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ShockWave EX v15

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Dec 31st, 2022
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  1. Changelog Version 15:
  2. ----------------------------
  5. Global Changes:
  6. - multiplayer start game delay 5 to 3; load screen now reveals random color
  7. - Hotkey changes for compatibility & confliction.
  8. - Armor General reworked as Synergetics General, see his Specific Sub Faction Changes section.
  9. - Bullet AoE damage is now an exception rather than the norm.
  10. - Most vehicles no longer traverse their turrets for scan animations.
  11. - Airplane armor vulnerability to SMALL_ARMS, GATTLING, and INFANTRY_MISSILE from 120% to 100%.
  12. - Tanks armor INFANTRY_MISSILE modifier from 100% to 80%. Overlord & Battlefortress are excepted (Tank General ERA upgrade offsets this).
  13. - MBTs slightly less resistant to FLAME, Scorpions are excepted. Armor upgrades offset this.
  14. - Composite Armor, Chinese ERA, Aircraft Armor, Helix Armor upgrades reduce specific damage taken from different types rather than flat health bonus.
  15. - Anti-air vehicles, including the Humvee to less extent, are more prone to JET_MISSILES.
  16. - Most projectile Special Effects were reverted from PARTICLE to STREAK type ParticleSystems.
  17. - Each faction can build second artilleries to counterweigh arty range reversion to ZH values:
  18. - Range min 230 to max 600.
  19. - 45 seconds to reload.
  20. - Require General Rank 3 to build.
  21. - Propaganda Center, Weapons Research Plant, & Palace build limit removed. Palace slots reverted from 6 to 5.
  22. - Bombers-- Tornado, MiG Bomber, etc-- travel faster after delivery.
  23. - Some factions can research upgrades at different build times & costs. Read Faction Specific Changes for these upgrades. Unfortuanetly due to the engine not accounting for units being constructed in limiting the number, you can research two upgrades simultaneously from different source type unless you already have the upgrade researched. You also don't receive a bullet-in notification for researching these upgrades.
  24. - Black Napalm & Nuke MiG upgrades no longer rearm units when researched
  25. - Casemate vehicles & untraversable guns gain 25% RoF & range after the first shot or half the clip is fired.
  26. - imported RotR tech buildings
  27. - Obseration Tower. Can scan target area to deshroud it & reveal stealthed enemies.
  28. - Banshees, Irondragons, & Desertflies can land to repair at airfields
  29. - China Airfields & GLA Airpads can pass as prerequirement for their respective faction T2 buildings.
  30. - Command Centers door stays open for the duration a dozer would take to train on low power: 10secs
  31. - Fireports, Overlord, Battlefortress, hunkered Battlebus, & Basilisk armor more vulnearable to STEALTHJET_MISSILES & AURORA_BOMB, upgrades mitigates this effect.
  32. - all amphibious vehicles can reverse drive on water (SFX bugged)
  33. - all riflemen receive 20% further garrison range bonus, 50% in total (was 33%)
  34. - heroes take 67% less mines damage (neutron mines & Leang's new flachette not affected) & 50% less flame damage (150% to 100%)
  35. - Helicopters can target air units
  36. - Multiplayer beacon no longer group-selectable along other units
  37. - make Rank system point distribution more gnarular
  38. - non-strike GP cost is 1
  39. - strike GP cost 1, 2, & 3 respective to levels
  40. - Unlock GPs will unlock multiple things instead of just 1
  41. - Heroes regain their veterancy-1 when rebuilt after death
  42. - buff dozer locomotors
  43. - garrison clearers w\ high RoF (i.e. Dragon Tank, Toxin Tractor) now work by dosing the target area: a dragon takes ~3 seconds to heat up a building & will clear 1 infantry per ~2 seconds after the onset. Cross-faction & cross-unit compatible, a MiG missile or Inferno shell will reduce time required for the Dragon to clear, similarly this missile can be mixed with the shell to clear a garrison slot.
  44. - garrisoners no longer get +25% damage bonus
  45. - riflemen get +25% range
  46. - heavy weapons infantry (recoilles riflemen, etc) can garrison & fire w\o preattack delay but w\ range penalty
  47. - buff Toxin Tractor, Dragon Tank, & Camel locomotors
  48. - suicide damage EXPLOSION to AURORA_BOMB, deals 60% of its original damage (overall 10% more to buildings, defences & slight damage boost vs fireports & heavy vehicles in general but 40% less damage to everything else)
  49. - Hijacker, Saboteur, Marine, & Saboteur can cross water & cliffs & rappel down
  50. - nerf Flakbunker neutral tech building.
