
Docnon. [RGRE] [WIP]

Oct 18th, 2016
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  1. >Been a while since you've arrived on Equis.
  2. >Other than the fact that strange talking animals exist and humans don't, everthing seems to be the same as earth.
  3. >Or rather,
  4. >The dark ages of western civilization when people thought losing large amounts of blood was a good idea.
  5. >You've been working at a barber's for a while now, cutting hair and stitching wounds.
  6. >You don't exactly have the equipment you used to have, but at least the pay's good.
  7. >The patients that come by usually don't have big problems too, just the occasional sprained hoof and cuts.
  8. >It makes work that much simpler.
  9. >You take a knee to make sure you're on eye level with the brown and gray mare.
  10. >Whether that's her coat's natural color or just dirt, you will never know.
  11. >Gently, you pick up her front hoof and examine it, using your hands to feel for different temperatures.
  12. "Slight inflamation, must have pulled a tendon."
  13. >"Infla-wha?"
  14. "You've overworked the leg Mrs Hang Dry. It's nothing much now, just avoid rough work and soak it in warm water twice a day. It should stop aching within a week or so."
  15. >"But I need to be on the farm, can't you do something to make it better faster?"
  16. "I can, but it's not going heal the leg overnight."
  17. >"I don't mind, as long as it makes my leg better"
  18. >You stand up, and walk over to the next room bending slightly as you pass the low doorway.
  19. >In front of you is a shelf lined with multiple bins and bottles. You reach out and pick out a purple colored bottle before turning around swiftly and-
  20. >-knocking right into a wall.
  21. >Rubbing your forehead, you carefully re-enter the room, caressing your forehead as you do.
  22. >You kneel and show Hang Dry the bottle
  23. "Crush some ginger and rosemary into pulp with this oil, then put the paste onto the place that hurts. It should soothe the pain and you should be fine in about four days."
  24. >"Thank you, sir."
  25. >Dry stands back up and flinches visibly as weight shifts onto her injured leg.
  26. "Wait-" you say, stopping the Hang Dry in her tracks
  27. >Reaching to the corner of the room, you grab a crutch and hand it to her.
  28. "-I'll lend this to you, bring it back yourself once you feel better"
  29. >"Thank you, sir"
  30. >You walk Dry to the entrance of the small barbershop, helping her with the crutches as you go until you reach the entrance.
  31. "Have a safe trip home."
  32. >"You take care of yourself too, sir."
  33. >As you watch the old mare walk off into the distance, you hear a crack of lightning echo across the sky.
  34. "That was the last one Clean Cut, I'm gonna head home now."
  35. >"I expect to see that rump of yours here before sunrise, Anon."
  36. "And I'm not working a second more unless you pay me extra, Cut."
  37. >You look into Clean Cut's eyes for a second, a frown on your face, as you feel something bubbling within your stomach.
  38. >Unable to contain it any longer, you begin to chuckle, and in a moment Clean Cut joins you.
  39. >Shortly after, your chuckling becomes full blown laughter and it takes a moment for the both of you to calm down.
  40. >"Look at me, a full grown mare laughing with my minotaur assistant," she huffs.
  41. >You a final chuckle and stretch out your hands.
  42. >It takes a while for the message to sink in.
  43. >"Oh, right. Here's your pay for the week, see you in the morning."
  44. "Thanks Cut. I'll see you tomorrow."
  45. >As you quickly pace through the streets of the city, you take some time weighing the pouch in your hand.
  46. >This is your pay
  47. >The same pay you're going to spend on booze.
  48. >Heh, somebody's gonna get smashed tonig-
  49. >Your footsteps halt abrubtly when you hear a faint sobbing coming from the alleyway to your right.
  50. >Shit
  51. It's non of your business Anon. Just move on.
  52. >"B-But you need some too, Celly."
  53. >"It's okay Lulu, you take it. We still have some more, see?"
  54. Just a couple of gutter rats, that's all.
  55. >"I know the bag's empty Celly, I checked last night."
  56. >"Then I'll just go get some more later. It's fine"
  57. Just ignore it and keep walking.
  58. >"The-they'll kill you if they catch you stealing again."
  59. No. This is wrong Anon, you're a doctor.
  60. Not anymore. You're nothing now. These ponies don't even know about basic medicine.
  61. What about your oath Anon? What about caring for the sick and providing all measures required?
  62. The old world is gone Anon, that oath doesn't mean squat here.
  63. So you're just going to let those girls die in the streets because you wanted to get drunk.
  64. Yes. You are going to keep walking, Anon. You're going to make a left turn and then go to the drunken stallion, and then you'll get smashed. You'll forget all about this tomorrow.
  65. >You start walking down the street again, forcing your heavy legs to move away from the alleyway.
  66. >It's none of your business anyway.
  67. >You're just another random passerby
  68. >There's no need to feel bad about this.
  69. You're a fucking disgrace, dad would be so proud of you. Following after his exact footsteps.
  70. >...
  71. Keep walking down that road you son of a bitch.
  72. >You're going to regret this
  73. you barely have enough cash to feed yourself Anon, don't go there.
  74. >God Damnit.
  75. >You turn yourself around, and begin trudging down the alleyway.
  76. >Sandwiched between two run down buildings; the alley was impossibly disgusting, foul odors permeating the air as the occasional vermin clambers about in search of food.
  77. >Walking past several broken crates, you arrive at the end of the alleyway.
  78. >A dead end with a crudely made bed, crafted from broken planks and hay.
  79. >On the bed, is a filly, her coat a shade of ultramarine while her mane was an even darker shade of blue.
  80. >Her right rear leg was wrapped in a makeshift cast made from wood and dirty fabric.
  81. >Beside her was a larger pony, her coat may have been white but it was dirty and stained with various fluids now and her pink mane was in tatters.
  82. >Both the ponies appeared to be horribly starved, their ribcages were showing on their sides and their skeletal outline can be seen clearly, up to the final bump on their spines.
  83. >Their wings lacked plumage as many feathers have fallen off.
  84. >You doubt they are capable of proper flight at this point.
  85. >As they continue their conversation, you attempt to close your distance with them.
  86. >Step by step Anon.
  87. >Don't fuck this up.
  88. >Aaaaand that's a glass bottle.
  89. >Great!
  90. >Hearing your approach, the dark blue pony turn her heads in your direction with her eyes wide in fear.
  91. >The white pony stands shakily on her hooves as you move into the light
  92. >"Who are you?" The white pony asks with trembling voice.
  93. >If you didn't know better, she looks like she's about to charge you.
  94. "My name is Anonymous, I'm- uh, I'm here to help."
  95. >"We don't need your help."
  96. >Well, color you surprised, this one's got some spirit in her. But the growling thunder overhead reminds you of the situation at hand.
  97. >Sighing, you walk past the white pony and pick up the blue one.
  98. >You look down to the bundle of hungry and crying in your arms.
  99. >Pulling aside the bandages on the cast gently, you are greeted by a familiar stench and a sickly yellowish liquid.
  100. >Wound's infected. [spoiler]She wouldn't last the week out here.[/spoiler]
  101. >You feel a soft jab against your side.
  102. >It was so weak, you almost missed it.
  103. >"Put. Her. Down. NOW."
  104. >The prodding at your side continues as the white pony attempts to impale you with her horn over and over again.
