
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 6

Jan 8th, 2014
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  1. >Fluttershy said she'd be back in the morning.
  2. >You didn't think much of it at the time.
  3. >But... she wasn't lying.
  4. >She did come back the next morning.
  5. >And the next.
  6. >And the next.
  7. >Every morning of the week, she showed up.
  8. >The first few days, she asked questions about how to get your affection.
  9. >You'd always tell her:
  10. "You can't do anything."
  11. >But she didn't take that at face value like she should have.
  12. >She started digging deeper.
  13. >"Maybe," she must have thought, "if I can't get his affection THIS way, I'll have to get it through other ways..."
  14. >And thus began what you have dubbed "The Fetish Guesses."
  15. >She started the first one a few days ago.
  16. >Every morning, same time, every time.
  17. >She showed up, guessing outrageous things that might "turn you on."
  18. >No matter how many times you've said that nothing will work, that you'll never be attracted to not only her, but any p0ny, she's continued to do so.
  19. >It's been so frustrating.
  20. >It doesn't help that this has been slapped on top of your near endless thoughts about Blueblood.
  21. >He hasn't answered any of your letters.
  22. >You don't think he's going to let this one go.
  23. >Could your friendship really be over? Just like that?
  24. >Over a seemingly mentally-unstable mare you both met mere weeks ago?
  25. >These thoughts swim through your head as you rise from bed this weekday morning.
  26. >You turn off your alarm and hunch over the side of your bed, running your hands through your hair.
  27. >With a deep breath, you rise to your feet.
  28. >You head over to the bathroom and use it, then shower, followed by a trim of the five o'clock shadow, then you get dressed and head downstairs.
  29. >You throw a quick pot of coffee on in the kitchen before you make your way into your living room and gather your things for work today.
  30. >Got your study notes, feather pens, pencils, books, reading glasses, and binders.
  31. >No work at Applejack's today, but because of this, you pushed studying with Twilight earlier.
  32. >Rubbing your eyes, you put all of your required things and utensils into your book bag lethargically.
  33. >By the time you have this all done, your coffee is ready.
  34. >With your book bag slung over your shoulder and hanging by your waist, you pour yourself a cup to go, then head toward your door to leave.
  35. >Halfway across the living room, there's a knock on the door.
  36. >You stop.
  37. >...Then sigh.
  38. >You were half-expecting this.
  39. >It's been every day for a week, after all.
  40. >Who knows when she'll stop?
  41. >You take the next few steps over to the front door, grip the handle, and open it.
  42. >As you anticipated, there stands Fluttershy.
  43. >You look down to her with an unimpressed expression.
  44. >"G-Good morning, Anon," she greets.
  45. >You scratch the side of your newly shaven face, take a breath, and sip your coffee.
  46. "Good morning."
  47. >She smiles. "Okay, so, I'm sure I have it now..." With enthusiasm, Fluttershy reaches behind her for a second, then brings her hoof back around, revealing a small potted plant of sorts.
  48. >You stare at it for a moment, then back to her, who smiles at you and practically squees.
  49. >"D-Do you know what it is?"
  50. "...A house plant?"
  51. >"No, it's a mint plant!"
  52. >You look to the plant again, then to her, and heave a great sigh.
  53. >"I was talking with some stallions, and... and they said if a mare chews this, then puts... well, you know... in her mouth, then it feels--"
  54. "Fluttershy, please."
  55. >You've heard more than enough.
  56. >Your head shakes slowly, and you bring out your key and lock your door.
  57. >"S-So... it's not your fetish?"
  58. "No, it's not. Nothing ever will be."
  59. >With a heavy heart, you walk past her.
  60. "Now please excuse me, I'm going to be late for work."
  62. >"Starswirl then pushed the boundaries of what they thought was possible at the time with practical magic."
  63. >You nod, scribbling down with your feather pen what Twilight relays back to you.
  64. >"By then, things like Levitation were standard... but they could never imagine what they could do beyond that within the limits of Practical Magic..."