  51. - apply rocket ignition physics to some projectiles
  52. - buff Battlemaster, nuclear\fission, Crusader, & Paladin locomotors & nerf turnrates to let them turn around rather than yaw in place
  53. - airborne units more vulnearable to AURORA_BOMB to let Kamikaze be more viable. Upgrades affect this.
  54. - crates no longer flung by blast waves
  55. - fix crates disappearing when over-emplaced with scaffolding
  56. - decal & dummy objs no longer obstruct construction
  61. Faction Changes:
  63. Global USA:
  64. ----------------------------
  65. - Imported RotR Drone Assembly.
  66. - Can initiate drone protocols via Cybernetic Command upgrade, only one Cybernetic Command is allowed per Drone Assembly per faction.
  67. - Drone Weaponry replaces Sentry Drone Gun upgrade, Drone Point Defense Laser Modules replaces Battle Drone Laser Point Defense
  68. - Drone Armor & Drone Point Defense Laser Modules upgrades from Strategy Center to Drone Assembly.
  69. - All drones are produced at the Drone Assembly.
  70. - Cybernetic Command upgrade can bypass Warfactory & Barracks as prerequirement
  71. - Imported RotR Littlebirds:
  72. - Require Specialists GP.
  73. - 2 infantry transport slots with fireports.
  74. - Can rappel down on garrisons.
  75. - Imported RotR Blackhawks to replace MedEvac:
  76. - Require Barracks. Available for all USA factions.
  77. - Comes with 8 infantry transport slots.
  78. - Can rappel down on garrisons.
  79. - Can cast down first-aid crates.
  80. - Imported RotR Enforcers. Grenadier units with proximity & timed fuse types. Require Strategy Center.
  81. - Flash Bangs upgrade renamed to Infantry Complements:
  82. - Upgrades Ranger rifles to advanced rifles (Synergetics General Ranger Marine rifles) * adds HE Grenade Launchers to Rangers.
  83. - Allows Rangers to scale rigid terrain & cross waters.
  84. - Allows Synergetics General Javelin Defenders & Blue Arrow to use their respective Laser Lock abilities.
  85. -
  86. - Marines are available for all USA factions. Replaced by RotR Green Berets for Synergetics General.
  87. - Require Specialists GP & Warfactory.
  88. - Pathfinders:
  89. - Require Specialists GP & Rank 3.
  90. - Sentry Drone is fitted with its modified maingun, benefits from Drone Weaponry upgrade.
  91. - Sentry Drone scanner detection radius 55 to 100, range 310 to 375. Now reveals the area it effects. Trail no longer stealthed
  92. - All USA factions can research Laser Point Defense upgrade for aircrafts. GP transports now benefit from this.
  93. - TOW Missiles & Laser Pods upgrade:
  94. - Cost 800 to 1000.
  95. - Humvee TOW Missile & Laser Pod damage 15 to 22.5 (ZH 30).
  96. - Paladins, & Sonic Paladins (Superweapon General), Paladin Chevalier (Synergetics General), Laser Paladins are fitted with rocket pods & Laser Pods respectively.
  97. - Paladins:
  98. - PDL damage type reverted from MELEE to LASER, can no longer one-hit infantry.
  99. - Maingun deals 10 EXPLOSION extra damage.
  100. - Paladin PDL delay between shots 1sec to 0.85 sec, human armor vs PDL laser buffed from 50% to 33% damage taken, upgraded armor remains at 25%
  101. - update Paladin PDL to 1.25 beta values
  102. - Auroras:
  103. - cost 2200 to 1800, buildtime 30 to 20.
  104. - main radius 20 to 10 & added secondary radius with damage taperring down to 135 as far as 60 radius.
  105. - Laser Guided Missiles upgrade increase range & bomb velocity by 25%.
  106. - Bomb benefits from Bunker Buster by dealing bursts of damage.
  107. - USA Dozer heal has 2 secs delay, all Dozer armor takes 25% less missile & explosion damage
  108. - Stealth Fighters missiles are immune to jammers.
  109. - F18 airstrike missiles & bombs affected by Laser Guided Missiles upgrade.
  110. - Exosuits & DPVs can move when evacuated.
  111. - Strategy Center Bombardment Battleplan departs 50% RoF boost to artillery units (RotR).
  112. - Burtons can swim & rappel
  113. - Comanche cost 1500$ to 1350$ & buildtime 20 to 15 secs, AirF variant 1450$ to 1200$, 20 to 15 secs, & HP 230 to 220
  114. - Ambulance 600$ to 500$. Repair Crew upgrade 800$ to 650$.
