
Error Log - Super Skywars

Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'folder "plugins/SuperSkywars/" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 16: if folder "plugins/SuperSkywars/" doesn't exists:')
  2. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'folder "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 18: if folder "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale" doesn't exists:')
  3. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'file "plugins/SuperSkywars/" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 20: if file "plugins/SuperSkywars/" doesn't exists:')
  4. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'file "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale/" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 29: if file "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale/" doesn't exists:')
  5. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 330: if file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml" doesn't exists:')
  6. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'file "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 353: if file "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml" doesn't exists:')
  7. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'file "plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml" doesn't' is not an entity type (, line 380: if file "plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml" doesn't exists:')
  8. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'load scripts from "plugins/SuperSkywars"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 388: load scripts from "plugins/SuperSkywars"')
  9. 19.03 14:08:42 [Server] ERROR 'load script from file "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale/%{locale}"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 390: load script from file "plugins/SuperSkywars/locale/%{locale}"')
  10. 19.03 14:08:43 [Server] INFO You're currently running the latest stable version of Skript.
  11. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars help"]' is not a text (, line 105: format slot 0 of player with compass named "%{Game_Menu_Name_1}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars help"]')
  12. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars help 2"]' is not a text (, line 107: format slot 0 of player with magma cream named "%{Game_Menu_Name_2}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_2}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars help 2"]')
  13. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars help 3"]' is not a text (, line 108: format slot 2 of player with diamond of unbreaking 10 named "%{Game_Menu_Name_3}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_3}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars help 3"]')
  14. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars leave"]' is not a text (, line 110: format slot 4 of player with ender pearl named "%{Game_Menu_Name_4}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_4}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars leave"]')
  15. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars gamemenu"]' is not a text (, line 112: format slot 4 of player with name tag of unbreaking 10 named "%{Game_Menu_Name_7}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_7}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars gamemenu"]')
  16. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars list"]' is not a text (, line 113: format slot 6 of player with paper named "%{Game_Menu_Name_5}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_5}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars list"]')
  17. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars stats"]' is not a text (, line 114: format slot 8 of player with player head named "%{Game_Menu_Name_6}%" with lore "%{Game_Menu_Lore_6}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars stats"]')
  18. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [invoke "prefix-belirle" from player]' is not a text (, line 126: format slot 0 of player with compass named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_1}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [invoke "prefix-belirle" from player]')
  19. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Lore_2}%" to close then run [invoke "mysql" from player]' is not a text (, line 127: format slot 1 of player with nether star named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_2}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Lore_2}%" to close then run [invoke "mysql" from player]')
  20. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_4}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee-help" from player]' is not a text (, line 128: format slot 2 of player with feather named "%{Admin_Menu_New_4}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_4}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee-help" from player]')
  21. 19.03 14:08:44 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "hellmode"]' is not a text (, line 130: format slot 3 of player with blaze powder named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Hell}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "hellmode"]')
  22. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "hellmode"]' is not a text (, line 132: format slot 3 of player with blaze powder named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Hell}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "hellmode"]')
  23. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee" from player]' is not a text (, line 134: format slot 4 of player with cobweb named "%{Admin_Menu_New_1}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee" from player]')
  24. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee" from player]' is not a text (, line 136: format slot 4 of player with cobweb named "%{Admin_Menu_New_1}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "bungee" from player]')
  25. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "kitsenabled"]' is not a text (, line 138: format slot 5 of player with leather helmet named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_4}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "kitsenabled"]')
  26. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "kitsenabled"]' is not a text (, line 140: format slot 5 of player with leather helmet named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_4}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "kitsenabled"]')
  27. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Scoreboard_Menu_Lore}%" to close then run [invoke "scoreboardSettings" from player]' is not a text (, line 141: format slot 6 of player with book named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_5}%" with lore "%{Scoreboard_Menu_Lore}%" to close then run [invoke "scoreboardSettings" from player]')
  28. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "lightningenabled"]' is not a text (, line 143: format slot 7 of player with stone axe named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_6}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "lightningenabled"]')