  65. >Twilight recounts her studying happily as she paces around the room.
  66. >You stay seated at the table, a tired expression on your face as you slouch over the table with an arm propping your head up.
  67. >"Do you remember what that was?"
  68. "Mhmm."
  69. >You flip a few pages into one of your textbooks, then plop your pointer finger at a chapter.
  70. "Right here. Teleportation. Never thought at this point to be used practically until Mr. Bearded showed them what it could do."
  71. >Twilight beams.
  72. >"Exactly! With his research, unicorns could go from one place to another in a flash in everyday situations!" She claps her hooves together. "I'm so happy you remember that, Anon. Do you have it down?"
  73. >You just finish scribbling down on some parchment.
  74. "Yup. Got it right here. Labeled it under both Practical and Advanced, though, since it technically covers both, and I don't know what to put it in."
  75. >Placing your pen down, you let off a soft sigh.
  76. >Twilight notices this, and her excited expression soon leaves her face.
  77. >She trots back over to the table.
  78. >"Anon..." she says in a soft, caring way. "Is everything alright?"
  79. >You take a deep breath, then take off your reading glasses and rub your eyes with your thumb and pointer.
  80. "Yeah, just... tired, I guess."
  81. >Twilight pulls up a chair. "...She still hasn't stopped?"
  82. >You release your eyes and shake your head.
  83. "Nope."
  84. >She frowns and looks the other way in a worried manner. "This is so unlike her... she's usually so meek and shy about these topics..."
  85. "She still IS. That's kind of the weird thing."
  86. >"I just thought this was some weird phase she'd get over..." She begins awkwardly rolling a pencil on the table back and forth with her hoof. "I'm sorry, Anon... do you want me to talk with her?"
  87. >You place your glasses on the table and lean back in your chair.
  88. "Rainbow Dash already did... no dice."
  89. >You sigh.
  90. "Something about being determined to make me love her. I just... I can't."
  91. >Leaning back in with a wooden thud, you place your elbows on the table and rub your temples.
  92. "And it doesn't help that Blueblood hasn't answered any of my letters."
  93. >Twilight's face contorts to sorrow.
  94. "That's been on my mind more than anything."
  95. >"Even with all this time gone by...?"
  96. >You shake your head sadly.
  97. "I thought the same, but... I think he's made up his mind."
  98. >You pick up a pencil, then absentmindedly toss it across the library. It hits the wooden floor, rolling slowly under a couch as you watch its every move.
  99. "He just doesn't want to be friends anymore."
  100. >Twilight sighs, then looks off to the side. You do the same.
  101. >For a moment, it's very silent in the room.
  102. >"...Have you thought about going to see him in person?"
  103. "Every day."
  104. >She perks up a little. "Every d-- Then why haven't you done it!?"
  105. >You shrug.
  106. "I don't know..."
  107. >You do know.
  108. >Blueblood's last words to you echo through your mind.
  109. [spoiler]>"Do NOT follow me!"[/spoiler]
  110. >They've stuck with you for some reason. Frightened you.
  111. >But you can't let Twilight know that.
  112. "...Work?"
  113. >She stands to her hooves rapid fast, knocking her chair from behind her across the floor with a wooden scrape.
  114. >"Anon, to Tartarus with work! Is that really the only reason?"
  115. "Yeah, but--"
  116. >"Come on!" she says, snagging your wrist and practically dragging you up and out the door. "Work can wait! I'll tell Applejack you can't come in tomorrow. We're going to Canterlot!"
  117. "Um, okay..."
  118. >You bumble, still being pulled by a small purple horse through the streets of P0nyville.
  119. >"Go pack a bag while I tell her, then meet me at the train station." She lets you go, and you kind of fall forward a bit. "Meet you there!"
  120. "Yeah, um, see you there..."
  121. >You watch her trot off over the horizon, then begin walking over to your place.
  122. >Her sudden enthusiasm about it has gotten you thinking.
  123. >You DO think about going in person every day.