  115. - Patriot defences lob missiles over obstacles
  116. - unify variants delay between shots
  117. - Microwave tanks invulnearable to ECM & EMP
  118. - introduce USA Supervisor: imparts 25% rof for infantry nearby & garrisons US Warfactory to cut on cost & build time.
  119. - Humvee TOW damage type EXPLOSION to ARMOR_PIERCING & tracks target
  120. - Pilot sleathed, has self-reveal aura.
  121. - Littlebird buildtime 15 to 10
  122. - All Tomahawk Launchers buildtime 20 to 12
  123. - Infantry Complements upgrade cost 1250$ to 1000$, 800$ for Syne
  124. - Bombardment battle plan affects light artillery (ie LOSAT & Rocket Buggies) & long range infantry (ie Burton Antimaterial rifle, HE rifle, OICW grenade, & Airstrike beacon, Exosuit Pathfinder & DPV Pathfnder, Tox Grenadier & Slth Rocket Sniper)
  125. - All Raptors can take any AA vehicle out (including Humvees) in 2 volleys (8 missiles)
  126. - Exosuit Ranger locomotor boosted
  127. - slight Aurora cost & time reduction
  128. - LOSAT, Microwave, Warthog & B1 Lancer prerequire Cybernetic Command upg as alternative to Strategy Center
  129. - introduce USA global heal IFAK upgrade. Syne Gen starts with it by default.
  130. - comanches use AT missiles as AA
  131. - add air only guard to comanches, rocket pod hotkey moved to C
  132. - USA Airfield upgrades buildtime 40 to 30; BunkerBuster 40 to 15; PDL 45 to 40.
  133. - Pilots can swim & scale cliffs
  134. - add manual fire command for humvee TOW & laser pods
  137. America Vanilla:
  138. ----------------
  139. - can research Bunker Buster at lower cost & time.
  140. - Paladin provisioned with all surface rocket pods via TOW Missiles upgrade.
  141. - substituted Humvee LOSAT with APC Longbow LOSAT from CCU. Same damage dilated for 4 missiles & higher RoF after an initial per-attack delay.
  142. - Tomahawk launcher missiles lock to infantry
  145. Airforce General:
  146. -----------------
  147. - Clusters theme replaced with Airburst, more optimized damage handling & SFX.
  148. - Ballistic Division GP: unlocks Additional Hardpoints (Extra Ammo) upgrade, Caterpillar missile launcher, Tornado bomber, & Patriot SAM truck.
  149. - HALO paradrop moved to Laser general, paradrop infantry types are unchanged.
  150. - Littlebirds rocket pods benefit from Additional Hardpoints.
  151. - Sheridan rocket has less range & target specific.
  152. - Sheridan crosses water
  153. - brought back Ambulance.
  154. - can build Humvee LOSAT for $1350.
  155. - Airf Comanche stealth delay 1500 to 3000
  156. - remove Acolyte Drone, replaced add Littlebird in Helipad
  157. - added buildable A10 Warthog: long range, slow but sturdy, armed w\ GAU8 & 6 all-surface missiles. Excels at breaking AA.
  158. - Requires Strategy Center or Cybernetic Command upgrade
  159. - Paradropped & trained infantry use paradropped models & now have the same stats. Local heal special ability removed.
  160. - AirF CarpetBomb to airburst cluster mode; cooldown 4min to 3min, matches Hornet Strike
  161. - AirF Aurora locomotor doesn't slow down after delivery
  164. Laser General:
  165. -----------------
  166. - Missile Defender is properly its model thro most animations
  167. - replaced Railgun Artillery with Ferromagnetic Unitary Coiled Kinesis Vehicle. Shots scewer through occluding targets rather than target specific.
  168. - added Vanguard vehicle: hitscan kinetic shot, good vs. vehicles & defences, inaccurate against infantry.
  169. - burrow HALO paradrop from Airf.
  170. - replaced Paladins with C&C U Paladins:
  171. - can be upgraded with all surface Laser Pods.
  172. - Ranger rifle reverted, laser rifle boosted & provisioned via Infantry Complements (Flashbangs) upgrade.
  173. - Stealth Fighter renamed Banshee, 2nd tier unit. No long needs to rearm at airfields.
  174. - Stealth Fighter restored.
  175. - added Compressed Kinetic Coils upgrade: +50% damage to penetration rounds. +25% damage to gauss auto-cannons & railguns.
  176. - Littlebirds start with laserpods.
  177. - Laser General Daisy Cutter replaced with Rods from God (Rank 3 type). Damage normalized.
  178. - takes Superweapons General Hypersonic & Rods from God strike per kinetic weapons theme.
