
Mekton: Episode 1: Guns of Fate, Fists of Fury

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, October 25, 2013
  3. 9:26 PM - Dwarfy77: Oh hey Dan
  4. 9:27 PM - Smas entered chat.
  5. 9:27 PM - Smas: sup
  6. 9:27 PM - Dwarfy77: This is the IC chat, for when the game starts in a bit
  7. 9:27 PM - Smas: ok
  8. 9:27 PM - Dwarfy77: So once the game starts, general conversation goes in the other group
  9. 9:28 PM - Smas: k
  10. 9:28 PM - Trogdor entered chat.
  11. 9:28 PM - Dwarfy77: 8:27 PM - Dwarfy77: This is the IC chat, for when the game starts in a bit
  12. 8:28 PM - Smas: ok
  13. 8:28 PM - Dwarfy77: So once the game starts, general conversation goes in the other grou
  14. 9:28 PM - Dwarfy77: Since Trog didnt see that
  15. 9:56 PM - Dwarfy77: LADIES AND GENTLEBITCHES
  16. 9:56 PM - Dwarfy77: IT IS TIME
  18. 9:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: k
  19. 9:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: c:
  20. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: Below this line, IC begins
  21. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: 3
  22. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: 2
  23. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: Fuck dan
  24. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: 1
  25. 9:57 PM - Dwarfy77: -------------------
  26. 9:59 PM - Dwarfy77: In the mech-bay of the Apollo, three men sit, waiting for their deployment signal as the ship begins to sink into the atmosphere of the planet. Unknown until scanners discovered the eeriely earth like planet, the scanners detected life, and the ship was sent at once, on a 36 and a half year journey. After their cryo sleep, the crew decides to enjoy some small talk after the pre-landing drills
  27. 10:00 PM - Smas: Ahh... Mornin fellas
  28. 10:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "So, what do you boys think we'll find down there?"
  29. 10:00 PM - Smas: Eh, who knows. They don't pay me enough to think.
  30. 10:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus Carpedim.
  31. 10:01 PM - Smas: Hey small fry, where you at?
  32. 10:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "The name's Perseus, by the way. Perseus Carpedim." He sitcks our his hand.
  33. 10:01 PM - Dwarfy77 has changed their name to Narrator.
  34. 10:01 PM - Smas: Ey, name's Bishop
  35. 10:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: **Returns the shake
  36. 10:02 PM - Trogdor: *yawns loudly*
  37. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: Hey small fry, shake it off
  38. 10:03 PM - Narrator: As the hands connect, a small alarm goes off and a thump is heard as the intercomm goes off "Uh, eva tech to escape pods, minor problem"
  39. 10:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Pleasure to make your acquaintence th-"
  40. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: Well shit
  41. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: It's too early for things to be going south
  42. 10:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Minor problems can lead to major problems. What's the issue?"
  43. 10:04 PM - Narrator: "Nothing to worry about Mecha bay, just a uh, unexpected atmospheric encounter" Again, the thump is heard, louder this time, followed by another light one
  44. 10:04 PM - Trogdor: "...Why are there always problems"
  45. 10:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "This doesn't bode well."
  46. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: *sighs*
  47. 10:06 PM - Narrator: The PDA starts to speak up again, before shutting off with a high pitched squeal as the lights fail. Several heavy thumps land, and the bay begins to shake as the emergency lighting and klaxon go off
  48. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: Alright guys, this isn't a drill. Where's the loading docks!?
  49. 10:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I suggest we head to our mechas and head out. Perhaps we can find the cause of the issue outside the ship."
  50. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "If we don't find it soon, this entire ship could become nothing but scrap."
  51. 10:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: Solid plan Perseus.
  52. 10:09 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I run over to and enter my depressingly two-armed mecha.
  53. 10:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: I jump and climb into my Mecha as well
  54. 10:10 PM - Narrator: As you enter your mecha and proceed to the launch bay, you see something
  55. 10:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ey, what's this?"
  56. 10:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "You guys...see that? I can't quite make it out."
  57. 10:11 PM - Narrator: The angle of decent is wrong, too steep, and you think you can just make out what are making the thumping sounds. Roll for perception
  58. 10:11 PM - Trogdor has changed their name to Cedric.
  59. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Human Percept + Empathy + 1d10
  60. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: For the record, m8s, that's Awareness+Intelligence+1d10
  61. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: or human percept
  62. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: You know Awareness and Human Perception are different
  63. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: and HP is for detecting lies
  64. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Awareness is detecting something, Perception is seeing it
  65. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: aw shit wrong chat
  66. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Anyways, no OOC
  67. 10:12 PM - Narrator: SO shh
  68. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Right
  69. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Mixed em up
  70. 10:12 PM - Narrator: What Dan said
  71. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Back to IC
  72. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I got a 1 on the roll
  73. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: :|
  74. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: So I got 9 total
  75. 10:13 PM - Narrator: You pass and you realize something
  76. 10:14 PM - Narrator: The thumps are not space debris, or some sort of atmospheric interferance
  77. 10:14 PM - Narrator: But flak shells, something is trying to shoot you out of the sky
  78. 10:14 PM - Narrator: EVA appears to be too dangerous at this point
  79. 10:15 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I wasn't aware that flack shells were still in use to this extent!"
  80. 10:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We can't leave the ship in our mechas without risking being hit as well."
  81. 10:18 PM - Cedric: "So we just sit here and be pelted?"
  82. 10:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We've got to do something, or else we won't have any ship left to sit in."
  83. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Then the best we can do is alert the rest of the crew and hope they can preform evasive maneuvers."
  84. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I try to radio the bridge
  85. 10:19 PM - Narrator: As the words leave your lips, a creaking can be heard as the blast doors shut in the mecha bay, the shaking increasing as you can see the ship split into pieces
  86. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: or not
  87. 10:19 PM - Narrator: Connection lost
  88. 10:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright boys, its now or never. I"ll take the jump first, attract some of the heat off the hanger."
  89. 10:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I'll follow behind you."
  90. 10:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, you on board?"
  91. 10:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "But wait! What of the others on the ship?"
  92. 10:22 PM - Cedric: "I think we should focus on us not dying first"
  93. 10:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "The shells are tearing us apart. Us launching now will take some of the heat off the ship, and hopefully save what's left of the crew."
  94. 10:22 PM - Cedric: "dead pilots are quite useless to everyone"
  95. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If they percieve this unnarmed carrer as a threat, then I just want to see what they'll make of me."
  96. 10:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "If the shells are coming from planetside, I say we jump, then.
  97. 10:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Ready when you are, boys!"
  98. 10:23 PM - Narrator: As you argue, the doors start to shut, it is reaching an unsafe altitude to launch, your window of escape is over, you're going to have to ride this one out, unless you launch now
  99. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Launching now! Hang onto your seatbelts!"
  100. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "We gotta go!"
  101. 10:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Jump! Stick together!"
  102. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: *Takes the first launch*
  103. 10:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I follow after
  104. 10:24 PM - Narrator: You fire the boosters on your mecha, taking you out of the hangar just above safe launching distance
  105. 10:25 PM - Narrator: Looking out, you see this ship, split into many pieces
  106. 10:25 PM - Narrator: The habitation module is one piece, but the bridge, hangar bays, and weapons modules are being torn apart by anti-aircraft fire
  107. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, so much for uncharted territory. What kind of foreign planet has artillery like this?"
  108. 10:26 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "One that doesn't like visitors."
  109. 10:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll take two guess as to why this planet has remained uncharted. Heh"
  110. 10:26 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus sighs in relief when he looks back to see the habitation module of the ship intact. He whispers "Elisia..."
  111. 10:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Speak up Perseus, you're barely coming in over intercom."
  112. 10:27 PM - Narrator: Below, you see the outline of the various islands and continents near by, it seems you are coming down on the smallest of the islands, mostly desert, with heavy jungle to the north. you are slowing down as your mecha activate landing thrusters, the ships is continuning in another direction as you stop your horizontal movement.
  113. 10:27 PM - Cedric: "Its gonna be a hell of a job to fix that"
  114. 10:28 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It's gonna be a hell of a job trying to get back up there."
  115. 10:28 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Our mechas aren't designed for space travel."
  116. 10:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We can't even pierce the atmosphere with our thrusters' capacity."
  117. 10:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, as I see it, the only way back out is the way we got in."
  118. 10:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "...jumping from orbit?"
  119. 10:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "From the ship you smart-ass."
  120. 10:30 PM - Narrator: You casually continue the conversation as your descent slows, eventually reaching a safe speed as you hit a thousand meters over the surface
  121. 10:31 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We're about to make landfall, get ready."
  122. 10:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You guys see any of those artillary cannons? They had to be pretty powerful to shoot us down from high orbit."
  123. 10:31 PM - Cedric: "Do you think a ship would even be here for us to use?"
  124. 10:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Possible, if they had artillery with the strength to reach orbit, then they must have a decent level of technology."
  125. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps Cedric, perhaps. It's a bit early to lose hope; I haven't even had my coffee yet."
  126. 10:32 PM - Narrator: And with these words, you touch down on the planet, in the middle of the desert, you survived, somehow.
  127. 10:33 PM - Cedric: "Good luck finding any"
  128. 10:33 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I look to the sky as I see the streak of light that is, or was, the ship. I once again whisper, "I'll come for you, my love."
  129. 10:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Luck's always on my side."
  130. 10:33 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Have the stopped the shelling?"
  131. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm not sure. I can't see any more flak."
  132. 10:34 PM - Narrator: You can still see the streaks of shells hiting parts of the ship, sans the habitat module, before it falls out of view.
  133. 10:34 PM - Narrator: Now may be the time to look for the horizons and figure something out
  134. 10:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Something with that much firepower must be large indeed."
  135. 10:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Any reason why'd they aren't aiming for the Habitat? That'd be the best place to take us down."
  136. 10:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Surely they aren't missing."
  137. 10:35 PM - Cedric: "maybe they want the people alive? that would mean they know what to aim for too."
