
Drew noooo

Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: (This is the best I can)
  2. Covet: [It will suffice... I'm waiting for Jacob to get out of the god damn bathroom so I can do my thing.... -.- This whol RELOAD EVERYTHING fucked me up]
  3. Covet: Eli was downstairs outside with his Dad making sure everything was going good with the grilled barbeque chicken. Upstairs there was plenty of sides that are normal with barbeques, Grilled corn, veggie tray, pasta and potato salads, coleslaw, Potato chips...etc. There was beer and wine both, as well as lemonade, and water. He lifted up the lid on the grill and smelled the deliciousness inside. "Should be just about ready." // Tae was leaning against the island dipping carrot sticks in the ranch, and munching on them, she looked mostly bored but there was free food so she wasn't about to complain either. She still wasn't thrilled with her family for the most part, but she was basically keeping herself in line, in order to have her own place. "Can I have a glass of wine, Just one... please?" she asked to whatever Parental units were nearby.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Neil was hovering over the barbecue supervising because that's what dads do when someone is grilling. He inspected the chicken on the grill and nodded his head, pleased with the progress of their dinner. "Yeah, give it another minute or two and take them off. Don't burn the outiside. // Lisa stood in the kitchen with Tae holding a glass of wine in one hand and a celery stick in the other. Taking a small sip of her wine, she glanced over at Tae, holding out her glass toward her. "You can have a sip of mine. But that's it. And I doubt you'll like mine, it's a dry white."-
  5. Tsaaq: Bliss had been in the kitchen, eying the door nervously while Tar and Lisa spoke. Her hands clutched to her own wine glass. "Any word on Andrew?." She asked quietly, trying not to look anxious. // Persephone shook her head and glanced at her phone, pacing the living room so she could get a closer look at the decor. // "I told him the time, he's being ridiculous." Prudence sighed, wearing sunglasses inside and drinking her own strong alcohol. // Drew saw Eli and Neil and said nothing as he made his way upstairs to the apartment, knocking on the door.
  6. Covet: "I'm not going to burn them, just a little char is good for the flavor of barbeque. It's just the sauce carmelizing." Eli said shaking his head, closing the lid on the grill. He took a sip off his beer that was resting on the arm of the grill, then looked over seeing Drew head upstairs. " I was kind of hoping he'd bail out of this like he does everything else." // "Mom, it's not the same." She said flatly looking at her , sighing wondering how many drinks it was going to take before she could sneak her own with out her mother noticing. Her mind then wandered to sneaking one off to the bathroom. Hearing the knock she looked at Bliss and Prudence, "Would he knock? Cause that might be him?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: "You know, that's something your mother would say after she burns an entire turkey all the way through. Oh wait, she did." He rolled his eyes, shifting to turn and look at Drew as he walked up the stairs to the apartment. "What are the chances he doesn't cause problems tonight? Are we going to make bets?" // "That's the point. It's not supposed to be the same." Lisa shot back at her, finishing off her celery stick and glancing at the door. "Well he's not here often, right? So I'd assume that he would probably knock. I hope..."-
  8. Tsaaq: Bliss immediately sprang for the door. "I'll get it." She scrambled and went to pull it open. "Finally." She whispered, stepping aside so he'd come inside. // Persephone walked over to Tae and Lisa. "Of course he would knock." She said before pouting. "I'm hungry!" She complained. "Don't we set tables around here, Bee? What are you a barbarian." // Prudence nodded her head. "Yes that's him now. I'm not sure when he started being tardy to family events-" She began to say. She put her drink drown and subtley pinched Persephone. "If either of you embarrass me you will suffer mercilessly." She whispered then saw Drew enter. "Where have you been?" She asked. "No matter now. Get inside and wash your hands." She commanded. // Drew stepping into the apartment. "I don't want to hear any nagging please." He groaned, angrily closing the door behind him. He looked over to Prudence and rolled his eyes as he looked around. "Well... Where's the bathroom?" He asked before finally spotting Lisa and Tae, who was clearly Asian and now he was confused.
  9. Covet: [LOL] Eli looked at his dad and gave him a shove, "I know what I'm doing.. and no we're not betting bad things happening. Prudence is here, so he'll more than likely behave around her." Eli said as he started taking the chicken off the grill to put onto a big serving plate. // Tae looked at Drew as he shut the door hard, She looked at him as he asked where the bathroom was, and pointed to the door across from where she stood, "New Entry there." She said simply then crossed her arms going to sit at the table because she was still mad about not getting wine.