  179. - Missile Defender normal & laserlock damage 45 & 50 to 40, keep range 325 (vUSA's 300).
  180. - reinvented Lazr Comanche:
  181. - MG replaced with lasers
  182. - intermediary attack capsules that become invulnerable to PDL after 1.32sec priming time replaces anti-tank missile
  183. - charged laser upgrade replaces rocketpods
  184. - Lazr Missile Defender cost 325$ to 300$ following damage normalizing
  187. Superweapons General:
  188. ---------------------
  189. - reverted Humvees (Moved to Synergetics, renamed to Heavy Humvee).
  190. - reverted Ambulances.
  191. - imported OFS Hover MLRS.
  192. - added Hover Microwave.
  193. - renamed Robot Tank to Cybernetic Tank, hotkey from R to C.
  194. - added Hovercrafts GP: Unlocks Cybernetic (Robot) Tank, Shatterer, Hover Microwave, & Hover MLRS.
  195. - imported C&C U Paladins:
  196. - shoots Shatterer sonic wave with less damage & range.
  197. - added Plasma Catalysis upgrade: plasma fields are easier to achieve. Unstable plasma field deals 25% damage & shuffles ballistic frequencies 50% more often.
  198. - added Superweapons Expenditure upgrade: discounts 25% to superweapon structure type costs.
  199. - added Experimental GP: Unlocks Sonic Paladin, Plasma Catalysis, Tomahawk BGM 2nd artillery, & Superweapons Expenditure upgrade.
  200. - Aurora Bomber cost 1800 (ZH 2000; SHW 2500) & buildtime to 20.0 (was 30.0).
  201. - Aurora Bombers, Tomahawk Missile Launchers, BGM Tomahawk Launchers weapon detonations contribute to causing plasma fields. (to be balanced)
  202. - Support Stealth Fighter moved to Synergetics (Armor) General.
  203. - EMP Patriots no longer disabled vehicles/take down aircrafts in one shot. Disabled aircraft plummet to the ground. Due to engine limiations disabled aircrafts can't be targeted as ground units.
  204. - EMP Patriots cost 900$ to 1000$, damage buff.
  205. - Popturret Drop 4 to 3 turrets at 3rd level.
  206. - Plasma Tomahawk missiles no longer track vehicles.
  207. - added plasma Tomahawk Strike, available at Rank 5.
  208. - Rods from God moved to Laser General. Rank 5, 3 Rods variant.
  209. - Hypersonic strike moved to Laser General, Rank 3. Reverted to Daisy Cutter.
  212. Synergetics (Armor) General:
  213. --------------------
  214. - imported RotR Green Berets as counterpart to Marines. Can plant Burton type explosions, capture buildings, rappel & swim; stealthed when not moving.
  215. - Javelin Team renamed to Javelin Defender. Can use RotR Laser Guidance fire rally mode via Infantry Complements upgrade.
  216. - replaced Bradley with RotR counterpart, requires Barracks.
  217. - burrow Support Stealth Fighter.
  218. - All non-verticle jets can release support devices to deflect enemy ballistics & designate nearby enemy units.
  219. - burrow SupW Mortar Truck humvee. Renamed to Heavy Humvee. 4 fireport slots. Comes with an MG & can be upgraded with TOW missiles & individually with Grenade Launchers.
  220. - can build MLRS 270. Can use RotR Laser Guidance fire rally mode via Waypoint Targeting upgrade.
  221. - All APCs be upgunned & install a Mine Layer via individual Fire Support Role upgrade.
  222. - can build CCU Paladin Chevalier. A lighter & faster variant. Can be upgraded with rocket pods via TOW Missiles upgrade & all-surface vulcan rotor gun via Fire Support Role upgrade.
  223. - can build CCU LOSAT APC. Armed with long range rockets, anti-personnel twin MG, & Mine Layer via Fire Support Role upgrade.
  224. - can build AA APC type Avenger. Armed with all-surface, anti-ballistic vulcan & can be upgraded with TOW Missiles. Fire Support Role replaces vulcan with cannister cannon.
  225. - can build Microwave Tank.
  226. - can build OFS DPV.
  227. - replace USA drones with post-veterancy choice of offensive or defensive bonuses. Each level of veterancy furthers bonuses in the picked tree.
  228. - builds drones at lower costs per the automotive force theme.
  229. - Starlifter moved to Supply Center
  230. - Starlifter can combat drop & collect supplies at high rates.
  231. - Starlifter stats closer to Chinook's
  232. - introduce Sniper Drone long range: Can cross cliffs, stealthed.
  233. - Introduce Longbow smart 40mm munition launcher drone: Can cross cliffs, long range, stealthed.
