
Revisions for Ataraxion

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. <u>Non-power-related:</u> As noted previously, Tavi will be noticeably hampered by the fact that he has exactly zero familiarity with technology. Some of this can be corrected with learning, but it would take considerable effort, time, and energy.
  3. <u>Furycrafting related:</u>
  4. As mentioned, the Tranquility actually acts as a natural buffer to crafting; as for all but the purely internal functions Tavi needs to have the elements present around him to pull on, this will leave him noticeably less capable than usual, especially in the context of earthcrafting (as he will not be able to pull on earth for superstrength unless/until he's standing on some dirt proper). Ditto woodcrafting, which will be essentially useless, and most watercrafting will need handy bodies of water around to work. Also, some of the really large and impressive uses of crafting are kind of not possible in a very tight space (E.G., flight isn't terribly useful/manageable indoors unless you're climbing a ton of stairs).
  6. That particular case assumes, however, he's able to do any of the crafting he wants. At the moment, he can't. Unless/until he's canon-updated, for the most part Tavi doesn't have much furycrafting he can actually <i>do</i>. In the mega-list of doom, he's only really able to do anything marked 'internalized'--pull some extra strength (will need soil/stone, so less likely to happen in-game) and speed, block pain/hunger/etc (which is actually less of an advantage than it sounds like; people have been known to die from ignoring wounds too long), a reasonably sound empathic ability, and a general sense of elemental feeling around him. Oh, and with a lot of effort he might be able to light a candle. As for the strength/speed boost, it isn't to Extreme Superhero levels; I'd say two to five times baseline (athletic) human.
  8. And again: he seriously can't read emotions magically via the network. Strictly in-person functionality.
  10. <u>Personality weaknesses:</u>
  11. Ethical genius devoted to his people or not, Tavi's also a hugely manipulative jackass when necessary. As I mentioned, he <i>uses</i> people, himself included; he tries really hard to remember people's feelings and certainly their well-being. Still, he has been known to deliberately pick hurtful things to say to force someone into a course of action he chooses--even to people he cares deeply about. He also forgets to say important things to his loved ones sometimes: he destroys a friendship by failing to communicate some information, and quite literally fails to tell his 100% exclusive girlfriend that he loves her for <i>seven years</i>--takes until the third to last chapter of the novels or so for him to even think to, and it takes Max the womanizer of all people to point out to him he's been treating Kitai less than admirably.
  13. He also has a compulsive need to keep secrets in some ways. This includes not telling friends and family information unless he has a reason to, sometimes even just for his own amusement (though sometimes he has a genuine security reason for it). He will generally refuse to let people see him in moments of weakness--not even the woman who hypothetically shares part of his soul. He's frankly incredibly lonely in some ways, and always will be--more so now that he's growing into his heritage and eventual position as First Lord. He also has a serious--and noticeably hereditary--lack of grasp of his own limits. He can and will push himself well beyond sanity and health to achieve a goal, especially when regarding his crafting. He uses people, but first he uses himself, no matter the cost. This has some serious failure modes, among them being willing to work himself into a dangerously high fever. He never does it without a reason, and often there's no real alternative. But 'limits' are not something he gets.
  15. Summary: the <i>nice</i>, 17-year-old version of Tavi deliberately manipulated the deepest emotional wounds of his teacher and close friends and nearly killed another boy in a vengeful rage. That was five years before his current canon point. Nowadays he builds death rays which can kill ten thousand in a few seconds. He will break a friend out of super-max prison and plot murder on their behalf if he feels it is called for; he will also keep secrets and pour salt on emotional wounds and twist it until he gets loyalty for doing so. Just because he's idealistic, compassionate, devoted to his family, and brilliant doesn't mean he can't be cold, manipulative, and emotionally kind of useless.
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