

Apr 12th, 2016
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  1. 16:25 Sister-Sting Sting waited outside a nice little coffee place, drinking a milkshake as she waited for Tinker. She learned that some girl named 'Tinker' worked with Flamberge to make her robotic arms. And after a bit of begging, Flam set up a meeting for the two. mainly so Sting can ask about upgrades
  2. 16:32 Tinker Tinker came around 10 minutes later, looking pretty okay. She previously had worked on this Sting girl's mechanical arms - getting all the inner mechanics designed while leaving Flamberge for all the decorations. She is pretty excited talking about all the upgrades she had planned.
  3. 16:37 Sister-Sting perked up when Tinker came into view, waving her robotic hand in the air to get her attention "Yo! You Tinker!?"
  4. 16:39 Tinker waved back. "Yes I am! You must be the Sting girl Flamberge talked about earlier." She smiled.
  5. 16:42 Sister-Sting waved to the seat infront of her "Have a seat, order something! I can pay easily"
  6. 16:45 *** Arak joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  7. 16:47 Tinker sat down and ordered a nice cup of latte. "Thanks. Flam told me that you liked the arms we both worked for you. Is there something you wanna talk about them?"
  8. 16:49 Sister-Sting "Yeah Yeah, I really do love them." She flexes her robotic arm "Really I'm just wondering bout more weapons or strength, that type of deal"
  9. 16:57 Tinker "Strength, huh? I can try adjusting the inner workings a little more. Maybe seeing if I can wiggle in some blades or so... Perhaps a better gun adjustment..." She reached into her messenger bag and pulls out a notebook and a pen - filled with all her svribbles and journals. Writing into the book, she asked Sting, "Any specific weapon or other upgrade you want to share?"
  10. 16:57 Tinker (Scribbles*)
  11. 17:01 Sister-Sting Man, she can defiantly see why Flam liked her...wait, wasn't he with Lion? "Stronger guns would be cool, more then just 8 shots, maybe work my BioLightning into it?" Sting seemed distracted
  12. 17:04 *** Flamberge- joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  13. 17:08 Tinker "Hmm... Okay, maybe I can try adding more bullets space... Maybe make them reloadable more easily. And working your bioelectricity? Interesting... Maybe I can make the shotguns shoot electric bullets instead of regular ones."
  14. 17:08 Tinker sips her latte - it came just as she talked about the gun upgrades. It tastes pretty good, actually.
  15. 17:16 Sister-Sting "Electric bullets, awesome...If you dont mind me asking, whats the deal with you and Flam? I think he calls you 'sis' but you dont look a like...besides the hair"
  16. 17:21 Tinker "Us?" She stopped writing for a while, sipping her latte once more. "We're pretty close and would exchange our designs every so often, helping each other, collaborating once in a while. He calls me 'Sister' as a nickname - And I get to call him my little brother. It's just some little nickname we have for each other."
  17. 17:22 Tinker "I don't have any siblings, or family, actually. Besides my nephew, Gestalt."
  18. 17:25 Sister-Sting "Hes the younger one, hehe, you look good for your age" She sips her drink "Hmm, I know that feeling, grew up in an orphanage for a good while"
  19. 17:30 Tinker "Thanks! And.... I also grew up in an orphanage too. The place was.... Bad, to say the least. Leaky roofs, cracked walls, ugly beds.."
  20. 17:31 Sister-Sting laughed "Small world huh? Mine was a shithole too, barely any food, and I wouldn't call the Beds, 'Beds', more like dirty blankets on wooden boards"
  21. 17:46 Tinker "Oh, I can totally relate to that. Man, my back was always sore because of them 'beds', haha~ We would always fight for food, children screaming and jumping onto each other to get more portion..."
  22. 17:48 Sister-Sting "....Yeah, same here. Course, I had a 'partner in crime' back then, kinda like an older sister to me....till she got adopted"
  23. 17:53 Tinker "....." That sounds eerily similiar to Tinker's own memories. She drank her latte until it's finished. "Huh... Interesting.... I had some sort of partner in crime too. She would distract the other kids while I snatched their food, and then we'll go to somewhere secured and split our 'loot'."