  105. >"Why can't you ponies just leave us be?."
  106. "Look, she needs medical attention. I'm going to take her with me, whether you follow is up to you."
  107. >You begin walking back towards the direction of your home with the bundle of warmth in your arms.
  108. >After 5 steps, you hear trotting behind you.
  109. >Along with the sounds of a muted sobbing.
  111. >You arrive at your home, a dinky little one story house near the outskirts of town that towers over neighbouring houses.
  112. >[spoiler]Heh, Neigh bouring.[/spoiler]
  113. >It's not much, but it's home.
  114. >Kicking the door hard, you open it and carry the blue pony in, leaving the door open for whitey.
  115. "Shut the door behind you."
  116. >You place the blue one on the couch gently, taking care not to disturb her wound.
  117. "What's your name Dear?"
  118. >The door shuts shortly after. You hear the soft clip clop of hooves stop.
  119. "Come on, I need to know what to call you. Can't go calling you dear the whole time. You're a pony."
  120. >"I... I-I'm Luna"
  121. >Rule #1: Learn the patient's name, it creates a false sense of aquaintance and puts the patient at ease when you call them by name.
  122. >Water set to boil, sterilize the scizzors, lancet, forceps, canula, needle holder, glass bowl, and gloves.
  123. "How about you? What's your name"
  124. >She remains silent.
  125. "C'mon, I need to call you something."
  126. >The white pony refuses to talk to you.
  127. "Well, fine. Listen to me, I need your help."
  128. >She refuses to look you in the eye.
  129. >You walk over to her and use both your hands to cup her cheeks, turning her head gently to face yours, but she just shuts her eyes. She smells pretty bad.
  130. "Look at me, pony"
  131. >She opens her eyes and you can see the fear in them. Fear and distrust. Reminds you of the earthquake back in 2017.
  132. [spoiler]So many orphans.[/spoiler]
  133. "That pony's life is in danger and I'm going to need your help if I'm going to help her. If this situation continues, she's going to experience a high fever that will destroy her brain or kill her altogether. So I need to know now. Can I rely on you to help her?"
  134. >You feel her try to nod softly in your hands.
  135. "Good, I see you have a horn, that means you can do magic, yes?"
  136. >She nods slightly
  137. "I need you to hand me my tools when I ask for them. Just lift up and send them my way. Can you do that?"
  138. >She nods again.
  139. "Come, I need you to remember the names of the tools."
  140. >Water's boiling, you take the bottle of the alcohol you distilled.
  141. >God this is going to cost you.
  142. >No
  143. >You don't regret this, a patient is a patient.
  144. >You pour over half the bottle of alcohol onto the tray.
  145. "White, take the tools and put them into the tray."
  146. >She obeys and slowly brings the tools out from the kitchen and onto the tray.
  147. >Equipment sterilized, you go to the patient.
  148. "So, Luna, I'm going to asse- check your wounds. Now I'm going to tap the wounds and you tell me where it hurts, got it?"
  149. >"Y-yes"
  150. >You remove the makeshift cast and bandages and check the injury.
  151. >No skeletal fracture
  152. >Good
  153. >Wounds are badly inflamed, that's bad.
  154. >Some abscesses under the skin, have to cut those out.
  155. "I'm going to start tapping now."
  156. >"Okay"
  157. >Tapping down her injured leg you are greeted with sounds of discomfort.
  158. >Still feels pain, good.
  159. "Alright, now, I'm need you to breathe this in. It's going to numb you, so it doesn't hurt as much."
  160. >You take out the sterilized bowl and drip some ether into it, then take some fire and put it beneath the bown, slowly heating the ether.
  161. "Take deep breaths, slowly, that's right."
  162. >Luna begins to go limp and you help her back onto the bed as she slowly drifts into the land of dreams.
  163. >"What did you do to her!?" You hear the voice from behind you exclaim.
  164. "Sshh, we'll need her unconcious for this. Are you ready?"
  165. >She reluctantly nods
  166. "All right, hand me the lancet."
  167. >You make a small incision, breaking the dermis and epidermis. Pus begins to seep out.
  168. "Wipe"
  169. >A clean cloth is handed to you and you immediately begin soaking up the pus.
  170. >An hour passes.
  171. "I need the canula."
  172. >You insert it slowly, draining the pus from the sub-dermal abscess into a pan.
  173. "Sterilize this" you say, handing her the canula.
  174. >Below you, Luna begins to stir and groans out in discomfort.
  175. "She's waking, Ether and gauze"
  176. >Another two hours pass in the same manner.
  177. "Lancet, sterilize the second set of forceps and get me the first set"
  178. "Wipe"
  179. "Okay, the forceps and the needle holder. Sterilize this pair of gloves and get me another."
  180. >You can tell that White is on her last foot... hoof.
  181. >But you're close to done, just the last incision to sew up.
  182. >Carefully...
  183. >And you're done.
  185. After snipping the last thread from Luna’s wounds, you fall on your ass, releasing a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
  186. Looking over your patient, you see her out like a light, snoring ever so slightly, her ribcage rising and falling with every breath.
  187. >Her ribcage, shit.
  188. >You run your hand across the filly's abdominal region, feeling the ridges between her ribs, slowly moving down to her abdominal region.
  189. >Stomach hasn't collapsed, so she's not that starved, yet, but she'll need food.
  190. >Preferably something with electroly-
  191. >A small prick on your neck causes all your hairs to stand on edge as a jolt of pain brings you back to the present.
  192. >Slowly turning around, the first thing to catch your eye is a scalpel floating above your throat, levitating with a bright white glow and a small droplet of blood on it.
  193. >The second is the similar glow on a certain white pony's horn a second later.
  194. >Well, you say pony, but this one was almost as tall as a regular horse back on earth.
  195. >It's clear that she's displeased from the way she's glaring at you,
  196. >You'd be displeased too you guess, if you had a friend (?) that was held hostage by a large alien.
  197. >And if the scalpel she's levitating in the air weakly is any indication, she either wants answers, or money, or both.
  198. >"Why do you want with us?"
  199. >Answers then.
  200. >"I asked you a question,"— she hesitates for a second, running her eyes up and down your body —"minotaur, thing."
  201. >[spoiler]You need to stop monologuing when someone's pointing a knife at you.[/spoiler]
  202. >You stare at the peculiar mare.
  203. >It is evident she's scared, you can see it in her eyes, she may try to hide it but the scalpel is shaking in her 'grasp'.
  204. >You need to calm her down, yes.
  205. >What do you say?
  206. >You're a doctor?
  207. >The term hasn't even been coined yet.
  208. >Ponies think that healers are all bloodsucking, bit worshipping je- unicorns.
  209. >Just tell her the truth?
  210. >Yes, telling the truth always works out right?
  211. >“Answer. Me.”
  212. >Fuck, here goes nothing.
  213. "I guess I just couldn't leave two hurt girls to fend for themselves in the streets." you reply, trying your best to force a grin, but it's clear that it's not working.
  214. >Guess smiling is hard when you have a knife to your throat.
  215. >She takes a moment to process the sentence with a flabbergasted expression on her face. What's left of her pink mane looking more frazzled than it was before.
  216. >Yeah, I don't blame you white pony, even I find that hard to believe.
  217. >You can see the gears turning in her head.
  218. >In a flash, her expression darkens and she begins to advance towards you, violently kicking aside the bronze bowl you used to rinse the wipes with her front hooves, its contents splashing across the room.
