sky6 vod review lul

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. Hi sky! You ready to get some skill? Cause I am ready to fucking review this gameplay. And as a reminder to sky and to anyone watching this gameplay, I'd like to direct you to my wall riding guides on the discord. It's under submit guides at the moment. On to the gameplay.
  3. Round 1- Nepal Village
  5. I can't help but be impressed with your sick dunk in spawn. I can't do that consistently, and I have 270+ hours on lucio. When getting out of spawn, I already see a few issues. You don't really stick with your team when amping it up, and don't use your wall ride to get out of spawn quicker. I love how you are making callouts for your amp and you help your team track the pharah. Around 11:50 seconds in, You make a mistake that is more common than it should be- not calling out when you amp up heals. This small callout is so helpful to your team and yet it is very uncommon. Ten seconds later, you try using wall riding and flop. The use of wall riding seemed to have taken extra thought where it should be instinct. Wall riding should become basic muscle memory, and that can be built off of to do more complicated play. You got a pretty nice boop on the d.va, although it would have been much better to stagger her. In the next minute, you are making great callouts and are scouting, which is something I love seeing. Again, I see a lot of lost potential in your wall riding, as it seems so awkward and unused. Your biggest issue in that round was landing your jumps or even getting any momentum boost out of them. And that is something that needs to be practiced.
  7. Round 2- Nepal temple
  9. Right in the beginning of the match you run out of spawn and hug a wall. You should never do this in a rollout, and really not even in basic gameplay. You gain no advantage over tapping by doing this, and the speed can't be chained or even really utilized. Practice just tapping, and actually learn some rollouts on maps like these. Once you actually get onto point, your gameplay improves tremendously, as you bounce around, and even climb over a wall to get extra damage in, which is something I commonly do on this map. I would have liked it if you were checking your surroundings more, as that might have saved your mercy. But when going after Mr. Mgoo, I see a few issues( that rhymed). Your movement is rudimentary, and you sit on heals while chasing him down, which isn't recommended. In most combat scenarios, you should be constantly swapping from aura to aura in order make your movement as unpredictable as possible due to the changes in momentum. At 15:16, you call out when amping up heals, and that does make me happy. You even speed the zarya out of combat, and that is great. You should always be trying to get your team out of danger or into fights as fast as possible. Remember, speed is key. Your gameplay stays rather consistent throughout the rest of the fight, but I'm starting to see issues with how you are using boop. Boop is one of your strongest tools for both peeling and for killing or annoying your enemy, and not just for pushing people off maps. If your mercy or some one on your team is being chased, get in closer to the aggressor and as lucio would say,"Push off!". You can also get behind people and push them into your team, although doing this might require some more skill in wall riding. You lost your entire ult before the fight ended, which is sad. You want to use it when you believe someone other than yourself needs protection or will need protection very soon. You have a very coordinated push taking back the point and you absolutely destroy the enemy zarya. Your awkward wall riding really starts to shine as you try and climb a corner to the best of your ability. Your main issue with wall riding seems to be speed control, which is something I define in my wall riding guide. The momentum seems random and chaotic, and untapped. You aren't utilizing it at all. And due to this, you die in a very stupid way. But that D.va boop was pretty sick. And watching you play brings up a paradox. You understand everything else about Lucio fairly well, but wall riding is at a deficit. You seem to understand callouts, his damage combos, cross fade usage and how to time your ultimate, but You lack in one of his most important areas. I want you to try some custom games where you can practice wall riding( both combat and non-combat) in a safe space, and maybe do some FFAs or 1v1s to practice your combat wall riding. I see potential and know you can utilize it.
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