  29. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "lightningenabled"]' is not a text (, line 145: format slot 7 of player with stone axe named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_6}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "lightningenabled"]')
  30. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "coinsenabled"]' is not a text (, line 147: format slot 8 of player with gold ingot named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_3}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "coinsenabled"]')
  31. 19.03 14:08:45 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "coinsenabled"]' is not a text (, line 149: format slot 8 of player with gold ingot named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_3}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "coinsenabled"]')
  32. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_3}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{wincommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "win"]' is not a text (, line 151: format slot 9 of player with apple named "%{Admin_Menu_New_3}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_3}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{wincommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "win"]')
  33. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_3}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "win"]' is not a text (, line 153: format slot 9 of player with apple named "%{Admin_Menu_New_3}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_3}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "win"]')
  34. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_5}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{joincommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "join"]' is not a text (, line 155: format slot 10 of player with golden apple item named "%{Admin_Menu_New_5}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_5}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{joincommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "join"]')
  35. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_5}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "join"]' is not a text (, line 157: format slot 10 of player with golden apple item named "%{Admin_Menu_New_5}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_5}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "join"]')
  36. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_6}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{deathcommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "death"]' is not a text (, line 159: format slot 11 of player with enchanted golden apple named "%{Admin_Menu_New_6}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_6}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{deathcommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "death"]')
  37. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_6}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "death"]' is not a text (, line 161: format slot 11 of player with enchanted golden apple named "%{Admin_Menu_New_6}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_6}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "death"]')
  38. 19.03 14:08:46 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{kitcommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "kit"]' is not a text (, line 163: format slot 12 of player with helmet named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{kitcommand}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "kit"]')
  39. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "kit"]' is not a text (, line 165: format slot 12 of player with helmet named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Kit_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_NotSet}%" to close then run [invoke "komut-belirle" from player and "kit"]')
  40. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "cooldown" from player]' is not a text (, line 166: format slot 13 of player with redstone named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_7}%" with lore "%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "cooldown" from player]')
  41. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "gametime" from player]' is not a text (, line 167: format slot 14 of player with clock named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_8}%" with lore "%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "gametime" from player]')
  42. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "kill-coin" from player]' is not a text (, line 168: format slot 15 of player with iron ingot named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_9}%" with lore "%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "kill-coin" from player]')
  43. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "win-coin" from player]' is not a text (, line 169: format slot 16 of player with nether brick item named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_10}%" with lore "%{Text_Change}%" to close then run [invoke "win-coin" from player]')
  44. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_7}%||%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "day"]' is not a text (, line 171: format slot 17 of player with jack-o-lantern named "%{Admin_Menu_New_7}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_7}%||%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "day"]')
  45. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_7}%||%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "day"]' is not a text (, line 173: format slot 17 of player with jack-o-lantern named "%{Admin_Menu_New_7}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_7}%||%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "day"]')
  46. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "glassPane"]' is not a text (, line 175: format slot 18 of player with glass named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "glassPane"]')
  47. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "glassPane"]' is not a text (, line 177: format slot 18 of player with glass named "%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Glass_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "glassPane"]')
  48. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "chestVote"]' is not a text (, line 179: format slot 19 of player with chest named "%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "chestVote"]')
  49. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "chestVote"]' is not a text (, line 181: format slot 19 of player with chest named "%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Chest_Vote_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "chestVote"]')
  50. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Spectators_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "spectatorMode"]' is not a text (, line 183: format slot 20 of player with player head named "%{Admin_Menu_Spectators}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Spectators_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &a%{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "spectatorMode"]')
