
House Call (FiE: 14)

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. Part 14 (House Call)
  2. >You are Fiddlesticks.
  3. >And you are standing a lonely vigil in a dark room, waiting.
  4. >For what?
  5. >You do not know.
  6. >But it's not like you can get much else done. You already read all the books in here.
  7. >Twice.
  8. >You have a visitor once in a while.
  9. >But you can sense their evil intents, their malicious smiles clearly visible, thinking you to be an easy target to rob.
  10. >Oh how horribly wrong they are.
  11. >Each time they come in, sometimes just one person, other times a whole group of bandits.
  12. >And every time, you strike them down with extreme prejudice.
  13. >Most of the time, you throw the bloodied bodies back into the Halls.
  14. >Once in a while you’ll keep a corpse or 2 for your birds to feast upon.
  15. >And even more rarely, you'll leave a survivor.
  16. >Maybe survivor isn't the best word choice.
  17. >Physically, they are alive and relatively unharmed
  18. >But mentally? They are far gone, only mumbling about crows and scythes and death.
  19. >Your 3 favorite subjects. Too bad the trembling husks are terrible conversationalists.
  20. >Pacing around the room very slowly, you walk up to the door.
  21. >This has become routine. You want to go out there, see exactly where you are, maybe even find something to do to crush this boredom.
  22. >But in the end, you always decide against it.
  23. >Something is different today, though.
  24. >You hear something through the door.
  25. >It seems to be emanating from a spot by the desk you walked past when you were told to come to this room.
  26. >
  27. >What in the hell is that sound?
  29. >"Oh dear. This is a strange place indeed. I think the TARDIS went wibbly wobbly aga- Oh, hello lady behind the desk."
  30. >"What is that, and who are you?" the registrar asks with a monotone voice.
  31. >"Ah, well, that's a police box as far as you know. Who am I? Well, that's simple dear.”
  32. >“I'm the Doctor!" an excited voice responds.
  33. >"Are you here to sign up?"
  34. >"Sign up? Well, last time I signed up for something I was getting transdimensional spam mail for weeks. But hey, you only live once, right? Well, no, actually, if you're me, you live 12 times. But lets not get into specifics."
  35. >"What is your title?" her voice is puzzled.
  36. >"I'm The Doctor?"
  37. >"You've mentioned that. But what is your title?"
  38. "Uhm... I'm a Time Lord, if that's what you're asking..."
  39. >"Sorry, we already have a time god in our roster. You're gonna have to come up with a different title" Her voice gives away her unbridled hatred towards her job.
  40. >”Hmph, right. Well. I'm actually here to visit an old friend of mine.”
  41. >”Who are you here to visit?” Her patience started wearing thin years ago.
  42. >”A gentleman by the name of Fiddlesticks.”
  43. >Well hell, you're about to have a visitor.
  44. >Stepping away from the door,you light up the one candle that rests on the desks dusty surface
  45. >You stand just outside of its illumination, waiting with your eyes shut off.
  46. >Blinded in the traditional sense, you can still sense other emotions.
  47. >Fear being the easiest to identify, but you can read other emotions if you try hard enough.
  49. >Standing just out of the light, you wait for the door to open.
  50. >After a few moments, you turn on your eyes again.
  51. >Maybe you misheard what he sai-
  52. *Knock knock knock*
  53. >Woah.
  54. >Hold up.
  55. >Did he just...
  56. *Knock knock knock*
  57. >”Hello? Fid? It's me, the Doctor. Are you in there, pal? I want to have a word with you.”
  58. >Yes, he did. No one ever knocks on the door, they just barge in with a false sense of entitlement.
  59. >You walk up the stairs and open the door, holstering your scythe on your back.
  60. >In front of you stood a man, wearing a brown overcoat and a black pinstripe suit. His short brown hair matched his eyes, eyes you had seen only a few times before.
  61. >They are the eyes of a madman hiding from the true pain within and a treacherous history that haunts his soul..
  62. >He smiled as he looked at you, putting on a pair of glasses and leaning in close.
  63. >”Ah! Fiddlesticks! It's good to see you again, old friend.” He clasps his hand on your shoulder."No matter how many times I do, I still think you are brilliant!"