  24. 17:54 Sister-Sting Once was funny, another time would raise an eyebrow but nothing much else. But more and More parallels were forming....Could it be that...No, no that was impossible. Tink probably thought the same "S-Same here...My partner got adopted by some creepy fuck. You felt off just by looking at him."
  25. 17:56 *** Emit joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  26. 18:15 Tinker just stares, dead right into Sting's eyes. "........ What? That's.... Too creepy to be true...."
  27. 18:18 Sister-Sting looked back at Tinker "...The Orphanage, t-the name was Blue..."
  28. 18:19 Tinker ".....Bird?......Bluebird Orphanage?" If that's true, then....
  29. 18:19 Sister-Sting "...Holy shit..." Sting mouthed a name, Tinkers name, her Real name
  30. 18:22 Tinker "......How can you know my name?....Fuck..."
  31. 18:25 Sister-Sting got up, hugging Tinker tightly
  32. 18:27 Tinker is stunned for a second - before hugging Sister-Sting back. Really tight. Maybe tighter than she ever did.
  33. 18:28 Sister-Sting "I have no clue how the hell this happened, but I dont care" She moved her chair so she sat next to Tinker and not table across
  34. 18:33 Tinker "Y-yeah... I-I don't care. We... We both changed so much..." Burying her face into Sting's shoulder she feels like... Crying? Just the emotions of this unexpected reunion brings her to tears. She never thought movie scenes can happen in real life.
  35. 18:38 Sister-Sting was trying to hold tears back. She wasn't much for crying, but she let her 'sis' cry a river, slowly brushing her hand on her hair "...Someone not a fan of brown?"
  36. 18:42 Tinker "H-heheh.." She isn't crying a lot, just sobbing, overwhelmed by the emotions. This looks more like a romance movie than anything, if one passes by the two. "I just thought it looks good on me."
  37. 18:43 Sister-Sting "Yeah..." Sting kept the hug going, unable to hold back a few tears "...What happened to you 'Sis'?"
  38. 18:46 Tinker "I got adopted by that creep....And.....I went through a lot of bad stuffs. Let's say that it permanently scarred me. Took me years to got out from that house and start a new life. That creep? He's.... He's probably dead by now. I don't want to contact him again."
  39. 18:49 Sister-Sting "I wish I could say the same...a few days after you left, I got adopted by who I thought would be a kind caring mother...I was forced to stay in a basement for years with her experiments. Until she decided to do away with me, some spell to make me into a Wasp monster. I manged to get out, lived on the streets for awhile...Shes still out their, watching me..."
  40. 18:51 Tinker "....Oh man I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. My 'dad' wasn't the best of people too. Sure, he didn't experimented on me... But.....He still left me broken."
  41. 18:53 Sister-Sting hugged tighter
  42. 18:54 *** Emit quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  43. 18:54 Tinker also returns the hug.
  44. 18:55 Sister-Sting "Hehe, boy, is Flam going to freak out"
  45. 18:55 Sister-Sting [Flam is*]
  46. 18:58 Tinker "Yeah, but I'm sure he's gonna accept it well."
  47. 19:00 Tinker "And I don't mind if we become 'sisters' again. Looking out for each other and all."
  48. 19:01 Sister-Sting "Trust me, Sis, We will!...does this mean I can get my upgrades for free?" She chuckled at her joke
  49. 19:03 Tinker "Maybe? Haha~ I'd be glad to, Sting. Reunion gift."
  50. 19:09 Sister-Sting "Thanks Tinker, Really. I"ll have to talk to Flam about your gift now!"
  51. 19:14 Tinker "Yep!"
  52. 19:15 Tinker "We'll build you a good set of arms, that's for sure!"
  53. 19:19 Sister-Sting patted Tinker on the back "Just knowing you made these, makes them even better Sis~!"
  54. 19:21 Tinker "I will!"
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