  138. 10:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Perhaps it is just luck that the shelling is missing the habitat. In any case, it is good fortune."
  139. 10:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Can I use my Expert: Navigation skill to try and determine anything of use?
  140. 10:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, these people certainly aren't dumb, that's for sure."
  141. 10:36 PM - Narrator: Yup
  142. 10:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "That is assuming, of course, that they are people at all."
  143. 10:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "This planet is uncharted, remember."
  144. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah yes. I suppose you're right. There is always the off chance..."
  145. 10:37 PM - Narrator: Roll Navigation + Int + 1d10
  146. 10:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Though it is not entirely impossible that it could be the original crash site of an old colonization ship that was lost."
  147. 10:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 16
  148. 10:38 PM - Cedric: "but why would they shoot down other ships..."
  149. 10:38 PM - Narrator: You see the tower of what appears to be a small town to the south east, but thats it.
  150. 10:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Supplies, perhaps?"
  151. 10:38 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "That is something we should determine for ourselves."
  152. 10:38 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Hold up, I see something."
  153. 10:38 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "A tower, southeast of here. Shall we head there?"
  154. 10:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'd hold from the towns for now. They did just try to shoot us down."
  155. 10:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Then have you a better plan?"
  156. 10:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "With tech like that, I'd guess that whoever's here has some form of military."
  157. 10:40 PM - Cedric: "We don't really have much of a choice however"
  158. 10:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Is it possible to trace the shells down to a launch site?"
  159. 10:40 PM - Narrator: Too late, the firing has stopped
  160. 10:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Nah, scratch that. It's a bad idea."
  161. 10:41 PM - Cedric: "yes, lets walk towards the guns"
  162. 10:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose I'll let you lead for now Perseus. I trust your instincts."
  163. 10:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And hey, if we roll up in the mechs I doubt they'll start shelling the town."
  164. 10:42 PM - Cedric: "just get us out alive, please"
  165. 10:42 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I hope I do not misplace your trust, then."
  166. 10:42 PM - Narrator: It is agreed that you will walk to the Southeast, to the tower?
  167. 10:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: I agree.
  168. 10:42 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Verily
  169. 10:43 PM - Cedric: yep
  170. 10:43 PM - Narrator: The town is only about a ten minute journey in the hilly desert, upon arrival, you notice something strange
  171. 10:44 PM - Narrator: The town appears to be a strange hybrid of some sort of midevil village, and a modern day city, with several vehicles, yet farm animals in the streets, several market booths, and guards carrying swords with modern composite armor
  172. 10:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "This is... an interesting development."
  173. 10:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: where are we in our mechas relative to the town?
  174. 10:45 PM - Narrator: You stand at the borders of the town, near a caravan trading post
  175. 10:47 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I find a nice, out of everyone's way spot, then disengage my mecha and jump out.
  176. 10:48 PM - Narrator: The towns people pay you no mind, this seeming to be daily life for them.
  177. 10:48 PM - Cedric: "this is so strange"
  178. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps it is best to follow suit. Hurry Cedric, lets try and blend in."
  179. 10:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus' short, anime-blue hair and long black coat billow in the desert wind
  180. 10:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: He checks the sword at his hip, adjusts the strap, then walks into town
  181. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop jumps out and dusts off.
  182. 10:49 PM - Narrator: Bishop, Cedric, will you follow?
  183. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Probably best to leave this." *Leaves flight jacket in cockpit.*
  184. 10:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I'd like to use Human Perception to look for someone who looks relatively important compared to the other random towngoers that I see
  185. 10:50 PM - Cedric: "Maybe i should stick around just in case?"
  186. 10:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I figure that seems like something which would qualify as that skill
  187. 10:50 PM - Narrator: Roll for it then
  188. 10:50 PM - Narrator: You need an 8 to pass
  189. 10:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 18
  190. 10:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim:
  191. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You sure Cedric? You don't mind being lonely do ya?"
  192. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Might be a while."
  193. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm sure it's fine as long as you don't leave the keys in the ignition."
  194. 10:52 PM - Cedric: "Yea sure alright i'll come with, this whole situation leaves me uneasy though"
  195. 10:52 PM - Narrator: You immediatly spot the man with the most expensive clothing in the caravan depot, and move to speak to him, as you talk he shuts a communicator and smiles before speaking up. "Hey, welcome! You seem to have just come from the desert, here to do buisness huh?"
  196. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I hear ya Cedric. Hey, dust off, you look like you just got out of bed. ;T"
  197. 10:53 PM - Cedric: "Technically i just did"
  198. 10:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "In a sense. We are travelers of a sort, but we're particularly oblivious to the going-ons of this part of the world. We're from quite a ways away."
  199. 10:53 PM - Cedric: *half heartedly pats himself down*
  200. 10:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "As a merchant, I'm sure you understand."
  201. 10:54 PM - Narrator: "Tourists eh? Well, of course, I am from the Cathedral myself, so I am quite familiar with traveling far around the world, where do you and your friends come from?"
  202. 10:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We come from the far plains of Earth."
  203. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: I but in
  204. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: cutting off perseus
  205. 10:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I didn't say planet Earth you sod
  206. 10:56 PM - Narrator: "Earth, never heard of it, but tell you what, for the fine people of Earth, I offer special deal! Yes, one of a kind! A night's stay with my family. I love to meet people from new places, and my wife does as well." The man takes out his communicator, sending some form of typed message after speaking
  207. 10:57 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We would hate to be a burden."
  208. 10:58 PM - Narrator: "You sure my friends? Is this not common in the far off plains of Earf?"
  209. 10:58 PM - Narrator: (Also yes, that was intentional)
  210. 10:58 PM - Narrator: (And will be every time after that)
  211. 10:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's not too common for us travelers to stay with strangers."
  212. 10:59 PM - Cedric: "I don't know, i would like a nice place to rest for tonight, our travels have been a bit... rough"
  213. 10:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Now now, Bishop, don't be so hasty."
  214. 10:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "As travelers, both us and he can learn a thing or two from one another, and a hot meal is just the perfect setting for it."
  215. 11:00 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It's not that it's not common. If you insist, we would be more than happy to take you up on your offer. We would simply not want to inconvenience you, is all."
  216. 11:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "On a different topic, sir merchant, how often is it that travelers come to this peaceful village?"
  217. 11:02 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I roll Human Perception to see if he's lying about offering us room and board
  218. 11:02 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 17
  219. 11:02 PM - Narrator: "So then, tonight may I introduce you people of Earf to the hospitality of Azhari!" The man seems happy talk his head off. "Why, all the time, we're the only port on this island, but you are the only people to ever hail from Earf to pass through"
  220. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Pass, he's an honest man trying to do some good
  221. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: That satisfy you sods?
  222. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: c:
  223. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah, I see. My many thanks."
  224. 11:04 PM - Narrator: "Are you merely passing through by chance, to Eliha perhaps? For I would not recommend travel north for quite some time"
  225. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Why would you say that, my good sir?"
  226. 11:04 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Yes, travelers from Earth are few and far between on these lands, so I've been told. As for northern travel, why is it to be avoided?"
  227. 11:05 PM - Cedric: "Our course was changed by a turn of events yes."
  228. 11:05 PM - Narrator: The man shook his head and he sighed "I do not want to see the Black Death claim another, especially those who don't expect him"
  229. 11:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Now there is a menacing name, if ever I've heard one."
  230. 11:06 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "In any case, let us avoid such disheartening topics for now. Might I and my companions ask you some questions?"
  231. 11:06 PM - Narrator: "Yes, of course, merely providing a warning for you men"
  232. 11:06 PM - Cedric: "I don't know that seems like a pretty important topic"
  233. 11:07 PM - Cedric: "I'd like to know who or what this Black Death is"
  234. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps it is best to get to know you sir merchant. What is your name?"
  235. 11:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It won't be an important topic if we avoid the north. At the very least, for now. We can always find more on it later, if you are so insistant."
  236. 11:07 PM - Cedric: "fine"
  237. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: **whispers to cedric: I'm sure that if this black death is of some persistence he will make his way into conversation soon enough.
  238. 11:09 PM - Perseus Carpedim: *whispers back: "If that is the case, then we will pursue the topic further. For now, I vote we avoid it."
  239. 11:09 PM - Narrator: "My name is Armen Dezoura, you'd have heard it if you have been in the area long enough, Dezoura caravans are the safest and most valued method of transportation in this part of the world, it is a legacy that I do not hesitate to brag about" The man laughed as he spoke, smiling honestly at the group
  240. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Agreed. For now, I'd like to get to know our host further."
  241. 11:10 PM - Cedric: "Alright whatever. i could use a good rest"
  242. 11:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And I am Perseus Carpedim. An honor to meet such a highly esteemed merchant, so early into our travels."
  243. 11:11 PM - Narrator: He held out his hand to Perseus and grinned "It is a pleasure, Perseus of Earf, and who do you travel with?"
  244. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Aha, I see. We too were once caravan riders. My name is Bishop Hemway, and it's nice to meet a fellow working man."
  245. 11:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: He shakes the merchant's hand as his compatriots introduce themselves
  246. 11:13 PM - Cedric: "Cedric, nice to meet you"
  247. 11:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Now, If I may be so bold as to ask, none here seem too surprised at our methods of transport. Are they common around these parts?"
  248. 11:16 PM - Narrator: "Bishop I think we'll get along, and Cedric, you seem to have a long night, may I interest you in some caffinated beverage?" He reached for some sort of pot of orange liquid on a table near by as he answered Perseus. "Depends on who you are, I have quite a few in my hire, and Crazy Hassan's Robot Emporium is in Eliha. But for the most part, they are for working men, and soldiers from the Cathedral, without a permit I could report you, but hey, I'm not that kind of man." Armen cackled a bit after the revelation.
  249. 11:17 PM - Cedric: "Don't mind if i do"
  250. 11:18 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Even travelers such as us require these permits? Hmm..."
