
breaks cage

Dec 23rd, 2024
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  1. “Behind him, the chains jangled and, unexpectedly, Kong roared. Driscoll pulled Ann away, and in the auditorium the audience leaped from their seats. Denham, though, seemed to be ready for this. He shouted, “We heard that challenge on Skull Island, ladies and gentlemen, and we met the challenger and defeated him! You’re perfectly safe! The cage and chains are made of chrome steel! Kong will stay where he is!”
  2. “Get some shots of that,” one of the reporters said.
  3. Driscoll and Ann backed away. Kong was on his feet, his muscles straining, pulling at the chains that restricted his movements. No longer roaring, he growled, a deep, resentful, reverberating sound.
  4. The flashes went off once more. Then the photographers turned and aimed their cameras at Ann and Jack again. “Close-ups,” one of them explained. “Ready? Big smile—for the society page!”
  5. The flashguns flared, and Kong’s roar, frenzied and angry, rolled out like thunder. Denham pushed forward. “Stop it! Holy mackerel, he thinks you’re attacking Ann! Hold it! Hold it!”
  6. With a cataclysmic effort, Kong reared. His head struck the top of the cage and jarred it loose. For a moment, Driscoll didn’t understand, and then he saw that Kong’s struggles had broken the chains holding his arms. A few links still dangled from the manacles, but he now had the freedom to stand, to use those mighty hands.
  7. Kong reached down and seized one of the chains securing his feet. He wrenched it free, ringbolt and all, and then the other one. He broke the waist restraint, and now the steel bars of the cage were all that held him.
  8. Panic threw the audience into a shouting frenzy. People shoved, fell, clambered over the backs of seats trying to get away from the stage.
  9. Driscoll swept Ann into his arms and broke through the crowd of startled newspapermen. He raced down the corridor, through the stage door. Behind him he heard the tortured screech of bending steel. “Come on,” he said. “Across the street, to my hotel!”
  12. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 20
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