  51. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Spectators_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "spectatorMode"]' is not a text (, line 185: format slot 20 of player with player head named "%{Admin_Menu_Spectators}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Spectators_Lore}%||%{Text_Status}% &c%{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from player and "spectatorMode"]')
  52. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars setmainlobby"]' is not a text (, line 186: format slot 21 of player with empty map named "%{Admin_Menu_New_8}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_New_Lore_8}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars setmainlobby"]')
  53. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Lore_3}%" to close then run [invoke "bastan-baslat" from player]' is not a text (, line 187: format slot 22 of player with eye of ender named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_11}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Lore_3}%" to close then run [invoke "bastan-baslat" from player]')
  54. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars reload"]' is not a text (, line 188: format slot 23 of player with bone named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_12}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Lore_4}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars reload"]')
  55. 19.03 14:08:47 [Server] ERROR '"%{Admin_Menu_Lore_5}%" to close then run [invoke "tumunu-sil" from player]' is not a text (, line 189: format slot 24 of player with lava bucket named "%{Admin_Menu_Name_13}%" with lore "%{Admin_Menu_Lore_5}%" to close then run [invoke "tumunu-sil" from player]')
  56. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars top kills"]' is not a text (, line 195: format slot 0 of player with player head named "%{Top_Menu_Name_1}%" with lore "%{Top_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars top kills"]')
  57. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars top deaths"]' is not a text (, line 196: format slot 2 of player with skeleton head named "%{Top_Menu_Name_2}%" with lore "%{Top_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars top deaths"]')
  58. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars top wins"]' is not a text (, line 197: format slot 4 of player with emerald named "%{Top_Menu_Name_3}%" with lore "%{Top_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars top wins"]')
  59. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars top played"]' is not a text (, line 198: format slot 6 of player with paper named "%{Top_Menu_Name_4}%" with lore "%{Top_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars top played"]')
  60. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars top coins"]' is not a text (, line 199: format slot 8 of player with gold nugget named "%{Top_Menu_Name_5}%" with lore "%{Top_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/skywars top coins"]')
  61. 19.03 14:08:48 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 273: set {_kits::*} to configuration section "kits" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  62. 19.03 14:08:49 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 474: set {_tier1::*} to configuration section "tier1" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  63. 19.03 14:08:49 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 475: set {_tier2::*} to configuration section "tier2" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  64. 19.03 14:08:49 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 476: set {_tier3::*} to configuration section "tier1" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  65. 19.03 14:08:49 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 477: set {_tier4::*} to configuration section "tier2" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  66. 19.03 14:08:50 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 493: set {_middle::*} to configuration section "middle-chests" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  67. 19.03 14:08:50 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 539: bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  68. 19.03 14:08:50 [Server] ERROR "tier1.%the tool of the player%" can't be set to anything (, line 621: set "tier1.%tool of player%" to "*" in yaml file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  69. 19.03 14:08:51 [Server] ERROR "tier2.%the tool of the player%" can't be set to anything (, line 624: set "tier2.%tool of player%" to "*" in yaml file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  70. 19.03 14:08:51 [Server] ERROR "tier3.%the tool of the player%" can't be set to anything (, line 627: set "tier3.%tool of player%" to "*" in yaml file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  71. 19.03 14:08:51 [Server] ERROR "tier4.%the tool of the player%" can't be set to anything (, line 630: set "tier4.%tool of player%" to "*" in yaml file "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  72. 19.03 14:08:53 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect player to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 831: bungeecord connect player to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  73. 19.03 14:08:53 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 868: bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  74. 19.03 14:08:53 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 911: bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  75. 19.03 14:08:53 [Server] ERROR '"&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::1}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 1]' is not a text (, line 941: format slot 2 of player with chest named "&a%{vote_chest::1}%" with lore "&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::1}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 1]')
  76. 19.03 14:08:53 [Server] ERROR '"&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::2}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 2]' is not a text (, line 942: format slot 4 of player with trapped chest named "&e%{vote_chest::2}%" with lore "&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::2}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 2]')
  77. 19.03 14:08:54 [Server] ERROR '"&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::3}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 3]' is not a text (, line 943: format slot 6 of player with ender chest named "&c%{vote_chest::3}%" with lore "&7%{votes_text}%: &e%{skywars::arena::%{skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of player%::arena}%::votes::3}%||||%{Click_to_vote}%" to close then run [invoke "chestVote" from player and 3]')
