
Odd Dream 8/16/13

Aug 17th, 2013
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  1. I had one where I met a girl on a bus that was an orphan, we went to some youth club or something and played Smash, she played Yoshi and I chose random which went to Fox. Later on I had left to go to the hotel I was staying at and got on the bus and she was there. I got to my stop which was one away from the hotel because I thought it was the closest. She got off with me because we were going to play more smash and I wanted to adopt her, and we walked the rest of the way. On the way a giant emperor butterfly was flying around, caught it all Animal Crossing-style. Then a giant crab jumped out of the bushes and said it was worth 105 times a normal crab. I somehow convinced it to leave, then we were walking by a beach and a Kappa gave me a variety of hot cocoa. Then I talked to the giant crab again. Then I woke up.
  3. Also, the girl kinda looked like one main one from WataMote, but without baggy eyes.
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