
Rehabilitation Chap. 7

Mar 31st, 2013
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  1. Do people even read this little bit at the top?
  3. ///////////
  5. Baci Torina sat perfectly still, like an anchored rock, inside the Administratio Magiae. Perhaps it was in her nature to remain still when frightened, as a rabbit, or maybe she was just terrified.
  7. Marco was currently negotiating within the sparse room Baci had been led to. He hadn't much luck, however, though given his utter unenthusiasm for actually sticking up for his coworker-in-name-only.
  9. The tall, raven-haired woman reading over the arrest bored her blue eyes into Baci. “Miss Torina...I do believe that as a journalist, you are most aware of how proscribed...pickwires are in this town?” Every line was perfectly intoned to give off an air of authority.
  11. Baci squirmed in her seat. “Yes, I...I am.”
  13. “Of course you are. Your kind is wont to use them to investigate further, but the privacy and security concerns they pose are far too risky to legalize them.”
  15. “In other words,” Marco cut in quickly. “I suggest you simply tell us what the legal punishment will be so we can move on with our lives.”
  17. The woman directed a scant but scornful glance at him. “...As your friend here is stating, we should move on with this...”
  19. The negotiation continued on for about half an hour. Amazingly, Baci was to be sent to Hera's house for two weeks, for some “rehabilitation”. Since her goal had been getting in, she managed to make it feel like even her utter failure was actually a success. Marco was not that amused, since he had to escort her there in the first place, but even he had to congratulate Baci on managing to accomplish her goal through sheer dumb (high emphasis on “dumb”) luck.
  21. The two of them walked through the streets of Megiddo, eventually making their way back to the house. Hera was standing outside, having already gotten notice from one of the AM's messengers.
  23. “Are you the dashing courier sending me my gift?” She coquettishly teased as the two drew closer. Both of them stopped in their tracks—her beauty was undeniable.
  25. Marco said nothing for a few seconds, but then answered truthfully. “My coworker here is more than just a gift...but I am indeed escorting you to her.”
  27. Baci pushed him off brusquely and walked over to Hera “So, you're who I'm going to be staying with, huh? Let me tell you, I'm brash, stupid, and more hard-headed than a rock, so don't think you'll be rehabilitating me anytime soon, got it?!”
  29. Hera smiled in her usual creepy way—though to the unwitting Baci, it was perfectly normal. “Oh, we shall see about that.”
  31. ///////
  33. Hera brought the bunnygirl inside. The other 3 girls were hiding in the back room and out of the way for the moment, so it was absolutely perfect for Hera. She led Baci to a seat and poured her some steaming tea. Baci accepted it tenaciously, starting to feel somewhat unnerved by the serenity of it all. The place was quiet...too quiet. Everything in the room seemed utterly normal—too normal.
  35. (Man...what if this woman's actually a serial who works with the police to get victims, and then get rid of them sneakily? Maybe this tea's poisoned, I shouldn't drink it...)
  37. She slowly set the tea down and pushed it away from her. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
  39. Hera observed her quietly and watched her with motherly eyes. “Are you not thirsty?”
  41. “I...I'm fine.”
  43. “If you say so.” Hera took a small sip of tea, the steam rising over her face. “Baci, you know exactly what goes on in here, don't you?”
  45. Baci could feel her own veins freeze like ice. “Um...uh...”
  47. “I know about you and your little journalistic journey. A few days ago—you were writing something, weren't you? Outside, across the street.”
  49. “How...”
  51. “I know a lot of things you don't dear. Things pertaining to all sorts of magic. Including surveillance. It was only a matter of time before this happened.” Hera took another ominous sip, setting the cup down afterward. “I guess you know that those inside here are treated like the babies they are, aren't you?”
  53. “I...what do you even mean by that?” Baci felt like she was a novel hero being interrogated by the villain. Only, she felt that this wouldn't end well.
  55. Hera stood up and walked towards the back of the house. “You'll see.”
  57. Bad end.
  59. ///////////////
  61. Hera delightfully strolled to the bedroom where the girls were. “Oh giiiiiirls~” She called out. “I have a new guest for you—let's make her welcome, shall we?” Three mischievous smiles greeted her. Io, Cybele, and Medea were already up, diapered, and holding some things for diapering.