  219. >"I've hear about your kind, you pick ponies off the streets, give them bed and food. Then you kill them for fun."
  220. >Wait. Wait, what?
  221. >Does she think you're a serial killer?
  222. "No, it's not what it looks like."
  223. >"I'm not blind, I saw what you were doing back there! I can see your canines!"
  224. "I was performing surgery, the cuts were needed."
  225. >As you talk back to her, you feel the scalpel press down onto the skin of your neck again, a warm liquid running down your shirt as she draws blood.
  226. >"Don't lie to me with your fancy words," she spat, attempting to keep the knife close to your throat as she slowly approached the couch.
  227. >You see an opaque, white glow forming around Luna's form just to vanish abruptly after.
  228. >You can see some of the white pony's muscles spasming from exhaustion, as her breathing getting more and more erratic.
  229. >She attempts to lift Luna a few more times but fails on all her attempts.
  230. >It seems holding up the scalpel was wearing her out.
  231. >You slowly push yourself away from the scalpel and wince when the steel leaves your skin.
  232. "Look, I don't expect you to trust me," you say, your hands slowly getting into position. "But there's something important you need to know."
  233. >"What" She asks irritated, her attention completely focused on Luna.
  234. >Your right hand lashes out into the air, tightly gripping the floating scalpel, wrestling it from the magical grip, as your left hand falls into position.
  235. >She realizes your attempt at highjacking the weapon too late
  236. >Turning her head in your direction, she finds your left hand right in front of her face.
  237. >With a snap of your fingers, her concentration breaks, and the scalpel remains in your hand, immobile.
  238. >She stumbles backwards tripping onto the couch and lands on it, nearly hitting Luna.
  239. "You should never ignore the person you're threatening to kill."
  240. >Taking the scalpel, you stand and place it on a shelf.
  241. >You walk back to Luna, cradling her light body in your arms, you pick her up, as she nuzzles into your chest, caught in a deep, ether induced sleep.
  242. >Keeping the white mare in the corner of your eyes, you walk over to the mattress and try to put Luna down but the filly grips onto your shirt tightly with her little hooves, refusing to let go.
  243. >You kneel down and grab a small pillow.
  244. >Placing it in between yourselves, the filly reluctantly cuddles the pillow as you try to lay her down again.
  245. >With some persuasion she mewls slightly before letting go of you, her hooves wrapped tightly around the pillow.
  246. >You turn around and face the white mare.
  247. "Now, how about we get you something to drink?"
  249. >Be Anon,
  250. >Implying that you would be anyone else would be absurd.
  251. >In front of you is a nervous pony.
  252. "So, what's your name?" you ask.
  253. >However, your question is again met with silence as she refuses to meet your eyes.
  254. >Tired of the awkward silence, you get up and from your chair and walk to your cupboard.
  255. >Rummaging through the food, you find the jar of almonds and walk back to the table, setting the kettle on the stove and reaching to grab a bowl as you pass.
  256. >Placing the bowl down onto the stone table with a clink, you pour a couple of almonds into the bowl.
  257. "Eat some," you say, pushing the bowl towards her.
  258. >She hesitantly smells the almonds.
  259. >Sighing, you reach forward to grab an almond and toss it into your mouth.
  260. "See? There's no poison in it, just good old almonds." you state, chewing at the nut.
  261. >She tentatively uses her tongue to lap up an almond, nibbles it, and then she laps up another, her pace speeds up slowly she's gobbling up mouthfuls of nuts.
  262. >You refill the bowl with almonds carefully, taking care not to pour too much while the almonds disappear one after another.
  263. >Soon, the bowl is clean and she turns her head to you expectantly.
  264. >Only to be met with the sight of you closing the jar.
  265. >You see her turn away from you again from the corner of your eye.
  266. >Setting the jar on the table, you look at her.
  267. "I get the feeling that we've gotten off on the wrong foot, so... Hi, my name's Anonymous. What's your name?"
  268. >"Celestia..." she replies after a short pause.
  269. "Nice to meet you Celestia."
  270. >You stand up again and grab the kettle off the stove, pouring the tea into bowl and sprinkling salt into it.
  271. "Here, have some tea. Careful, it's hot."
  272. >You grab a used clay cup and pour yourself a cup too, slowly breathing in the vapors of the tea, savoring its bittersweet fragrance.
  273. "I'm sure you have many questions, but let me make this clear. I'm a healer before all things, and I would never dream of hurting a patient of mine."
  274. >"What kind of healer uses knives to cut their patients?" Celestia asks, eyeing you suspiciously.
  275. "This one," you say, taking a small sip from your cup, taking care not to scald your tongue.
  276. "You have no reason to trust me, but in a few days, your friend's wound will begin to heal. And then you can take her home."
  277. >"Wait, what do you mean I can take her home? We're leaving in the morning!"
  278. "I need time to look over her wounds and make sure they heal properly," you explain.
  279. >"I can take care of my own sister!"
  280. "If you leave now you'll be putting her at risk."
  281. >"What risk?"
  282. "Her wounds may become infected again, she needs to be in a clean place. She needs shelter, and food for the leg to heal properly."
  283. >Celestia sits on the ground silently, while you pick up the kettle to refill your cup.
  284. >Silence fills the room, broken only by the occasional sounds of you sipping on your tea and the contented sigh that follows.
  285. >"How much is this going to cost?" Celestia asks, looking you in the eyes.
  286. "Nothing, I was the one that decided to help you. It would be a real dick move to charge you for it, don't you think?" You answered, pouring the contents of her bowl into a basin and filling it with fresh tea.
  287. >"Why are you doing this?" she asks, looking down at her bowl the whole while.
  288. "What? You don't like the tea?"
  289. >"Not the tea. Why are you doing all this, for us?"
  290. "Nothing wrong in giving a helping hand, right?"
  291. >"But what do you want from us? What's in this for you?"
  292. "Nothing"
  293. >"That's horseapples!"
  294. >You take a mouthful of tea and set the cup on the table, savoring the hot tea as its warmth permeates your body, spreading into your cold fingers.
  295. "Then it makes me feel good, is that a better reason?"
  296. >She continues staring at you, sizing you up.
  297. >There's no harm in putting her at ease, is there?
  298. >Probably not.
  299. >You set down your warm cup and look at Celestia and sigh.
  300. "You may not believe this, but I come from a long line of healers-"
  301. >"Healers that cut and foalnap their patients?"
  302. "Let me finish, alright? We've got this... vow, to help everyone in need the best we can. I guess when I saw two fillies in an alley, I couldn't let them fend for themselves."
  303. >You can see her jaw start falling, as she eyes you in disbelief.
  304. >"You were serious?"
  305. "Of course I was. When have I ever joked?"
  306. >"But we're Alicorns!"
  307. "And I'm an omnivore, what's your point" you point out, taking another sip from your cup and exhale contentedly.
  308. >What the hell are Alicorns?
  309. >Celestia finally begins lapping at her tea, a contemplative look on her face.
  310. >You don't mind, it's been a while since you've had company.
  311. >After the both of you finish your tea, you stand and collect the utensils.
  312. >"You really don't mind sharing a roof with Alicorns?"
  313. "Are you going to kill me in my sleep?"