  251. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You have my many thanks. We are not accustomed to the laws of this land. Where would we go about acquiring 'permits'"?
  252. 11:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "If we were to request these permits, it goes without saying that they would find out that we lack them in the first place. That itself could cause issues."
  253. 11:20 PM - Narrator disconnected.
  254. 11:20 PM - Narrator entered chat.
  255. 11:21 PM - Narrator: ((Sorry bout that, repost anything you sent while I was gone))
  256. 11:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: what's the last thing you saw?
  257. 11:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: (())
  258. 11:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: ((:v))
  259. 11:21 PM - Narrator: The wall of text I sent
  260. 11:21 PM - Narrator: 10:20 PM - Narrator: He hands you the beverage which smells of extremely strongly of sweet corn as he poured himself a cup. "Yes, but as long as you stay away from government areas, and don't do anything wrong, they wont bother sorting out paperwork, local authorities have bigger problems around here, like the trading cut off the Black Death has been causing. To obtain them? You need to go through some legal bullshit at the offices of the Cathedral, but it is not worth the effort my friend, half way across the world!"
  261. 11:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 11:17 PM - Cedric: "Don't mind if i do"
  262. 11:18 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Even travelers such as us require these permits? Hmm..."
  263. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You have my many thanks. We are not accustomed to the laws of this land. Where would we go about acquiring 'permits'"?
  264. 11:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "If we were to request these permits, it goes without saying that they would find out that we lack them in the first place. That itself could cause issues."
  265. 11:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: also we didn't get that
  266. 11:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  267. 11:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: lasty thing we got was you cackling about permits
  268. 11:22 PM - Narrator: So resent that
  269. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: yeah
  270. 11:22 PM - Narrator: Resume
  271. 11:23 PM - Cedric: *sips the drink cautiously*
  272. 11:24 PM - Narrator: You drink it, and suddenly feel like you just got hit by a bolt of lighting after drinking the strange, popcorn flavored drink.
  273. 11:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Well then, thank you for the information. How came this town to be settled? It's quite lively."
  274. 11:24 PM - Narrator: +2 to Ref for the next three in-game hours
  275. 11:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: hot dam
  276. 11:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: does that stack with my 10 ref?
  277. 11:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: if so I need an IV drip of the stuff
  278. 11:24 PM - Narrator: You didnt drink it :V
  279. 11:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I know but I'm just saying
  280. 11:24 PM - Narrator: But if it's above 10, you get +1
  281. 11:25 PM - Perseus Carpedim: yes
  282. 11:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, are you alright? You look... electrified."
  283. 11:25 PM - Narrator: "They built a port to move goods to the island, and then a town sprang up, standard buisness there"
  284. 11:25 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And uh, not to be rude, but what has Cedric just taken a drink of?"
  285. 11:25 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "You said caffinated, but never have I seen something with such immediate and powerful effects."
  286. 11:26 PM - Narrator: "Powa Koffee my friend, do you not have it in the plains of Earf?"
  287. 11:27 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I'm afraid not. We have coffee beans, but they have a stronger, more bitter smell. Why does it smell of corn?"
  288. 11:27 PM - Narrator disconnected.
  289. 11:27 PM - Cedric: "THIS STUFF IS AMAZING"
  290. 11:27 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so amazing he died again
  291. 11:27 PM - Narrator entered chat.
  292. 11:28 PM - Narrator: ((Fucking wifi, what was said while I was gone))
  293. 11:28 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 11:26 PM - Narrator: "Powa Koffee my friend, do you not have it in the plains of Earf?"
  294. 11:27 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I'm afraid not. We have coffee beans, but they have a stronger, more bitter smell. Why does it smell of corn?"
  295. 11:27 PM - Narrator disconnected.
  296. 11:27 PM - Cedric: "THIS STUFF IS AMAZING"
  297. 11:27 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so amazing he died again
  298. 11:27 PM - Narrator entered chat.
  299. 11:29 PM - Narrator: "You mean Korn, why do pronounce the 'kay' so softly, is this the accent of Earf?"
  300. 11:30 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It appears to be so. I apologize if my mannerisms offended you."
  301. 11:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps we are mistaken. Perhaps our "corn" is simply a relative to your "Korn" plant species."
  302. 11:31 PM - Narrator: "No no, I have just never heard of a place without Powa Korn, it is everywhere, there are even mills on this island, on the northern tip"
  303. 11:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "So it is a common crop?"
  304. 11:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "What an excellent crop indeed. Is it possible to obtain Korn seeds by any chance? I'd love to share it when we head back to the plains of Earf."
  305. 11:34 PM - Narrator: "In most places, that I've been at least, but it's in very high demand, I can't imagine how Earf got on without Powa Korn" He thought for a second on seeds. "You'd have to find a distributor, but since most, if not almost all farms are overseen by the Cathedral, so you've got a hell of a lot of red tape to jump through friend"
  306. 11:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I see. Perhaps one of the farmers will be kindly enough to share a few grains of see."
  307. 11:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "So the Powa Korn is a large enough product to require regulation, then. You mentioned you were from the Catherdral before. Where is it located?"
  308. 11:36 PM - Narrator: "Depends, I'd have to find out it's current location"
  309. 11:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "You make it sound as though the main governmental force resides there. It would be interesting to see, though I doubt if they would appreciate tourists so much." He leans in close and whispers dramatically, "Especially without permits."
  310. 11:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Overdramatically
  311. 11:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: as in, obviously joking
  312. 11:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: just to clarify
  313. 11:37 PM - Narrator: The man cracks up, slapping his knee as he laughs. "You, Perseus, I like you, are all people of Earf this well mannered?"
  314. 11:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Heh. I suppose you are right Perseus."
  315. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, you still feeling fine over there?"
  316. 11:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I only wish all people from Earth were as easy to get along with as us. That is not to say that there are none, though, nor that those who are rude take up the majority."
  317. 11:39 PM - Cedric: "JUST GREAT THANKS"
  318. 11:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "That... what did you call it? Powa Koffee? Must be something."
  319. 11:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "He was much more lethargic before. I think it's done him good."
  320. 11:40 PM - Narrator: "Well, you leave a great impression of Ea-" Before he could finish, his communicator sounded once again and he picked it up at once, listening, panicing as he did so.
  321. 11:41 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I wait until there appears to be a lull in his panic before asking, "Is there a problem?"
  322. 11:41 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We might be able to help. It would only be fair repayment for your kindness."
  323. 11:41 PM - Narrator: "Automated distress signal, a very important just, just got taken out. I-I, I might lose everything on this one."
  324. 11:42 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Please. I need you to relax. Was it a caravan of yours?"
  325. 11:43 PM - Narrator: "No, there was one truck, but it had a heavy escort, a single delivery, worth more than you can imagine"
  326. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That's all we need to hear. I'd like to repay your kindness with a kindness of our own."
  327. 11:43 PM - Narrator: "W-Well, theres, theres a major problem"
  328. 11:44 PM - Cedric: "BLACK DEATH?"
  329. 11:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Shh, not so loud, no need to drive the town into panic."
  330. 11:44 PM - Cedric: "SORRY"
  331. 11:44 PM - Narrator: "Yes, and apparently he's circling the truck, waiting for recovery they think, my drivers managed to hide under their truck"
  332. 11:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Give us the location. We can solve this issue with no casualties. But when we return, I've got a few more questions I wanted to ask."
  333. 11:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Please, tell me more about this black death. He sounds like a worthy adversary, but I doubt he has the experience to match us."
  334. 11:46 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I don't call my mecha 'Ken Kare' for nothing, and with my capable companions, we are sure to turn out on top."
  335. 11:47 PM - Narrator: "I'll answer, everything you want. They, they're on the western coast road. Black Death, he's," Armen sighed as he calmed himself. "well, he's a prototype from military trials the Cathedral conducted in the desert a few weeks ago. The pilot snapped under the neural load, and opperating in the heat, and wrecked the testing facilites. He wont let anyone cross north"
  336. 11:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "A prototype military mecha? That could prove problematic... but nothing I don't believe we can handle. Bishop, Cedric, what say you?"
  337. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Don't worry. As I've said, we are experienced caravan escorts. I don't believe that a man under mental stress will be capable of proving much challenge."
  338. 11:49 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And I think we can take Cedric's excited twitching as an affirmative as well."
  339. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Don't worry Armen, luck is always on my side."
  340. 11:50 PM - Narrator: "Thank you, this, this is very important, if you succeed, my drivers will message me for sure, and I will have a reward before you return, here on the spot." From the communicator, he printed out some coordinates. "Here, take this, it's the location of the truck at the moment, it shouldn't be moving"
  341. 11:50 PM - Cedric: *grunts and continues to look around sporatically*
  342. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, you are better at navigation than I, you should take it."
  343. 11:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We'll be quick as the wind."
  344. 11:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus takes the coordinates
  345. 11:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And as silent as Phantoms."
  346. 11:52 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Make haste, then!" Perseus runs to and hops into his mecha
  347. 11:52 PM - Narrator: You read the coordinates and begin to head to your mecha as Armen sits down and starts calling people.
  348. 11:52 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Before we engage, comrades, tell me"
  349. 11:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "What are your mechas' names, and specialties?"
  350. 11:53 PM - Narrator: ((He means the party, just to clarify, not Armen or his men))
  351. 11:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: ^^
  352. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "The Aoi Yokai. I'm surprised you didn't realize that my mech's a converted Fighter Craft, Perseus. You usually seem quite perceptive."
  353. 11:54 PM - Cedric: ((shit i forgot the japenese version of the name, curse you animes))
  354. 11:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It must have slipped me by. Impressive conversion job."
  355. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey, I try my best with what I'm given."
  356. 11:55 PM - Narrator: ((Shogekiha))
  358. 11:57 PM - Narrator: And with that, the party sets out along the road, it isn't long until you can see the truck, and you stop with it just barely visible, no sight of the Black Death
  359. 11:57 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Ken Kare is a repurposed lifting mecha, made for mecha boxing matches I participate in. Our specialty is punching."
