

Jun 27th, 2014
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  1. Basis Information
  2. Name: Susan Elizabeth Bell.
  3. Age: 14
  4. Race: American English
  5. Gender: Female
  6. Height: 5’0
  7. Weight: 120 LBS
  9. Going into detail
  11. Personality: Something of a bookworm, Susan can often be seen caring one or more book around. Something of a geek, she spends her time collecting, reading and writing fiction and reading Japanese light novels that have been translated from there native tongue to English. Among her favorites are, Karin and Sword Art Online. Her choice in Mange can be divided in the ‘Holy Trinity’ of all writers, that being Horror, Slice of Life and Moe.
  13. Appearance: Susan has something of a simple, plain beauty about her, graced with long locks of coco brown hair that reached down to the blades of her shoulder and a smaller than average frame and a modest breast size, its easy to see why. Clothing wise, she often chooses simple, plain dress to wear when not in school, sometimes she’ll spice things up with a pleated skirt that reach’s down to her kneecaps and a reveling top that gives her a little boost in the chest. During School hours she can often be seeing wearing something akin to a heavily Americanized Sailorfuku.
  15. Hobbies:
  16. *Researching the occult
  17. *Cosplaying
  18. *Penning ghost stories under the penname, ‘Susan E. Bell’
  20. Bio: Susan was born a little half past midnight on All Hollows eve. She was born to one Elizabeth Grace Bell and one James Thomas Lefour. And quickly become the center of the young couples word. Nothing really remarkable can be recounted for her life thus far. She Currently attending high school and has is enrolled in the local Navy JROTC Program. There she holds the rank of Cadet Able Seamen. And is enrolled in the girl scouts as wel
  22. Odd bits of information:
  23. *Has a small scale understanding of Chinese through the study of there prose, her resume includes the conquest of the ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms’, ‘Water Margin’ and ‘Art of War’.
  24. *Has dabbled in DnD, her character is a level 10 Ranger… who character sheet is currently collecting Dust in one of her dozen or so binders.
  25. *Considers herself a member of the Anglo-Catholic Church.
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