

Aug 23rd, 2015
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  1. <Sandwitches> -------------------------------------
  2. <Sandwitches> (So... pick things up for me? Hibiki and Sayaka... doing SOMETHING)
  3. <Anthy> (Hibiki is likely just coming back, possibly with sweets and such in toe since going to the pier and all.)
  4. <RickDominated> Hibiki is...somewhat suprisingly, NOT Crying...and she's even brought gifts with her...including a rather...noxious bit of tofu that she's savoring every bite of. "Ahhhh....even found some of thiiiiis...!"
  5. <Xanya> "... Well then. Good job, I guess." Sayaka removes a headphone from one of her ears. "Not sure that's the most sanitary thing you're eating there, though. Don't get sick."
  6. <RickDominated> Hibiki though is definitly enjoying her rather rotten smelling thing, scarfing it all down. "Wrrr Truu Ansctrs...!" She gulps down the pickled veggies too. "We can eat jus' about ANYTHING."
  7. <Xanya> "Just because we can doesn't mean we should." Sayaka facepalms "My sister, the pig."
  8. <RickDominated> "I'm not like that wierd woman from the Patchwork...she was eating a gemstone, I swear!"
  9. <Xanya> "That's not a very high bar, 'biki"
  10. <Seri> Suddenly a new challenger joins the fray! Ryuuko is definitely not meant to be there right now, but here she comes running in, complete with a big, flowing scarf waving around behind her. Actually it's more like flying in, with a kick that sends her swooshing right between the two sisters. "Hey! That's pretty rude ya know, talkin' crap about people behind their back!"
  11. <RickDominated> "... But still! I got lots of sweats and stu-AAAAAAAAAAAAAWH!"
  12. <Xanya> "What the hell are you doing here?!" Sayaka leans backward out of the way.
  13. <RickDominated> "B-but...I wasn't...talking...about anyone...."
  14. <RickDominated> she just seems utterly confused
  15. <Seri> "You were just talking about 'some weird woman', so there! Anyway, sisters both had to go out without me, so... I came here instead!"
  16. <RickDominated> "Eeeeeeeeeh!?"
  17. <RickDominated> "But my brother's house and stuff...!"
  18. <RickDominated> "What are you doing here!?"
  19. <Xanya> "Well, I somehow doubt she was looking for him... or you... sooooo... Oh! Do you want another go at me, Ryuuko? Is that it? I'd be happy to step outside and have some fun." Sayaka chuckles.
  20. <Seri> "Clean out your ears and listen when I talk then! I just told you, I came here because my sisters had to go out without me!"
  21. <Xanya> "Yeah yeah..." Sayaka grumbles. "Well, what do you want?"
  22. <RickDominated> "...Chòu dòufu?" Hibiki tries to prempt a fight, offering another stick of the noxious food to Ryuko, covered in some kind of spicy sauce and sauteed and fermented vegtables.
  23. <Seri> Ryuuko stares at the food and recoils. "No thanks, anyway I'm just here to hang out."
  24. <RickDominated> "Oh! Okay! No crazy duels or stuff like that...and you don't wanna fight Sayakers here?"
  25. <Seri> "No, I didn't come to fight her. I hadn't even thought about it 'til she brought it up!"
  26. <RickDominated> "Aaaaaaah...well that's good!" She roots around...and hands Ryuko a rather hefty dumpling.
  27. <Seri> She bites into it, since the dumpling at least looks normal. "Thankssh!"
  28. <RickDominated> "See, everyone can be friends!"
  29. <RickDominated> It's not exactly...chinese cuisine, filled with a tomato sauce too...but it's quite tasty!
  30. <Xanya> "... Until they get food poisoning." Sayaka notes "But no, Ryuuko's totally my friend. I don't fight people who aren't friends. I *wreck* people who aren't friends. Key difference."
  31. <RickDominated> "Ooooooooooooh."
  32. <Seri> "I'm just not in a good mood to fight right now, otherwise we'd totally take you up on that."
  33. <Xanya> "Shake on it?" She offers a hand.
  34. <Seri> The hand is met by another and shaken. "Done and done."
  35. <RickDominated> "...don't you have to spit in them first?"
  36. <RickDominated> ...what are you WATCHING that gives you these IDEAS Hibiki?
  37. <RickDominated> ...still, she's attacking a Pirozhki with such fervor now that she's more like another Hibiki...
  38. <Seri> The shake that the two of them do though, winds up pretty intricate and probably silly from an outside perspective.
  39. <RickDominated> "...when cna I Get a handshake like that!?"
  40. <Sandwitches> The weather outside seems to be getting pretty dark and stormy...
  41. <RickDominated> "...oooh...Are there Martian Storms? I like storms"!
  42. <Xanya> "A storm. Great, and I was hoping to find something fun to do. Oh well. Anyone up for cards?" Sayaka offers.
  43. <Seri> "Hrng... not great at cards, but we may as well. Apparently I don't have the face for it."
  44. <RickDominated> "S-Sayaka is a t-terror at it..."
  45. <Xanya> "Only because you're terrible, 'biki" Sayaka rolls her eyes and flicks her gently on the forehead.
  46. <RickDominated> "Oooooooow!"
  47. <Xanya> "Oh come on, I barely touched you, you wimp!"
  48. <Seri> "The two of you really do never stop, do ya?"
  49. <Xanya> "Only because she never gets any better about it." Sayaka huffs.
  50. <RickDominated> "O-Only because she's wanting to bully me all the time!"
  51. <Xanya> "Speaking of people with bad habits... where the hell is 'risa? I swear, if she comes in soaking wet and gets water all over the floor..."
  52. <RickDominated> "..if she's out there she's probably up to all sorts of bad stuff..."
  53. <Xanya> "That's going a bit far."
  54. <Xanya> Sayaka frowns. "She's just borrowing stuff."
  55. <Seri> "Huh, got other people supposed to be here too then? Guess I did pick the right place after all!"
  56. <RickDominated> "Borrowing until they Die!
  57. <Xanya> "No, until *she* dies, 'biki."
  58. <RickDominated> "But we live forever!"
  59. <Xanya> "Look, don't make her out to be a horrible person, that's my job."
  60. <Xanya> "... Making her out to be a horrible person, not being a horrible person."
  61. <RickDominated> "But you do boooooooooth."
  62. <Xanya> "Can it."
  63. <Seri> "Ya sure it ain't both a those?" She gives Sayaka a gentle nudge to the ribs.
  64. <RickDominated> "See, she understands your evil!"
  65. <Xanya> "I'm sure. I'm the best there is, after all. Can't be horrible." She gives Hibiki the most smug look possible.
  66. <Seri> "Nah, nah, the best has definitely gotta be me. Or it will be anyway, once I take you down too."
  67. <Xanya> "Once you do that."
  68. <RickDominated> Hibiki looks torn.
  69. <Sandwitches> The front door flies open as three girls pile into the room... The one in the lead has silver hair done up in a pair of odango, which trail off into twintails. The next is a girl with short Blue hair. The last is a little shorter than both of the others, and has long black hair. All three of them are in similar outfits that look like they are from the same school.
  70. <Xanya> "At any rate. Look, I'm willing to admit, I'm not perfect. Everyone in the family has their faults. Hibiki's a crybaby. Marisa's a kleptomaniac and completely lacks any concept of holding back. I'm far too awesome for my own good, and Joey- More visitors? What NOW?"
  71. <RickDominated> "...ehhhhhhhhh...!?"
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