
Internment I

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. >Fluffy ponies are overpopulated.
  2. >Strays must be exterminated or brought to camps.
  3. >Need a job...the money is good.
  4. >One day, feeling sadistic.
  5. >Single out one fluffy mare with two fluffy foals.
  6. >"One foal goes to the camp with goes to the exterminatation furnace. You choose."
  7. >Fluffy mare cries "Nooo, pwease don't make choose!"
  8. >Both foals are bawling, clinging to their mother in terror.
  9. >"Choose between your foals or both will be burned alive."
  10. >Mare chooses older colt.
  11. >You rip younger filly away from its mother's fluffy, push it into line for the furnance.
  12. >Mare is screaming "I sowwy baby! I sowwy!" as she watches daughter dragged away to her death.
  13. >Colt drowns in camp later on anyway.
  14. >Everything went better than expected.
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