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a guest
Sep 13th, 2018
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  1. implicit none
  3. include ''
  4. include ''
  5. integer flin,flout,ntre,ios,chkgo,I,J,K,II,JJ,I1,I2,J1,J2,npf
  6. integer npfi(npun),npfj(npun),numc,totq,MedQ
  7. real Z,ZI,PEN,P,MAXQUO
  8. character*30 NameFl
  9. !elegxos timis dim,jdim
  10. write(*,*) 'dim=',dim,'jdim=',jdim
  11. pause
  12. numc=0
  13. totq=0
  15. do I=1,idim
  16. read(flin,*) (QUO(I,J),j=1,jdim)
  17. do J=1,jdim
  18. C if the elevation is less than 0, then the cell is
  19. C outside the catchment, therefore QUO=-1
  20. !elegxos timis upsometrou
  21. write(*,*) 'To upsometro Q(i,j) einai ',QUO(I,J),'me I=',I,'kai J=',J
  22. if (QUO(I,J).LT.0) then
  23. QUO(I,J)=-1.
  24. else
  25. totq=totq+QUO(I,J)
  26. numc=numc+1
  27. end if
  28. end do
  29. end do
  30. !elegxos timis totq,numc
  31. write(*,*) 'totq=',totq,'numc=',numc
  32. pause
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