  124. >Why haven't you?
  125. >...Fear, of course. Doubt.
  126. >Worried about what might come of it.
  127. >Who knows what Blueblood will think or do when he sees you?
  128. >But...
  129. >...That's so unlike you, Anon.
  130. >You squint your eyes a bit in confidence, then start nodding to yourself.
  131. >Yeah... if Twilight is so enthusiastic about it, you can be too.
  132. >This isn't a time to be nervous or afraid about what he might say, or what might come of it!
  133. >Nothing happens to those who don't act!
  134. >Come on, be more yourself!
  135. >You laugh out loud a bit.
  136. >Yeah...!
  137. >Alright!
  138. >You start jogging over to your house.
  139. >Fuck it, you're doing this!
  140. >It's time to get your friend back!
  142. >It's about midday. The sun sits right at the top of the sky as you and Twilight sit in the train cabin.
  143. >The locomotive clacks rhythmically against the tracks, softly shifting and rocking occasionally.
  144. >You lean your head against the window, watching the landscape quickly pass by.
  145. >Twilight quaintly sits across from you.
  146. >It's silent in the cabin, but not awkwardly so.
  147. >You both are simply enjoying the comfortable trip and relaxing.
  148. >Of course, this doesn't stop the many thoughts from going through your head.
  149. >What will Blueblood think when he sees you?
  150. >Will he be angry? Will he simply ignore you?
  151. >You haven't really thought of what to do if it were the latter.
  152. >...You can just wing it, you suppose.
  153. >You were always good at that.
  154. >Act on impulse.
  155. >It's what practically made you friends, after all.
  156. >Twilight watches you with a smile on her face.
  157. >You shift your eyes without moving your head, and they meet hers.
  158. >And you smile back.
  159. >You're not sure what she's thinking, exactly.
  160. >But that smile says something.
  161. >You both silently continue to enjoy the ride, and after a couple of hours or so, the train arrives in Canterlot.
  162. >As you see the city emerge before you, all sorts of feelings reemerge.
  163. >Ahh... the city.
  164. >Your first home here in Equestria.
  165. >It's only been a few weeks, but it's felt like years.
  166. >The train stops, and all of the passengers begin to disembark.
  167. >You and Twilight do the same, and soon, you're walking down the streets of the grand city.
  168. >This was Twilight's home too, you remember.
  169. >You wonder if she's feeling anything similar.
  170. >All kinds of elegant p0nies pass you by on the streets.
  171. >Spectacular buildings, shops, and businesses come into view on each side of the road.
  172. >It's beautiful, and you've missed it in a way.
  173. >But you've moved for a reason.
  174. >Although... at this point, you might say you regret that a little.
  175. >...But hopefully, that'll change soon.
  176. >And sooner than you might think. The castle comes into view.
  177. >You crack your knuckles as you see it, and Twilight looks over to you.
  178. >"Are you ready, Anon?"
  179. >You nod.
  180. "I was born ready. Let's do this."
  181. >She giggles and nods.
  182. >As you get closer, you begin to make out the finer details of the castle.
  183. >Like, for instance, the guards guarding it.
  184. >Large, white stallions holding spears stand firmly in place around the wide outer borders of the castle.
  185. >But you've been to the castle enough to know that they won't do anything.
  186. >You walk through and up to the castle without being bothered.
  187. >These guards are only here for potential attacks, they won't bother any visitors.
  188. >No, it's the door guards who'll do that...
  189. >Although, you only spot a singular guard in front of the colossal grand entrance doors.
  190. >Peaceful times, you suppose, don't call for many guards.
  191. >It makes you slightly nervous at first, but soon, as you get closer, you smile a little.
  192. >"Think you can get in?" Twilight asks.
  193. "I think so."
  194. >Yeah. You know this guard.
  195. >One of the only guards you got to know on a more personal level with your time here.
  196. >...Never wanted to go out for a beer, though.