  63. Io raised the thick pink diaper in her hand in the air. “Why, I'd love to, Hera! More girls means more fun....”
  65. Cybele nodded, holding a pink T-shirt covered in a babyish motif. “Let's hope she's fun to be around.”
  67. Medea, holding a pair of black thigh-highs, waved her hands in the air like a rambunctious pre-schooler. “Yeah, yeah!”
  69. “Well, then~” Hera showed them the door. “Let us go on~”
  71. /////////
  73. Baci only heard a few muffled noises, being in the front, but that only unnerved her even more. “Aw, hell...”
  75. She looked behind herself, outside a window, to see her town—perhaps it was to be the last time she would ever see it. “Man, I really should've thought out my life--”
  77. Her highly sensitive ears picked out the sounds of footsteps—and odd amounts of crinkling—and she found herself quickly whipping around and coming face-to-face with the three girls and Hera.
  79. Baci, like most normal people when confronted with three girls blatantly wearing diapers, one of them being a red-skinned demon, had good reason to assume that she had simply gone nuts right there; either that or she was dreaming. “What in the...?!”
  81. Hera smiled and waved to her from the back. “You see, Baci, people who go here...they get treated like the babies they are. These three have already been punished...and they quite would enjoy a new playmate~”
  83. “Indeed we would!” Io exclaimed in affirmation.
  85. “Now then, girls, how about we get Baci acquainted with the clothing habits of this house?”
  87. “Okay!”
  88. “Alright!”
  89. “Yaaaay~!”
  91. Baci was too stunned to even do anything. So stunned, indeed, that she barely reacted until she noticed that the three girls were practically on top of her.
  93. “Oh, she's a cute one, isn't she?”
  94. “Taller than you, that's for certain.”
  95. “I wonder just how delicate she is!”
  97. Cybele leaned forward seductively and grasped Baci's shoulder. The bunnygirl was virtually drowning in her own sweat at this point, breathing in and out in pained, wide gasps. “Just stay stil...” Cybele's free hand found its way down Baci's chest onto her skirt, at which point it carefully pulled up the small dress, exposing a pair of ornate striped panties. “Oh, how lascivious...” Cybele grabbed them and ripped them off with a quick tear. Baci just froze up in place, staring wide-eyed into Cybele's face. She was promptly swiped up by Medea with her abnormally great strength and placed onto the ground.“Oh, Io, you can continue from here.
  99. Io grinned wide and mock-saluted Cybele. “Of course!” Baci was reduced to a whimpering and trembling wreck on the ground. (Oh shit oh shitohshitshitshitimgonnadieimgonnadieOHFUCK).
  101. Io kneeled down between her legs and massaged her crotch a little. “Don't'll soon come to enjoy this~” With a surprising amount of professionalism, Io quickly taped the girl into a thick and pink diaper. “There, see?”
  103. Baci didn't do anything besides whimper and tremble a little bit ( Medea decided to take initiative and give a small pacifier lying around to her. Baci autonomously took into her mouth and started to suck on it. To her surprise, it calmed her down, though she was still whimpering somewhat. Io grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her up so she was sitting.
  105. “There, there...”
  107. Baci just broke right there. She began to bawl tremendously behind her pacifier, with tears streaming out of her eyes as she cried like an oversized baby. Perhaps because of this, she immediately swung her arms around Io and began to cry into her shoulder, a rather comical sight due to her superiority in height. The little mage nearly fell over but supported her the best she could anyway.
  109. “” Io looked back at Hera awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.
  111. Hera calmly smiled at her new charge. “I think it's best we put her to bed.”
  113. //////
  115. A few hours passed, and Baci found herself waking up from a tired slumber. She couldn't really remember what had happened after she started to cry, but she was on some kind of bed, she could surmise. A blanket was comfily covering her body, though it was making her kind of sweaty and warm.
  117. Not to mention the undergarment wrapped around her crotch was kind of uncomfy as well. She reached back and cringed as soon as her hand felt a squishy, crinkly presence. “No fucking way...” She rolled onto her back and pulled the covers off.
