
Slip - Infantry

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. [QUOTE=Slip]
  2. Good afternoon Dakirch,
  4. I'd like to help with training new recruits but, I'm Unconsciously Incompetent of Planetside 2 squad tactics (only lvl 24). That being said I'd like to be your first member of boot camp (unless i already missed on I didn't know about.) so I can move to Consciously Incompetent.
  6. If/when you or the designated swarm officer deem me Consciously Competent in swarm tactics, I'd like to host regular training days (call me the drill Sargent:p) also, I believe you will quickly find I can can be trusted at the Operational level of day to day battlefield decision making.
  8. Once I am Unconsciously Competent, I would enjoy having a squad of my own regulars that I've hand picked to run "Special Operations" at taking out key assets that will work in loose coordination with the rest of the guild's operational goals (separate chat channel because, if they are anything like me they wont be able to stand some of the regular useless conversations that come from uneducated people bound to be attracted by The Swarm's large guild prestige you've created, and I don't want to loose the ones that are like me =) .
  10. I believe this will add strategic abilities to The Swarm's Operational effectiveness, & will bring ultimate frustration to the top guilds on the other factions! :cool:
  12. Does this make sense to you? Any thoughts, concerns or changes you would like to make to my intentions as a guild member of the swarm?
  14. Sincerely,
  15. Slip
  16. [/QUOTE]
  18. [QUOTE=dakirch]
  19. Talk to Tarrnation :) He handles this
  20. [/QUOTE]
  22. [QUOTE=Tarrnation]
  23. I've taken point on air operations and "flight school" trainings. I'm guessing from the sound of it, you are more interested in "boots on the ground " type of stuff. If that is the case, then I would love to see someone like yourself take point on that though you may want to discuss it with Ropkins first as think I recall him talking about doing a "boot camp" type of event sometime soon.
  25. I'm not the best at infantry in this game so I would be among the first to sign up for boot camp and your idea of an elite/tactical squad sounds right up my alley. If I'm not mistaken, I think this is what "ops nights" is supposed to be all about anyways (time to get serious).
  26. [/QUOTE]
  28. [QUOTE=Slip]
  29. Hey Tarrnation,
  30. I Sincerely enjoyed your flight school last week! It's good to know The Swarm has recognized you as a competent individual and given you authority over decisions for recruit training. I'm happy to become a part of the new recruit training program however...
  32. I'm not familiar with Ropkins... Perhaps it's best to schedule a "Game meeting" where we three agree to meet on planetside (using a private PSN voice chat) and play together. During this time maybe we can develop a working (gaming) relationship. We can "shoot the shit" (no pun intended :cool:) and discover together how to best move forward with a "boots on the ground" training process.
  34. I'm not great at the "boots on the ground stuff" myself... exactly. However, I had the privilege of being a member of DropZone guild on the original Planetside (PC version) lead by Flakes. To date, I have not participated in a better or more organized "boots on the ground" guild... It was an AMAZING gaming experience (& feeling) that I still search for today. I sincerely believe I'm not going to find a group like that again so, I intend to help The Swarm get there. I know I'm probably not the most talented gamer but, I have a vision & passion to recreate that gaming community experience DropZone created.
  37. I'm currently creating a literal outline for a training program that I believe will aid us in creating the most effective guild on planetside. I'd love to get together play a bit, share a bit, discuss a bit, then play a bit more, till we feel we've got something worth taking to the Top Brass for implementation approval. I'll be off and on tonight & Saturday but, Sunday afternoon & Monday after 6:30. I'll be on for long periods of time. Let me know if that works for you and Ropkins, will ya?
  39. Joy, Patience & Self-control be with you!
  40. -Slip
  41. [/QUOTE]
  43. [QUOTE=Tarrnation]
  44. Slip,
  46. Sounds like you're exactly the kind of guy we need to whip some of these new recruits into shape!
  48. Will forward this conversation to Ropkins and see what he thinks about setting up a meeting. Personally, I would love to see us get our act together and start doing some highly organized "special operations". It would also be a huge benefit to the swarm as people will see that the swarm is not just a giant cluster-**** but also a strong and capable force to be reckoned with!
  50. Just to throw out a preliminary idea: as a "new direction" for The Swarm in Planetside 2, and once we get the structuring of all this finalized/approved, we could do some sort of signup process to join a "spec ops" platoon which are activated on ops nights only. The rest of the time, we will all be playing in casual platoon(s) to get to know one another better. In order to receive an invite into the "spec ops" platoon, you must pass basic training and specialized training for any particular type of squad you wish to join i.e. Infantry, Armor, Air (you can choose one type of squad to roll with during any particular ops night so long as you have completed the required training). You must also agree to be professional at all times during ops (as if it were real). I think something like this would step us up to a whole new level and give those amongst us who desire more professional/competitive gameplay a sense of belonging. I also think that we should add Wednesday night ops to bring the ops total to 3 nights per week which still leaves 4 nights for casual play.
  52. But yeah, we definitely need to have a meeting to discuss all of this in real time and perhaps we could get some of the high council involved in the meeting as well to ensure that we are not overstepping our bounds and that this falls in line with the type of outfit/community that they intend it to be. I'm pretty much available any time so let me know what works for you and we'll try to get something scheduled.
  54. - Tarr
  55. [/QUOTE]
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