  314. >"No! I jus-"
  315. "Then it's fine. Why don't you join Luna," you say, gesturing her towards the mattress as you set down the bowl and cup into the basin.
  316. >"Where are you going to sleep?"
  317. "I'll take the couch, don't worry about me."
  318. >Blowing out the last candle, you guide yourself to the couch ever so comfy, and get comfortable.
  319. >For some reason, sleep comes easier tonight.
  321. >You wake up in the morning, taking a deep breath and letting the crisp morning air fill your lungs.
  322. >This would means the fireplace gone out.
  323. >Thank god you have a thick blanket.
  324. >That's still on your bed.
  325. >You get up sleepily and walk into the kitchen, setting the kettle from yesterday onto the stove and strike the firesteel, lighting the kindling.
  326. >Once the kindling is burning steadily, you load a chopped log, then another, then a third into the stove and watch as the flames consume the logs.
  327. >Then you pick up two spare clay bowl and fill them with water from the barrel, turning off the spigot
  328. >You walk into the bedroom while the kettle boils.
  329. >Need to wake them up and set some ground rules before you go out for work.
  330. >Walking through the doorway because doors are for unicorns, [spoiler]and you didn't have any use for them,[/spoiler] you call out to the two 'Alicorns'
  331. >Need to ask clean cut what that is later.
  332. "Girls."
  333. >You wait a few seconds before calling out again.
  334. "Luna, Celestia?"
  335. >To your relief, you see the sheets shift, a soft groan coming from the pile.
  336. >You see Celestia slowly rising from her stupor, then suddenly jerking up from the bed surprised.
  337. >It's really something, seeing a pony go from sleepy to alarmed in .5 seconds.
  338. >It would have been more impressive if she wasn't kicking into the air like a retarded turtle.
  339. >When she finally gets up, she frantically scans the room until she sees you leaning on the doorframe.
  340. "Come on, wake your sister and come to the kitchen."
  341. >Walking back into the kitchen, you open the cabinet and dig out the vegetables you have inside and lay them on the table, then, you sort them into six piles.
  342. >Just as you were setting the last carrot on the table, Luna enters the room, a familiar opaque white glow around her stomach.
  343. >Setting down the last carrot, you walk over to Luna and help her walk over to the counter and help her sit.
  344. >Shortly after, Celestia struts into the room, slightly irritated.
  345. >You retake your position behind the counter and begin sorting what little food you have into three piles.
  346. "Good morning," you greet them.
  347. >Celestia just looks at you, still skeptical, while Luna has her full attention focused on the three piles of food in front of her.
  348. >You bet if you look hard enough, you can see some drool beginning to form on the corners of her mouth.
  349. "Now, before I leave for work there are some ground rules I want to lay down. First, please don't steal from me. I'm poor as hell, clay bowls aren't going to do you much good and my surgical tools are worthless."
  350. >You see Celestia nod halfheartedly, looks like someone is not a morning person... pony.
  351. "Second, by the time I get home, I want the both of you to have already cleaned yourselves. Being dirty just makes it easier for you to get sick."
  352. >Again, Celestia nods while Luna continues boring holes into the food with her eyes.
  353. "Especially Luna," hearing you mention her name, Luna bobs her head up and down quickly with her eyes still affixed on the food.
  354. "You can use the kettle to boil the water, then clean yourselves off with a rag. There's a pail in the corner of this room you can use, and there's a hidden spring at the back. It's covered under a sign that says [NO SPRING HERE]."
  355. "Third, I want you two to eat these for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In that order," you state in a commanding tone, pointing to each pile with emphasis."
  356. >Almost spontaneously, you are greeted by two expressions.
  357. >One delighted and exited at the same time, like a child that was about to get a present.
  358. >The other unbelieving and surprised.
  359. >Not that you don't understand their situation, but it still hurts to know that your advice is less important than food.
  360. "But, Do NOT,” You emphasize “and I cannot stress this enough, do not take any more or any less that I have divided. Do you understand me?” You ask, looking at the two ponies sternly.
  361. >To your relief, they seem taken aback by your tone. Good, it means they were listening.
  362. “If you do, you will die, or fall very, very, sick. Do you understand me?"
  363. >They both nod, albeit Celestia doing it skeptically.
  364. >How the hell does a perso-, fuck, /pony/ nod skeptically!?
  365. >God, you just hope they have enough sense to do as you say.
  366. "Now, let's have ourselves some breakfast"
  368. >As the sun rises, you walk towards your workplace.
  369. >Passing the Sugar Cube Corner on the way, you say hello to Carrot, churning butter outside, his wife's probably still asleep in their bed.
  370. >Honestly, you can’t blame her, children are really tiring to be around during infancy.
  371. >From within the shop you see a pink mare waving at you with both hooves.
  372. >'Well she's a new face' you think as you wave back.
  373. >She's trying to say something but you can't hear her.
  374. >Must be really excited about something.
  375. >You keep to your path until you arrive at the shop that is the source of your bread and butter.
  376. >Entering your workplace, you take a deep breath and smell the apothecary.
  377. >The spicy and revolting scent of herbs and balms assault your nose as you inhale and it makes you tear up,[spoiler]just the way you like it.[/spoiler]
  378. "Hey Cut."
  379. >"Good morning," clean cut greets you while checking through the list of medicines. "You're early today."
  380. "More like the sun's late."
  381. >"Must be the council, uppity bunch of inbred bastards."
  382. "What do they have to do with it?"
  383. >"They’re supposed to be in charge of raising the sun, silly colt."
  384. >Silly ponies, thinking other ponies are in charge of raising the sun.
  385. >Gotta redpill her someday.
  386. >Cut goes back to looking up and down the shelf, taking inventory.
  387. >Just as you were about to head into your office, she stops you.
  388. >"Do you know where the leeches are, Anon?"
  389. "Beats me, got no use for them. Did you forget to put them back yesterday?"
  390. >"No... I remember putting them here after Gleaming Harvest left yesterday."
  391. >You knew where they were.
  392. >Burning in the kitchen stove.
  393. >But you're not going to tell her that.
  394. "I'm going to set up first, you just keep looking for those leeches."
  395. >The next few hours passes like usual, a farmer comes in with something sprained, foals poke their head in out of curiosity and get chased out by clean cut.
  396. >Until a familiar patient walks in.
  397. >Unicorn, female, young, dressed in one of those freakishly large disc collars what nobles used to wear.
  398. >she had a short and wild mint green mane, yet her orange fur was surprisingly well kept.
  399. >"Hello, Anonymous."
  400. "Hello Lavish, what seems to be the problem this time?"
  401. >"Must I have an ailment to meet you, my sweet?"
  402. "Yes, Lavish. I'm a physician, and I am not 'your sweet'. You come to me when you need something looked at."
  403. >"I would be more than happy to let you see everything.
  404. "I don't want to see everything, just what ails you."
  405. >"A lonely heart, and the pain of unrequited love."
  406. >Can't believe you walked straight into that one.
  407. >[spoiler]Stupid, stupid.[/spoiler]
  408. "I have other patients, Lavish. If you don't have an injury, please stop taking up my time," you walk over to the door and open it, pointing out with your left hand.
  409. >"Every second away from you only makes me want you more, my love." Lavish says as she exits the building.
  410. >"Again?" Clean Cut asks from behind the counter.
  411. "Yeah, she never quits."