  234. - imported RotR Supply Drone.
  235. - Command Center has radar, Radar Dome removed.
  236. - Raptor no longer immune to EMP
  241. Global China:
  242. ----------------------------
  243. - Siege Soldiers require Warfactory or Airfield.
  244. - Battlemaster Mass Prodoction renamed to Mass Production:
  245. - Can be reseaerched by China & Tanks General, Industrial Plant no longer reduces build cost.
  246. - Now affects each tank's build time & cost differently.
  247. - Stacks with Refinery effect
  248. - Gattling Tank build time 8 to 9 (ZH 10.)
  249. - Siege Soldier & Spec Tank Hunter flares reveal stealthed unit & apply Fairy Fire debuff.
  250. - Siege Soldier & Mortar Pit range nerfed & damage unified.
  251. - Structure mines upgrade to EMP; Nuclear General mines upgrade from normal mines to Neutron, Specialweapons Genearl upgrade to Flechette mines.
  252. - contracted similar upgrades like Inferno HE shells & Ramjet Shells, Chainguns & Beetle Computer, Black Napalm & White Napalm upgrades.
  253. - napalm puddle DPS affected by Black Napalm
  254. - Helix can collect supplies. Bonus gain from USA Supply Lines upgrade.
  255. - Helix maingun removed when upgraded with Gattling Cannon-- same DPS as with maingun-- which can attack air.
  256. - fix Flametower & Leang Dragontank weapon un-upgraded projectile not colliding with it's targets
  257. - Razor & Harbinger (Nuke MiG Bomber) prerequire Warfactory instead of T2, stats rescaled accordingly
  258. - mortars no longer reveal position when firing
  259. - Gatt tanks 20% more resistant to flame
  260. - Propaganda & Leang counterpart repair radius 150 to 175
  261. - Battlemaster variants autoloader damage 50 to 60 & delay between shots 500 to 600 to equal damage per shell to normal mode
  262. - Frenzy cooldown 3mins to 1.5 mins. Now affects RoF rather than damage
  263. - all chinas can build Heavy Supply Truck
  264. - Autoloader upgrades boiled down to 1 upgrade; buildtime 60 to 45, cost 2500$ to 2000$
  265. - ERA armor upgrades boiled down to 1 upgrade; Leang Ravage tank armor +45% to +25%, now affects ShenLong & Anvil
  266. - Propaganda & Repair auras 120\150 to 175 radius
  267. - Internet Center Scan hotkey S to C
  270. China Vanilla:
  271. --------------
  272. - add Growth Campaign GP:
  273. - +15% speed & +20% toughness to dozers & supply trucks
  274. - Dozers will build 15% faster & cheaper
  275. - vanilla Chinese buildings will auto-repair
  276. - Listening Post defence cost 1000$ to 650$, time 18 to 15.
  279. Infantry General:
  280. -----------------
  281. - added Frontline Fortification GP: unlocks Battle Fortress; unlock Mortar Pit; & gives Bunkers infantry healing aura.
  282. - added Arm of the Republic GP: unlocks Lieutenant; squad training; & puts 2 Redguards in each AP, Outpost, & Assault Troop Crawler.
  283. - Added lighter Tiger variant w\ gattling cannons & all-surface rockets.
  284. - Redguard training 3 to 2 units; Minigunners 2 to 1.
  285. - squad training produces multiple units of a type rather than mobs.
  286. - Minigunners damage to 8 (ZH 10, SHW 12), air range to 255 (ZH 350, SHW 270) up to 300 when spun up.
  287. - Tank Hunters can throw Satchel Charges.
  288. - Tigershark Propaganda renamed to Field Propaganda: provisions Assault Outposts as well.
  289. - Occupant penalty damage 50% to 30%.
  290. - Assault Outpost slots to 5
  291. -starts with 2 Tankhunters.
  292. -Armor values improved against explosions.
  293. - Assault Troop Crawler cost 2300 to 1400, buildtime 25 to 15.
  294. - Armor more resistant to explosions but less to STEALTHJET_MISSILES.
  295. - Carries 6 Redguards & 2 Minigunners.
  296. - Fortified Bunker toughness 2200 to 1000, armor values higher as much as 25%.
  297. - added Khan 2nd artillery, excellent at suppressing target areas.
  298. - Helix can be upgraded with Gattling Cannon.
  299. - Hacker 700$ to 600$
  300. - Level 3 Cash Hack amount 8000$ to 6000$
  301. - Assault Troop Crawler upgrades gun when occupied
  302. - Assault Troop Crawler cost 1400$ to 1200$, starts w\ 6 RedGuards & 2 Minigunners; fix XP values
  303. - minigunner is no longer harder to squish than normal infantry
  306. Nuke General:
  307. -----------------
  308. - Gattling Cannon DPS normalized.