  10. Alexithymiaa: (Cry about it)
  11. Covet: [XD She will like a damn teenager]
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Neil reached his hands out to take the serving platter from Eli to hold it for him so he could take all the chicken off the grill, looking to the stairs. "I'll get this inside so we can get everything set. You handle turning off the gas and cleaning up out here." He turned away from Eli and headed up the stairs, stepping back into the apartment with the platter of chicken in his hands. "Dinners ready. Hot off the grill." He moved to the table and set the tray down in the middle of the table amongst the other foods I'm sure were already out. "Eli will be up in a minute." // Lisa watched Drew a moment before smiling to her husband coming in with their food. "Oh, it smells wonderful. Okay, everyone have a seat and we'll get served up for when Elijah comes up."-
  13. Tsaaq: Bliss sighed. She smiled at Neil as he entered the apartment. "Oh wonderful. We've just been waiting pantiently for your return." She applauded, peeking behind him. "Oh, splendid. Yes, everyone take a seat of course in the meantime." // Persephone whined and went to sit down with Tae. "Finally!" She exclaimed when Neil came. // Prudence nodded. "Great. That means Drew came just in time." She smiled and went to her seat/
  15. Tsaaq: Drew nodded, holding his gaze on Tae then proceeding to go in the bathroom, wash his hands and come back out. He was quiet when taking his seat, waiting for everyone else so he could get the dumb dinner over with.
  16. Tsaaq: ((There.))
  17. Covet: Eli went over to the grill and shut off the propane and scrubbed the grate with the wire brush thingy before he wheeled it back into the carport for safe storage. He walked back upstairs and walked in to seeing everyone getting sat down. He walked over to the sink to wash his hands real fast as food started getting passed around with dishes and the like. "Don't wait on my account, eat up everyone, there's plenty." He said, drying his hands off as he found a spot at the table next to Bliss. // Tae got a few things for herself, then realized she didn't have a drink, "I'm going to get me some lemonade." She said getting up from the table to get a cup before she got into the fridge for the pitcher of lemonade.Everyone was paying attention to getting food, and she saw the bottle of wine on the counter and walked over there to hide her cup behind the plant while she poured some into her glass, making it look like she was getting some veggies off the veggie tray to bring back with her.
  18. Alexithymiaa: (Bitch)
  19. Covet: [...What...?]
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Neil pulled out a chair for Lisa to take her seat before taking his own beside her, reaching over to begin serving pieces of chicken onto everyone's plates. "Is anyone picky about which piece they get?" He asked, continuing to dish things out. // Lisa took her seat Neil had pulled out for her and settled her wine glass down in front of her, beginning to serve up the side dishes because that's all anyone ever let her do so she was used to it during dinner time.-
  21. Alexithymiaa: (TAE)
  22. Covet: [She's gonna get her damn wine okay!]
  23. Tsaaq: Bliss raised her hand at Neil's inquiry. "Well... Maybe. No, nevermind. It's fine. I'll eat what you give me Mr. Cohen." She smiled. She looked over to Eli once he joined them and kissed his cheek. // Persephone just help out her plate. She frowned widely. "Just give me one of everything." She said. // "No I'm not terribly picky. I'm sure whatever you two made will be good." Prudence said, drinking the remainder of the alcohol in her glass. She wiggled the glass and let the ice clank against it. "Drew, give me a refill. It's the brandy on the counter." She told him. // Drew rolled his eyes, standing to his feet and heading to the kitchen after picking up the glass. He was grumbling under his breath as he poured the liquor, not noticing Tae's sneakiness.
  24. Covet: Eli looked at the plate, "White meat for me Dad, need that lean protien" He said to Neil as he got the salad stuffs on his plate too, "Have you all checked out the bathroom, " I think we did pretty good with it." He said with a proud tone.// Tae looked over at Drew, hoping he hadn't seen anything then made an off handed comment to him before she went to sit down, " Yay for family get togethers...I'd rather be outside away from all this stuffy formality shit." She said as she took a drink from her lemonade then made a slight face, then shrugged, it didn't taste the best, but it was still alcohol.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Neil deposited pieces of chicken onto everyone's plates before sitting again, accepting his plate of sides from Lisa. "Thank you honey." He glanced around the table and settled his eyes on Eli. "I definitely think it came out nicely. And can you imagine the expense if we hadnt done it ourselves? The labor alone would have made it double." // Lisa beamed at Eli and Neil. "My men are so talented and handy. What would I do without the two of you?" She picked up her glass of wine to take a sip, looking across the table to Prudence. "Have you been over here before?"-
  26. Tsaaq: She grinned at Eli. "Well I absolutely adore it." She said with a firm nod. "I would like lean protein as well actually. That tends to be yummier anyways." She smiled. // Persephone kept her hands in her lap, her gaze moving from face to face. "Not as big as our bathroom..." She trailed off. // Prudence nodded her head. "I have actually, after Bliss had her accident and Eli first got the place." She replied. "I've been over to check up on things periodically. Lately I've been preoccupied." She answered Lisa then rolled her eyes. "You did a fantastic job. though" She smiled at Eli. "You and mister Cohen. The finished product is amazing." // Drew furrowed his eyebrows at Tae. He went back over to the table, handing the drink to Prudence.
