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/dsg/ newbie pastebin

a guest
Jun 21st, 2017
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  1. To get the most of your enjoyment while browsing /dsg/, consider the following advice:
  3. 1. Filter the tripfag. Go to Settings -> Filter & Post Hiding -> Filter and highlight specific threads/posts. Enter !!ss9GITmavRN into Pattern, set Type to Tripcode, and check Hide.
  5. 2. Don't start console war faggotry.
  7. 3. Discord link for FC/co-op activity: Don't shitpost about it in the thread.
  9. 4. Nobody cares about e-celeb bullshit, except to make fun of them. We're here to play and talk about the game itself, not join some literal who's cult of personality.
  11. 5a. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're having trouble understanding how some things in any of the games work, but also try to do some of your own research first. We're happy to help, but we're also not here to hold your hand for you.
  13. 5b. Be specific as possible when asking questions, so that others know how to help you. Also, don't be an asshole and ignore or disparage well-meaning advice.
  15. 6a. When asking for in-game help (trading, muling, beating an area/boss), be sure to include your platform and a matchmaking password (most anons use "dsg" for simplicity). Be warned that the XB1 player count in this general is in the single digits.
  17. 6b. If you need help beating a boss at low Soul Level, state your SL at the beginning, so that anyone who helps knows that they're going to be downscaled hard. If you're doing a low SL run just to get a weapon early, it's usually better to ask for the weapon instead, nobody likes carrying shitters while being downscaled.
  19. 6c. When asking for a trade, it's best to request a red sign at High Wall, since some players on NG+ cycles won't have access to every bonfire in the game.
  21. 6d. You can't trade upgrade materials, covenant items (Shackles, Concords, etc.), boss souls or spells, so don't bother asking for those. You also can't trade weapons above another player's maximum upgrade level, so always give/ask for a +0 weapon when in doubt.
  23. 6e. Backing up your save file (on PC, C:\Users\(You)\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\###\DS30000.sl2; on PS4, use a USB stick or have PS+) before giving away items lets you dupe them. It's also a good idea to regularly back up your save file in general, especially on PC where an invader using Collector's Edition can permanently fuck up your save data.
  25. 7. Attaching a screenshot of your Mugenmonkey build, instead of creating the build and pasting the link, is more attention-getting. It also helps others to give you advice faster, since they can just open the image and reply instead of copy-pasting the link and switching between browser tabs.
  27. 8a. If you're going to host a Fight Club, be sure to do so in an area where the boss is still alive. You can summon up to five reds with Dried Finger in an active area, only two otherwise.
  29. 8b. You don't need to be Embered to see red signs. Unless you want invaders to crash your FC, host while un-Embered.
  31. 8c. It helps not to have a third-world internet connection while hosting. Or to live in a third-world country.
  33. 8d. If a participant is being an asshole and ruining the FC for everyone else, stop summoning them. But it's generally poor form to block another FC participant unless they really deserve it.
  35. 9a. If you use Collector's Edition, don't expect any help if you get flagged for a soft-ban. There is no "safe" way to use it, you can only minimize but never eliminate the risk of getting flagged.
  37. 9b. Always keep an unmodified copy of your save file in case you get flagged. Invalid data warnings can take weeks to disappear, the only way to avoid it for sure is to not use Collector's Edition at all.
  39. 9c. If you do get soft-banned, Family Share to get around it while waiting for the ban to expire.
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