  197. >The guard, following protocol, stiffens up as he notices approaching guests, but his professional angry face falls to surprise when he sees who these two guests actually are.
  198. >You approach him with a smile.
  199. >"...Anonymous?" He asks in slight disbelief. He turns to your p0ny friend. "And Miss Sparkle?" His head darts back and forth between you two. "Oh wow, what a weird coincidence..." You laugh a little.
  200. "How's it going, Garrison?"
  201. >"Fine, I guess, but..." He grits his teeth and looks away. "You're not supposed to be here, Anonymous."
  202. >Your heart sinks a little bit, and your face takes a somewhat more serious expression.
  203. "No? Why's that?"
  204. >You cross your arms and raise your eyebrows.
  205. "I can't come by for a visit and say hello to my friends?"
  206. >Garrison bites his lip. "...No, you can't. I'm sorry, but... we've received explicit instructions to not allow you on the premises."
  207. >You feel like you've taken a punch to the gut.
  208. >Well... there goes that. If that doesn't say he no longer wants to be involved with you, nothing does.
  209. >Twilight looks up to you with a torn expression.
  210. "...I'm assuming Blueblood?"
  211. >Garrison nods. "Yeah. Something's up with him. He hasn't been the same lately..." He glances around. "Did something happen between you guys?"
  212. "Something like that."
  213. >He again surveys around himself quickly, then leans in to you. "It's like... it's like he's his old self now, but worse," he whispers. "He's unbearable to be around... stuck up, arrogant, and now he's always angry..." He heaves a sigh. "The chancellor hasn't been happy about it at all."
  214. >Your stomach churns.
  215. "What does that mean?"
  216. >Garrison shrugs. "I don't know. The only reason he took such a liking to Prince Blueblood was because he demonstrated how much he could change for the better... and now that that's been thrown out the window..."
  217. >You grit your teeth.
  218. >This can't be good.
  219. >Not at all. You need to fix this.
  220. "...Come on, Garrison. You can let me slip by, right?"
  221. >He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Anonymous, but I can't."
  222. "Come on, man..."
  223. >You playfully hit his shoulder.
  224. "I can talk to Blueblood, maybe get him back to how he was. No one needs to know it was you."
  225. >"But I'm the only guard stationed here, they'll know it was me."
  226. "Come on, Garrison. Don't make me scale the wall again."
  227. >"Oh Celestia. Anonymous, please don't scale the wall again."
  228. >Twilight looks to you both quizzically.
  229. "I'll do it. You know I'll do it."
  230. >"I know you'll do it. Don't do it."
  231. "I will."
  232. >"Please don't. We'll put guards there."
  233. "There's a lot of wall to scale. Who knows which one I will?"
  234. >He groans. You take it as a sign of weakness.
  235. "Come on, Garrison. Just let me by, I'll try talk to Blueblood, and maybe everything will work out for the best..."
  236. >You look to Twilight.
  237. "...Just say that Miss Sparkle here got you wrapped in a conversation and that I snuck by. They'll buy that, right?"
  238. >Twilight smiles at Garrison.
  239. >The guard looks to her, then you, then off to the side.
  240. >You think you see him sweating.
  241. >"...Alright... fine. But Twilight will have to stay out here for that to work."
  242. >You feel a huge wash of relief over you.
  243. "Thanks so much, man."
  244. >He smiles and rolls his eyes. "I pray that whatever you say works. Now please, just be quick about it." He motions with his head behind him.
  245. >You nod, and giving Twilight one more happy look, you quickly make your way into the castle.
  246. >The area is instantly familiar to you. You've traversed these corridors many times before.
  247. >It shouldn't be a problem now that you're actually inside, but you should still keep an eye out for any guards.
  248. >But again, peaceful times.
  249. >You walk quickly through the first floor of the castle, making your way through a few hallways.
  250. >A few scholar p0nies pass you by, but they don't seem to take notice of you all that much aside from a glance up, then back down.
  251. >Soon, you approach a staircase, and you make your way up to the second floor.