  412. >"Maybe you should marry, haven't your parents arranged anything for you?"
  413. "No, they wanted me to live the way I wanted. And so I have"
  414. >"But surely there must be someone you fancy?" Cut asks, with something in her tone that sets you on edge.
  415. "No," you answer "I'm not really interested in settling down yet." and instantly you hear her let out a sigh of... disappointment? Relief? It's hard to tell.
  416. >"Well then, did you hear about Princess Platinum's bastard son?"
  417. "What? When did this happen?"
  418. >"Don't tell anyone, but I heard this from the lumberjack, Timber. She was caught..."
  419. >The next half hour is spent shooting the shit with Cut until you run out of topics.
  420. >You just sit there making jokes, trying to fend off the awkward silence the best you can.
  421. >Scouring your mind for topics, you keep shooting blanks until you remember the two at your place.
  422. "Hey Cut, do you know what Alicorns are?"
  423. >Clean cut is stunned by your question.
  424. >"What did you say Anon?"
  425. "I asked, what are Alicorns."
  426. >Jerking to her feet, she shuts the windows and door then walks up to you with an urgent expression on her face.
  427. >"Anonymous, where did you learn that word?"
  428. "Heard it when I was down at the market."
  429. >"Don't lie to me, Anon."
  430. "I swear I just overheard it when I was at the market."
  431. >She eyes you, doubt in her eyes.
  432. >"I hope for your sake that's true."
  433. "What's wrong, Cut?" you ask, taken aback by her sudden change in tone.
  434. >"The elder council has forbidden all mentions of the old race."
  435. >Clean cut goes behind the counter and levitates a bottle of amber liquid, pouring herself a thimble.
  436. >"Until a decade ago, Equis had different rulers."
  437. "The Alicorns?"
  438. >"Anon, unless you want to be sent to the stocks, stop saying that word." Cut growls at you.
  439. "Alright, so what do you call them now?"
  440. >"The Lowborn, or the old race." Cut empties her cup in one swig before continuing.
  441. >"The old race were a rare breed. A long time ago, they were thought bring good luck. Legends say that they can raise and lower the sun and moon without losing their magic."
  442. "I get the feeling that's not the case anymore."
  443. >"Not after the elder council's revolt, no."
  444. "What happened?"
  445. >"The elder council was unhappy that the monarchs held all the power. So they staged an uprising and won." She spits out venomously "Soon after, all Alicorns were rounded up and killed."
  446. "All of them?"
  447. >"So they want us to believe."
  448. "There must have been ponies that helped the Alicorns? Killing a race isn't that easy."
  449. >Cut glares at you for a second.
  450. >"We're closing early today, Anon. Pack and leave."
  451. >Cut's voice jolts you from your train of thought, nearly causing you to jump.
  452. "But it's not sundown yet."
  453. >"The council's late today, it should be evening already."
  454. >It does feel like a rather long day.
  455. >Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, you walk into your office and pack up.
  456. Heading out the front entrance you prepare to leave, until you feel a tug on your shirt.
  457. >"Anonymous, you want to know what happened to the ponies that sheltered the old race?"
  458. "Yeah."
  459. >"They were burned at the stake for treason."
  460. >You take a few seconds to let this sink in.
  461. >"I don't know what you have gotten yourself into, Anonymous."
  462. >You have Jews in your house.
  463. >"But make your choices carefully"
  464. >What do you do.
  465. >"Stay safe."
  466. >You're fucked.
  467. ----------------
  468. >You arrive home fifteen minutes later.
  469. >It's dark out already.
  470. >Can't believe the sun went from early evening to pitch black in the short span of five minutes.
  471. >Probably because it's getting closer to winter.
  472. >That explains why it's getting so cold.
  473. >You open the door to your home, walking into the living room.
  474. >Taking off your coat, you sniff at the cuffs and the smell causes your nose to wrinkle on instinct.
  475. >Shouldn't have slept in these yesterday, need to give them a wash later.
  476. >Walking into the kitchen, you search through your pantry and find it almost empty save a couple of pickles.
  477. >Crap.
  478. >You gave all of it to the Celestia and Luna.
  479. >Why is the house so quiet?
  480. >Where are they?
  481. >You search through your house, looking for the two sisters.
  482. >Taking care to lower your voice, you call out to them.
  483. >But you receive no response.
  484. >Making sure you checked every corner, there is still no trace of them.
  485. >This is good, right?
  486. >It's not like you kicked them out.
  487. >They ran out on you.
  488. >They made their choice.
  489. >That's a problem that solved itself.
  490. >You should be glad.
  491. >Walking into the kitchen, you grab the tinder and go through the rituals of starting a fire.
  492. >Some food should make you feel better.
  493. >Grabbing the jar of pickles from the pantry, you pull out some bread and heat the stove.
  494. >Digging around the pantry, you find some eggs from a few days ago.
  495. >With the stove roaring, you place a pan and proceed to fry yourself some eggs.
  496. >Put everything between bread and you have a sandwich.
  497. >You boil some water and wipe yourself down.
  498. >After you're done, you change the bed sheets and lay down in your comfy pajamas.
  499. >Closing your eyes, you wait for sleep to set in.
  500. >Any time now.
  501. >Aaaaany time now.
  502. >Fuck
  505. >It's cold.
  506. >So cold.
  507. >Not completely.
  508. >There was warmth too.
  509. >It was from the blood on your chest.
  510. >Mixing in with the pouring rain.
  511. >Whose is it?
  512. >It's definitely not from the olive mare in front of you, she looks angry but she is otherwise fine.
  513. >Then whose?
  514. >Looking down, you notice a serious looking gash running across your chest.
  515. >Blood is flowing freely from the wound, spilling onto the floor as it slowly seeps through your coat then is washed away by the cold rainwater pouring down from the rooftops.
  516. >It is a strange sensation.
  517. >Both the blood and the wound.
  518. >You don't get many injuries these days.
  519. >Or any at all for that matter.
  520. >You can hear somepony calling out your name.
  521. >Peering backwards, you see Luna.
  522. >A younger Luna.
  523. >She looked starved and scared, her mane sticking to her face, drenched in the rain.
  524. >So much smaller than she is now.
  525. >So this must be a dream.
  526. >You have not dreamed in years.
  527. >The last time was, it was when...
  528. >When was it?
  529. >Was it when you went around pretending to be the Great Apple?
  530. >Your train of thought is severed when the mare walks over, and you see her horn preparing a spell.
  531. >She would now proceed to stab you with the spell again, and again, and again, while Luna watches behind you, helpless.
  532. >Of course you knew how this would end.
  533. >It was a nightmare that you used to have when you first started out as a ruler, after all.
  534. >All that's left was to wait for the dream to end.
  535. >Still, how peculiar that this dream would resurface now.
  536. >Maybe it was because Discord was released.
  537. >If this was his idea of psychological warfare, he would have to do better.
  538. >Oh, the mare is saying something.
  539. >You take a look at the mare's face.
  540. >So filled with rage and hate.
  541. >You remember the days, when your family was just murdered and the ashes of the manor were just beginning to cool.
  542. >How ponies thought that it was their 'duty' to hunt the 'lowborns'.
  543. >After all those years, the word still sent shudders up your spine.
  544. >...
  545. >You were supposed to be stabbed now.
  546. >What happened?
  547. >You take a second to look around only to see the mare on the ground, a smashed barrel on her head.