  360. 11:57 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Be careful not to demolish us while we're in close."
  361. 11:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Be cautions. I don't like this."
  362. 11:59 PM - Cedric: "Not to used to combat in this thing"
  363. 11:59 PM - Narrator: Do you do anything before moving in to assist?
  364. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: I wish to roll for perception.
  365. 11:59 PM - Cedric: "the job was SUPPOSED TO BE a simple one"
  366. Saturday, October 26, 2013
  367. 12:00 AM - Narrator: You need a 16 to pass
  368. 12:00 AM - Narrator: Roll
  369. 12:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: what stats go into perception rolls again?
  370. 12:00 AM - Narrator: The entire party
  371. 12:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I think I'll roll too
  372. 12:00 AM - Narrator: Also its an awareness roll
  373. 12:00 AM - Narrator: Which is Awareness + Int +1d10
  374. 12:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 11
  375. 12:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: welp
  376. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: awareness is a skill, correct?
  377. 12:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: yes
  378. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  379. 12:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: if you lack it, it is 0
  380. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: woops
  381. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: what is the formula
  382. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: for this program
  383. 12:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 1d10+8
  384. 12:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: you put 3 +s
  385. 12:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: why are you putting so many pluses
  386. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: I didn't
  387. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: perhaps it counts spaces
  388. 12:02 AM - Narrator: Yeah
  389. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: 17
  390. 12:02 AM - Narrator: Nice
  391. 12:03 AM - Narrator: Bishop stops in his tracks as he feels the ground shake lightly, Black Death hasn't left the scene, he's merely waiting for something to flush him out.
  392. 12:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: I'd like to convert to a Jet, if I may
  393. 12:04 AM - Narrator: You take a running start and take off, circling the scene from above
  394. 12:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "And it's still a functional jet? Even more impressive!"
  395. 12:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Thank you, I try my best with what I'm given."
  396. 12:05 AM - Cedric: "NEED BOMBS"
  397. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: do I roll for awareness too?
  398. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: since I'm up here
  399. 12:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You'll have to find something to make due."
  400. 12:05 AM - Narrator: The roar of the engine seems to be enough, as the moment Bishop leaves the ground, the desert begins to shake harder. ((Also no, you already know he's there))
  401. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  402. 12:06 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Be ready!" Perseus crouches Ken Kare into a stable, battle-ready stance
  403. 12:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Roger that Perseus. Cedric, get ready for support, he sounds like a big one."
  404. 12:07 AM - Cedric: *the shoulder mounted grenade launcher slides down to aim forwards*
  405. 12:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Disengaging safety. I'm all prepped."
  406. 12:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I have never experience live combat in this, only refereed boxing matches. But I imagine it's mostly the same, minus the rules in this case. That should simplify things!"
  407. 12:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: experienced*
  408. 12:08 AM - Narrator: With an explosive ammount of force, the Black Death bursts out of the ground, arcing over the two mecha on the ground before slamming back down. The thing is utter massive, and you can spot some sort of weapon on the tip of the tail
  409. 12:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "...that seems difficult to punch. On second thought, I think I'd prefer rules."
  410. 12:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Shit, it's a beast type. This complicates things."
  411. 12:09 AM - Narrator: Right then, Initiative
  412. 12:09 AM - Narrator: Roll 1d10 + the Mecha Reflexes skill
  413. 12:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: including Reflex Stat?
  414. 12:09 AM - Narrator: Mecha Reflexes
  415. 12:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: would my aircraft skills replace my mecha reflex?
  416. 12:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Since Mecha Reflexes is governed by Reflex
  417. 12:10 AM - Cedric: of course there is a mecha reflexes
  418. 12:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: or is this something different
  419. 12:10 AM - Cedric: and of course i would miss it
  420. 12:10 AM - Narrator: One second bishop, checking
  421. 12:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I assume Mecha Reflexes, you mean Mecha Piloting?
  422. 12:11 AM - Narrator: Wait, just the Ref skill
  423. 12:11 AM - Narrator: stat
  424. 12:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: gj
  425. 12:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so 1d10+Ref?
  426. 12:11 AM - Narrator: For some reason it says the Mecha Reflexes skill, not stat
  427. 12:11 AM - Narrator: Yeah
  428. 12:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  429. 12:11 AM - Cedric: 13
  430. 12:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: that simplifies things.
  431. 12:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I keep getting shit rolls
  432. 12:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: why
  433. 12:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: 12
  434. 12:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 14
  435. 12:12 AM - Narrator: Rolling for Black Death
  436. 12:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: does Cedric's mecha have bombs on it?
  437. 12:12 AM - Narrator: 18
  438. 12:12 AM - Narrator: Also yes
  439. 12:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: I've got dumb rockets, right?
  440. 12:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: and I call BS on that roll I don't see it in the caht
  441. 12:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: c:
  442. 12:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: also, where is my mech stat sheet
  443. 12:12 AM - Narrator: 1D10+10 => 20
  444. 12:13 AM - Narrator: Better?
  445. 12:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: on second thought I'll take the 18
  446. 12:13 AM - Narrator: In the drop box
  447. 12:13 AM - Narrator: Now then, each turn you get two actions
  448. 12:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: So, it's CP
  449. 12:13 AM - Narrator: All possible actions are on page 88
  450. 12:13 AM - Narrator: Yup
  451. 12:13 AM - Narrator: Same system
  452. 12:13 AM - Narrator: Now then
  453. 12:14 AM - Narrator: The Black death circles around and jumps up, while in mid-air, it fires some sort of beam weapon at Ken Kare
  454. 12:15 AM - Narrator: Due to the fact that he's moving, it'll take an 18 to Hit
  455. 12:15 AM - Narrator: 24
  456. 12:15 AM - Narrator: He hits
  457. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: balls
  458. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: how do I mark damage to my mech?
  459. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: that blows
  460. 12:15 AM - Narrator: You have your mecha stat sheet open Dan?
  461. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright brb
  462. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: gotta piss
  463. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: si
  464. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: that was ooc btw
  465. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: the .txt?
  466. 12:15 AM - Narrator: Yes
  467. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: ye. tis open
  468. 12:16 AM - Narrator: How many Kills are on your Head?
  469. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 7
  470. 12:16 AM - Narrator: And how much SP for armor?
  471. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: for kills
  472. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: and armor on my character?
  473. 12:16 AM - Narrator: On your mecha
  474. 12:16 AM - Narrator: Next to body
  475. 12:16 AM - Narrator: There's armor
  476. 12:16 AM - Narrator: For head
  477. 12:16 AM - Narrator: How much SP
  478. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 6 I think
  479. 12:17 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Head LH 7 7 / 7 7 | MW Std 6 --- 1 6
  480. 12:17 AM - Narrator: Yes, 6
  481. 12:17 AM - Cedric: suddenly 7 doesn't seem like a lot
  482. 12:17 AM - Narrator: Let me check one thing
  483. 12:17 AM - Narrator: Cause you're going to hate this :V
  484. 12:18 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I lose my head already?
  485. 12:18 AM - Perseus Carpedim: fuk u
  486. 12:18 AM - Narrator: Well, the cock pit is in there
  487. 12:18 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I thought I said I didn't want it there
  488. 12:18 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I wanted it in the chest and the sensors in the head
  489. 12:18 AM - Narrator: Torso, right
  490. 12:18 AM - Narrator: Alright shh, I'll fix it
  491. 12:18 AM - Perseus Carpedim: since a lifting mecha dropping a heavy rock on it's head where the pilot is can only end poorly
  492. 12:18 AM - Narrator: The beam does 6 damage to your head, and takes out your primary sensors
  493. 12:19 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'd rather lose my eyes that my head
  494. 12:19 AM - Narrator: So for kills in head
  495. 12:19 AM - Narrator: Put like
  496. 12:19 AM - Narrator: 1/7
  497. 12:19 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Ah! I'm blinded! The bastard got my sensors."
  498. 12:19 AM - Perseus Carpedim: how the fuck am I supposed to fight without sensors
  499. 12:20 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I guess I can open the cockpit and pull a Metal Gear
  500. 12:20 AM - Narrator: And since it used MA to turn and leap, it lands, but isn't able to bury itself
  501. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Was about to say
  502. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Manual sighting
  503. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Now then
  504. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Next in line
  505. 12:20 AM - Narrator: You
  506. 12:20 AM - Narrator: The thing is right next to you
  507. 12:20 AM - Perseus Carpedim: it better not take an action to open the cockpit
  508. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Dont even have to move
  509. 12:20 AM - Narrator: Hmm, I wouldn't say it is
  510. 12:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You fight with cheap tricks! You show no true soul!"
  511. 12:21 AM - Cedric: (brb)
  512. 12:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: The book says you can punch twice in an action
  513. 12:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I punch its gun
  514. 12:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 4 times
  515. 12:21 AM - Bishop Hemway: HEH
  516. 12:21 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Good going Perseus, show him how real men fight!"
  517. 12:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: roll?
  518. 12:21 AM - Narrator: Through your comm set, you can hear that it's pilot has tuned in "You show no signs of sssssskill, and I show no sign of sssssoul"
  519. 12:21 AM - Narrator: GG :V
  520. 12:22 AM - Narrator: To hit
  521. 12:22 AM - Narrator: Roll Ref + Mecha Combat + 1d10
  522. 12:22 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I got it
  523. 12:22 AM - Perseus Carpedim: hang on
  524. 12:22 AM - Narrator: Fists have an accuracy modifier of 0, so they arent accurate or inaccurate
  525. 12:22 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus: repeat 4 1D10+10+5 => 18 ; 25 ; 19 ; 18
  526. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: once again I roll 3s and 4s
  527. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: what the fuck rolz
  528. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: go to hell
  529. 12:23 AM - Narrator: :V
  530. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: oh wait
  531. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: that 25
  532. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: is a 10
  533. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: that's a crit
  534. 12:23 AM - Narrator: Oh shit
  535. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: suck it
  536. 12:23 AM - Narrator: That means you roll again
  537. 12:23 AM - Narrator: And add it to the 25
  538. 12:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 1d10?
