
C-Part Summary: 2022-03-02, Vampire Survivors

Mar 2nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Note: This was a very emotional segment because it turned into a stream of thanking her for all that she does for the nousagi, thus there were a lot of sweet shorter conversations that would be a bit too word-sallady to translate. I'm writing this note just to say that there was quite a bit of sweetness to this C-Part that I can't properly convey in my choice of translation format.
  3. Summarized from:
  5. >Goro-nyan's unexpectedly sweet behavior(2:26:02)
  6. A nousagi asks if Goro-nyan is doing good and she says he is and the mention leads her to talk about yesterday. She mentions how she was very exhausted yesterday after the stream, didn't really have an appetite either so she went to bed directly and as she was lying there she heard Goro-nyan coming towards her and she figured it was just the usual "Wanting some attention" act from him so she pet him for a bit and usually after she does that he'll leave and go to the living room but not this time. This time he'd stay for longer than usual and keep on wanting her affection while purring and meowing, but she was tired and wanted to sleep so she apologized to him and stopped and when she stops he'll usually lose interest and leave but for reasons unknown to her he was acting different today and even decide to slept together with her.
  7. Furthermore he slept close to her face whereas normally he has a habit of sleeping in the corner of the bed by her feet, but this time he slept next to her pillow. This unusual behavior made her wonder if he could tell that she was feeling out of it and specifically came to give her relief, then here and there she'd wake up from sleep and think to herself that surely he isn't still sleeping here but turns out he was, which tugged her heartstrings as she fell asleep again.
  8. She reiterates that it is very rare of him to do this because when it comes to Mimi then she can sleep anywhere and have slept close to her face before but Goro will always sleep somewhere around her feet, like in a position where he can see Pekora but yesterday it was a rare occasion that he'd sleep close to her and he'd sometimes go to the living room but he'd always come back and go back to sleep. This whole ordeal was incredibly cute to Pekora.
  10. >Mimi and Goro playing in the bathroom's changing area and Goro trying to drink Pekora's bathwater(2:31:42)
  11. She prepares a picture* she took of Goro and Mimi playing in the changing area of her bathroom prior to the stream, looking at the picture she reflects on how big it makes Goro look and that it also looks like Goro is about to eat Mimi. She explains how it led to this and says that at first it was just Goro there waiting for her to get out of the shower like he usually does and she explains that's because he has recently realized that the bathroom is a safe place again and has thus begun following her into it again and remains there, although it has its own problems like when he'll try to drink the bathwater which means Pekora has begun to lock him out of the tub area. But he'll still remain in the dressing area and at first it was just him, then Mimi came along and they started to play and thus this picture.
  12. She says that they aren't afraid of the bathroom as it is but only when there is actually water running, like the shower for example, but when she is just soaking in the tub listening to music or something then they are fine being there, but because of the aforementioned issue she now shuts them out. But when Goro is in the changing room there is this metal spot on the door leading to the bathroom that he tends to scratch on as if telling her to "Please open the door!" and she will try to tell him to stop as she just wants to relax but she'll often be worn down and eventually give in to his persistence.
  13. A nousagi asks if she'd open the door if he were the one to scratch on the door and she says she obviously wouldn't, she'd beat the crap out of him. Furthermore she'd immediately report his peeping to the police.
  15. She brings up that she gets a bit afraid of seeing Goro play with Mimi considering their size difference and especially when he does these "cat kicks" since she worries about; "What if his claws got out when he does that?", but the other day when she went to the veterinarian** she was told that there is no issue just watching them play around as long as they aren't hissing at each other, so Pekora tries not to intervene and instead watches over their sibling like playing.
  16. She gets asked if she cuts their claws at the veterinarian and she says that they cut them at home and explains that neither of them dislike the process. Well she thinks it is fine to assume they don't since they only really grow tired of being held if the cutting takes too long otherwise they won't complain. The chat says they are really good behaving cats and she agrees and mentions that even the veterinarian told her the same which made her feel happy saying that they are really gentle. A nousagi says that they are taking after their owner for sure and Pekora agrees they must be taking after her to which the chat responds with questions marks and counter-arguments that it is probably her mother they are taking after.
  18. *
  19. **Mimi's second vaccine shot
  21. >Mimi as gluttonous as ever, having to scold Goro, and Goro taking a poop when Pekora starts eating(2:41:45)
  22. A superchat comes in to pay for Mimi and Goro's Churu treat and Pekora says they don't have to spoil her cats, especially Mimi because if she were to learn the taste of Churu she'd change even further. Well she did give her some Churu as a reward for having endured the hospital visit but even without Churu she is still a gorging little girl. This behavior of hers does worry Pekora and she starts explaining that she does give her food properly, three times a day with the proper amount as thought by the clerk at the store where they bought her, but still she eats with such fervor that one might suspect she isn't getting any food for one or two days. Some nousagi misunderstands it as Mimi being given Churu and Pekora corrects it to say that she is talking about regular food right now and if she gives her Churu then this behavior is even worse, like when she gave Mimi the Churu still in its wrapping Mimi bit it off, henceforth they give her the Churu on a plate instead.
