
A lover of all 30

Jul 3rd, 2017
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  1. app based summary(google tl). not very accurate. toon = 만인의 연인 30화
  3. FMC's bro goes how the problem is her low self esteem, and how without it she always gets deceived by a sweet talker. Goes how she wants to be loved, to get along, recognized for her charm from many(guys? - not sure here). Asks her why doesn't she grow her self esteem, and she asks bro what she can do about that and he goes 'it's very simple!'.
  5. FMC takes blaming words how it's her fault and smth about turning off(maybe the engagement). For her not even to think to leave the house for a while, and smth how she is sick to be patient with her(the mom prbly.. not sure). Flashback and thoughts how she feels hated by everyone, how even the fuckboy wasn't either, after winning her heart. How her brother was right, it was how her way was wrong, how she didn't not know that lack of self esteem was the problem, how if she grows her self esteem she wont have to lean on smbdy else, how she is in a painful situation and how he told her she could escape/ or help her do it. Here she remembers bro telling her that it takes some time and how she has to take advantage of her strong points(not sure). How her main one is her looks but the praise she got from her family and ppl around her did not work well, how she knows it that it didn't work well without help(not sure here). How she needs an objective evaluation, an objective assessment of her strengths. To hide her on the internet where only her good points are made evident and how she can fill the need of self esteem with objective assessments with the majority from there.
  7. FMC all dressed up and she goes how she doesn't know what's what anymore, if this will be helpful, how her brother recommended that she buy it, how it's it's okay cause the clothes seems too be too sexy but also too short, how the chest area is a bit uncomfortable and if this is the right solution to it. She expresses her doubts that no matter how anonymous it is ..posting this .. how her bro always gave her good advice but she has doubts about this. Phone beeps and he expresses her surprises and wonders if she pressed the send button, wants to quickly erase it but she gets positive comments(so sweet, crazy body, so good ..any more pics?) and a lot more comments that tells her she's great, perfect and that..
  9. She thinks the comments are rough and simple but how everyone likes it. Wonders if they are excited about her photos. She thinks she's feeling sickly, but also questions what is a feeling she feels, how she feels full with smth..how she feels like ..and then how what if smbdy might catch her/find her. Thinks she has to erase it, but then she reads a msg that goes: you are sop pretty that everyone will like it enough to receive the love of everyone. Next she says the name of the toon 'a lover of all...' and remembers that her bro told her it will only be smth temporary, and that if she finds another way she can always stop it and for her to do as she likes. She goes how with just one pic everyone gave her a great reaction and thinks if she might like to try with another pic. Tbc...
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