  119. Io had taped her into a very thick and pillow-y diaper. To add to the humiliation, it was a light, faded-out kind of pink, with some baby-ish motifs that made Baci want to crawl into her own skin and die. She didn't so much as look at it—but she soon found that its beingness was impossible to deny. It was just so much heavier than normal panties—truly, they couldn't even be compared. Normal underwear was basically invisible once put on—but this...this couldn't be ignored. Every movement she made brought the weight and thickness of the diaper front-and-center. She couldn't even fully squeeze her legs closed, it was so stuffed.
  121. Baci groaned to herself, well aware that she had no opportunity to escape. She was stuck in this place for 2 whole weeks. She wondered, with great worries, just how she'd survive this hellhole.
  123. Speaking of being stuck, she noticed that she was stuck in what amounted to an oversized crib. (She was, obviously, not privy to it, but it was actually located right next to the bed the other girls slept in, Hera having just moved it in). (Great. Now I really can't do anything). Her eyes wandered around the room she was in. They noticed a small bed, and that one of the girls from before was on it, sleeping—the blue-haired one that had diapered Baci. Also, something in the room kind of smelled, though Baci couldn't figure out what it was.
  125. Baci's mind quickly went to the image of the three girls in diapers who had basically assaulted her the previous few hours. Truth to be told, it was one of the most utterly bizarre sights she had ever seen. Three girls, all brazenly wearing diapers and seeming to...enjoy it. That last creeped her out the most. She wasn't getting rehabilitated, she was getting subjected to the whims of a bunch of creepy deviants!
  127. If only...if only she hadn't froze up, she could've snapped a picture of one of them. Just think of the sheer amount of money newspapers would have paid to receive that!
  129. Really, the situation was quite surreal to her. Starting with Hera: Baci ran through her mind for facts about that golden-haired goddess. She had been a highly-respected mage working in the last great war...that must've been ages ago. You couldn't've gone three minutes without hearing about her. Mages wanted to be like or her, or they wanted to kill her. It was as simple as that. Her power was almost unprecedented—it was on a level approaching a sage, they had said. Three different authors had wanted to write biographies on her, and two did...the third didn't. No one knew why. But, what mattered more, was that after those dueling bios were published, she retired to Megiddo and worked for the Administratio Magiae.
  131. (...Buh. This is all history-class level stuff. At least I paid enough attention for that.)
  133. (But still, the Great Hera, a diaper fetishist....god, this is like finding out that your country's most respected hero is a deviant...actually, that's exactly what this is.)
  135. Baci sighed to herself once more. This was easily the most bizarre thing she had ever been subjected through, and she had to go through the AM's Department of Potions Trafficking once.
  137. She really wanted to finger herself. But it would feel through the diaper, wouldn't it....? She took a hand and began to gingerly rub the outside of her diaper. As she expected, it was so thick she couldn't feel anything with it.
  139. “Need some help?”
  141. Baci nearly screamed from shock and practically jumped out of the crib. Staring at her from the outside was Io, on the bed, clad in only a diaper and T-shirt. “”
  143. “Hi.” Io was decidedly non-chalant, waving and smiling at Baci with an honest sincerity. She quickly slid to the side of the bed and got up, facing away from the rabbit-girl. Her diaper was...decidedly stained brown.
  145. “Your....diaper....”
  147. “Oh?” Io swiveled around to check. “Oh, I must be slightly messy...I must've went in my sleep.” She blushed and put a single finger to her mouth coquettishly.
  149. “Messy? You”
  151. “Yeah. I mean, I messed my diaper. Get used to it. You'll be messing diapers too.”
  153. Baci's face distorted into a complete grimace of disgust. “WHAT!? fucking way, that's DISGUSTING!? You people are fucking sick! I'm not dirtying myself like that!”
  155. “I thought that way, too..” Io walked around the bed and strolled over to Baci's crib. “But I ended up having to mess myself against my will, and I found that it was really awesome.”
  157. “Awesome?! Shitting yourself? How...AUGH!” Baci banged her head against one of the bars in the crib, in the vain hope that she could simply kill herself right then and there. “Ow....” Her head felt like it was on fire—not the smartest decision she had made—not that she usually made many smart decisions, mind you.
