

Jan 12th, 2018
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  4. >WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump said Thursday that an FBI agent once involved in the special counsel’s Russia probe committed “treason,” and he called for Republican investigators in Congress to conclude their probes swiftly.
  6. >In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Trump, unprompted, labeled as “treason” a text message written by Peter Strzok, an agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who was removed in July as a top investigator on the special counsel’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with associates...
  8. btw. Strzok is a kike.
  10. >“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump, giving his interpretation of Mr. Strzok’s text message.
  12. >“This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason,” the president said. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”
  13. Aitan Goelman, an attorney for Mr. Strzok, said: “It is beyond reckless for the president of the United States to accuse Pete Strzok, a man who has devoted his entire adult life to defending this country, of treason. It should surprise no one that the president has both the facts and the law wrong.”
  15. >The crime of treason is defined in the Constitution as aiding enemies of the U.S. or “levying war” against the nation. A spokesman for the FBI declined to comment.
  16. In an August 2016 text, Mr. Strzok wrote: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration...that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”
  18. >The Journal reported last month that, according to people familiar with Mr. Strzok’s account, the “insurance policy” reference was meant to convey that the bureau needed to investigate aggressively allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. It wasn’t intended to suggest a secret plan to harm his candidacy, they said.
  19. Mr. Strzok was the lead agent on the FBI investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server when she served as secretary of state. Special counsel Robert Mueller removed Mr. Strzok from his team in July after learning that he sent texts critical of Mr. Trump.
  26. >FBI Agents Appear to Have Actively, Systematically Planted Stories to Take Down the President
  28. >On Tuesday’s edition of “The Story with Martha MacCallum,” Republican Congressman from Ohio, Jim Jordan explained that the text messages released by John Solomon show that “the FBI was actively planning in a systemic way” to plant stories in the Wall Street Journal and other places to trigger an investigation that would drag on and eventually, they hoped, bring down the Trump presidency.
  30. >This was likely the “insurance policy” discussed by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
  32. >What Jordan found most interesting about the Simpson testimony released by Senator Feinstein was that “Glenn Simpson said Christopher Steele told him the FBI had another source. How did Christopher Steele know that? Did the FBI tell him? If they did, why is the FBI telling >Christopher Steele, the guy who was paid by Fusion who was paid by the Clinton campaign, why is the FBI telling Christopher Steele they got another source on this whole Russia investigation? I think that is interesting and something we need to get to the bottom of.”
  34. >McCallum jumped in. “Yeah it goes to the larger question of whether or not there was a coordinated effort between these intelligence agencies and, perhaps, including the FBI and the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, right?,” asked MacCallum.
  36. >“Exactly,” said Jordan. “And I think when you couple what Senator Feinstein released today with the story John Solomon wrote this morning on additional text messages we have now reviewed, where they talk about planting stories. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in their text message >exchange talk about planting stories with the media to further their narrative. What was their narrative and what was their plan?”
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