  252. >This is where Blueblood's room is.
  253. >You exit the staircase and speedwalk through a few more hallways, round a few corners, until finally, you spot the prince's room.
  254. >But even from afar, you can see his door hangs open, revealing an empty room.
  255. >You still take a peek inside once you get there, but it's as you first thought, no one's in there.
  256. >You lean against the wall for a second and think.
  257. >Well... Blueblood has said he's been awfully busy lately...
  258. >So logically... the next place he'd be is probably the conference room.
  259. >You nod to yourself. Yeah, he's probably in a meeting. You can just go over and wait outside the room until he comes out.
  260. >Looking at your hand and pretending it's a map of the castle, you trace it with your pointer while thinking of which way you'd go.
  261. >Left, right... um, you think you go straight there...
  262. >...Yeah, you remember where it is.
  263. >Without wasting any more time, you get off the wall and continue through the second floor of the castle.
  264. >As you get closer and closer to your target, a nervousness starts to build up inside of you.
  265. >But you ignore it. You can't afford to feel such doubts, not now.
  266. >Alright, so it should be another left, then straight, a right, then--
  267. >Your thought process is instantly cut off by the sound of approaching voices.
  268. >They're coming from around the corner, paired with the sound of hoofsteps.
  269. >You stop in place instantly, frozen, and listen.
  270. >...One of those voices is definitely Blueblood.
  271. >He must have just gotten out of a meeting.
  272. >Your heart begins to pound quicker.
  273. >But before you can even think of a plan of action, Blueblood and another p0ny, a scholar of sorts, round the corner.
  274. >They instantly stop talking when they notice you. Blueblood looks at you with his mouth open, in what looks like disbelief. The scholar looks to the prince, then you.
  275. >You keep your eyes fixated on Blueblood.
  276. >It's silent for what seems like hours.
  277. >Until finally...
  278. "...Hey man."
  279. >It's all you can think to say.
  280. >Instantly, Blueblood's face flashes to anger.
  281. >"What are you doing here!?"
  282. >Immediately, the scholar p0ny does a 180 and begins walking back the way he came.
  283. >You hold up your hands defensively.
  284. "Whoa Blueblood, calm down."
  285. >He takes a step forward. "Oh, do not tell me to calm down! I told you EXPLICITLY not to come here!" You take a step back. "HOW did you get in the castle?!"
  286. "Dude, just chill for a moment! I just wanted to talk!"
  287. >"Well I have no desire to talk to you!" He angrily stomps forward. "I ought to have you thrown in the dungeon for trespassing on royal ground!"
  288. >Flashes of anger start to infiltrate you.
  289. >Did he really just threaten that?
  290. >Faster than you ever would have anticipated, you lose it.
  291. "Oh wow, you can't be serious!"
  292. >You clench your fists.
  293. "Are you so hard-headed and easily angered that the sight of me causes you to freak out?"
  294. >"Don't you dare--"
  295. "You're acting like a giant child! The biggest man-baby I've ever seen! Grow the fuck up!"
  296. >A fire ignites in his eyes.
  297. "After all we've been through together, after our friendship, you let some psycho mare you barely even know pry between us?"
  298. >You throw your hands up and exhale in disbelief.
  299. "I came all the way here to talk to you and hopefully work this shit out, despite the fact that it's NOT my fault, and you STILL can't see how goddamn stupid you're being."
  300. >He slams his hoof down hard onto the stone floor. "How DARE you!"
  301. "How dare I? How DARE I!?"
  302. >"I don't know how it works in the backwards, backwater monkey SWAMP you came from, but you CANNOT talk to a member of royalty that way!" He stomps forward again. "I could have you executed! Or at LEAST put in a dank dungeon for life! You have INSULTED me!"
  303. "And you have me!"
  304. >"I don't CARE about you! Your petty peasant animal feelings have NO meaning to me! If you don't leave right now, I'll get the guard weapons MYSELF, and--"
  305. >"That is ENOUGH, Prince Blueblood."