  548. >You feel a slight twinge of anxiety, as you try to look for the mare's attacker until suddenly, you are lifted up by something large and yet not present.
  549. >Oh no.
  550. >This has never happened before.
  551. >This isn't how this ends.
  552. >You're supposed to die and wake up.
  553. >Attempting to break free from the creature lifting you, you attempt to flail around, only to have it hold you closer, tighter.
  554. >It was so warm.
  555. >You try and take a closer look at the creature, but your mind is having a difficult time grasping it.
  556. >It was almost as if it were both present, and absent at the same time.
  557. >You swear you knew what this creature was, but every time you try to remember it, the knowledge slips away.
  558. >It was oddly like grasping at the wind.
  559. >It begins whispering to you, but all you hear are distorted sounds, as if a pony was trying to speak underwater. Or through a tunnel.
  560. >It looks over to you with its nonexistent eyes and smiles at you with its teeth.
  561. >It's sharp, predator teeth.
  562. >But despite the distorted nature of the whispers, and the sharp teeth, despite knowing that you should be afraid of them, you are calmed instead.
  563. >Why? You're supposed to be scared witless.
  564. >And then the creature freezes as the dream begins to fall apart.
  565. >One by one, surrounding buildings fade away, until finally, the creature too, vanishes into oblivion.
  566. >For a few minutes, you remain in the darkness, alone, until you spot a shimmer appearing in the air.
  567. >You wait a few seconds to see what comes through.
  568. >A dark blue horn materializes in the air.
  569. >It's Nightmare Moon.
  570. >Oh no.
  571. >Oh no, no no no no.
  572. >This is the second part of the nightmare isn't it?
  573. >Frantically, you try to draw power to fuel your spell, but your horn doesn't respond.
  574. >Before you could resign yourself to certain death, your sister follows the rest of the horn into your dream, a concerned look on her face.
  575. >She scans her surroundings, most possibly looking for you.
  576. >"Sister, art thou well? We saw thou were having a nightmare and thought-"
  577. >When she finally finds you, she stops speaking.
  578. >And resumes with her Canterlot voice.
  580. >You really hate it when she uses the Canterlot voice.
  581. "Luna-" you try to interject, but Luna doesn't stop.
  582. >"-OH WHO HAS DONE THIS TO THEE? IS IT DISCORD!?" she continues with the Canterlot voice.
  583. "LUNA!" you shout, cutting your sister off.
  584. "I'm fine, the blood is superficial."
  586. "Luna. Use your inside voice."
  587. >"OUR WHAT VOICE?"
  588. "Stop shouting, Luna. You'll wake the castle." you chastise.
  589. >"Oh, we did not realize."
  590. >Sighing at her antics, you smile at her, taking a good look at your little sister.
  591. >All grown up now.
  592. >She never really did grow out of the Canterlot voice though, even after it went out of fashion.
  593. >"Is everything fine, sister dearest? Why art thou staring at us?"
  594. "It's nothing Luna. I was just reminiscing."
  595. >"Then why art thou crying?"
  596. >Crying?
  597. >You weren't crying.
  598. >You haven't shed a tear in years.
  599. >Brushing a hoof against your face, you take it back to realize that it is indeed, wet.
  600. >Must have been the rainwater.
  601. "It's just the rainwater Luna, I'm fine."
  602. >"If thou sayest so. I shall take flight then. Good night, sister mine."
  603. "Night, Luna."
  604. >With a glow to her horn, Luna reopens the shimmer and steps out while the dreamscape begins to collapse, plunging you into the dark embrace of sleep once more.
  606. >You haven't stopped walking since you went out for a walk six hours ago.
  607. >Running through the entire town, you searched all the back alleys you knew of.
  608. >All the secret passageways.
  609. >And still came up empty handed.
  610. >The rain started fifteen minutes ago, which meant you were drenched to the toes.
  611. >And cold.
  612. >But if that was all it took to stop you, you wouldn't have survived on three hours of sleep per day on average when you were an intern.
  613. >However, this rain isn't making things any easier.
  614. >Praying to whatever forces were out there, you head down the street for the third time, hoping you missed something.
  615. >As you were searching through an alleyway you've checked thrice, lightning streaks across the sky with a loud boom and then slowly becoming a deep rumble.
  616. >It almost made you miss the distant sound of crashing.
  617. >Almost.
  618. >You instantly dash out of the alleyway.
  619. >Almost slipping in your wet shoes a few times in the process, but you manage to steady yourself before continuing.
  620. >Running towards the source of the sound, you approach a building.
  621. >A familiar building.
  622. >The tavern.
  623. >You've walked past the entrance so many times, contemplating entry but never entering.
  624. >All looks calm in the front.
  625. >Maybe it's just a couple of rowdy mares.
  626. >That sounds like the most logical explanation.
  627. >But your gut was telling you otherwise.
  628. >Your gut was telling you something was up.
  629. >And this time, you decide to give your gut a chance.
  630. >Running to the back of the building, you see a faint cyan blue light in the darkness, wavering ever so slightly in the air.
  631. >You knew that wavering.
  632. >It happened when a unicorn was casting.
  633. >You've seen it many times.
  634. >Maybe it was just the barkeep moving crates?
  635. >Or maybe it was Celestia crashing through the crates.
  636. >You carefully step forward, trusting the rain to cover the sound your footsteps as you move to see what was down the alleyway.
  637. >Your heart was beating so fast.
  638. >You could feel your inhalations growing shorter as you instinctively hold your breath.
  639. >But you press forward anyway.
  641. >Lightning strikes again, closer than before.
  642. >The first thing you saw in the flash was the blood.
  643. >Streaked on the walls.
  644. >Soaked in the ground.
  645. >Moving your gaze upwards, you see the source of all the blood.
  646. >Celestia.
  647. >Deep in your mind you knew, the blood on the ground was most possibly from the wine in the leaking barrels.
  648. >You knew that you could just walk away and you could live as you've never met these two before.
  649. >That life would go on.
  650. >Another bolt of lightning illuminated the night, letting you see the scene in front of you more clearly.
  651. >You saw the mare's sadistic satisfaction as she completed her spell.
  652. >You could see Luna crying for help that would never arrive.
  653. >But above all, you saw Celestia's determination.
  654. >Standing stout in the roaring storm while giving her all to protect her sister.
  655. >To keep her safe no matter the cost.
  656. >You burn the scene in front of you into your retinas.
  657. >And made a choice.
  658. >If you were going to die in this world, you’ll do it protecting these two.
  659. >Uncle Nemo would be proud.
  660. >Time seemed to slow as you picked up a barrel.
  661. >Hefting it over your head with some difficulty, you bring it over the mare's head.
  662. >And let it fall.
  663. >In the darkness, all you hear is sickening crack as the barrel makes contact with the mare's head.
  664. >And then a thud as what you presume to be her falling to the ground.
  665. >You have to move fast.
  666. >Running up, you bend down and grab Celestia.
  667. >She could barely struggle as you lift her off the ground.
  668. >Turning around, you lift Luna by the scruff and place her on Celestia's belly and then proceed to leave the alley.
  669. >Taking as many backstreets as possible, you hurry home.
  670. >You can already begin to feel Celestia's blood trickling down your arms and onto your pants.
  671. >Celestia tries to mutter something but it is lost in the rain.
