
Adaptation 19, SCP 835 polyps.

Feb 22nd, 2021
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  1. Item: SCP-835
  3. Tissue Test Record: N/A
  5. Termination Test Record:
  6. SCP-682 was released only upon direct contact with SCP-835. Multiple polyps are observed to reach out, ensnare, and begin pulling in SCP-682 (still weakened by acid emersion). SCP-682 can be heard vocalizing [REDACTED], seemingly in extreme distress. Although many polyps became slightly cracked, as well as significant portions of the surrounding seafloor destroyed, SCP-682 was successfully swallowed.
  8. Video feed of the journey down the 'throat' of SCP-835 proved ineffective, as the extreme pressure of the internal walls crack the device lens, as well as obscured significant portions of footage. Live audio feed, however, remained somewhat intact. SCP-682 can be heard attempting to thrash, howl, and [REDACTED] throughout the course of the several hour long consumption.
  10. At approximately <15 hours 42 minutes 17 seconds> after initial consumption, an intense steaming sound can be heard through the audio coming from SCP-682. Minor recoil from SCP-835 can be assumed due to the low, deranged rumbling emitted from the internal walls. Dr. █████ ███████ described the sound as "almost an extensive grunt of pain, as though you've been holding a heated metal slab for a bit too long." The vibrations of the rumbling distorted the audio devices beyond use, thus rendering them defective.
  12. At approximately <27 hours 33 minutes 57 seconds> after initial consumption, minor spills of digestive fluid, fecal matter, and SCP-682 material (collected and burnt as necessary) are ejected from each of the polyps. The main portion of SCP-682 that remained intact is ejected from the central-most polyp, appearing skeletal with the internal organs only held up by loose remaining skin. Special containment procedures are enacted for both Keter class SCP's.
  14. No further signs of damage or change are observed within SCP-835.
  16. SCP-682 is observed to be immobile, unconscious, and barely breathing for <32 hours 25 minutes 22 seconds> after containment is reestablished, but basic regeneration occurs (consistent with standard termination attempts). Constant monitoring as well as armed MTF required on-site.
  17. At approximately <█ days 11 hours 43 minutes 54 seconds> after containment is reestablished, SCP-682 undergoes a drastic metamorphosis, seemingly caused by the effects of SCP-835. Approximately 66% of SCP-682's scales open up to reveal quasi-humanoid faces, all of which screaming in agony, wailing in despair, and/or dispelling fluid matching that which is found within the 'stomach' of SCP-835. Twelve distinct polyps similar to those connected to SCP-835 grow out of SCP-682, coated with the same adhesive substance as found on the original subject.
  19. These adaptations, in addition to the standard strength and resilience of SCP-682, resulted in a containment breach, causing the deaths of ██ staff and researchers, as well as ███ injuries. Containment was reestablished <4 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds> after initial breach (only possible due to growths dissipating naturally).
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