  78. 19.03 14:08:54 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect {_player} to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 1055: bungeecord connect {_player} to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  79. 19.03 14:08:54 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1118: set {_kits::*} to configuration section "kits" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  80. 19.03 14:08:54 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect player to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 1246: bungeecord connect player to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  81. 19.03 14:08:55 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1275: set {_kits::*} to configuration section "kits" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  82. 19.03 14:08:55 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1289: set {_icon} to single value "kiticon.%loop-value%" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml" parsed as material')
  83. 19.03 14:08:55 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1292: set {_price} to single value "kit.%loop-value%" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml" parsed as integer')
  84. 19.03 14:08:55 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1310: set {_price} to single value "glass.95:%loop-number%" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml" parsed as integer')
  85. 19.03 14:08:56 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 1675: bungeecord connect loop-value to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  86. 19.03 14:08:56 [Server] ERROR 'bungeecord connect {_value} to "%{mainlobby}%"' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 1770: bungeecord connect {_value} to "%{mainlobby}%"')
  87. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%5 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 5]' is not a text (, line 1831: format slot 0 of {_p} with 5 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%5 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 5]')
  88. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%10 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 10]' is not a text (, line 1832: format slot 1 of {_p} with 10 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%10 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 10]')
  89. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%15 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 15]' is not a text (, line 1833: format slot 2 of {_p} with 15 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%15 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 15]')
  90. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%20 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 20]' is not a text (, line 1834: format slot 3 of {_p} with 20 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%20 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 20]')
  91. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%25 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 25]' is not a text (, line 1835: format slot 4 of {_p} with 25 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%25 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 25]')
  92. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%30 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 30]' is not a text (, line 1836: format slot 5 of {_p} with 30 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%30 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 30]')
  93. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%35 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 35]' is not a text (, line 1837: format slot 6 of {_p} with 35 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%35 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 35]')
  94. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%40 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 40]' is not a text (, line 1838: format slot 7 of {_p} with 40 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%40 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 40]')
  95. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_cooldown}%45 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 45]' is not a text (, line 1839: format slot 8 of {_p} with 45 of slimeball named "%{Skywars_cooldown}%45 %{Text_Seconds}%" to close then run [set {cooldown} to 45]')
  96. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%5 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 5]' is not a text (, line 1846: format slot 0 of {_p} with 5 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%5 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 5]')
  97. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%10 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 10]' is not a text (, line 1847: format slot 1 of {_p} with 10 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%10 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 10]')
  98. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%15 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 15]' is not a text (, line 1848: format slot 2 of {_p} with 15 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%15 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 15]')
  99. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%20 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 20]' is not a text (, line 1849: format slot 3 of {_p} with 20 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%20 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 20]')
  100. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%25 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 25]' is not a text (, line 1850: format slot 4 of {_p} with 25 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%25 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 25]')
  101. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%30 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 30]' is not a text (, line 1851: format slot 5 of {_p} with 30 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%30 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 30]')
  102. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%35 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 35]' is not a text (, line 1852: format slot 6 of {_p} with 35 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%35 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 35]')
  103. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%40 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 40]' is not a text (, line 1853: format slot 7 of {_p} with 40 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%40 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 40]')
  104. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Gametime}%45 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 45]' is not a text (, line 1854: format slot 8 of {_p} with 45 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Gametime}%45 %{Text_Minutes}%" to close then run [set {gametime} to 45]')
  105. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%1" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 1]' is not a text (, line 1861: format slot 0 of {_p} with 1 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%1" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 1]')