  672. "Don't worry," you whisper into her ear. "It's all going to be all right."
  673. >It was a shitty attempt at reassuring her, but it seems to have worked.
  674. >Just a little bit more now.
  675. >You can see your lawn.
  676. >Dashing across the wet mud ground, you make haste.
  678. >Practically bursting through the doors, you set Celestia on the floor and rush into the kitchen to put whatever water is left in the kettle to boil.
  679. >"Celly," you hear behind you as you wash your hands.
  680. >"Wake up Celly. Please wake up."
  681. >You set the needles, thread, and towels to boil, taking the antiseptic off the shelf.
  682. >"Don't leave me."
  683. >When you head back out you see Luna beside Celestia, sobbing as she nudges her sister softly.
  684. "Luna, I need you to stop moving Celestia. I have to stop the bleeding."
  685. >Luna doesn't move from her spot.
  686. >Fine.
  687. >You walk over and try to pull Luna off.
  688. >When you do, you see a nebulous energy amass on her horn and instinctively dodge out of the way.
  689. >The next instant, a wave is fired at your direction where your head would have been, hitting the ceiling and denting it with a loud crash.
  690. >Your hairs stand on end as you warily retreat backwards.
  691. >An angry unicorn was a dangerous unicorn.
  692. "I just want to help, Luna."
  693. >She glares at you, standing over Celestia protectively.
  694. "I need to stop the bleeding or she is going to die."
  695. >No response.
  696. "You can watch me, I swear I won't do anything to hurt her."
  697. "I swear on my oath as a doctor."
  698. "Please, let me help" you plead.
  699. >Her glare slowly softens to caution and she takes a step back.
  700. >You spring to action, turning Celestia over and examining the wound.
  701. >It looks deep, but not deadly, but the bleeding isn't stopping.
  702. >Running back into the kitchen, you grab what you need and rush back into the living room to Celestia.
  703. >Holding the wound together, you press the towel onto her chest and hope the bleeding stops.
  704. >Keeping the pressure on the wound, you open her left eyelid and bring a candle close to the eye
  705. >Then you do the same for the right eye.
  706. >Pupils still contracting, good.
  707. >Looking down at the towel, it seems the bleeding has begun to stanch.
  708. >Slowly, color begins to return to her lips and you gently release the pressure on the wound.
  709. >Pulling the towel off the wound, you inspect it again.
  710. >The bleeding has mostly stopped, but there are still impurities.
  711. >Time to clean them out.
  712. >Dabbing another towel in the lukewarm water, you gently clean off the dirt and sand from the wound.
  713. >Repeating this two, three times if you needed to.
  714. >Being careful to not agitate the wound, you gently apply the antibacterial solution to the wound before pressing it shut again.
  715. >Celestia gasps and kicks her feet when you do this, but you quickly calm her back down, petting her mane and calling her a good girl, whispering soft nothings into her ear.
  716. >You see the solution slowly begin taking effect as Celestia looks less pained by the second.
  717. >Its numbing properties are kicking in.
  718. >Taking the needle from the tray, you manage to thread it after two tries and set to work immediately.
  719. >Stitching flesh to flesh.
  720. >What's that dumb song Cut likes to sing so much?
  721. >Red to red, white to white, and everything will be all right.
  724. >A light wheezing echoes from the living room as you finish washing your gloves.
  725. >Going into your room, you take out your blanket and place it over the now exhausted Luna and Celestia, careful not to wake them.
  726. >It's been a hectic day.
  727. >Heading back into your bedroom, you consider changing into something more comfortable and realize you are already in your pajamas
  728. >Your pajamas are ruined.
  729. >Peeling off the bloodstained clothes and stripping down to your undies, you take the bundle of clothes into the kitchen and soak them in cold water.
  730. >Hopefully the stains will come out.
  731. >You let out a yawn as you feel weariness catch up to you. Returning back to your room in your underwear, you put on some common clothes and drape your coat over yourself.
  732. >Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
  734. >You awake from violent sneezing.
  735. >Your fingers feel numb from the cold.
  736. >Where's that blanket?
  737. >Reaching about, you search for your blanket.
  738. >Did you kick it off the mattress again?
  739. >Sitting up you blow onto your fingers, warming them slightly.
  740. >Taking a look around you realize the blanket is nowhere within the room.
  741. >It's with the sisters.
  742. >You pick your coat from the floor and slip into it.
  743. >Stepping into the living room, you see Celestia and Luna huddled together, one of Celestia’s wings draped over Luna, your blanket was discarded to the side.
  744. >Walking to the hearth, you start the fire again, lighting tinder with the fire iron and then throwing in firewood in as the fire gets bigger.
  745. >Checking with your biological clock, you come to the conclusion that it is about seven.
  746. >But the sun hasn't risen yet.
  747. >Must be weird alien pony time.
  748. >Maybe this place is like the North Pole, getting less and less sun on certain times of the year.
  749. >You put on extra clothes, grab your sack, and head out, closing the door gently behind you.
  750. >This time, you lock it.
  751. >Walking through the freezing cold streets, you reach the town.
  752. >Cautiously, you head through town and pass by the Sugar Cube Corner.
  753. >You really should try the food there sometimes.
  754. >No ponies seem to be patrolling the area.
  755. >No guards.
  756. >Looking up, you see the skies are clear too.
  757. >The coast clear, you walk through the biting cold and march towards the market.
  758. >The marketplace is filled with mares busy setting up their wooden stalls, placing their goods on display while mostly earth pony stallions go about haggling and buying.
  759. >You see a couple of pegasi stallions buying fish as well, draped in horse togas.
  760. >The atmosphere seemed a little disturbed, more hushed than usual.
  761. >Did they find out about what you did?
  762. >You hope not.
  763. >Suppressing the fear, you scan the marketplace.
  764. >You had a goal today.
  765. >You were looking for a mare.
  766. >The one with a cream colored mane.
  767. >And a dark bronze coat.
  768. >With a spotted apple on her flank.
  769. >Found her.
  770. >Walking in a beeline through the crowd, careful to not knock over the passing ponies, you head towards the rickety wooden store and slam your bit pouch onto the counter loudly.
  771. >"Anon, are y' still trying to destroy m'store?" the dark gold mare grunts, placing the buckets onto the floor gently.
  772. "You mean this wooden crate? I was going to chop it up, maybe use it as firewood."
  773. >"Buck you," the mare replies, turning around and blowing her mane out of the way.
  774. "Morning, Roxbury." you grin at her. "Looking good today."
  775. >You met Roxbury when you first arrived.
  776. >You were falling out of the sky.
  777. >Good thing her store was there to stop your fall.
  778. >She was kind enough to nurse you back to health and give you a job until you could get back on your feet.
  779. >Plus, she's the only pony that is willing to sell things to you.
  780. >You honestly can't thank her enough.
  781. >"That's Mrs. Russet to you, and ahm'happily married so you should know better."
  782. "Okay, Roxy."
  783. >"So? What's it gonna be today?" she asks, sighing in mock defeat.
  784. "I'll have two heads of cauliflower, a small sack of onions, a bag of flour..."
  785. >As you list down your items, Roxbury begins placing them onto the counter one by one diligently.
  786. "Oh, and two dozens of the usual apples."
  787. >It takes a while for Roxbury to sum up the price, while you wait for the fun to begin.
