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a guest
Oct 10th, 2014
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  1. TXT
  2. entityType "Buff"
  3. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  4. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  5. stackingLimit 4
  6. allowFirstSpawnerToStack TRUE
  7. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  8. isInterruptable FALSE
  9. isChannelling FALSE
  10. numInstantActions 0
  11. numPeriodicActions 0
  12. numOverTimeActions 0
  13. numEntityModifiers 3
  14. entityModifier
  15. buffEntityModifierType "AngularThrust"
  16. value
  17. Level:0 -0.250000
  18. Level:1 -0.250000
  19. Level:2 -0.250000
  20. Level:3 -0.250000
  21. entityModifier
  22. buffEntityModifierType "LinearMaxSpeed"
  23. value
  24. Level:0 -0.250000
  25. Level:1 -0.250000
  26. Level:2 -0.250000
  27. Level:3 -0.250000
  28. entityModifier
  29. buffEntityModifierType "LinearThrust"
  30. value
  31. Level:0 -0.250000
  32. Level:1 -0.250000
  33. Level:2 -0.250000
  34. Level:3 -0.250000
  35. numEntityBoolModifiers 0
  36. numFinishConditions 1
  37. finishCondition
  38. finishConditionType "TimeElapsed"
  39. time
  40. Level:0 45.000000
  41. Level:1 45.000000
  42. Level:2 45.000000
  43. Level:3 45.000000
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