

Oct 25th, 2017
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Free ipa-install on ubuntu 16.04

apt-get install freeipa-server

realm is all uppercase version of local dns domain

kdc and admin servers are hostname (kdc1)

sudo ipa-server-install
$Directory Manager pass hadoop12345

admin hadoop12345

setup with ipaddress

fix hostname in /etc/hosts to resolve to ipadder

wait long time for entropy

setup client on everyone

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install freeipa-client

ipa permission-add "Set User Password Expiration" --permissions=write --type=user --attrs=krbpasswordexpiration
ipa permission-add "Set Service Password Expiration" --permissions=write --type=service --attrs=krbpasswordexpiration
ipa privilege-add "Krbpass admin"
ipa privilege-add-permission "Krbpass admin" --permissions="Set User Password Expiration"
ipa privilege-add-permission "Krbpass admin" --permissions="Set Service Password Expiration"

create hadoop admin in IPA

Changed password for "hadoopadmin@AEGISDOCTRINE.LOCAL"

ipa user-add hadoopadmin --first=Hadoop --last=Admin
ipa group-add-member admins --users=hadoopadmin
ipa passwd hadoopadmin

ipa group-add ambari-managed-principals

Because of the way FreeIPA automatically expires the new password, it is necessary to kinit as hadoopadmin and change the initial password. The password can be set to the same password unless the password policy prohibits password reuse:

The KDC administrator credentials must be set as a persisted or temporary credential resource.This may be done by issuing a POST to the /api/v1/clusters/:clusterName/credentials/kdc.admin.credential API entry point with the following payload:

ambari-server setup-security
curl -u admin:admin -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari'  -X POST http://master1.aegisdoctrine.local:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/credentials/kdc.admin.credential -d '{
  "Credential" : {
    "principal" : "hadoopadmin@AEGISDOCTRINE.LOCAL", "key" : "hadoop12345", "type" : "persisted"

curl -v -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -u admin:admin -X DELETE http://master1.aegisdoctrine.local:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/credentials/kdc.admin.credential

on ambari-sever

sudo apt-get install freeipa-admintools

ON all nodes brun ipa-client-install before trying to perform kerb.

sudo ipa-client-install --domain=aegisdoctrine.local \
--server=kdc1.aegisdoctrine.local \
--principal=admin@AEGISDOCTRINE.LOCAL \
--password=hadoop12345 \
--no-dns-sshfp \
--fixed-primary \
-U -f --force-join

maake sure all hosts report back that they have renrolled

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