
[Classic FR] Legends

Aug 23rd, 2013
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  1. I saw this on /f/ and was inspired.
  4. >Day Hidden Temple in Equestria.
  5. >Wake up.
  6. >Shit by dangling over your toilet.
  7. >Shower under a fire hose.
  8. >Shave with broken glass.
  9. >Don your favorite crimson shirt depicting a large cat.
  10. >Red Jaguars, motherfucker.
  11. >Align the statue at the top of your stairs to make them appear.
  12. >Carefully choose the correct breakfast cereal that with allow you out of your kitchen.
  13. >Just in time for...
  14. *knock knock*
  15. >You walk to your door and rearrange a sequence of shapes to unlock it.
  16. "Yes, Fluttershy? What do you want today?"
  17. >She's carrying a tube sock filled to the brim with vanilla pudding. "Well, I thought that you might like-"
  18. >You hold up a hand to stop her.
  19. "On second thought, never mind. I don't even want to know what's going on in that deranged mind of yours."
  20. >Fluttershy sulks for a moment, then perks back up. "I also brought some string and an inflatable exercise ball," she grins.
  21. >You sigh.
  22. "Fluttershy, what do I have to do for you to stop coming over every day to guess my fetish? What?"
  23. >She taps her hoof against her chin in thought before speaking.
  24. >"Well, you could start by venturing into the Dark Woods. Find the key in the tree to unlock your way into the Queen's Store Room. Smash the right urn to find the key that will lead you to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Assemble the statue and make your way to the Hall of Warriors. Put on the correct set of armor to unlock the door to the Quicksand Bog where you could smash through to the Jester's Court. Press yourself against the correct wall painting and you could gain entry to the Treasure Room where the Chastity Belt of No Means No awaits. Grab the belt, avoid the traps, and race back here to claim your freedom from my assaults. The choices are yours and yours alone."
  25. "That's it?"
  26. >She nods.
  27. >You dart off to the Everfree Forest only to be instantly caught and dragged back to Fluttershy.
  28. >Fucking Temple Guards..
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