  106. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%2" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 2]' is not a text (, line 1862: format slot 1 of {_p} with 2 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%2" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 2]')
  107. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%3" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 3]' is not a text (, line 1863: format slot 2 of {_p} with 3 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%3" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 3]')
  108. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%4" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 4]' is not a text (, line 1864: format slot 3 of {_p} with 4 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%4" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 4]')
  109. 19.03 14:08:57 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%5" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 5]' is not a text (, line 1865: format slot 4 of {_p} with 5 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%5" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 5]')
  110. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%10" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 10]' is not a text (, line 1866: format slot 5 of {_p} with 10 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%10" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 10]')
  111. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%15" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 15]' is not a text (, line 1867: format slot 6 of {_p} with 15 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%15" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 15]')
  112. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%20" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 20]' is not a text (, line 1868: format slot 7 of {_p} with 20 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%20" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 20]')
  113. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Killcoin}%25" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 25]' is not a text (, line 1869: format slot 8 of {_p} with 25 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Killcoin}%25" to close then run [set {coinperkill} to 25]')
  114. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%1" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 1]' is not a text (, line 1876: format slot 0 of {_p} with 1 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%1" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 1]')
  115. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%2" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 2]' is not a text (, line 1877: format slot 1 of {_p} with 2 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%2" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 2]')
  116. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%3" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 3]' is not a text (, line 1878: format slot 2 of {_p} with 3 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%3" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 3]')
  117. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%4" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 4]' is not a text (, line 1879: format slot 3 of {_p} with 4 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%4" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 4]')
  118. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%5" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 5]' is not a text (, line 1880: format slot 4 of {_p} with 5 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%5" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 5]')
  119. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%10" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 10]' is not a text (, line 1881: format slot 5 of {_p} with 10 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%10" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 10]')
  120. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%15" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 15]' is not a text (, line 1882: format slot 6 of {_p} with 15 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%15" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 15]')
  121. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%20" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 20]' is not a text (, line 1883: format slot 7 of {_p} with 20 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%20" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 20]')
  122. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Skywars_Wincoin}%25" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 25]' is not a text (, line 1884: format slot 8 of {_p} with 25 of magma cream named "%{Skywars_Wincoin}%25" to close then run [set {coinperwin} to 25]')
  123. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "lobbyScoreboard"]' is not a text (, line 1892: format slot 2 of {_p} with compass named "%{ScoreboardType_1}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "lobbyScoreboard"]')
  124. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "lobbyScoreboard"]' is not a text (, line 1894: format slot 2 of {_p} with compass named "%{ScoreboardType_1}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "lobbyScoreboard"]')
  125. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "gameScoreboard"]' is not a text (, line 1896: format slot 6 of {_p} with clock named "%{ScoreboardType_2}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_On}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "gameScoreboard"]')
  126. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "gameScoreboard"]' is not a text (, line 1898: format slot 6 of {_p} with clock named "%{ScoreboardType_2}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% %{Text_Off}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "gameScoreboard"]')
  127. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] WARN Starting a variable's name with an expression is discouraged ({%{_type}%}). You could prefix it with the script's name: {SS-Main.%{_type}%} (, line 1908: set {%{_type}%} to {_mode}')
  128. 19.03 14:08:58 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {%{_type}%} and {Error_Empty} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1908: set {%{_type}%} to {_mode}')
  129. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Open}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "%{_type}%" and true]' is not a text (, line 1913: format slot 2 of {_p} with cactus green named "%{Text_Open}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "%{_type}%" and true]')
  130. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Close}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "%{_type}%" and false]' is not a text (, line 1914: format slot 6 of {_p} with rose red named "%{Text_Close}%" to close then run [invoke "cMode" from {_p} and "%{_type}%" and false]')
