
QoL Issues

Aug 16th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. * Fortune (head-on)
  2. * sHP, Rekka whiffs at max range sHP
  3. * Throw conversion is very character specific (this one is kinda more a balance thing though so I doubt it'd be changed, might even lose the meterless conversions if anything 😔).
  4. * If there isn't one already, a buffer for dash after feral would make it easier to convert consistently.
  5. * There's a range where grounded head toss will hit twice but won't stagger.
  6. * Add a buffer after Rekka x3. Rekka x3 OTG sLP is really common in corner routing but it often feels really tight, especially vs heavy/mid-weight characters.
  8. * Fortune (headless)
  9. * M Gato loops (sHK, …, jMK, M Gato, Zoom) are very inconsistent and character dependent timing wise
  10. * This isn’t strictly *necessary* (can always just say "git gud and learn the timings") but it would make the character a lot more consistent and much easier to learn given this is essentially her standard bnb. I think this is one of the biggest things that stops people from going from head-on to headless (since it's obviously not character strength). It would have to be done in a way that would have as little an effect on the rest of the game as well and I’m not sure how that could be done. Maybe increase Zoom’s trailing hitbox (add a hitbox to a bit of the blood spray)?
  11. * Headless CSF is punishable on hit if the first few hits kill or you hit a dead body and she's hitting her head (incoming character comes in and punishes). Would be nice if Fortune got the Bella Dynamo treatment to avoid this.
  12. * In the right side corner, sHK, M Rekka, Headbutt, sHK, H Fiber sometimes doesn't hit the head unless you walk forward on the sHK vs Beo but in the left corner it always does vs Beo.
  13. * IAD, jLK, jMP will whiff the jMP Vs short crouchers. Maybe fix by extending jLK's hitbox down very slightly so that it hits earlier in the active frames? Idk
  14. * sHK, H Fiber, jMK, H Gato, Gato, sLK, Gato whiffs (the decap attack whiffs) in the right corner on Beo and Eliza but not the left corner (still sometimes whiffs vs Beo in the left corner, it's not consistent). Edit: tried this recently and I couldn't recreate this.
  15. * Gato, sMP, sMK, crHK, Gato, sLK, Gato whiffs (the decap attack whiffs) in the right corner on Val but not the left corner.
  16. * Nom will fly in different directions in the midscreen optimal route depending on which direction you're facing and your Nom timing.
  17. * Rekka, Zoom doesn't work on Double in the corner and midscreen it's inconsistent/strangely difficult.
  18. * OTG Gato, anything doesn't work Vs Double in the corner.
  19. * Comboing after CSF without OTG when the head is behind you is extremely character specific (this one isn't too big a deal since you can reroute to avoid it at the cost of some damage).
  20. * While comboing headless in the corner, if their head is also in the corner it makes sHK, M Rekka loops a lot harder. Would have bigger implications for the mirror in general so would need other Fortunes' opinions but making it so the head doesn't hit the opponent's head (or keeps its hitbox or something) would make that as well as the mirror in general less frustrating.
  21. * For the CSF, Head Toss, L Fiber safejump you need to backdash Vs some characters and not others. Vs fast reversals/characters with fast wake-ups this can be difficult to time properly. Extending L Fiber's bottom hitbox backwards slightly (or making the head roll a little less far backwards or slightly increasing the head's hurtbox) would remove the need to backdash here and make the setup more consistent (pretty niche change but it shouldn't have much/any balance impact at least, just making an important technique easier/more consistent).
  22. * Headbutt and Zoom assists lock you in place when AC'd into until they've started up (could be a headless alternative to dash assist if it weren't for this). You can't even block.
  24. * This one isn't really QoL, it's just a buff to headless Fortune's hitconfirm but Fortune's hitconfirms all have some kind of large flaw (except crLK sHP head-on) so doing something to alleviate that would be great. It would be really nice if sMP (or crMK) could get a buff to their horizontal range so that they reached max range crLK (or at least further than they do now since if you want a max range confirm you need to use sMK which opens you up to PBGCs, I don't think any other character lacks a consistent hitconfirm that's PBGC safe). Alternatively, a slight range increase to crMP and making it, say, -5 instead of -8 on block would also work.
  26. * Valentine
  27. * Please add the H Bypass fix back in. It fixed Val's biggest issue and felt really good. H Bypass whiffing often leaves you in a situation where you are HCH punishable (or at least easily jab punishable) and so you can just die because it decided it didn't want to spawn a hitbox.