  539. 12:23 AM - Narrator: Yes
  540. 12:24 AM - Narrator: Thats how crits work in MZ
  541. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus: 1D10 => 10
  542. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: SUCK
  543. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: IT
  544. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: BITCH
  545. 12:24 AM - Narrator: :V
  546. 12:24 AM - Narrator: Roll again
  547. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus: 1D10 => 4
  548. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: damn
  549. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: was hoping for another 10
  550. 12:24 AM - Narrator: I was too to be honest
  551. 12:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: oh well. Thx rolz bby <3
  552. 12:24 AM - Narrator: Anyways, 39
  553. 12:24 AM - Narrator: Since he's stationary on the ground, you hit all four times
  554. 12:24 AM - Narrator: 3 hit normally
  555. 12:25 AM - Narrator: 1
  556. 12:25 AM - Narrator: Well
  557. 12:25 AM - Narrator: We'll get there
  558. 12:25 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "WHO LACKS IN SKILL NOW, CREATIN?"
  559. 12:25 AM - Narrator: 3 Kills of damage for the normal punches
  560. 12:25 AM - Narrator: But the 4th
  561. 12:25 AM - Narrator: Is Special
  562. 12:26 AM - Cedric: (back)
  563. 12:26 AM - Narrator: Take it away Perseus
  564. 12:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I!"
  565. 12:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "FIGHT!"
  566. 12:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "FOR!"
  567. 12:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "MY!"
  568. 12:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "LOVE!"
  569. 12:26 AM - Cedric: (god fucking damnit)
  570. 12:26 AM - Cedric: (this is the shit i come back to)
  571. 12:27 AM - Narrator: (He scored a crit, it's a signature move)
  572. 12:27 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Ken Kare's fists fly at light speed as they pummel the tail end of the opposing mecha. You're pretty sure you hear a number of sonic booms in sucsession
  573. 12:27 AM - Cedric: (oh nice thats right those are a thing)
  574. 12:27 AM - Bishop Hemway: (wait wat)
  575. 12:27 AM - Narrator: ((When you crit, I'm doing a custom rule))
  576. 12:28 AM - Narrator: ((You get a signature move, 2d10 + Mecha Reflexes + Mecha Combat skill + Weapon damage))
  577. 12:28 AM - Bishop Hemway: ((Is that the damage output?))
  578. 12:29 AM - Narrator: ((Damn right))
  579. 12:29 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus: 2D10+10+5+1 => 28
  580. 12:30 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Ken Kare's fists move with such speed as to be invisible, and when he finally ceases his attack, they glow red from friction
  581. 12:30 AM - Narrator: The fist smashes into the tail of the Serpent Mecha, blowing it into a million pieces and doing damage to the varies servos making up the torso as well. "Imposssssible! A single punch cannot do so much!"
  582. 12:30 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "That is the power of the soul."
  583. 12:30 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I think that is the most majestic punch I've ever witnessed, it's almost awe-inspiring. Keep at it, and show that snake man who's boss!"
  584. 12:31 AM - Narrator: Shogekiha is next
  585. 12:31 AM - Cedric: "did you just"
  586. 12:31 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Yes."
  587. 12:31 AM - Cedric: "Punch him with explosions???????"
  588. 12:31 AM - Cedric: "I like your style"
  589. 12:32 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Now it is your turn! Show him it is not only I with the skill."
  590. 12:32 AM - Narrator: Cedric
  591. 12:32 AM - Narrator: To your right flank, past Perseus, lays the Black Death
  592. 12:32 AM - Cedric: ((do i have a clear shot))
  593. 12:32 AM - Narrator: Your ammo will not damage Perseus due to the distance that the punch launched him
  594. 12:33 AM - Narrator: You can take the shot over Ken Kare, since you are the larger mech
  595. 12:33 AM - Cedric: ((neat))
  596. 12:33 AM - Cedric: ((how 2 shoot grenade launcher))
  597. 12:34 AM - Narrator: Roll Reflexes + Weapon Skill (Ballistics for you) + Accuracy Modifier (0) + 1d10
  598. 12:35 AM - Cedric: "Just so you know this was all supposed to be civvie level demolitions and stuff"
  599. 12:35 AM - Cedric: "Here goes nothing"
  600. 12:36 AM - Cedric: 15
  601. 12:36 AM - Narrator: Hit, since he's stunned on the ground.
  602. 12:36 AM - Cedric: "Thanks for knocking him down"
  603. 12:37 AM - Narrator: 12 Kills of damage
  604. 12:37 AM - Narrator: The HE damage does damage to 3 pods total
  605. 12:38 AM - Narrator: While not destroyed, Several holes are now in the Black Death's mid-section
  606. 12:38 AM - Narrator: It moves slower underground
  607. 12:39 AM - Narrator: Bishop, take it away
  608. 12:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: ok, since I am in the air, how is this going to work
  609. 12:40 AM - Narrator: You can shoot him, since you circle above
  610. 12:40 AM - Narrator: Or, you could fly over, and drop the bombs (Missiles with no guidance)
  611. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: can I shoot twice or only once?
  612. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: since I am technically moving in some degree
  613. 12:41 AM - Narrator: Well, you have to move to be over him, so thats one action
  614. 12:41 AM - Narrator: So one "Bomb" Dropped
  615. 12:42 AM - Narrator: Roll 1d10 + Ref + Mecha Missiles -2 for the accuracy of unguided Missiles
  616. 12:42 AM - Bishop Hemway: I was reading that I can fire multiple missiles if they are from the same pod
  617. 12:42 AM - Bishop Hemway: does that work for bombs too?
  618. 12:42 AM - Narrator: Right
  619. 12:42 AM - Narrator: 3 in a pod on each wing
  620. 12:42 AM - Narrator: Well, they're techincally missiles
  621. 12:42 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright
  622. 12:42 AM - Narrator: But with the reduced range and accuracy, they practically are bombs :V
  623. 12:42 AM - Narrator: So you can unload 3
  624. 12:42 AM - Narrator: Roll seperately from each
  625. 12:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright, I move to fly over and drop 3 bombs
  626. 12:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: from the right wing
  627. 12:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: if that is of importance
  628. 12:43 AM - Narrator: You need 10 or higher to hit
  629. 12:43 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I believe in you
  630. 12:43 AM - Perseus Carpedim: you can do it
  631. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: ok
  632. 12:44 AM - Perseus Carpedim: The power of Perseus' soul is with you
  633. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: so my reflex is 6
  634. 12:44 AM - Perseus Carpedim: it may not be Kamina but it'll have to do
  635. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: and I roll a ten sided
  636. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: minus 2
  637. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: to accuracty
  638. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: correct?
  639. 12:44 AM - Narrator: Yes
  640. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: 8
  641. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: shit
  642. 12:45 AM - Narrator: With the +6 and +1?
  643. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: wait wat
  644. 12:45 AM - Narrator: Its
  645. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: where'st that from
  646. 12:45 AM - Narrator: Ref + Accuracy + Missile skill + Roll
  647. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: I had the ref
  648. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: where's the accuracy stat
  649. 12:46 AM - Narrator: Its the -2
  650. 12:46 AM - Narrator: WA
  651. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  652. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright, I don't think I had a missile skill
  653. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: unless that's over on the Aoi Yokai sheet
  654. 12:46 AM - Narrator: Nope
  655. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: shit
  656. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: I put all my skills into being a leader
  657. 12:47 AM - Narrator: :V
  658. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: and being able to fly
  659. 12:47 AM - Narrator: You do get 3 missiles
  660. 12:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  661. 12:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm glad I invested in punching effectively
  662. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: so, I roll 2 more times/
  663. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: ?
  664. 12:48 AM - Bishop Hemway: Second is 10, third is 9
  665. 12:48 AM - Bishop Hemway: if that's the case
  666. 12:48 AM - Narrator: One hits
  667. 12:48 AM - Narrator: Two are near misses, but do minor blast damage
  668. 12:49 AM - Narrator: 20 kills of damage
  669. 12:49 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I need better fists
  670. 12:49 AM - Narrator: You sever the black death in two. "WHAT, HOW COULD YOU POSSSSSSIBLY DO THAT!"
  671. 12:50 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Man has conquered animal on more than one occasion, you piece of shit!"
  672. 12:50 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You said it yourself! You lack soul, and therein lies your largest weakness."
  673. 12:51 AM - Narrator: "You will lack sssso much more sssooon" And with that, the Black Death receeded underground
  674. 12:51 AM - Narrator: After a tense few seconds, it re-emerged, at top speed it flew up to just above the head of Ken Kare, biting down on it's shoulder and latching down, hard.
  675. 12:53 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey lookie here, this one's still kicking! You alright down there? I'd ask Cedric to provide you with support, but I don't want him hitting you too."
  676. 12:53 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so how much damage?
  677. 12:53 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Off, you soulless husk! I shall end your pitiful life!"
  678. 12:53 AM - Narrator: Your armor stops the bite, but it's latched on
  679. 12:54 AM - Narrator: With its second action, it fires the ejection seat
  680. 12:54 AM - Narrator: Into the open cockpit of the blinded mecha
  681. 12:54 AM - Cedric: "Oh damn"
  682. 12:54 AM - Perseus Carpedim: can I roll to catch the seat as it ejects
  683. 12:54 AM - Bishop Hemway: PSSSSH
  684. 12:54 AM - Narrator: Alright
  685. 12:54 AM - Perseus Carpedim: but I'll be cool with punching his face in person
  686. 12:54 AM - Narrator: 1d10 + Ref + Piloting
  687. 12:54 AM - Perseus Carpedim: unless it smashes me to pulp
  688. 12:55 AM - Narrator: Needs to be at least a 20
  689. 12:55 AM - Perseus Carpedim: let's give this a shot
  690. 12:55 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Believe in the bishop who believes in you!"