  64. >”Mind if we have a sit down?” His smile doesn't fade at your stare.
  65. >You move aside slightly, and motion for him to step inside.
  66. >”You've redecorated! I don't like it. Especially the red paint.”
  67. >You close the door behind you, opting to not correct him about the red liquid not being paint.
  68. >Running his hand along the wall of books, he turns around on a heel, and look at you again.
  69. >”Fid, do you know why I'm here?” he says.
  70. >You shake your head.
  71. >”An old friend of yours misses you desperately, and she needs you more than you know.” he says, his saddened eyes expressing far more than he intends to.
  72. >He reaches into his coat pocket, and pulls out an object.
  74. >”Do you recognize this?” he says as he hands you the object.
  75. >It's a hairbrush. The same one you arrived with 4 years ago.
  76. >You take hold of the hairbrush. As soon as you touch it, you are overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness and a longing to be somewhere
  77. >Somewhere that isn't here.
  78. >You simply stand there for a moment staring at the object in your hands
  79. >”You know what this is, what it represents. You know it, but you can't say it. It's on the tip of your tongue though.” he looks into your eyes
  80. >”Think about what this means. Try to remember. You may think that your past is gone from your mind, but nothing is ever truly gone. This brush is proof that your past is still there, the memories are just waiting to be released. If it can be remembered, it can be brought back.”
  81. >Looking up from the hairbrush, you glance at his eyes, and you know what he is going to say. You know why he is here.
  82. >And you know that you must follow him wherever he goes.
  83. >Without a second thought, you hand him the hairbrush and rasp 2 words that will change your life forever.
  84. >”Let's go”
  86. >You exit the room to see a large blue box resting next to the receptionists desk.
  87. >The receptionist is trying to open up the door to the box.
  88. >”Excuse me ma'am, why are you trying to get into my TARDIS?” The Doctor asks curiously
  89. >”League policy states that any vehicle that enters the premise is subject to immediate search. If it is deemed as a threat to any champion or Summoner, it is to be seized and demilitarized or destroyed.”
  90. >”So you're seeing if my blue box is dangerous.”
  91. >”Yes. Now open the door” The womans cold glare spoke volumes of her.
  92. >”Well, you see, I'm not actually going to sign up for this “League” you have. I am simply here to pick up my friend, so if you could please move slightly to the left or right so we can be on our way.” The Doctor's smile is ear to ear.
  93. >”Policy states that ANY vehicle that enters the premise is subject to immedia-”
  94. >”Yes, yes I know the policy. Must you really be such a rule stickler?”
  95. >”Why have rules if you aren't going to follow them?” She says through clenched teeth, her tone a low growl.
  96. >”Good men don't need rules.” The Doctor is face to face with the hell-ceptionist now.
  98. >You clasp your hand on his shoulder, and nudge your head to the side.
  99. >He moves aside, and you approach the receptionist.
  100. >Stooping down to her level, you look deep into her eyes, and let out a wicked smile, razor-sharp elongated teeth in full view, a black ooze dripping from the gumline.
  101. >She is completely paralyzed with fear.
  102. >”Excuse us” You rasp through the smile.
  103. >The Doctor steps besides you and her, and looks at you.
  104. >”Oh wow. That is really quite terrifying and a bit disgusting. Ma'am?” He looks from you to her.
  105. >She is still staring at you in fear when the Doctor addresses her.
  106. >”Keep calm... and run” he whispers to her.
  107. >No sooner than he is done speaking, she takes off in the opposite direction, screaming bloody murder.
  109. >You close your mouth and turn towards the door of the TARDIS.
  110. >He unlocks the door, and opens it.
  111. >You step inside.
  112. >It's pretty roomy, considering how small the box seems from the outside.
  113. >You've read up on pocket dimensions, so this doesn’t surprise you too much.
  114. >Your poker-face as strong as ever, you walk into the TARDIS towards the center of the room, the Doctor following suit.
  115. >”You don't seem to impressed. Most people who walk in here usually say something about it.” there's disappointment in his voice.
  116. >”I'm not people.” you mumble quietly
  117. >”Ah, nonsense Fid. You're people. You're more of a person than most people I have met.” he pats your shoulder before pulling some levers near the center console.