  23. This comes up as a conversation with her mother, wondering why it is that she is this gluttonous and Pekora gets the feeling she'll turn into a fat cat being like this. Speaking of size she mentions that Mimi's build is really tiny and that even the veterinarian commented on that and she emphasizes that it wasn't in a sense of being malnourished but rather just being tiny. The chat asks how old Mimi is and she thinks for a while before landing on 4 months, since Pekora believes she was born on the 20th of November. With 4 months she is only this big and enlarges the photo to show the size difference between Mimi and Goro and says that Goro was born in June, she thinks that Goro was around the same size as Mimi when he first came to them although a bit larger perhaps. Goro's size does make her worry if she is giving him too much food, since he still isn't even one year old.
  25. Speaking of Goro she beings to talk about that there are time where they will scold him for something he has done, like for example jumping up on the kitchen counter and such, to which she'll calmly say; "Hey you can't be here it is dangerous". She laughs and retracts that she doesn't sound that kind and it is rather a sharp "Goro!". While she does scold him because it is dangerous there is also this feeling of not wanting to be hated by Goro, or Mimi, but since it can be dangerous it can't be helped that she scolds them. But she feels like even if Pekora scolds him quite strongly he doesn't seem to begin to dislike her for it, she wonders if it can be because he sees her as his parent. And yesterday this feeling became even more real to her as she felt as if she scolded him far too much for something he had done.
  26. Someone from chat says that isn't it just a case of him seeing Pekora as the one giving him food? She scolds him for that comment saying she isn't the "Old lady bringing food" to him and that she splits this duty with her mother even. She grumbles again that she isn't the food giving or poop cleaning old lady, and since she brought up the topic of cleaning their litter box she mentions that both of them tend to curiously come look when she is cleaning the litter box, as if asking what she is going to do with their poop.
  27. Speaking of poop she brings up one more thing that she really wants them to stop doing which is to poop during the times she is eating, especially Goro who seems as if he is aiming for the time when Pekora is eating. The smell of his poop is strong, Mimi's is too, but he does it so often that she has come to expect him to do it whenever she starts eating. Furthermore the face he makes as he poops is one bitter face with his eyes narrowed, with that image in mind Pekora then imitates the sound of someone forcing something out and laughs, she does think he looks cute doing it but still, and another thing is that he looks towards Pekora when doing it, at least try and hide it she feels.
  29. >Pekora wants to continue for as long as she can but the future is always uncertain and thanked by Holomembers she respect a lot(2:57:25)
  30. She reads another superchat thanking her for the things she does and he hopes that these happy times will continue for a long time which leads her into talking about something that'll relate to the interview* again, and says that she'd like to continue this activity for as long as she can, being as she is right now, but since she cannot know when something might occur then that makes her unable to imagine how her future is going to look.
  31. Even outside of the interview, like during regular conversations, she feels as if she has been asked a lot recently about where she sees herself in a couple of years, or how she'd like for her work related activity to look in the future.
  32. She reiterates that she cannot, no matter how hard she tries, guess how her future is going to be but that her honest feelings on the matter is that she wants to continue these fun times with the nousagi for as long as she can, which leads her to ponder on what she has to do to continue doing this for a long time, because last year there were plenty of times where she was pushing herself beyond her limit. In this case health wise, having kept on working despite a raspy voice for example. And if she were to destroy her throat then it truly would be over so it is something she really has to think about moving forward, as well as other difficult things, which leads her into being unable to imagine the future.
  34. That being said there are also conversations she gets that raises her motivation, one example of that being during one of the recent recordings with other Holomembers where she was told that because of Pekora and others who too stream a lot, during times where they have to rest they can rest with ease knowing that there is someone like Pekora who'll be there for the viewers. Pekora was moved hearing this and even if it isn't the case that she works this hard for their sake, being thought of like that does make her happy and makes her hard work feel worthwhile.
  35. She continues to say that she really doesn't want anyone to overdo it, that means both the viewers and the holomembers because there are a lot of members who do have health breakdowns, for example for Pekora it was her throat which is common when you do these long hours every day, and since it happens often she wants everyone to rest when they need to and that this sort of "Helping each other out" is an important thing, even if it for only a little makes it so that they can continue doing this while having fun.
  36. Furthermore the ones who told Pekora this are people that she respects a lot, which made her all the more happier to receive it.
  38. *An interview that is yet released. Earlier on in the C-Part she lamented that she was being a bit negative during said interview.
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