  309. - Nuke Cannon range normalized.
  310. - added Research Reactor GP: unlocks Research Reactor (Nuclear Research Plant) that builds the MIRV Nuclear Launcher & researches Isotope Stability, S.S.N.R, Uranium Shells, & Fusion Reactors upgrades.
  311. - Radiation Warheads relegated to the Barracks.
  312. - MIRV Nuclear Launcher from C&C U: 2nd Artillery, can be armed with up to two batches.
  313. - replaced Devestator GP with Nuclear Armament GP: unlocks Devestator tank, Harbinger bomber, & MIRV Nuclear Launcher.
  314. - MiG Nuke Bomber renamed to Harbinger, uses OFS model, & damage stats lowered.
  315. - Now requires Nuclear Armament GPs.
  316. - Assault Outpost slots to 4, starting with 2 Tankhunters. Armor values improved against explosions.
  317. - Fortified Bunker toughness 2200 to 1000, armor values higher as much as 25%.
  318. - MiG Fighters, Harbinger Bombers, Emancipator, Nuke Cannons, Devastator maingun, & Overlrod Tactical Nuclear Missiles contribute to causing SSNR reactions (titular upgrade required).
  319. - added Nuke Tiger helicopter: cost 1500 to 1650; grenades leave small radiation.
  320. - Tactical Nuke MiG upgrade renamed to Weapons Grade Hardpoints: boosts damage & SSNR values on MiGs & Harbingers.
  321. - Redguards buildtime 12 secs to 10 secs
  322. - RAD Tank core explosion follows AURORA_BOMB conversion rule
  323. - Tactical MiG Missiles & Neutron Shells upgrades available at Nuclear Research Plant alternative to Nuke Silo
  324. - Radiation Warheads's Redguard rifled grenades buffed DPS & damage type to AURORA_BOMB
  325. - Nuke Troop Crawler can upgrade gun
  326. - Warfactory can research SSNR as alternative to Research Plant which can research MiG Tactical Nukes as alternative to Nuke Silo.
  327. - fix Troop Crawler commandset & XP values
  330. Tank General:
  331. -------------
  332. - Added lighter Tiger variant w\ autocannons & all-surface rockets.
  333. - Gattling Tank toughness to armor values normalized.
  334. - Adv. Gattling Cannon DPS normalized.
  335. - Adv. Autoloader now affects Warmasters.
  336. - Emperor Tank cost reverted to ZH 2000 (SHW 2400).
  337. - added a lighter Tiger helicopter variant.
  338. - Transport Helix reverted to ZH Helix.
  339. - Razor bomber to tier 2: now drops Stealthjet damage type bombs instead of napalm bombs.
  340. - Redguards 400$ to 375$, buildtime 12 secs to 10 secs
  341. - Heavy Supply Truck takes airfield as optional prerequisite to warfactory
  342. - Kwai Battlemaster XP value 100 to 80, equal to vanilla Battlemaster at vet 1. Cost 800 to 750 (650 to 600 production upgrade) to equal vanilla Battlemaster
  343. - Introduce Koksan 2nd Artillery. Built at Industrial Plant.
  344. - Remove Warmaster
  345. - Introduce Arbiter Tank, lighter armor and higher range than most tanks.
  346. - Introduce Kwai's Trumpet Cannon, a counterpart to the Nuke Cannon. High burst damage, exels vs structures, no radiation or gun upgrades.
  347. - ECM disabler & jammer affected by veterancy. Starts vetted.
  348. - introduce AntiTank Team. 300 range, requires WarFactory & GP unlock. Can garrison 3 slots to bypass preattack delay but on the cost of range debuffs.
  349. - added Armor Support Doctrine GP: unlocks AT Team, Koksan (Rank 3); & gives Ramjet Tower vehicle healing aura.
  350. - added Breakthrough Doctrine GP: unlocks Trumpet Cannon, & Razor bomber.
  351. - Kwai has armored variant now + TroopCrawler upgrade + subject to Mass Production
  352. - Tank Troop Crawler now properly leave salvage crate when dead; reverted to vChina stats
  355. Specialweapons General:
  356. -------------
  357. - Anvil debris properly uses teamcolour
  358. - White Napalm DPS normalized.
  359. - no longer starts with MiG Afterburner upgrade, now researchable: affects MiG & Phoenix speed.
  360. - Dragon Tank turret can now move & shoot. Added sweep mode, reverts to normal spray mode on account of the engine not handling shooting & turret rotation.