  306. >Any and all look of rage instantly drops from the prince's face, almost unsettling quickly. It instantly swaps with worry, and Blueblood looks to his right, around the corner.
  307. >You hear hoofsteps approach, until a p0ny reveals himself.
  308. >You recognize him as the chancellor.
  309. >He glares daggers into Blueblood, and his mere presence adds an uncomfortable amount of tension to the area.
  310. >"Prince Blueblood, I have had enough of this attitude of yours." His words are weapons, and you can see the damage they do to Blueblood with each utterance.
  311. >Blueblood takes a step or two back.
  312. >"You are arrogant. Full of rage. A chore to be around. And now, you feel the need to air your dirty laundry to the entire castle."
  313. >The prince looks to both you and the chancellor in disbelief. "N-No, I..."
  314. >"I had high hopes for you. But whatever has happened in your life has no doubt changed you for the worse." He closes his eyes and shakes his lowered head. "Months ago, you perhaps may have made a good king. But now, it is painfully clear that that time has come and gone."
  315. >Your heart pangs, and your blood freezes.
  316. >Memories resurface of Blueblood telling you about land he could be inheriting...
  317. >"We will discuss it in greater detail during tomorrow morning's conference. For now, I don't want to see you until then."
  318. >Blueblood stares at him for a moment, mouth agape, then sinks to the ground.
  319. >The chancellor turns to you.
  320. >"Mr. Anonymous, I'm sorry you had to witness this. But, these are royal duties that need not concern you, and I must ask you to leave the premises. I'm sure you understand."
  321. >You glance to the broken Blueblood, then back to the chancellor.
  322. "...Y-Yeah."
  323. >He nods. "I trust you know the way. Good day."
  324. >You nod in return, but don't move. You simply look at your friend on the ground. You're not sure what to think. Your heart grows heavy.
  325. >The chancellor clears his throat. "Good day."
  326. >You snap out of it and look to the chancellor.
  327. "R-Right. Sorry."
  328. >With one more look to Blueblood, you turn around, then begin walking out of the castle.
  329. >All manner of thought accompany you on the way out.
  331. >"That's... that's awful..." Twilight says.
  332. >You nod, then take a sip of your beer.
  333. >You were hoping the atmosphere of one of your favorite Canterlot pubs would bring up your spirits, but there's been no luck with that.
  334. "And the worst part is, it's all my fault."
  335. >Twilight rests her hoof on your hand.
  336. >"Anon, it isn't your fault. It's just who Prince Blueblood is."
  337. >You shake your head.
  338. "And he's only that way because of me. If it wasn't for me, he would have still been his old self. And he'd be a king, like he's always wanted."
  339. >You take another sip of beer.
  340. >"Yes, Anon, but... if it wasn't for you, he'd never be that old self in the first place." You stare down at the wooden table. "He'd be his old-old self, and that land would never have been his to begin with."
  341. >...You suppose she's right.
  342. >...Maybe you never should have moved in the first place.
  343. >This only happened because of the events in P0nyville.
  344. >"Hey Anon..." Twilight calls. You look up from the table to her. "Speaking of that... you never did tell me, or anyp0ny, how you and Blueblood met."
  345. >You lean back in your chair and take a breath.
  346. >"To change that stuck-up prince like that... what happened?"
  347. >You look into your mug at the golden, foamy liquid.
  348. >...You never were a fan of telling this story.
  349. >In fact, you've never told anybody at all.
  350. >There were reasons for that.
  351. >Funny, silly reasons, but reasons nonetheless.
  352. >You take a deep breath.
  353. >...Maybe it's time you let someone know after all.
  354. "...Okay. I think I can manage to tell that story."
  355. >Twilight smiles, then leans in on the table.
  356. >It makes you smile and laugh a little through your nose. The first time in hours.
  357. >She seems so eager.
  358. "Okay..."
  359. >You say, stretching your back.
  360. "Well, it started, quite literally, when I first came to Equestria..."
  362. End of Part 6
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