  28. * Delay when Val changes the direction she’s facing till the end of ground H Bypass and blocked/whiffed EKG
  29. * I’ve gotten EKG simply failing to come out and Scalpels where I wanted lvl 3 quite a lot due to Val changing the direction she’s facing during H Bypass. Similar for blocked/whiffed EKG into safe DHC, often I get the wrong DHC or it just doesn't come out cus Val turns around so quickly. Dunno if it happens to other people but seems like a simple QoL change.
  30. * Increase ground H Bypass’ range very slightly
  31. * Ending ground string into sHKx3, H Bypass sometimes whiffs when done midscreen vs certain light characters. Increasing the range slightly would fix this and shouldn’t have much of a balance impact since it’s never used while point outside of combos and the assist already reaches fullscreen. This can be seen by doing the standard midscreen combo starting with your back to the corner vs Fortune (remove the dash before sLP).
  32. * Revert to P priority in the air
  33. * It was changed to be K priority in the air last patch but it mainly seemed like it was just one or two H Beam players wanted it for easier Bypass+Beam. Dead cross + lockdown/forward moving assist is more generally useful though.
  34. * There are a couple of strange counter situations. One is that if you counter the opponent on the same frame that they hit your assist then the counter comes out but the opponent isn't frozen, forcing you to block and hitting your assist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPLADUfxjY8).
  35. * Would be nice if countervenom (not Acquisitive Prescription aka normal counter) placed the opponent in a standard position. You don't get much time to judge if the opponent is in a position where you can crHP after CV a jump-in which makes converting weird sometimes.
  36. * Could Acquisitive Prescription please revert Sekhmet back to Eliza after you hit her? The same way it gets rid of armour and brings Double back when you counter Car. Otherwise you're forced to use OTG immediately on a sweep punish (used to be you had to throw/snap Sekhmet).
  37. * H Bypass, crHP, TK L Bypass, AD jHP sometimes crosses up on Parasoul in the corner (this is likely more to do with Para hurtboxes than Val I'd guess).
  38. * This probably counts as more a bugfix than QoL but this should probably be removed (do a throw/hitgrab during counter's startup and scaling is at a higher value leading to massive damage): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lANV6vDpKrQ Edit: given the same properties apply to Annie's counter I assume this is intentional, seems weird/unnecessary to me but I guess it's here to stay.
  39. * Extend DHC window on ground scalpels. This window feels overly small, I've resorted to basically mashing my DHC input now because I don't trust the window.
  40. * Extend the hitbox of crMK(2) slightly so that the second hit no longer whiffs when done at max range.
  41. * Could the hitstun of jHK(1) be extended slightly so that L and M Bypass combo off it? Vs some characters, the first hit of jHK will connect when you weren't expecting it to (eg crHP jHP H Bypass delay jHK M Bypass usually only has 1 hit of jHK but vs Band and a couple others both hits can happen) so having a bypass that will always convert off of either hit would be nice. jHK(1) H Bypass should still uncombo for the easy double snap though.
  42. * Could the hitbox on the 2nd hit of jMK be extended upwards slightly close to Val's body? Sometimes the 2nd hit of jMK will whiff if the first hit makes contact high up.
  43. * I'm not super fond of this idea but if people want to fix the "Val is blind" problem of crHP whiffing through opponents then the collision box could be extended upwards during its startup. This would remove a couple kinda gimmicky resets but it'd probably resolve the issue (those said people could also just learn to put a button like sLK or sMK in front of crHP instead).
  45. * Double
  46. * Make it easier to DHC towards the end of Car super (especially on whiff). I've missed so many Scalpels DHCs after Car and while I should also get better, it'd be nice if the window was just a bit more generous.
  47. * The 2nd hit of sMKx2 sometimes whiffs through opponents when you hit them in the air w/the first hit. Would be nice if something could be done to stop this from happening or make it happen less (though I imagine this would probably ruin someone's favourite jank reset lol).
  48. * I don't think this is a particularly big deal since it's easily avoidable/rarely comes up but Double is - after Car in the corner (if the car knocks the opponent back into the corner). How - depends on the character (eg vs Band she's very punishable but vs PW she's slightly +) but changing this so that Double isn't punishable/- on hit might be worth considering. Not a big deal tho since it is easy to avoid if you know about it.
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