
JTTM Reboot

Dec 8th, 2012
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  1. [*]Name: Chida Nick
  2. [*]Age: 18
  3. [*]Sex: Male
  4. [*]Appearance:
  5. [*]Kind: SI
  6. [*]Powers: Nick has been implanted with the Shard of the Phoenix Phantom, which allows him to communicate with the Phantom himself, who goes by the human host's name of Yugo. Along with that, Nick can manipulate (or even create) a powerful kind of fire called Hellfire as well as wield a broadsword called The Catastrophe. Yugo can heal Nick and even bring him back from the dead using his own powers, provided that he has enough Mana to pull it off.
  7. [*]Faction: The Brotherhood
  8. [*]World of Origin: World of Lilim
  9. [*]Personality: Nick is not really one for much conversation. Not because he is shy or meek, but rather he seems... emotionless. Though this takes a massive swing when it comes to characters that he once percieved as fictional. He will be drawn out of his shell upon meeting them and will talk to them like they were real people. However, he also has a sense of protection. A sort of Samaritan Syndrome for these kinds of people. The kind where he would go through any lengths to save those who are doomed to die, even sacrificing himself to save them. This detirmination also turns him into a Nick unseen by most people. A Nick driven to save people, even if it means having to kill one person... or even a thousand.
  10. [*]Bio: When Nick was fifteen, his parents moved to a new city, causing him to move schools as well. When he was introduced to his school, several bullies ganged up on him and beat him up as a perverted way of "initiation". He was sent to the medic's office, where he met a beautiful girl who was also there. The two met and became the best of friends, often meeting in the medic's office because that's where the girl goes every so often. Then one day, the girl fainted. Several medics came to her and took her to the hospital. There, several people told Nick that the girl was sick with a disease that had just become terminal, with her expected death to be in a few weeks. Nick spent his days being with her to the very end, though once she died, part of Nick also died. There was less joy in him. It wasn't until he hit up eleventh grade English class that he became a little more... social. But that was only because they were busy talking about stories rather than focusing on reality. His parents, after hearing of this, slowly began to denounce him as a functioning member of society, thinking that he will eventually turn into an escapist, or one who doesn't like real life and would rather be in his own little world. They even thought of having him be committed. To an aslyum? Maybe. Whatever the case, by the time he was eighteen, Nick noticed his parents have grown distant from him, just as he grew distant from them.
  12. [*]Name: Nicholas Santos
  13. [*]Age: 20
  14. [*]Sex: Male
  15. [*]Appearance:
  16. [*]Kind: SI
  17. [*]Powers: Nicholas has a pair of blades called the Zero Sluggers that can act as boomerangs on their own, combine into a Double Weapon known as the Zero Twin Sword, or combine with the Color Timer to fire off a powerful blast known only as the Twin Zero Shoot. When it crashed into earth, it came combined with the Color Timer, Nicholas' form of "artificial heart", when it starts to blink red, it means Nicholas is running low on energy and must rest, otherwise, he will die.
  18. [*]Faction: Dai-Shocker
  19. [*]World of Origin: World of Lilim
  20. [*]Personality: Nicholas is very excitable and very hot-blooded. He often shows a cocky and arrogant side, especially when using his Zero Sluggers. He will also come to crack as many jokes as he can. When it comes to fictional characters, however, he loses it and becomes like a squeeing fangirl. What was once cocky and arrogant now becomes "OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT [So and so] IS HERE! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! SIGN ME UP! SIGN ME UP!" ... Okay, maybe not THAT overenthusastic.
  21. [*]Bio: Nicholas had way too much free time on his hands, always plugged into the internet ever since he was at an early age. He was raised on so much Power Rangers and other Saturday morning cartoons, that he became a very excitable kid. It didn't help that he was also raised on a lot of video games. When he was introduced to the internet, the first thing he discovered was access to even more fun games, even if some of them weren't... kid-friendly. He was also introduced to fanfiction. While he came across several boring stories about how Yugi falls in love with his inner Yugi, or that Tommy and Kim rekindled their love for each other, it was the crossovers that got him excited. He never imagined Mario beating the shit out of Sonic before, or the idea of the Power Rangers meeting up with the Z Fighters. It introduced him to many fandoms and many different shows, to the point where he became a very cultured man when it came to what the kids these days liked. Not so much with his schooling though. He got just enough passing grades to graduate, but his struggles with school work made him decide that going to Starbucks and working there was a better alternative. There, he mingles with several people and soon, discovered TVTropes and registered there as Psyga315, interacting with the people there as well.
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