
Snippets for July take one

Oct 30th, 2015
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  1. Cursors interrupting dinner or dragging Sextus out of bed is a thing that does seem to happen regularly enough to comment on. Because a) Cursors and b) Sextus. On the other hand, Laetitia handles this relatively well and also is excellent. I figure with Cursors particularly close to them she’ll be more relaxed because, y’know, they’re in on stuff. Magnus or Fidelias, their teacher (who I really need to name), etc. An example, let’s assume Fidelias, because he is always fun. Going based off of Furies of Calderon:
  3. [Fidelias calls in, is waiting, hoping Sextus is available and it isn’t too much dinner-time-y to reach him. Laetitia picks up the call, already all dressed up. She just gives him this look, rolls her eyes a little, and sighs.]
  4. Laetitia: “*amused but resigned* Again, Fidelias?”
  5. Fidelias: “*bows a little* I’m afraid so, Your Grace. It shouldn’t take long, if he has a moment.”
  6. Laetitia: “There’s a dinner—Sextus!—but there should be enough time without anyone having reason to wonder where we are. Is it very serious this time? *waves a little when Fidelias coughs* I don’t need details, just whether he’ll be up most of the night again.”
  7. Fidelias: “I doubt it will come to that. It’s just—”
  8. Laetitia: “Time sensitive. *nods* I’m glad you caught us when you did, then. How long do you think…? *glances to the side, because oh hey, ripple*”
  9. Fidelias: “Probably not more than ten minutes.”
  10. Sextus: “*turns up finally*”
  11. Laetitia: “Oh, good.”
  12. Sextus: “Laetitia. *sees Fidelias, nods, because this means it’s a Thing, and looks at her.* Go ahead. I’ll be along as soon as—”
  13. Laetitia: “*firmly* He’s told you what he needs to—five minutes, you said? *Fidelias tries not to smile because yes, in fact, his time estimate took into account that he would only need five minutes but with Sextus being Sextus and liking to poke at Cursor business…* Your Cursors’ time is valuable, you know, my lord. You shouldn’t waste it. *small smile. Translation: Don’t be a control freak.* I’ll be outside. Fidelias, be as safe as you can. *cheekkiss for Sextus, leaves*”
  15. Then the fun other part of this. Assume an iteration of that happens when Septimus is… oh, maybe twelve or so. She’s waiting in the hall and Septimus manages to ambush her, and hey, she has the free time anyway, so her little boy is more than welcome. Septimus is old enough not to actively be climbing into her lap at that point. But there he is, chatting at his mom, because why not!
  16. Sextus: “*raised eyebrow* Don’t you have schoolwork, boy?”
  17. Septimus: “*huff*”
  18. Laetitia: “*look that speaks volumes at Sextus because really does he have to*”
  19. Sextus: “*raised eyebrow at them both, because he is sort of right*”
  20. Septimus: “It’s boring.”
  21. Laetitia: “Septimus…”
  22. Septimus: “It is! Do I have to do it now?”
  23. Laetitia: “*firm* Yes. I know it isn’t fun, but it’s not that long before…”
  24. Sextus: “I guarantee you classes at the Academy on that material are even more boring.”
  25. Septimus: “*blinks* …Really?”
  26. Laetitia: “*kind of startled, because she didn’t actually expect Sextus to say that*”
  27. Sextus: “*careless shrug* Given that plenty of the early more advanced ones were, I can only assume those must be worse.”
  28. Septimus: “Huh. *thoughtful headtilt, because this had not actually occurred to him*
  29. Laetitia: “Sextus… *Don’t think she doesn’t hear the unspoken ‘I was too smart to have actually gone through any of those’ in that* Darling, get your work done. I’ll stop by after if it isn’t too late. Do not go trying to stay up all night.”
  30. Septimus: “All right, Mother. *sighs, but hugs and kisses anyway. He starts to go, then slows and is all headtilty up at Sextus* Are they really that boring?”
  31. Sextus: “Almost certainly.”
  32. Septimus: “Oh. …Can I skip them?”
  33. Laetitia: “*facepalm* Not if you haven’t learned the rest first.”
  34. Septimus: “Fiiine.”
  35. Sextus: “Go, Septimus. *offers arm to Laetitia* Shall we?”
  36. Septimus: “Yessir. *wanders off, torn between sulking and actually considering that being bored for longer might be worse*”
  37. Laetitia: “*waits until he’s gone* Must you?”
  38. Sextus: “Is it untrue?”
  39. Laetitia: “No, but-- *sees his smile* One day… *shakes head, then, quietly* Is it very bad?”
  40. Sextus: “Not ideal. *shrug* But nothing that can’t--won’t--be dealt with.”
  41. Laetitia: “*knows that phrase could mean any number of things* Let me know if I can help.”
  42. Sextus: “You can keep [unknown politics-type at dinner] from opening his mouth.”
  43. Laetitia: “*laughs* Not even your furycraft can do that, my lord.”
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