
[Hroz] Kitsune ni Mukoiri.

Jan 25th, 2019
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  1. [Hroz] Kitsune ni Mukoiri.
  2. Raw:
  4. Title
  5. 狐に婿入り。
  6. Getting Married to a Mature Fox.
  8. Page 1
  9. Panel 1
  10. お前は贄じゃ
  11. You are to be a sacrifice...
  12. 狐様の...
  13. To the fox god...
  14. Panel 2
  15. この地方には古い習わしがある
  16. There is an old custom in this region.
  17. 雨を降らせ飢饉を救った狐の神に地主の長男を捧げーー婿入りさせるという
  18. In order to bring rain and prevent famine, the eldest son of the landlord is offered to the fox god. It is said that they are married into the fox family.
  19. Panel 3
  20. 狐嫁!結婚!
  21. I get a fox bride!
  22. むしろばっちこい
  23. I'm so lucky!
  24. ...とか最初思ったけど
  25. ...Is what I thought at first.
  26. Panel 4
  27. 年増じゃねーか!!
  28. But what's with this middle aged hag!!
  29. Huh!?
  31. Page 2
  32. Panel 1
  33. 失礼な婿殿だ
  34. That's very rude dear husband!
  35. 会うて第一声がそれか
  36. The first thing you say when we finally meet!
  37. Panel 2
  38. いえすいません許嫁みたいなものだと思ってて...
  39. Er, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that my fiancee was, you know...
  40. 同世代の
  41. The same age as me.
  42. Panel 3
  43. まさかババァだとは
  44. There's no way this old hag could be my wife.
  45. ええい何度も言うなババァババァと
  46. H-hey! Don't call me old so much!
  48. Page 3
  49. Panel 1
  50. It...
  51. しかたなかろ!!
  52. It can't be helped!!
  53. Panel 2
  54. そもそもヌシ(主)の家になかなか男子が生まれなかったのが悪い!!
  55. In the first place, it was your parents that took so long to have a male child!!
  56. ええ そんなこと言われても…
  57. Ehh... Even if you say that...
  58. Panel 3
  59. やっと男子が生まれたが待っこと十数年
  60. At last, a boy was born! I had to wait ten years!
  61. 待ちに待った!!
  62. It felt like forever!!
  63. ていうか神様なのに歳とるんですね
  64. But aren't you a god? Do gods even age?
  65. Panel 4
  66. ...我は半神でな夫を迎えて神となる元々代々人の血を入れてきたからな
  67. ...I am a demi-god. Originally we were pure gods, but we've been marrying humans for generations, so there is a lot of human blood mixed in.
  68. Panel 5
  69. つまり
  70. In other words,
  71. Panel 6
  72. ここで破談するわけにはいかん
  73. You can't break off our engagement!
  74. 老いる
  75. I'm getting old!
  76. 必死だなあ
  77. I'm desperate!!
  79. Page 4
  80. Panel 1
  81. ......やはりこんな年増ではダメか...
  82. But, in any case... An old woman like me is no good huh...
  83. Panel 2
  84. え あ、いえ
  85. Umm... No...
  86. 言い過ぎました...
  87. I wouldn't say that...
  88. Panel 3
  89. 元から断る気はなかったので...
  90. It's not like I was going to actually break it off...
  91. Panel 4
  92. 本当か!?
  93. Really!?
  94. 我の身体に欲情できるのか
  95. Then you must desire my body, right?
  96. と年離れてるだけで美人だし...
  97. Well uh, our ages may be different, but you're really beautiful...
  98. その...大きいし.........はい......
  99. And... ...Those huge... ...I do...
  100. 本当にか
  101. Honest and truly!?
  103. Page 5
  104. Panel 1
  105. 本当にためらいなくババアのまんこにつっこめるのか!?
  106. You really won't hesitate to plunge yourself deep into this old lady's pussy!?
  107. 引くわ
  108. Don't put it like that!
  109. Panel 2
  110. す...すまん
  111. S-sorry...
  112. あーもう
  113. Ah jeez.
  114. Panel 3
  115. じゃあ証明します
  116. Let me prove it to you then.
  117. Panel 4
  118. ああんなこと言ったものの
  119. Ah, I know I was just talking about it,
  120. いざとなると恥ずかし いな
  121. But when it comes down to it, I'm a bit flustered.
  122. ぼくもです
  123. I'm just as embarrassed!
  124. Panel 5
  125. だが我はこの日のために予習してある
  126. However, that isn't to say I haven't prepared myself for today!
  127. 本でな
  128. I read a book!
  129. 本でか
  130. A book?
  132. Page 6
  133. Panel 1
  134. んっ♥
  135. Mhm! ♥
  136. Panel 2
  137. 男はこういうのが好きだとあった
  138. It said that men really like this kind of thing.
  140. Page 7
  141. -
  143. Page 8
  144. Panel 1
  145. あっああっ
  146. Ah! Ahh!
  147. ん♥
  148. Mmh!♥
  149. き 狐様‥・っ
  150. M-miss Fox!
  151. Panel 2
  152. Mh?
  153. Panel 3
  154. あッ
  155. Ahh!
  156. Panel 4
  157. これが...
  158. This is...
  159. 精...甘露♥
  160. Semen... It's sweet. ♥
  162. Page 9
  163. Panel 1
  164. もう待てん...我は散々待った
  165. I can't hold back anymore... I've waited far too long.
  166. ヌシは証明すると言ったが最早...
  167. You said you would give me proof, my dear husband...
  168. Panel 2
  169. 我から...入れ...
  170. So put it... Inside me...
  171. Panel 3
  172. あッ
  173. Ahn!!
  175. Page 10
  176. Panel 1
  177. あッ はッ あんッ♥
  178. Ah! Hah! Ahhn!♥
  179. Panel 2
  180. んッ♥
  181. Nhg! ♥
  183. Page 11
  184. あッ
  185. Ahh!
  187. Page 12
  188. Panel 1
  189. よかったぞ♥
  190. I'm really glad! ♥
  191. Panel 2
  192. で だ
  193. Well! Then!
  194. Panel 3
  195. 早く子が欲しい
  196. I want you to give me a child as soon as possible.
  197. まだ...できるか?
  198. Are you able to go again?
  199. Panel 4
  200. ああ...歳的に... ギリギリ?
  201. Ahh... You aren't too old for that? Around that age?
  202. 怒るぞ
  203. I'm getting angry.
  204. ホント
  205. Honestly!
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