  118. >”You must have met some terrible people.” you say with a closed mouth smile
  119. >”The absolute worst in the universe,” he chuckles before flipping one last lever.”Hang on!”
  120. > A metallic grinding sound reaches your metaphysical ears as you are suddenly bounced around the inside of the TARDIS. ( )
  121. >”I told you to hang on!” He says, his knuckles white from bracing for dear life
  122. >You bounce around the TARDIS, straight-faced as you were when you walked in.
  123. >After a minute of rebounding off the ceiling and walls, you land with a resounding thud next to the Doctor.
  124. >”Perhaps you should install harnesses.” You say as you rise from your spot on the floor.
  125. >”Or you can do as I ask. I don't say these things for my own amusement most of the time.” he says, turning to you as he speaks
  127. >”We're here. Go ahead on out. I'll be following shortly” he says as he continues to fiddle with some controls.
  128. >You approach the exit, hand-scythe at the ready.
  129. >This has all the signs of being a trap, but the general negative vibe you get when it is a trap isn't here.
  130. >You step out to see a ridiculous looking tent...thing.
  131. >Is that embroidery?
  132. >”Well, what are you waiting for? Go on.” You turn to the Doctor, only to see a small horse with a tie on its neck.
  133. >You simply stare for a moment at this...what's the word...
  134. >P0ny.
  135. >Right.
  136. >You turn back to the door, and tap on it with the back of your scythe.
  137. >Burlap hands means no knuckles.
  138. >You hear the clopping of hooves along with a sing song “Just a minute!”
  139. >That voice. It's so familiar.
  140. >A blue aura wraps around the door, swinging it open.
  141. >A little white pony with a squiggly purple mane and tail appears in the doorway.
  142. >”Hello, and welcome to... the... Carousel... Fid?” Rarity says with a confused expression
  144. >Wait, hold on.
  145. >Brain?
  146. >Yeah?
  147. >What was that name?
  148. >Rarit- Oh my.
  149. >The second you lock eyes with her, a plethora of memories wash over your mind, filling you with all sorts of new information that you have known all along.
  150. >Sadness, joy, laughter, rage, and many other feeling strike your chest with the force of a hammer.
  151. >Your poker-face reveals none of this though.
  152. >”Hello Rarity” You wheeze.
  153. >”Fid!” Without a moments notice, she leaps into the air, wrapping her hooves around your burlap neck.
  154. >You return the embrace, holding her tightly.
  155. >This feels... strange though. Or rather, it doesn't.
  156. >Setting a confused marshmallow down, you take a step back and close your eyes, focusing on these newly acquired memories.
  157. >After a moment, you feel yourself shrinking a bit, your feet now feeling the cool stone path below them.
  158. >You look around you at all the vivid colors, blinking a few times for good measure.
  159. >Kneeling, you take a stunned Rarity in your arms, and hold her tight, smelling her mane.
  160. >Her tears are soaking your burlap poncho as you are rocking her back and forth, her soft fur tickling your arms as you rest your face in her mane.
  161. >”Fid, I thought you were dead! I thought we killed you. It's been months!” she sobs into your shoulder.
  162. >”Shh. I'm here Rarity. I'm here.”
  163. >For the third time in your life, you cry.
  164. >But for the first time in your life, you cry tears of joy.
  166. >After a moment, you let her go
  167. >”Ah. I see you remember her. What else do you remember?”
  168. >You turn your head towards him.
  169. >”What do you mean?”
  170. >”Well Fid, there was something that happened a very long time ago. Some thing that you were not there to see, but you saw it anyways. I can't tell you what happened though, or it will mean nothing.”
  171. >Focusing on the day you were banished from this plane, you think of what happened.
  172. >You were given the Element of the Protector
  173. >You threw a purple p0ny at a sun god
  174. >You met a fearless god of chaos.
  175. >Him being fearless, you had to grab his darkest memo-
  176. >Oh.
  177. >A mixture of emotion washes over you, a combination of rage, sadness, and a lust for vengeance.
  178. >As quickly as these feelings appeared, they are gone.
  179. >You aren't a being of impulse. That much is for certain.
  180. >Well thought out plans are your specialty.
  181. >So without waiting any further, you walk past the white mare, and begin to plan.
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