  131. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1921: set {_kits::*} to configuration section "kits" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  132. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1922: set {_kititems::*} to configuration section "kits.%{skywars::oyuncu::%{_uuid}%::kit}%" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  133. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1927: set {_kits::*} to configuration section "kits" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/kits.yml"')
  134. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 1929: set {_price} to single value "kit.%loop-value%" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/prices.yml" parsed as integer')
  135. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Skywars_MaxMinPlayers_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1942: open chest with 1 rows named "&1%{Skywars_MaxMinPlayers_Header}%" to {_p}')
  136. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::minoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "minPlayers" from {_p} and {_a}]' is not a text (, line 1944: format slot 2 of {_p} with skeleton head named "&a%{Text_MinPlayers}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::minoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "minPlayers" from {_p} and {_a}]')
  137. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}% &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::maksoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "maksPlayers" from {_p} and {_a}]' is not a text (, line 1945: format slot 6 of {_p} with player head named "&a%{Text_MaxPlayers}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}% &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::maksoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "maksPlayers" from {_p} and {_a}]')
  138. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Skywars_MaxPlayers_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1951: open chest with 5 rows named "&1%{Skywars_MaxPlayers_Header}%" to {_p}')
  139. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Skywars_MinPlayers_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1962: open chest with 5 rows named "&1%{Skywars_MinPlayers_Header}%" to {_p}')
  140. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Skywars_SetSpawnMap_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1973: open chest with 5 rows named "&1%{Skywars_SetSpawnMap_Header}%" to {_p}')
  141. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Skywars_SetSpawn} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1978: format slot {_x}-1 of {_p} with {_x} of player head named "%{Skywars_SetSpawn}%%{_x}%" to close then run "swconsole setSpawn %{_p}% %{_a}% %{_x}%"')
  142. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Admin_Menu_Name_2} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1983: open chest with 1 rows named "&1%{Admin_Menu_Name_2}%" to {_p}')
  143. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {MySQL_Menu_1} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1985: format slot 1 of {_p} with 1 of paper named "&61" with lore "%{MySQL_Menu_1}%" to close')
  144. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {MySQL_Menu_2} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1986: format slot 3 of {_p} with 2 of paper named "&62" with lore "%{MySQL_Menu_2}%" to close')
  145. 19.03 14:09:00 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {MySQL_Menu_3} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1987: format slot 5 of {_p} with 3 of paper named "&63" with lore "%{MySQL_Menu_3}%" to close')
  146. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {MySQL_Menu_4} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1988: format slot 7 of {_p} with 4 of paper named "&64" with lore "%{MySQL_Menu_4}%" to close')
  147. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Help_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1993: open chest with 1 rows named "&1%{Bungee_Help_Header}%" to {_p}')
  148. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Help_1} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1995: format slot 1 of {_p} with 1 of paper named "&61" with lore "%{Bungee_Help_1}%" to close')
  149. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Help_2} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1996: format slot 3 of {_p} with 2 of paper named "&62" with lore "%{Bungee_Help_2}%" to close')
  150. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Help_3} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1997: format slot 5 of {_p} with 3 of paper named "&63" with lore "%{Bungee_Help_3}%" to close')
  151. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Help_4} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 1998: format slot 7 of {_p} with 4 of paper named "&64" with lore "%{Bungee_Help_4}%" to close')
  152. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2003: open chest with 1 rows named "&2%{Bungee_Header}%" to {_p}')
  153. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Open}%" to close then run [set {bungeeenabled} to true]' is not a text (, line 2005: format slot 1 of {_p} with cactus green named "%{Text_Open}%" to close then run [set {bungeeenabled} to true]')
  154. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Close}%" to close then run [set {bungeeenabled} to false]' is not a text (, line 2006: format slot 2 of {_p} with rose red named "%{Text_Close}%" to close then run [set {bungeeenabled} to false]')
  155. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] ERROR '"%{Bungee_1}%||%{Text_Status}%&a %{servername}%" to close then run [invoke "server-name" from {_p}]' is not a text (, line 2010: format slot 6 of {_p} with paper named "%{Bungee_2}%" with lore "%{Bungee_1}%||%{Text_Status}%&a %{servername}%" to close then run [invoke "server-name" from {_p}]')
  156. 19.03 14:09:01 [Server] ERROR '"%{Bungee_5}%" to close then run [invoke "server-name" from {_p}]' is not a text (, line 2012: format slot 6 of {_p} with paper named "%{Bungee_2}%" with lore "%{Bungee_5}%" to close then run [invoke "server-name" from {_p}]')
  157. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"%{Text_Status}%&a %{mainlobby}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]' is not a text (, line 2015: format slot 7 of {_p} with book named "%{Bungee_3}%" with lore "%{Text_Status}%&a %{mainlobby}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]')
  158. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"&7%{Bungee_4}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]' is not a text (, line 2017: format slot 7 of {_p} with book named "%{Bungee_3}%" with lore "&7%{Bungee_4}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]')
  159. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"%{Bungee_5}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]' is not a text (, line 2019: format slot 7 of {_p} with book named "%{Bungee_3}%" with lore "%{Bungee_5}%" to close then run [invoke "server-lobby" from {_p}]')
  160. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Arena_Menu_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2026: open chest with 1 rows named "&1%{Arena_Menu_Header}%" to {_p}')