  361. - Hellstorm defence range & damage reduced. Can contribute to causing firestorms.
  362. - added Stormcaller 2nd artillery using model from OFS. Launches seismic rockets.
  363. - imported Shenlong from RotR. Maingun projectile damage capped to each 50th tick. Nuke loadout replaced with conussive loadout.
  364. - added sweep mode to Pyros. Targeted unlike Dragon Tank sweep mode.
  365. - import ROTR Han Gunship. Nuke loadout replaced with conussive loadout.
  366. - Stingray Missiles: +25% damage, range, & travel speed for Buratino, Support Crawler & Phoenix Missiles. Phoenix Missiles gain homing capabilities.
  367. - Phoenix launches 2 missiles simultaenously. Missile damage nerfed & post-Stingray Missiles upgrade range 550 to 475.
  368. - structure & cluster mines changed to flechette canister mines.
  369. - nerfed Blackshark guns. Buffed toughness at the expense of later helicopter armor upgrade bonus.
  370. - remove White Napalm & Beetle Computer upgrade. Discounting MiGs, affected units retain their DPS.
  371. - can train Mortar Teams, Ramjet upgrade grants 25% range & shell velocity
  372. - make Coal Power Plant smaller & added lesser Overcharge. Optimized model polycount.
  373. - Add 175 AoE repair for Weapons Research Plant
  374. - Mortar, Grinder, & Hammercannon shells track their targets, improved by Ramjet upgrade.
  375. - Mortar shells to airburst overhead detonation.
  376. - Siege Soldier gets vetted via Arty training instead of Infa training (unaccessible to Leang anyway) GP
  377. - Gaia fires multiple shots. Cracked earth fx no longer obstructs construction. Damage EXPLOSION to AURORA_BOMB
  378. - Introduce proper Leang Helix:
  379. - stealth detection by default
  380. - follows a new theme of her copters having 2nd life stage, which entails Helix hunkering down for 5 seconds after dying with occupants surviving at 70% HP penalty.
  381. - all repair auras repair aircrafts too
  385. Global GLA:
  386. ----------------------------
  387. - Improvised Explosives (Boobytrap) upgrade grants Anarchists the ability to plant IEDs.
  388. - Buggy Ammo increases rocket's velocity rather than Extra Salvage.
  389. - Junkbunker toughness from 1125 to 800, armor from Firebase to Structure, slots from 6 to 4, build time from 15 to 10, & can upgrade Camonetting.
  390. - Stealth General's Frog & Toxin General's Scourge Scud Missiles travel slower at a higher arc.
  391. - Scud Launchers range 450 to 400 (ZH 350), salvage upgrade range is unaffected at 450.
  392. - Mi8 can collect supplies. Bonus gain from USA Supply Lines.
  393. - All GLA Subfactions can build Worker Quad Bikes, Hip gunships (imported RotR Gazelle for Toxin General), Desertflies, & Balloons.
  394. - Hip gunship starts with anti-air missiles. Rocket Pods upgrade is now global. Rocket Pods damage type EXPLOSION to JETMISSILES.
  395. - Desertfly bombing run ability unlocked from the getgo, Anthrax Beta, Anthrax Gamma, Demolition upgrade, & Phospherous upgrade affect bombs.
  396. - Balloons prerequire Barracks.
  397. - properly set Battlebus hunkered armor to be progressively better against stealthjet damage with salvage.
  398. - Booby Traps upgrade allows Terrorists, Anarchists, & Fanatics to plant bombs
  399. - Mobile Demo Trap cost 500$ to 400$. (Demo Gen can build it for 350$, deals 20% more damage & 25% damage more after suicide pack upgrade, 50% total).
  400. - MobileDemoTrap to Chem, Salv, & Slth. Demo variant buildtime 8 to 6.
  401. - Saboteur buildtime for all variants 15 to 10. Can steal 1500$ from 2nd Eco
  402. - Hijacker & Saboteur can stab infantry
  403. - Hip & Defiler can rappel troops
  404. - bring back GLA Fake to Real upgrade. No longer incurs cost\time losses (WIP, supply collection & rally collision check bugged)
  405. - add air only guard to Combat Bikes
  406. - replace Technical guns with RotR variants
  407. - non-Kassad Hijacker proximity self reveal, removed via Camouflage upgrade
  408. - Fortification upgrade values for defences normalized to ZH values.
  409. - Worker Quad buildtime 8 to 6.
  410. - Worker Quad, Demo Traps, & Palace optionally prerequires Airpads.
  411. - Hip & Deflier buildtime 15 to 12 secs.