  691. 12:55 AM - Perseus Carpedim: damn
  692. 12:55 AM - Bishop Hemway: (shit)
  693. 12:55 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 16
  694. 12:55 AM - Narrator: You do not catch it, but slow it down, letting it safely enter
  695. 12:56 AM - Cedric: "Good job"
  696. 12:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I draw my sword and ready to slice the bastard's hands off
  697. 12:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: Hey, what condition is the snakebot in?
  698. 12:56 AM - Narrator: The pod pops open revealing a sickly pale man with blood shot eyes, he hasn't seen the sun in weeks. In his hand sits an energy sword, giving off a green glow
  699. 12:57 AM - Narrator: Severed in half, cockpit is untouched
  700. 12:57 AM - Narrator: Iniative
  701. 12:57 AM - Perseus Carpedim: aw shit
  702. 12:57 AM - Perseus Carpedim: he's gonna gut me ain't he
  703. 12:57 AM - Perseus Carpedim: no fair
  704. 12:57 AM - Narrator: He has no armor at all
  705. 12:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: (Hey, I wouldn't give him high hopes. He is a sickly pale man)
  706. 12:57 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 18
  707. 12:57 AM - Narrator: (Exactly)
  708. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: but he has a cool sword
  709. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: which will soon be mine
  710. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: good thing I didn't buy an energy sword :v
  711. 12:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: (yes, that's the way)
  712. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: r u srs
  713. 12:58 AM - Narrator: 19
  714. 12:58 AM - Narrator: :V
  715. 12:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: holy
  716. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: how does he have 10 ref
  717. 12:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: if he's a sickly pale guy
  718. 12:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: (you let a sick old man beat you? for shame)
  719. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: a sick old man should not have 10 Reflexes
  720. 12:59 AM - Narrator: He's only sickly pale because he hasnt left the Black Death in weeks
  721. 12:59 AM - Cedric: (9:58 PM - Cedric: darth vader has come to play motherfucker)
  722. 12:59 AM - Narrator: And who said he's an old man
  723. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: which means his muscles should have atrophied
  724. 12:59 AM - Narrator: God damn it Cedric
  725. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: his muscles should have atrophied
  726. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah
  727. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: what I said
  728. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: and he said
  729. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: too
  730. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: yes
  731. 12:59 AM - Narrator: Reaction time isnt just your muscles
  732. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: what we said
  733. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: sh
  734. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: fine
  735. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: ok
  736. 12:59 AM - Narrator: He has 2 Body though
  737. 12:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: it's ok
  738. 12:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'll show the fuck the power of soul
  739. 1:00 AM - Narrator: Rolling 10 + 1d10
  740. 1:00 AM - Narrator: No blades skill
  741. 1:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: for what?
  742. 1:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: ooo
  743. 1:00 AM - Narrator: So he needs a 17 to hit
  744. 1:00 AM - Narrator: 18
  745. 1:00 AM - Narrator: :V
  746. 1:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: dickballs
  747. 1:00 AM - Narrator: You can parry
  748. 1:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: same roll?
  749. 1:00 AM - Narrator: Or evade
  750. 1:00 AM - Narrator: Yeah, evade first
  751. 1:00 AM - Narrator: Then parry if that fails
  752. 1:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: evade is Ref+what?
  753. 1:00 AM - Narrator: Roll ref + dodge
  754. 1:01 AM - Narrator: Needs to be greater than or equal to 18
  755. 1:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: shame I didn't invest in that
  756. 1:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 13
  757. 1:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: fail I assume
  758. 1:01 AM - Narrator: Yup
  759. 1:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: hmm
  760. 1:01 AM - Narrator: Now then
  761. 1:01 AM - Narrator: Parry
  762. 1:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: blade skill?
  763. 1:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: (hey, what are the skills for the hero class again?)
  764. 1:01 AM - Narrator: Reflexes + Blades + DA of the sword
  765. 1:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: (I think I forgot to write them down >.<)
  766. 1:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: gotta look up what DA is
  767. 1:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  768. 1:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I got a normal sword
  769. 1:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: do you mean WA?
  770. 1:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: For Weapon Accuracy?
  771. 1:02 AM - Narrator: So ref + Blades + 2d6
  772. 1:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: (ok nvm, found it)
  773. 1:02 AM - Narrator: No, damage
  774. 1:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: rodger dodger
  775. 1:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: what
  776. 1:03 AM - Narrator: What
  777. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: what
  778. 1:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: aw shit
  779. 1:03 AM - Narrator: 10+3+2d6 I think you mean
  780. 1:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I did 1d10 instead of 10
  781. 1:04 AM - Narrator: You did 1d10 not 10
  782. 1:04 AM - Narrator: Yeah
  783. 1:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: still terrible and yet another 4
  784. 1:04 AM - Narrator: Use one point of luck to save your ass?
  785. 1:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: good idea
  786. 1:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'll do it
  787. 1:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: awful lot of time to parry one weak and unpracticed swing
  788. 1:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  789. 1:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: but I do parry it, then?
  790. 1:05 AM - Narrator: Lighting fast, Perseus catches the blade with his, in the collision, a large cut is melted into the sword, and the energy sword over heats, shutting down. Both combatants are now left with only their fists
  791. 1:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I have been waiting for this."
  792. 1:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: can I punch his face in now
  793. 1:06 AM - Narrator: Yup
  794. 1:06 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 4 times?
  795. 1:06 AM - Perseus Carpedim: pls another crit rolz
  796. 1:06 AM - Narrator: :V
  797. 1:06 AM - Narrator: Yup
  798. 1:06 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 14, 18, 18, 21
  799. 1:07 AM - Narrator: So close
  800. 1:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: you mean none hit
  801. 1:07 AM - Narrator: No
  802. 1:07 AM - Narrator: 22 would be a crit
  803. 1:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: oh
  804. 1:07 AM - Narrator: All hit actually :V
  805. 1:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: aw shit it would
  806. 1:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so close
  807. 1:07 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I wanted to pulp his sickly face
  808. 1:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: (who says you aren't?)
  809. 1:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: but it won't be as cool as a critical pulping
  810. 1:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so what's fist damage, again?
  811. 1:08 AM - Narrator: In the flurry of punches, the man is overwhelmed, almost being pushed out of the cockpit, but managing to grab the handrail of the disembarkment ladder at the last second "Go ahead, kill me, do it with your bare fissssts, take my mecha, and get your reward, be done with it"
  812. 1:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You would like that, would you not?"
  813. 1:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "To be rid of your sickly and frail body, to meet the devil himself. But not yet. You shall rot in a cell in the meantime."
  814. 1:09 AM - Narrator: "Its been leading up to thisss, hasnt it. Only one man leaves here, thatssss the way I was taught to fight"
  815. 1:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I want to restrain him.
  816. 1:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: it'll probably bite me in the ass later
  817. 1:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: but that's anime!
  818. 1:10 AM - Narrator: You easily grab him by the arm, using a piece of loose chain in the cockpit to restrain him
  819. 1:10 AM - Narrator: No rolls because he wont resist very much :V
  820. 1:10 AM - Cedric: ((i shoot them both with a grenade))
  821. 1:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Can I knock him out for good measure?
  822. 1:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim: c:
  823. 1:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: (I do believe that you can do that, as it's a game mechanic)
  824. 1:11 AM - Narrator: Go right ahead
  825. 1:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I do it
  826. 1:11 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I hope I don't have to roll because I don't want to accidentally kill him :v
  827. 1:12 AM - Narrator: Nah
  828. 1:12 AM - Narrator: Because, 2 body
  829. 1:12 AM - Narrator: Not exactly hard to over power
  830. 1:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: (careful now, if you hit him too hard his head will explode like a dropped egg)
  831. 1:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I drag the now-unconscious and bound pilot over in a corner, before going to his cockpit and kicking it out of the way of my vision
  832. 1:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: since it was probably lodged in ther
  833. 1:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: and blocking everything
  834. 1:13 AM - Narrator: The Black death is still lodged on your shoulder
  835. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Then I return to my seat
  836. 1:13 AM - Cedric: "Let me get that"
  837. 1:13 AM - Narrator: Ripping it off would most likely do more harm than good
  838. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Eh, least I don't have to carry it
  839. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "The situation has been resolved."
  840. 1:13 AM - Cedric: ((can i CAREFULLY rip it of))
  841. 1:13 AM - Narrator: And since the cockpit is undamaged, recovery may yield loot
  842. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: ooo
  843. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: then I lewt
  844. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: didn't think to get phat lewt
  845. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I like lewt
  846. 1:13 AM - Perseus Carpedim: lewt dat newt
  847. 1:14 AM - Perseus Carpedim: wadidiget
  848. 1:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: hey, what remains of Perseus's robohead, and what remains of the snakebot?
  849. 1:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: like, I know we split it in half
  850. 1:14 AM - Bishop Hemway: but did the tail end explode or something?
  851. 1:15 AM - Narrator: Snakebot cockpit and upper body is stuck to Perseus, bottom half is still on the ground near the Ken Kare
  852. 1:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: I'd like to land and recover the tail laser's remains.
  853. 1:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: if they are available
  854. 1:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I have him bound and unconscious. We should recover the truck and its drivers, then take him and the pieces back to the town."
  855. 1:16 AM - Narrator: You do so, before approaching the flipped truck and hearing on the radio "Hey, could you get us back on our wheels, we told Armen what happened, he's freaking out, but we have a job to do"
  856. 1:16 AM - Cedric: "I'm gonna have to take a good look at all this stuff. Might be able to find a use for it"
  857. 1:17 AM - Cedric: *rolls over to fix the truck*
  858. 1:18 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright, I'm coming in to land. Disengaging Fighter mode. Good work out there."
  859. 1:19 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Same to you. I won't lie, but I am upset that his energy sword has reduced my father's old sword to naught but slag, though it served me well."
  860. 1:19 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Are we set and ready to move out?"