  161. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"%{Bungee_Select_Lore_1}%" to close then run [set {servername} to loop-value]' is not a text (, line 2032: format slot 0 of {_p} with slimeball named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "%{Bungee_Select_Lore_1}%" to close then run [set {servername} to loop-value]')
  162. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"%{Bungee_Select_Lore_1}%" to close then run [set {servername} to loop-value]' is not a text (, line 2034: format slot {_x} of {_p} with slimeball named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "%{Bungee_Select_Lore_1}%" to close then run [set {servername} to loop-value]')
  163. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_5} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2036: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Bungee_5}%" to {_p}')
  164. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Bungee_7} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2044: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Bungee_7}%" to {_p}')
  165. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {ver} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2052: set {_ver} to text from url ""')
  166. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Version_UpToDate} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2054: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Version_UpToDate}%" to console')
  167. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Version_NotUpToDate} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2059: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Version_NotUpToDate}%" to console')
  168. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2076: set {_tier1::*} to configuration section "tier1" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  169. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2077: set {_tier2::*} to configuration section "tier2" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  170. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2078: set {_tier3::*} to configuration section "tier1" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  171. 19.03 14:09:02 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2079: set {_tier4::*} to configuration section "tier2" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  172. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2139: set {_tier1::*} to configuration section "tier1" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  173. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2140: set {_tier2::*} to configuration section "tier2" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  174. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2141: set {_tier3::*} to configuration section "tier3" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  175. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2142: set {_tier4::*} to configuration section "tier4" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  176. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2202: set {_middle::*} to configuration section "middle-chests" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  177. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] ERROR '"plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"' is not an item stack (, line 2213: set {_middle::*} to configuration section "middle-chests" get of "plugins/SuperSkywars/chestitems.yml"')
  178. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::durum} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2229: set {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::durum} to "starting"')
  179. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Command_Join_3} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2235: set {_m} to {Command_Join_3}')
  180. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {m} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2235: set {_m} to {Command_Join_3}')
  181. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Command_Join_4} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2243: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Command_Join_4}%" to {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::oyuncular::*}')
  182. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::sure} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2250: set {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::sure} to {gametime}')
  183. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {buyuka} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2254: set {_buyuka} to "%loop-number%"')
  184. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::1} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2258: if {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::3} > {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::1}:')
  185. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::3} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2258: if {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::3} > {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::votes::1}:')
  186. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {buyukb} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2259: set {_buyukb} to "3"')
  187. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {sonuc} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2263: set {_sonuc} to "%{_buyuka}%"')
  188. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::chestType} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2266: set {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::chestType} to "%{_sonuc}%"')
  189. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {players} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2268: set {_players} to loop-value')
  190. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {playersUUID} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2269: set {_playersUUID} to "%uuid of {_players}%"')
  191. 19.03 14:09:03 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::arena} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2270: set {_arena} to {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::arena}')
  192. 19.03 14:09:04 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::oynananoyun} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2272: add 1 to {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::oynananoyun}')
  193. 19.03 14:09:04 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Command_Join_5} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2273: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Command_Join_5}%" to {_players}')
  194. 19.03 14:09:04 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::scoreboard} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2278: set {skywars::oyuncu::%{_playersUUID}%::scoreboard} to true')
  195. 19.03 14:09:04 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {world} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2281: set {_world} to world of loop-value')
  196. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {UUIDplayer} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2311: set {_UUIDplayer} to "%uuid of loop-value%"')