  27. Covet: "Starve...." Eli said looking up with a mouthful of chicken at that point, being a smart ass. He was expecting to be kicked or elbowed by someone at that point too. He swallowed his food, then wiped his mouth, "How did your business go in Europe?" He asked politely, just prayng the subject stayed off of how taking care of the house went. // Tae took a few bites of her food but stayed quiet, her attention on Drew, because he at least seemed interesting. She sipped liberally on her drink as well.
  28. Tsaaq: ((She went to New Yorkkkk.))
  29. Alexithymiaa: (concrete jungles where dreams are made offffffff)
  30. Tsaaq: ((Lmao shut up.))
  31. Alexithymiaa: (LMFAO)
  32. Covet: [Oh right... -Europe, +New York]
  33. Tsaaq: ((Biiitch.))
  34. Alexithymiaa: -Neil cracked a smile, trying not to obviously laugh at Eli's joke even though he thought it was hilarious. "Oh, you spent time in New York? It's so nice this time of year." He started in on his food, catching Tae's glance and noticing she was staring at Drew and therefore keeping a close eye on her from that point on. // Lisa nodded her head to Prudence before snapping her attention over to Eli, narrowing her eyes. "Learn the definition of rhetorical, Elijah Seth." She let out a sigh, scooping some coleslaw onto her fork to take a bite.-
  35. Covet: [o.o]
  36. Tsaaq: ((I'm posting, I went to toilet.))
  37. Covet: [ooh lol]
  38. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head at Eli, nudging him a little. // "Well." Persephone immediately began to speak. "We went down to fifth avenue and went shopping, then after that I went out to a rooftop lounge near Hell's Kitchen. And then I ended up in a Mercedes dealership, pretty much in the middle of like five guys jer-"// Prudence pinched Persephone, causing her to shut her face. "New York was lovely." She smiled at Eli. "Oh yes. We're from the city. So we're used to it." She waved her hand at herself Drew and Persephone. "It was a little rainy by the end of the weekend but I enjoyed it nonetheless. How was the weather while I was gone?" She asked. // Drew didn't notice her gaze at first. He was stuck in his own thoughts running wild cause he was a space case like that. He turned his head to Tae and smiled at her. "You're Eli's sister?" He whispered at her. Confirmation was important.
  39. Covet: Eli smirked and put his head down, trying not to laugh with his Dad. "Sorry, Mom. Love you." He said then listened to Persephone and Prudence, "It was nice and sunny all weekend long. Spent some time on Friday and Saturday doing things in the yard." He said which wasn't entirely true, but it was mostly picking up trash from the party. // Tae could see her Dad watching her and rolled her eyes, before she heard Drew, "Younger adopted sister, yeah." She whispered back, as if that wasn't obvious, but she was being all defiant rebel teenager.
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Neil carefully put more chicken into his mouth without breaking eye contact from Tae and Drew, nodding his head along with Prudence's words. "I love it there. It's always so busy and there's never a dull moment. Tae, would you pass the corn, please?" // Lisa just kind of stared at Persephone because bitch WHAT. "Oh well then... okay. Well at least you had fun despite the weather."-
  41. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Yeah, yard things. And I was reading and playing games. An array of things were done prior to you coming home and they were all wholesome." Bliss forced a smile before looking to Persephone after she'd divulged that she basically was in a gang bang. // Persephone yelped and crossed her arms. "Yeah it was super fun. I miss the city so much." // "Yes. We did. It was good to see the city again." Prudence said, looking between her grandchildren then turning her attention to Eli and Bliss. "Well, um... Good. That's good to hear." // Drew began to smirk at her. "Cool... What's your name again?" He whispered. "I'm Drew-" He turned to Neil with a bit of a frown once he addressed Tae.
  42. Covet: [Damn Persephone...] Eli cleared his throat and shook his head, blinking at Persephone's words, and watching as his Dad's look never seemed to break off of Tae at the end of the table, He shrugged then went about eating more of his food. "Just making sure that everything was looking perfect for you when you got home, and not a thing out of place as you requested." Now he was just over embelishing. // Tae, put her fork down and sighed, taking the plate of corn, and handed it down the line of people so her Dad could have it, then looked at Drew, seeing his smirk, "I would be Tae." She said with her own coy eyebrow raise as she took another drink from her spiked cup.