  788. >"That'd be fifty three bits."
  789. "Fifty three for this? Thirty eight."
  790. >"You're joking, that's barely enough to cover getting here. Fifty."
  791. "Sure, and why don't I hand you the key to my house as well?"
  792. >"That dirty little shack? No thank you."
  793. "Fine, tell you what, how about I take it out of your hooves for forty bits."
  794. >"How about I just charge ya forty eight and we forget this ever happened?
  795. "Did you know that there's a new place open it town called the sugar cube corner? Why don't you take me there? I like to be wined and dined before I let someone FUCK ME."
  796. >Roxbury frantically shushes you as your voice echoes through the marketplace.
  797. >The stallions buying their groceries at the surrounding stores begin whispering to each other.
  798. >You may have shouted a bit louder than you intended.
  799. >Screw it.
  800. >The first one to give in loses.
  801. >"Fine, you win, Forty five for the lot."
  802. >Gotcha
  803. "Come on Roxbury, you can do better than that."
  804. >"Forty-five and I'll throw in a few more apples."
  805. "Deal."
  806. >Placing the coins on the table, Roxbury begins counting them.
  807. >Orange and green enter your line of sight as Malta walks up to Roxbury.
  808. >Malta is an earth stallion with a dark carrot orange coat and bright green mane.
  809. >On his flank is an unripe orange, or lime.
  810. >You never really found out.
  811. >"Do y'all really have to do this every time you meet." he chides the both of you with his deep voice and tips the sack over, filling another barrel with apples.
  812. "It's the only thing I look forward to when I come here."
  813. >"Well, she's my wife, and I won't have a pretty thing like you stealing her, y'hear?"
  814. >"Mah heart is yours and yours alone, Malta." Roxbury coos.
  815. >"Really?"
  816. >"Now and forever."
  817. >"Prove it," Malta asks with half lidded eyes.
  818. >"Anytime."
  819. >Roxbury nuzzles her husband, gently rubbing her cheek across his own, before going in for the kiss.
  820. >Just a chaste peck.
  821. >Followed by another.
  822. >This is getting awkward to watch.
  823. >You feel like you're intruding.
  824. >You probably are aren't you?
  825. >Picking up your stuff, you place them into your gunny sack and lift it gently, careful not to bruise anything.
  826. >You jolt in surprise when you turn around to see a pony standing right behind you.
  827. >She had an orange coat not unlike Malta but her mane was blonde and tied into a ponytail with a small cowboy hat on top.
  828. >How cute.
  829. >Slack-jawed, she looks at the cart, Malta, Roxbury, and then cart again, in that order.
  830. "You'll have to give them a minute." You say to her, "Once they get like that, there's no stopping them."
  831. >Eliciting no response from her whatsoever, you walk past her, and head home.
  832. >Approaching your house, you set down the sack and take out your keys.
  833. >Quiet as you can, you unlock the front door, careful not to accidentally wake the two sisters.
  834. >Slowly pushing the door inwards, you peek into the living room to see Celestia and Luna in the same spot, their figures rising and falling at a steady rhythm.
  835. >Still asleep
  836. >Good.
  837. >You sneak past them and head into the kitchen.
  838. >Putting the sack of food onto the counter, you stock your pantry, leaving the ingredients you need on the table.
  839. >Taking a knife, you chop up all the ingredients to make a simple salad.
  840. >It's mostly just an assortment of vegetables, roots, and some vinegar.
  841. >Once finished, you bring the wooden bowl out and give Celestia a slight shake.
  842. >A few more shakes later, she finally stirs.
  843. >Lifting her head up, she winces in pain.
  844. >Probably the stitches.
  845. >Moving over to Luna, you pat her on the withers, rousing her from her sleep.
  846. "Come on, breakfast," you gesture towards the bowls in front of them.
  847. >Sitting cross legged across them, you pick up your own bowl and begin eating.
  848. >Spying from the corner of your eye, you seem them sniffing their bowls and glancing at you before eating.
  849. >The meal is finished in silence, the chirp of birds occasionally breaking the calm.
  850. >You set the bowl on the ground, and wait for them to finish.
  851. >The both of them finish the rest of the salad slowly, their nerves on edge.
  852. >Slowly looking up to face you, you smile gently.
  853. "Had your fill?"
  854. >They slowly nod, their eyes still affixed on you.
  855. "Good," you say, the corners of your mouth curving downwards. "Then you can tell me why you ran out yesterday."
  856. >Shocked by the sudden change of attitude, they remain silent.
  857. "What were you thinking. I explicitly told you to stay inside." You say with stern voice. "You're her older sister, you're supposed to look out for her best interests."
  858. >"I was!" Celestia shouts.
  859. "And you thought going into the town where you could be attacked with your INJURED SISTER, would be safer than staying hidden?
  860. "You're Alicorns, what did you think was going to happen? Someone is going to find you eventually.
  861. "How could you be so irresponsible? The both of you could barely run, what if I didn't happen to pass by, what then?"
  862. >The three of you sit in total silence, the two sisters eyeballing the floor.
  863. >"I'm sorry" Luna finally speaks up. "Don't blame Celly."
  864. >"No. He's right. I should have been more careful." Celestia says without conviction, standing up. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." she adds, walking towards the door.
  865. "Where do you think you're going?"
  866. >"We're leaving. Ponies know we are here, staying will only cause more trouble for you."
  867. "You're being rash again Celestia."
  868. >"We'll just be more careful next time."
  869. >She pushes your front door open with her hoof.
  870. >"Thank you Anonymous."
  871. >No
  872. >"We'll always remember what you did for us."
  873. "If something happens I won't be able to help you Celestia."
  874. >"We can manage on our own just fine, Anonymous." she refuted.
  875. >No no no no.
  876. >This wasn't what you intended.
  877. >Why was she so stubborn?
  878. >"Come on Luna, we have to go before the sun rises."
  879. "Six hundred."
  880. >"What?" Celestia asks.
  881. "That's how much you owe me for the medicine and equipment, the fees for the craft not included."
  882. >"That's crazy, we don't have to pay you anything."
  883. "Then I tell the town that you were here."
  884. >She glares at you angrily.
  885. >"You wouldn't."
  886. "Try me. Your chest is injured and Luna's leg is still unusable, both of you can't get far."
  887. >"We can’t pay you that much!"
  888. "If you can't pay, you'll have to work it off."
  889. >"So you're going to make us your slaves!?"
  890. "I'll give you boarding and meals. Pay you, too."
  891. >"I will not be some-"
  892. >"I'll do it." Luna interjects.
  893. >"I'll stay if you let Celly go."
  894. >"NO! Luna, I'm not going to leave you here."
  895. >"It's better this way Celly. I can't run, I don't want to run anymore."
  896. >"I am not going to leave you with some stallion, Luna."
  897. >"I'm sure Anon will be kind."
  898. >"We met him three days ago, Luna. You don't know what he's like. Come with me, we'll find a way, we always have."
  899. "That's what you owe me, Celestia. Luna operation is one thousand and twenty bits."
  900. >"What?"
  901. "This means both of you owe me one thousand, six hundred and twenty bits, and both of you are obligated to repay the debt."
  902. >"You can't do this."
  903. "I can, and I will, Celestia."
  904. "Fine" she spits, venom in her voice. "But if you do anything to hurt Luna-"
  905. "I won't. I promise."
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