

Jun 26th, 2018
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  1. ------------
  2. $name : Character Doom
  3. $author : ChaosGenerators
  4. $description : More WFRP Gens at, dooms from 2e table in Tome of Salvation
  5. $amount : 5
  6. $picture :
  7. $button : Meet Thy Doom
  8. // Join Chaos Generators on Patreon at
  10. $doom
  11. Thy end shalt be a sticky one.
  12. Briny waters are poison to thy tongue
  13. When abandoned and alone, Morr shalt befriend thee.
  14. Beasts of the field have eyes for thee.
  15. Workings of the Witchling Star are thy doom.
  16. A stalled blade bringeth a sharp end.
  17. The written word shall spell thy doom.
  18. Thy body shalt break after thy spirit is crushed.
  19. Be not curious, only in ignorance art thou safe.
  20. Lack of breath fills thy last moments.
  21. Tie not the ribbon, nor the feather wear; yea, the peacock is thine enemy.
  22. Be not like Gnuthus, for thy master counts thy days.
  23. Three is thy number.
  24. A beast of brass bellows for thee.
  25. Ulric's cold hand shall lead thee to Morr.
  26. Watch for the cloven hoof, it is thine enemy.
  27. Eat neither the chitterlings nor the meat with tubes.
  28. As thee began, so shalt thou end.
  29. Thy doom already knows thee, though knows it not.
  30. A stranger shalt bring thee more than a gift.
  31. Beware the young, the child, yea, even the babe.
  32. Take heed of Mammit and Mummit, for both see to lay thee low.
  33. Beware the purse, the sack, the velvet bag.
  34. The raven answers to Verena's call, yea, but Her scales are weighted.
  35. The tiniest of Taal's children shalt feast upon thy gut.
  36. The limner's line shalt be false.
  37. The holy day shalt be thy last day.
  38. Thou shalt die in bed, but not thine own!
  39. thou shalt feed the barren soil with thy blood.
  40. When thy need is greatest, Shallya shalt turn Her back to thee.
  41. The scythe shall reap thy flesh.
  42. Thy soul, consumed with anger, shall be blinded to the unseen enemy.
  43. A friend in need brings thy death with speed.
  44. Thy last breath is drawn by Morrleib's light.
  45. Rats wearing the Horns of Taal shalt bite at thy heels.
  46. The sword shalt bring no justice, only suffering.
  47. The twin-tailed comet doth soar as thou dost fall.
  48. Water of all kinds is thy nemesis.
  49. Thy end lieth hidden in the gloaming.
  50. High places promise a low end.
  51. Thy last exclamation is love.
  52. Beware the man that is not a man!
  53. Beware the Blind Maiden for Her scales shalt weight thy soul.
  54. Thy broken cart shalt herald thy end.
  55. The bun, the pastry, and the pie, yea, they art Morr's dishes!
  56. When the bell doth toll, it doth toll for thee.
  57. The laurel wreath hides a poisoned thorn.
  58. Longer not upon the privvie, nor the long drop neither.
  59. Cacklefax grips tight to coins of they doom.
  60. The hourglass shatters before thy last grain falls.
  61. From the darkness cometh the raven.
  62. High-born blood shalt spill thine own.
  63. From above comes thy death.
  64. Plague and dark disease shalt bring thee to thine knees.
  65. Beware skin of green, it shalt afflict thee.
  66. Beware the verdant depths, within doth lie disaster.
  67. Be like the dancer for rude words bring Morr to thy side.
  68. The darkest rot shall eat thee from within.
  69. The Gods watch over thy end.
  70. Heed not the smith, in his artifice lies thy doom.
  71. Wear not Grugni's baldric, for it shall carry thy death.
  72. Ready your coins on the thirteenth chime.
  73. The drummer beats out thy end.
  74. Katya's eye and vanity shalt speed thee to death.
  75. Thy end burns with flames unseen.
  76. An ill reputation shalt an ill man make.
  77. Morr finds thee naked as the day of thy birth.
  78. One bullock is safe, two bullocks bringeth the raven.
  79. Thirst not for blood, for it thirst for thee.
  80. In thy surest moment, thou shalt fail.
  81. Beware the beast in the wood, it is Morr's Messenger.
  82. Thou shalt sup from the cup of corruption.
  83. Fear the workings of the bonesaw, they are the source of thy death.
  84. Thy generosity bringeth tuppence and a sword in return.
  85. The withering eye is thy reward, and thy end.
  86. Torture and pain echo thy end.
  87. Follow not the steps of Dragomas.
  88. Thy doom is wrought of violence.
  89. Those born of Rhy's cauldron shalt build thee a ravenstone.
  90. Absence makes thy heart grow weaker.
  91. The Mymidian spring is thy poison.
  92. Beware the crow, honour the raven.
  93. A greased goat is safer than keeping secrets.
  94. Manann's folk shalt love thee not.
  95. When thou art thrice haunted, Morr brings peace.
  96. Walk with Vobist, for certainty shall take thy breath.
  97. Beware the Lord of Murder's barb - it awaits to strike at thee from the darkness.
  98. The flashing blade shalt carve thy end.
  99. Fearsome engines belch forth fires of thy destruction.
  100. Thy end is not the end!
  101. As the piper plays his tune thy heart shall break.
  102. Green shalt undo thee.
  103. As dark news comes knocking, Morr shalt surely follow.
  104. Thou shalt stand like Wymund until Shallya courts thy enemies.
  105. Ranald shalt abandon thee.
  106. Think not beyond thy station, for change is the herald of Morr.
  107. Morr sends a maiden.
  108. Without the big cross, thou shalt make the wrong decision.
  109. Just before he uttered your doom, the doomsayer died, his face frozen in a mask of horror.
  111. [doom]
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