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Neil took the corn as it was passed down to him, scooping some onto his plate before passing it back down. "Is everyone enjoying their dinner? Can I get anyone anything?" He asked despite still fucking staring at Tae. // Lisa smiled as she listened to them. "How kind of you two to make sure the house was in order in her absence." She reached over the table to give Eli's hand a little shake because she was proud of him, completely missing how obvious he was being.-
  44. Tsaaq: "Oh of course. When she asked us to we had no problem at all." Bliss smiled at Lisa. "It was a good weekend." She grit her teeth and forced herself to smile. // Persephone pouted and looked to Neil, taking him seriously. "No thanks." She replied. // Prudence nodded her head once more. "That' so kind of you Elijah. That's why I like you so much. No one before you would be so kind or responsible." She smiled. // Drew turned away and looked to Tae. "You don't seem lame at all." He whispered to her with a smirk. "Plus you're super cute." He winked.
  45. Covet: Eli put his arm around Bliss, and gave her shoulders a Rub, "Of course, anything for you, and for Bliss." He said as he looked over at his Dad, then to see Tae and Drew being all whispery, that alone made the color drain from his face. // Tae smirked and gave a shrug, "Thanks. I'm glad someone appreciates and recognizes that." She said feeling perkier, "I'm pretty much the coolest in my family, and cutest."
  46. Alexithymiaa: "Great! Well as long as everyone's good on food. Tae." He paused, pushing up from his chair and staring her down. "Why don't you help clear the table since it's late and I'm sure Eli and Bliss would like to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight." // Lisa dabbed her mouth with her napkin and pushed up to her feet, picking up plates and stacking them together to begin clearing the table. Another of her usual jobs since she wasnt allowed to touch food. "Here, pass me your plates and I'll get to rinsing and loading them in the dishwasher."-
  47. Tsaaq: She smiled up at Eli then let out a dreamy sigh. "Oh thank you Mr. Cohen." She said, passing her plate to Lisa. She noticed the look on Eli's face and Bliss jumped at the sight of Drew and Tae. Since Drew was a grown ass man and all. // Persephone began to pat her tummy. "So, it's time to leave right?" She asked as she stood. // Prudence began to object. "Oh no. You don't have to do this." She said. "Well next time we'll clear the table and do the dishes. And I will not take no for an answer." She grinned then turned to look at Drew and Tae. Attempting to gauge the reaction. // He kept smirking. "Yeah. I know the feeling." He told her. "I bet I could have a lot of fun with you." He muttered then rolled his eyes. "We can talk more later." He told her, giving her a playful grin.
  48. Covet: Eli, looked at his empty plate and gave a polite smile as Neil volunteered his sister to help clean up so they wouldn't have to worry about it tonight. "Thanks Dad. I appreciate that. And, for the millionth time today, Happy Father's Day." // "Why do I have to? Fine." Tae protested because it seemed like Neil was eyeballing in on her hard. She grabbed her cup and finished drinking it back, leaving her cellphone on the table, turned towards Drew as a silent signal for him to add his number, smiling as she walked away, because fun was something she was always down for. She picked up her plate and made her way into the kitchen to help clean up.
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah yeah, thanks for the millionth time." He smirked at Eli, stepping over to help clear the table of foods, depositing it on the counter to be wrapped and prepared for stroage in the nice big fridge. // Lisa walked the plates over to the sink, rinsing them off and carefully placing each one into the dishwasher for an easier clean up. "Well I didn't do any of the cooking, so it's only fair I help clean up. Next door is all yours." She let out a laugh, finishing up rinsing the dishes before turning back to the group. "This was really nice. I'd love to have more of these dinners. Maybe next time everyone can come over to our house [that i dont have]"-
  50. Tsaaq: "That sounds like a lovely idea Mrs. Cohen!" Bliss said as she got up from the table. "I'm sure we'd love to." // "Yeah yeah yeah." Persephone said. "Thanks again for dinner. See you guys at the next thing I'm going to wait in the car."// Prudence nodded as she rose from her seat and went over to Lisa. "Of course darling." She said. "Just give me a date and I'll put it in my calendar." // Drew took the hint, putting his number down in her phone and trying to look bored as everyone said their goodbyes. He stood up as well, looking at Tae as he made his way to the door.
  51. Covet: Eli got up, to See Bliss's family out the door, "Thanks again for coming, We'll see you at the next dinner then." He said all happily because tonight went pretty well considering a few days ago there was another beat down going on. // Tae was more or less watching her Mom put things into the dishwasher and looked over at Drew, giving him a slight wave as he started to walk out the door, then picked up where her mom left off because she got to talking.
  52. Alexithymiaa: "That sounds great. We'll take a look at our schedules and let you know when the best night would be." He nodded, walking over to meet Lisa and taking her hand because they were cute parents. "Eli, Bliss. It's been nice. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He started for the door with Lisa, urging Tae to follow behind because now he was keeping a close eye on her. // Lisa walked with Neil hand in hand, glancing over her shoulder. "Leave Eli and Bliss alone, Tae. Let's go."-
  53. Tsaaq: "Happy Father's day! Always a pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Cohen." Bliss smiled then sighed once she leaned on the kitchen island, probably getting ready for bed after such a stressful event.
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