

Mar 7th, 2018
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  1. 8:14 PM - Jaggles (J.C) Whether love is or not a set of chemical processes in our brain or some sort of mystical thing, is part of what the person wants to believe. I myself lean more towards the first one, even if there's still many questions to answer. However, what is love for me presented in a philosophical point of view?
  2. 8:16 PM - Jaggles (J.C) Right, first I'd have to explain for me love is not just someone you feel towards a partner you want to reproduce and share a life with or whatever as many put it. Love is complex and varied.
  3. 8:16 PM - Sigma: agreed.
  4. 8:17 PM - Jaggles (J.C) I feel love towards my parents, obviously, and a part of my family, specially my grandparents. Perhaps in this case it's more of a blood-related thing, but there's also part of my family I don't love, so it's not entirely that.
  5. 8:19 PM - Jaggles (J.C) I feel love towards my friends, keep in mind, I do not call "anyone" a friend. I have few, but I know I can trust them, I know they support me and we have really, really strong bonds. It's what some would call "true friendship". For me there's only one kind of friendship. I don't bother with unnecessary facades and conflicting feelings.
  6. 8:22 PM - Jaggles (J.C) I feel love towards my hobbies, towards certain things I like a lot. This is more of what people call "appreciation", but it goes beyond that. It's more than just liking something, but it's genuine fascination, undescriptible devotion for certain things. Away for madness, that is. In a healthy way.
  7. 8:24 PM - Jaggles (J.C) Then there's something I like to call "spiritual love". It's something I'd describe as fascination, attraction or incredible enjoyment for things you can't really define completely.
  8. 8:25 PM - Jaggles (J.C) "What? You'd fuck a ghost?". No, regardless of difficulty, I would not. This is something different. For instance, I love feelings. I am deeply fascinated and interested im feelings.
  9. 8:25 PM - Jaggles (J.C) In feelings*
  10. 8:25 PM - Jaggles (J.C) Sadness, happiness, whatever, and among them obviously, love.
  11. 8:26 PM - Jaggles (J.C) I love crying to a movie. I enjoy feeling what the protagonist feels. The feeling of danger, mystery, suspense, curiosity. Even, fear. They make me feel so alive, I love it.
  12. 8:27 PM - Sigma: Crying is a big thing of mine lol.
  13. 8:30 PM - Jaggles (J.C) And last, but not least, the "romantic" love. Yes, the most common but at the same time the easiest to mistake. People feel sexually attracted and call it love. People feel interested, close, and call it love. But romantic love is devotion. Romantic love is the dedication to a person (or people, I never cared about poligamy as long as all parties are aware and agree, even if I don't like the idea myself) you love and care for. It's more than cuddling, watching movies and waking up your neighbour with some good ol' wallbanging.
  14. 8:31 PM - Jaggles (J.C) It's when you feel the bonds for someone are strong as ever, when you learn how to understand, care and know that person, and are willing to live more and more experiences together, but also sit and relax to watch the landscape ahead silently.
  15. 8:32 PM - Jaggles (J.C) A person you feel truly comfortable with, a person that will make you cry and laugh, happy or angry, but you will regardless love every single aspect of it, regardless if commonly considered bad or good.
  16. 8:34 PM - Jaggles (J.C) It's more than a few Tumblr lines, it's something truly deep. It's something that can't be achieved without a "heart" naïve enough, but at the same time can't be handled without a mature enough mind.
  17. 8:35 PM - Jaggles (J.C) It's more than people think it is, it's the top level of stability, comfort and connection with a person.
  18. 8:35 PM - Jaggles (J.C) That, is love for me.
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