  159. “Relax....” Io unleashed the latch on one of the sides to the crib, and lowered that side's bars. “I'm here to ease you through it, though...” She gripped onto her stomach, which had just started to hurt a little. “I'm still a little blocked up. I hope you don't mind--” She turned around, her padded and quite-messy-already butt pointing towards Baci. “But I have to go a little more--”
  161. “What do you mean--”
  163. Before Baci could finish, a gassy, somewhat loud fart erupted from Io's behind. She pushed a little harder and before long, she started to mess herself again. A mushy and squelchy mass began to push its way into her diaper, filling it quite nicely with shit, all while directly in Baci's disgusted face. The poor rabbit-girl herself was subjected directly to the putrid and awful odors making their way outside of Io's diaper, as the girl pushed harder and harder with cute, high-pitched grunts as more and more mess filled her diaper, causing it to start sagging tremendously and turn a dark brown. Soon the mess had to start making its way to her crotch, slowly shifting forward as there wasn't anymore room in her filled and smelly behind. Finally, after a few more farts, she stopped, her diaper filled to capacity with shit and stinking to high heaven. Baci nearly wanted to vomit after having been subjected to it head on, but Io smiled coyly and panted a little now that her dirty deed was done.
  165. Baci was also panting, though more from the sheer shock of what she saw. “Did you....”
  167. “It should be pretty obvious~” Io wiggled her messy butt in Baci's face, taking delight in her prisoner's discomfort.
  169. “I mean, AUGH!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Baci held back from throwing up at the smell of shit permeating the whole room by now. Io, having been used to it, and even enjoying it, didn't pay it any heed, but Baci, new to it, was revolted by it in every way possible. “How can someone be so goddamn sick!?”
  171. “Oh, come on.” Io turned to face Baci again. “It feels really good....” She took her hand and started to carress her messy diaper, squishing it around and feeling all the mess spread and squelch around with an array of nasty sounds. “Ahh....~”
  173. Baci truly thought that she had died and gone to hell. This really couldn't be happening to her.
  175. “I hear you're a journalist.” Io clambered up into the crib, her diaper making it somewhat hard to do as such, thought she managed. “And that you're trying to do an investigation on us.”
  177. “Yea—I mean, no!”
  179. “Interesting...” Io reached into a pocket of Baci's shirt, and pulled out a notepad. “I guess that's why this is filled with notes---Marco? Who is this, your boyfriend?”
  181. “No! He's an assistant. And why are you on top of me!?”
  183. Io bent down and put one finger soberly on Baci's mouth. “Because I feel like it.” Her small stature allowed her to move relatively freely on the crib, plus it kept her prisoner pinned down. “By the way, do you know telepathy?”
  185. Baci did, though she was highly reticent. Io laughed heartily and stood up on the crib. “Oh well.”
  187. Baci couldn't even ask her what she was doing before she deigned to simply sit on her face. With her messy diaper still on, of course. Ergo, Baci was subjected yet again to the horrendous smells emanating from the diaper once more, not to mention the whole “getting sat on” part.
  189. Io took an extra delight in being able to simply relax while Baci's face, fidgeting a little to get a good resting spot, something that her living seat did not exactly appreciate. Baci herself squirmed to get free, but it simply wasn't possible.
  191. (Do you enjoy getting humiliated and bullied?)
  193. (Augh...ack...why are you asking me that and GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME)
  195. (I don't really feel the need to tell you why just yet, oh, and no, I'm not going to)
  197. ('re not gonna win...dammit....I'm not gonna admit it)
  199. (That implies that you do)
  201. (Fuck you, bitch!)
  203. Baci, of course, knew that, deep down, she really did enjoy this kind of thing. Well, maybe not the diapers and messing specifically, but...the whole aspect of getting humiliated. Perhaps it was why she endured being alongside Marco besides the fact that he had only unkind words to describe her half the time. But she still couldn't believe that she would grow to enjoy these diapers. No way. It wasn't possible....
  205. Io squirmed for the last with a mischievous smile and then got up off of Baci's face. Several pants and long, hard breaths greeted her. “This is only the beginning.” Io clambered off of the bed and proceeded to give Baci a warm kiss on the lips. The stunned bunny-girl could only do nothing but blush.
  207. “My love is for someone else. But you can be our concubine.”
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