I want more public hearings in Congress on this topic. Whether the House Oversight Committee will be doing any more hearings or not seems contested. Recently a tweet indicated that Rep. Mike Turner has supposedly convinced Rep. James Comer to stop all further hearings by the Oversight Committee because it "Would cause serious harm to the reputation of the Department of Defense in the eyes of the public, and should be avoided for the foreseeable future." I have no easy way to verify the truth of this statement for sure but it would appear to line up with public statements recently made by Rep. Tim Burchett. If this is true, it's completely unacceptable. Besmirching the reputation of the Department of Defense is not a valid legal reason to stop further hearings, especially considering the gravity of the crimes that a very credible witness, sworn under oath in Congress, has alleged to have occurred.
  5. I urge you to take whatever steps may be necessary in order to bring about further public hearings in Congress on UAP's and related SAP's, and to mobilize whatever capabilities you have as my representative to see to it that this matter is gotten to the bottom of such that there will be complete public disclosure of what is known by the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense about UAP's, Non-Human Intelligences and any associated crash retrieval programs and any and all other undisclosed programs lacking congressional oversight.
  7. This matter is enough to make me a single-issue voter, and I want it to be known that whoever will act on my behalf towards the realization of the goal of complete disclosure will get my vote regardless of their political affiliation.
  9. Thank you.
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