  861. 1:20 AM - Narrator: As Bishop lands, and retrieves the remains of the mecha, the truck is flipped. Nothing else to do
  862. 1:20 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I head back, with the Black Death's mecha still clinging to my shoulder
  863. 1:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Truly your fortune isn't for the worst my friend. While your father's sword might have perished, its soul lives on through you. Or, that's what I would say, but I not one to get emotional."
  864. 1:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I imagine it drags on the sand and leaves hilariously large grooves behind me
  865. 1:21 AM - Bishop Hemway: i'm*
  866. 1:21 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Your condolences are appreciated, and its sacrafice is not beyond my understanding."
  867. 1:21 AM - Narrator: As you arrive back, Armen has stuck to his word, waiting at the caravan check in kiosk, looking like a child on Christmas morning
  868. 1:22 AM - Bishop Hemway: (Btw, was I able to locate any of Perseus's mech head?)
  869. 1:22 AM - Narrator: Its still on
  870. 1:22 AM - Narrator: Just really torn up
  871. 1:22 AM - Bishop Hemway: I see
  872. 1:22 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I figured it was just a crapped up pile of scrap still attached to me
  873. 1:22 AM - Cedric: "Thats gonna be a pain to fix..."
  874. 1:23 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I stick my head out the cockpit and shout, "I hope our work was satisfactory?"
  875. 1:23 AM - Narrator: "Indeed, oh so so satisfactory! Come on out and get down here I have something important!"
  876. 1:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I park Ken Kare, and dragging the unconscious guy behind me, jump out.
  877. 1:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "This is the pilot, in case you could not tell. You may do with him what you wish."
  878. 1:24 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I throw the Black Death's unconscious form at Armen's feet
  879. 1:24 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Perseus, you mind if I try and repair the damage to the head you got there?"
  880. 1:25 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "By all means, I would be in your debt."
  881. 1:25 AM - Perseus Carpedim: wait
  882. 1:25 AM - Cedric: "I was gnna say the same thing"
  883. 1:25 AM - Perseus Carpedim: can he use parts from Black Death
  884. 1:25 AM - Perseus Carpedim: to beef me (and possibly themselves) up?
  885. 1:25 AM - Narrator: "I'll turn him in for processing, but thats not the point, the mayor caught wind of what you did, and half the town listened in over the radio, when they heard you take out Black Death, everyone felt a sigh of relief come over them!" He smiled as he took out a small map of the area. "See all that to the north, the jungle, we can finally run full sized convoys back there, not just small one or two man groups"
  886. 1:25 AM - Narrator: Also yes
  887. 1:25 AM - Narrator: We can do that later
  888. 1:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: yes
  889. 1:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I want his teeth'
  890. 1:26 AM - Perseus Carpedim: on my fist
  891. 1:26 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I guess it's time for celebration. Hey Armen! I told you luck was on our side!"
  892. 1:26 AM - Narrator: Brilliant
  893. 1:27 AM - Bishop Hemway: *I move to park my mecha, and I jump out.
  894. 1:27 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I am glad to have been of service. But, a question. When face to face with him, he said something of a bishop. Does that mean anything to you?"
  895. 1:27 AM - Narrator: "Yes indeed my friends, and tonight, we shall celebrate, but first" He went under the table and pulled out a clinking bag. "A thousand credits a piece, repairs and restocking ammo are on the house!"
  896. 1:27 AM - Narrator: He stopped for a second and thought.
  897. 1:27 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I recall you saying he was a pilot for this prototype for the Cathedral, but I was wondering if there was more significance to it."
  898. 1:28 AM - Bishop Hemway: I whisper to Cedric: How odd, they use the same currency as us. Or at least, I think it is.
  899. 1:28 AM - Narrator: "Well yes, it was announced today that the Arch-Bishop of the Cathedral would be on an expediction with the blessed executioner Tyrhus to find and smite some sort of foreign invaders."
  900. 1:29 AM - Narrator: "Don't see how that is related to you however."
  901. 1:29 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I steal a glance at my companions
  902. 1:29 AM - Bishop Hemway: A shot of worry shoots over Bishop
  903. 1:30 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Very well, then. More questions can wait until later. For now, thank you for the reward. We are grateful for the assistance on our pilgrimage."
  904. 1:30 AM - Cedric: "Uh huh"
  905. 1:30 AM - Cedric: "About that ammo restocking..."
  906. 1:30 AM - Narrator: Armen detects something is wrong and looks the men over. "Is something wrong my friends? Asking about the Arch-Bishop and being concerned like that"
  907. 1:31 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Nothing that I believe you should be concerned with. As travelers from far off lands, I fear they might mistake us for wrongdoers of a sort."
  908. 1:32 AM - Cedric: "Anyway, got any ammo of the explosive variety?"
  909. 1:32 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "We are technically outsiders. I hope I can get you to vouch for us? You did say you had connections with the Cathederal."
  910. 1:32 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, don't worry Armen. I myself am starting to feel winded from the fight. Thanks for your concern."
  911. 1:32 AM - Narrator disconnected.
  912. 1:32 AM - Narrator entered chat.
  913. 1:33 AM - Narrator: Through the art of human perception, the man with a way with words had realized what is wrong as he cocked his eyebrows. "Say no more, I can try and sneak you past Kornev and Tyrhus, but I will be risking a lot friends."
  914. 1:33 AM - Narrator: "You saved my buisness, and the life of my workers, so I shall save yours"
  915. 1:34 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Do not put yourself at risk for our benefit."
  916. 1:34 AM - Narrator disconnected.
  917. 1:34 AM - Narrator entered chat.
  918. 1:34 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "All I ask in return is that dinner you promised us," Perseus grins.
  919. 1:35 AM - Cedric: "Perseus i get you are a good guy and all but we need all the help we can get"
  920. 1:35 AM - Narrator: ((Test, what did I miss))
  921. 1:35 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I whisper to Cedric, "I know, but seriously. Was that not such an awesome line?"
  922. 1:35 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I happen to think I delievered it perfectly."
  923. 1:36 AM - Narrator: "No no, I cannot let a debt go unpaided, but we have two options, get you past the ones who want you dead, or fight them"
  924. 1:37 AM - Cedric: "Fighting them sounds like a bad idea for some reason"
  925. 1:37 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "That is a big decision to make, especially considering they are your countrymen. I must consult with my partners in this regards, then ask your opinion."
  926. 1:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I don't think we are in any condition to fight. We need to the others who came with us."
  927. 1:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: need to find*
  928. 1:37 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I agree. Fighting should be out of the question at the moment."
  929. 1:38 AM - Narrator: "Well, maybe you aren't in the condition to fight them alone, but, if there are others they are hunting, if we were to say, impede the progress of Kornev and Tyrhus, we could guarentee your friends safety"
  930. 1:38 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You could do this? With minimal risk to yourself?"
  931. 1:38 AM - Bishop Hemway: "You make a strong argument."
  932. 1:39 AM - Narrator: "There are, let's say, strong anti-government feelings in this part of the world, I could guarentee you help"
  933. 1:39 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "In that case, we will be more than happy to accept your help."
  934. 1:40 AM - Narrator: "I just need some help procuring supplies, and I know just the crazy son-of-a-bitch to help us there"
  935. 1:41 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I think we might be able to assist. Though... I think I'd be more functional if my mech had its eyes and ears back."
  936. 1:41 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus looks sadly at Ken Kare's destroyed head
  937. 1:42 AM - Narrator: "We'll take in tonight, and you know what, tomorrow morning, new sensors, more armor, good as new! Also tomorrow, we'll pay Mr Hassan a visit, but for now, we should just enjoy some success."
  938. 1:42 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I can agree with this. And you, Bishop? Cedric?"
  939. 1:43 AM - Perseus Carpedim: aka niggas fukkin say somethin
  940. 1:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah yes, I do agree. "
  941. 1:43 AM - Cedric: "I want more of that Koffe stuff"
  942. 1:43 AM - Narrator: He hands Cedric a large mug with a grin
  943. 1:43 AM - Cedric: "Now were talking"
  944. 1:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Ahh come on Cedric you just finished being hopped up on that stuff."
  945. 1:43 AM - Bishop Hemway: whispers to Perseus: Now we have to put up with Cedric yelling for 3 more hours.
  946. 1:44 AM - Cedric: "Its good stuff, you guys should try it"
  947. 1:44 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Whispers back, "Don't I know it. Hopefully it's not addictive."
  948. 1:44 AM - Narrator: --------------------------------------
  949. 1:44 AM - Cedric: "
  950. 1:44 AM - Narrator: And end for the night
  951. 1:44 AM - Perseus Carpedim: yes
  952. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Tomorrow afternoon, resume?
  953. 1:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: sure
  954. 1:45 AM - Cedric: ifn i ain't busy
  955. 1:45 AM - Perseus Carpedim: like I said, depends when afternoon
  956. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Also, someone who was here the whole time, record the long
  957. 1:45 AM - Narrator: log
  958. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Yeah
  959. 1:45 AM - Perseus Carpedim: aka me
  960. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Whenever we're all free
  961. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Also
  962. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Possibly Sunday afternoon?
  963. 1:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: yes
  964. 1:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: can do too
  965. 1:45 AM - Perseus Carpedim: probable
  966. 1:45 AM - Cedric: ifn i ain't busy
  967. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Sweet
  968. 1:45 AM - Narrator: Really liking this session so far
  969. 1:45 AM - Narrator: WAIT
  970. 1:46 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I wish to put those teeth on my fist
  971. 1:46 AM - Narrator: ONE SECOND DONT LEAVE YET XP
  972. 1:46 AM - Perseus Carpedim: then instead of "tooth and nail" I can say "tooth and fist"
  973. 1:46 AM - Perseus Carpedim: this game gets XP? Or just those Improvement Points?
  974. 1:46 AM - Narrator: Oh right
  975. 1:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  976. 1:47 AM - Narrator: 1 IP is one skillpoint right?