  197. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%{_UUIDplayer}%::oyunda} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2312: if {skywars::oyuncu::%{_UUIDplayer}%::oyunda} is true:')
  198. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Command_Join_6} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2313: set {_q} to {Command_Join_6}')
  199. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {guardTime} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2319: set {_guardTime} to {gametime}/5')
  200. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Command_Join_7} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 2326: send "%{skywarsTag}% %{Command_Join_7}%" to {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::oyuncular::*}')
  201. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars enable %{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2344: format slot 0 of {_p} with chirp music disc named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_2}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_2}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars enable %{_a}%"]')
  202. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars refresh %{_a}% chests"]' is not a text (, line 2345: format slot 2 of {_p} with chest named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_3}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_3}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars refresh %{_a}% chests"]')
  203. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars start %{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2346: format slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_4}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_4_1}%%{_a}%||%{Arena_Menu_Lore_4_2}%%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::durum}%||%{Arena_Menu_Lore_4_3}%%size of {skywars::arena::%{_a}%::oyuncular::*}%/%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::maksoyuncu}%||%{Arena_Menu_Start_Lore}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars start %{_a}%"]')
  204. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars refresh %{_a}% map"]' is not a text (, line 2347: format slot 6 of {_p} with grass named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_5}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_5}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars refresh %{_a}% map"]')
  205. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars disable %{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2348: format slot 8 of {_p} with far music disc named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_6}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_6}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars disable %{_a}%"]')
  206. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars setlobby %{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2349: format slot 10 of {_p} with compass named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_7}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_7}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars setlobby %{_a}%"]')
  207. 19.03 14:09:05 [Server] ERROR '"/skywars debug %{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2350: format slot 12 of {_p} with eye of ender named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_8}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_8}%" to close then run [make {_p} execute command "/skywars debug %{_a}%"]')
  208. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] ERROR '"%{Arena_Menu_Lore_9}%||&7%{Text_MaxPlayers}%: &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::maksoyuncu}%||&7%{Text_MinPlayers}%: &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::minoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "oyuncuSettings" from {_p} and {_a}]' is not a text (, line 2351: format slot 14 of {_p} with player head named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_9}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_9}%||&7%{Text_MaxPlayers}%: &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::maksoyuncu}%||&7%{Text_MinPlayers}%: &a%{skywars::arena::%{_a}%::minoyuncu}%" to close then run [invoke "oyuncuSettings" from {_p} and {_a}]')
  209. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] ERROR '"%{Arena_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [invoke "setspawn-map" from {_p} and "%{_a}%"]' is not a text (, line 2352: format slot 16 of {_p} with name tag named "%{Arena_Menu_Name_1}%" with lore "%{Arena_Menu_Lore_1}%" to close then run [invoke "setspawn-map" from {_p} and "%{_a}%"]')
  210. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_Header} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 5: display board named "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_Header}%" to player')
  211. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {scoreboardRTime} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 13: set {scoreboardRTime} to 0')
  212. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {disabledworlds} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 20: if {disabledworlds} doesn't contain "%world of loop-player%":')
  213. 19.03 14:09:06 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of loop-player%::oyunda} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 21: if {skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of loop-player%::oyunda} is false:')
  214. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of loop-player%::scoreboard} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 22: if {skywars::oyuncu::%uuid of loop-player%::scoreboard} is false:')
  215. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_1} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 29: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_1}% %{skywars::oyuncu::bilgiler::kazanmalar::%{_uuid}%}%" in board of loop-player to 7')
  216. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_2} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 30: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_2}% %{skywars::oyuncu::bilgiler::oldurmeler::%{_uuid}%}%" in board of loop-player to 6')
  217. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_3} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 31: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_3}% %{skywars::oyuncu::bilgiler::olmeler::%{_uuid}%}%" in board of loop-player to 5')
  218. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_4} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 32: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_4}% %{skywars::oyuncu::bilgiler::oynananoyun::%{_uuid}%}%" in board of loop-player to 4')
  219. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_5} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 33: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_5}% %{skywars::oyuncu::bilgiler::jeton::%{_uuid}%}%" in board of loop-player to 3')
  220. 19.03 14:09:07 [Server] WARN Possible name conflict of variables {Lobby_Scoreboard_6} and {%{_type}%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 35: make score "%{Lobby_Scoreboard_6}%" in board of loop-player to 1')
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