  412. - Toxin Tractor small puddle becomes medium size by dosing
  413. - Toxing Tractor min range to 0, max range 110 (thrax's 130) to 150
  414. - Bomb Truck buffed locomotor. Buildtime 12 to 9. vGLA Cost 1200$ to 1000$.
  415. - Bomb Truck narrower AoE. HE loadout widens AoE.
  416. - HE Loadout has slower locomotor.
  417. - boost bike locomotor
  418. - Recoilless Rifleman can garrison 3 slots to bypass preattack delay but on the cost of range debuffs.
  419. - Jarmen copter snipe no longer insta-kills, will cause the copter to plummet temporarely instead.
  420. - Rocket Buggies can shoot while moving
  421. - Stinger Sites buildtime 30 to 25 (low power)
  422. - units killed by demo Stinger Site suicide, Demo Traps, Tunnels, Hornet Sites, & Slth MG Sites generate salvage
  423. - fix vetted Quads immunity to ECMs
  425. GLA Vanilla:
  426. ------------
  427. - revert vGLA Scud Launcher to ZH preattack delay & missile pivot animation style
  430. Chemical General:
  431. -----------------
  432. - slightly nerf Scourge damage & range.
  433. - nerf Grenadier damage. No preattack delay when garrisoned.
  434. - lift Python damage to be on equal level to Quad Cannons.
  435. - Python renamed to Tarantula (hotkey U), Tarantula APC renamed to Spinerette (hotkey S) for hotkey consistency with other GLA factions
  436. - Rebel range 100 to 110
  437. - Can build Saboteurs & Hijackers
  438. - buff Demo Trap
  439. - Recoilless Rifleman retains stealth
  440. - GLA Extra Salvage upgrade cost 2500$ to 2000$
  443. Demolition General:
  444. -------------------
  445. - Marauder rocket racks damagetype EXPLOSION to ARMOR_PIERCING
  446. - Scorpion & Marauder shells deal slightly more damage to buildings
  447. - Deserflies bomb payload affected by HE Shells.
  448. - Topol nerfed damage & range, slightly less expensive.
  449. - slightly buff Combat Bike Suicide Packs damage.
  450. - revert Battle Bus slots.
  451. - Mobile Demo Trap costs 350$, deals 20% more damage & 25% damage more after suicide pack upgrade (50% total)
  452. - Ambush anarchists 2, 4, 6 to 4, 8, 12. Damage to AURORA_BOMB & halvened
  453. - BombTruck buildtime 9 to 7. Cost 1000$ to 850$.
  454. - introduce Jhuziz kamekaze jet.
  455. - Camel can dispense mines & boobytrap
  456. - revert Demo Bus 2nd life behaviour; can now deploy traps w\ 6 sec cooldown while moving
  457. - introduce Jhuziz Filin/2p19 hybrid Scud Launcher. TOPOL is bumped to an upper tier of artillery units that's unlocked at Rank 3.
  461. Stealth General:
  462. ----------------
  463. - nerf Rebel & Combat Bike rebel rifle damage.
  464. - normalize Cobra burst damage value & buff health to counterweigh that.
  465. - replace Assassins with RotR Partisan.
  466. - can research camouflage upgrade for $1500 & 45 secs to grant light vehicle the ability to camouflage when stationary.
  467. - revert Quad Cannons gun range & grant full RoF turret fire on the move.
  468. - Frog missiles slower & longer trajectory.
  469. - Saboteurs 800$ to 650$
  470. - Rocket Sniper rename to Heavy Guerilla. Can garrison 3 slots to bypass preattack delay but on the cost of range debuffs.
  471. - Introduce Mirage: Hip helicopter counterpart for Kassad, stealthed when still, 2 transport slots
  474. Salvage Generals:
  475. -----------------
  476. - replace toxin with phosphor, affects Krait, Latrun, Hip, Desertfly, Bomb Trucks, & Demotraps
  477. - Krait garrison clearing from 2 per shot to 1
  478. - combat buggy damaged locomotor 30 to 60. Can move when evacuated
  479. - combat buggy 800$ to 450$, buildtime 10 to 4, HP 180 to 150 (enough to be taken by a single Raptor volley)
  480. - Anarchist damagetype MOLOTOV to AURORA_BOMB
  481. - Worker can enter Salvage general Combat Buggy
  482. - Flashtrooper Barrage upgrade 500$ to 1250$
  483. - Gadfly now subsumed under Radar Tank (renamed Utility Vehicle) via local upgrade (500$, 5secs)
  484. - Introduce Bandkanon (codenamed to Scarab, the Scarab rename to Scion) to Salv General. Long range & reload time Rank 3 artillery.
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