  977. 1:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: nope
  978. 1:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: for a skill with 0, it's 10 IP for 1 point
  979. 1:47 AM - Narrator: Oh
  980. 1:47 AM - Narrator: I always mess this up with this system :V
  981. 1:47 AM - Perseus Carpedim: then for every level the skill goes up, to raise it one more is the skill's current level times 10
  982. 1:47 AM - Cedric: also i need to fix ur mech and get some grenades
  983. 1:48 AM - Perseus Carpedim: like, to bring it from 4 to 5 will take 40 IP
  984. 1:48 AM - Narrator: 50 IP per character
  985. 1:48 AM - Perseus Carpedim: or was it the skill it's moving up TO that takes that much...
  986. 1:48 AM - Perseus Carpedim: eh
  987. 1:48 AM - Perseus Carpedim: time to put it all in Mecha Fighting
  988. 1:48 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  989. 1:49 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Gotta Punch good
  990. 1:49 AM - Bishop Hemway:
  991. 1:49 AM - Bishop Hemway: yis level ups
  992. 1:49 AM - Bishop Hemway: giveemhere
  993. 1:49 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I can't wait until I get another crit so I can shout my signature move's name which I made up after it happened.
  994. 1:49 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I FIGHT FOR MY LOVE! STORRRRRRRM-"
  996. 1:50 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright level ups
  997. 1:50 AM - Bishop Hemway: how do
  998. 1:50 AM - Bishop Hemway: first time using this system so I have no idea
  999. 1:50 AM - Perseus Carpedim: You get 50 IP to use on improving skills. To improve a skill, you take the level it is currently at, times it by 10
  1000. 1:51 AM - Perseus Carpedim: that is how many IP it will take to raise it by 1
  1001. 1:51 AM - Bishop Hemway: I see
  1002. 1:51 AM - Narrator: Right
  1003. 1:51 AM - Cedric: i don't even know what i should improve
  1004. 1:51 AM - Perseus Carpedim: a skill at 0 costs 10 IP
  1005. 1:51 AM - Narrator: So 50 IP
  1006. 1:51 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Meaning you can get new skills too if you want
  1007. 1:51 AM - Cedric: so we got 50?
  1008. 1:51 AM - Narrator: Yes
  1009. 1:51 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, that's nice
  1010. 1:51 AM - Narrator: Table is on pg 116
  1011. 1:52 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Also for the record guys, I have 4 in my normal vehicle driving skill if we ever need it
  1012. 1:52 AM - Bishop Hemway: k, sounds good
  1013. 1:52 AM - Bishop Hemway: currently have 5 in piloting aircraft
  1014. 1:52 AM - Bishop Hemway: so I think we're set on that
  1015. 1:52 AM - Bishop Hemway: for a while
  1016. 1:52 AM - Narrator: 50 is a bit much, but eh, good start
  1017. 1:52 AM - Cedric: i have 6 in mecha tech
  1018. 1:52 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I could boost my Mecha Fighting by 1
  1019. 1:52 AM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  1020. 1:53 AM - Cedric: i can't even raise it
  1021. 1:53 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I have 6 in Mecha Pilot thanks to my maxing it at 5 and +1 from my class
  1022. 1:53 AM - Cedric: exactly
  1023. 1:54 AM - Cedric: wait
  1024. 1:54 AM - Cedric: can both the class and profession +1 go over 5?
  1025. 1:54 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I unno
  1026. 1:54 AM - Narrator: With the +1 yeah
  1027. 1:55 AM - Cedric: so if i had 5
  1028. 1:55 AM - Cedric: and they both give +1...
  1029. 1:55 AM - Cedric: i should have 7 right now?
  1030. 1:55 AM - Narrator: Yes
  1031. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright
  1032. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: I have levelled up
  1033. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I think my Awareness needs a little buff
  1034. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: so as to not suck as bad in combat
  1035. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: :P
  1036. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: though Human Perception is good too
  1037. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: hmmmm
  1038. 1:56 AM - Cedric: (will i be useing jury rigging at all????)
  1039. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Curse you, RPG games, with your choices
  1040. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: how high is your human perception?
  1041. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: 4
  1042. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: and I have 10 Emp
  1043. 1:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: I see
  1044. 1:56 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so that's 14 right off the bat
  1045. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: but yes
  1046. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: I have
  1047. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: all the luck
  1048. 1:57 AM - Perseus Carpedim: be sure to use it when you need to
  1049. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: main stats are bod, emp, int, luck, and tech
  1050. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: luck is my highest, at 10
  1051. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  1052. 1:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: how lucky is that
  1053. 1:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  1054. 1:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: and actually guys, IP is supposed to be the level you're raising it to times 10
  1055. 1:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: not the level it's at times 10
  1056. 1:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, I saw that
  1057. 1:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: so to go from skill level 4 to 5 takes 50 points
  1058. 1:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: I assume that's what you meant
  1059. 1:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah
  1060. 1:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: the chart is on page 117 btw cedric
  1061. 1:58 AM - Perseus Carpedim: just clarifying cause I think I said the other way around before
  1062. 1:59 AM - Cedric: help bishop is copy cat
  1063. 1:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: psssssh
  1064. 1:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: how many stat points did you have total?
  1065. 1:59 AM - Cedric: 62
  1066. 1:59 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I love Perseus
  1067. 1:59 AM - Bishop Hemway: 73 git on my level scrub
  1068. 1:59 AM - Cedric: where are all your 10s scrublord
  1069. 2:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: wow no fair gm nerf him and give me his points
  1070. 2:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: my stats are
  1071. 2:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: ATT: 5
  1072. BOD: 7
  1073. CL: 5
  1074. EMP: 8
  1075. INT: 8
  1076. LUCK: 10
  1077. MA: 6
  1078. REF: 6
  1079. TECH: 8
  1080. EDUCATION: +2
  1081. 2:00 AM - Narrator: I wont nerf anyone unless they literally break the game
  1082. 2:01 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Christ, those stats
  1083. 2:01 AM - Cedric: are we linking stats now?
  1084. 2:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: sure wth
  1085. 2:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: I already posted mine
  1086. 2:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm Body: 7, Int: 8, Cool: 10, MA: 3, Tech: 2, Attr: 6, Ref: 10, Emp: 10, Luck: 2, Edu: 5
  1087. 2:02 AM - Cedric: ATT: 2
  1088. BOD: 10
  1089. CL: 5
  1090. EMP: 2
  1091. INT: 10
  1092. LUCK: 10
  1093. MA: 4
  1094. REF: 6
  1095. TECH: 10
  1096. EDUCATION: +3
  1097. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: wow look at that copycat
  1098. 2:03 AM - Cedric: i made mine first scrublord o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;
  1099. 2:03 AM - Cedric: maybe
  1100. 2:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm way cooler than all yalls tho
  1101. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: man perseus, ur too cool for school
  1102. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: why are you even here
  1103. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: u should be
  1104. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  1105. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: up in babe heaven
  1106. 2:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: where everyone else is hot babes
  1107. 2:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Don't need to be there when I'm in my lovely Elisia's arms
  1108. 2:04 AM - Perseus Carpedim: she is all the babe I require
  1109. 2:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: I see
  1110. 2:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: :T
  1111. 2:04 AM - Cedric: wait it says 6 to 7 is 60 on the chart ;o
  1112. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: yuuuuuuup
  1113. 2:05 AM - Cedric: okY
  1114. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: you gotta put them 50 points somewhere else scrublord
  1115. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: ;P
  1116. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: don't have enough, I assume
  1117. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: or you could just hold onto them
  1118. 2:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: until next level
  1119. 2:06 AM - Cedric: i could hold onto them
  1120. 2:06 AM - Cedric: get 2 levels of mecha design
  1121. 2:06 AM - Cedric: or get 1 more mecha gunnery
  1122. 2:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: wait
  1123. 2:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: what is your level in mecha design?
  1124. 2:06 AM - Cedric: NOTHING AT ALL
  1125. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: Mecha tech?
  1126. 2:07 AM - Cedric: 7
  1127. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: well shit
  1128. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: you outdo me there in that regard
  1129. 2:07 AM - Cedric: ye
  1130. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: I have
  1131. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  1132. 2:07 AM - Cedric: i am fixerman
  1133. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: 2 or 3 levels in that
  1134. 2:07 AM - Cedric: i got 4 in basic repair too
  1135. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  1136. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: I only have 1
  1137. 2:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: >.<
  1138. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: holy crap
  1139. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: Ryan
  1140. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: it's physically possible to be as cool as Kamina in this
  1141. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: no wait nevermind cool isn't a skill
  1142. 2:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: how cool is that?
  1143. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: How cool
  1144. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: is Kamina?
  1145. 2:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: it's a stat
  1146. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: HOW
  1147. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: COOL
  1148. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: IS
  1149. 2:08 AM - Perseus Carpedim: KAMINA?
  1150. 2:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: he's so cool
  1151. 2:08 AM - Narrator: Im going off to sleep
  1152. 2:09 AM - Narrator: Night all
  1153. 2:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: K
  1154. 2:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: bai
  1155. 2:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: that he transcends time and space itself
  1156. 2:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: there you go
  1157. 2:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: byeeeee
  1158. 2:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: see ya
  1159. 2:09 AM - Cedric: later
  1160. 2:09 AM - Cedric has changed their name to Trogdor.
  1161. 2:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: someone got the log saved?
  1162. 2:09 AM - Trogdor: so guys 2 in mecha design or 1 point in gunnery or should i save my ip and get more mecha tech for maximum skill focus
  1163. 2:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: get that skill focus to the max
  1164. 2:10 AM - Perseus Carpedim has changed their name to sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge.
  1165. 2:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: so that you can repair the snake robot
  1166. 2:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: and claim it as your own
  1167. 2:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: or put it into us
  1168. 2:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I want its teeth on my fist
  1169. 2:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: yes, that too
  1170. 2:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: als saving the log
  1171. 2:10 AM - Narrator disconnected.
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