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a guest
Sep 17th, 2016
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  1. #-----------------------------------------------#
  2. # Login resources #
  3. #-----------------------------------------------#
  4. login_usernameLabel=Username
  5. login_passwordLabel=Password
  6. login_passwordLabelCapsWarning=Password <font color='#ff9900'>(CAPS LOCK IS ON!)</font>
  7. login_loginButtonLabel=Log In
  8. login_loginButton_tooltip=Click to login to League of Legends
  9. login_loginLabel=Account Login
  10. login_checkbox_rememberUsername=Remember Username
  12. #-----------------------------------------------#
  13. # Login Flow #
  14. #-----------------------------------------------#
  15. login_status_title=Login Status
  16. login_status_login_begin=Starting authentication process. Waiting for server...
  17. login_status_auth_fail_retry=Did not receive a response from the server; retrying. (attempt {0})
  18. login_status_auth_retry=The authentication server was unable to fulfill the request. Retrying... (Attempt {0})
  19. login_status_auth_successful_prequeue=Authentication successful. Checking login queue status...
  20. login_status_auth_successful_postqueue=Authentication completed. Starting login process...
  21. login_status_calling_login=Logging on...
  23. login_queue_title=Login Queue
  24. login_queue_dialog=Greetings Summoner - The servers are operating at maximum capacity. We'll get you in as soon as capacity becomes available\n\nYour position in queue: {0}\nApproximate wait time: {1}
  25. login_queue_momentary=Greetings Summoner - We are experiencing an unusually large number of logins. To keep everything running smoothly, we need you to hold on for just a moment.\n\nYour position in queue: {0}\nApproximate wait time: {1}
  26. login_queue_max_depth=Over {0}
  27. login_queue_refreshTimerLabel=Position Check In:
  29. #-----------------------------------------------#
  30. # Login Links #
  31. #-----------------------------------------------#
  32. login_linkCreateAccount=Create Account
  33. login_linkNoAccountSignUp=Don't have an account? <font color='#0096FF'><b>Sign up now!</b></font>
  34. login_linkForgotPassword=Forgot your <font color='#0096FF'><b>password?</font></b>
  35. login_linkForgotUsername=Forgot your <font color='#0096FF'><b>username?</font></b>
  36. login_linkPlayForFreeAndSignUp=Playing League of Legends is <font color='#FFCB05'><b>FREE!</b></font>
  37. footer_termsAndConditions=<font color='#0096FF'><b>Terms of use</font></b>
  40. #-----------------------------------------------#
  41. # Login error messages #
  42. #-----------------------------------------------#
  43. login_loginFailedErrorTitle=Login Error
  44. login_serverBusy=The server is currently busy. Please try again later.
  45. login_failed_unknown=The login server did not respond. You may have a connection issue that is not related to the League of Legends server. See our current Service Status here: <u><font color="#0096FF"><a href=""></a></font></u><br/><br/>If you are still unable to connect, please check the following Knowledge Base article: <u><font color="#0096FF"><a href=""></a></font></u><br/><br/>Still unable to connect? Contact Player Support at <u><font color="#0096FF"><a href=""></a></font></u>
  46. login_failed_invalid_credentials=Invalid username/password combination. Please try again.
  47. login_failed_account_banned=This account has been suspended until {0}. Please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for more information.
  48. login_failed_account_inactive=This account is currently inactive. Please contact Player Support for further information at <u><font color="#0096FF"><a href=""></a></font></u>
  49. login_failed_server_full=The server is currently full. Please try again later.
  50. login_failed_transferring_out=This account is currently being transferred to another region. Please try logging in to the appropriate region in five minutes.
  51. login_failed_transferring_in=This account is currently in the process of being transferred in from another region. Please try logging in again in five minutes.
  52. login_failed_transferred=Your account has transferred to another region. Please try logging in to the appropriate region.
  53. login_failed_transferred_restart=Your account has transferred to another region. Please restart so that we may ensure you are connected to the proper region.
  54. login_failed_attempt_rate_too_fast=You have incorrectly input your login credentials on too many consecutive attempts.\n\nPlease try again in {0} seconds.
  57. #-----------------------------------------------#
  58. # Reset password resources #
  59. #-----------------------------------------------#
  60. resetPassword_enterUsernameHeadingLabel=Plase enter your username and press the retrieve security question.
  61. resetPassword_resetPasswordLabel=Username:
  62. resetPassword_retrieveSecurityQuestionButtonLabel=Retrieve Security Question
  63. resetPassword_returnToLoginButtonLabel=Return to Login
  64. resetPassword_enterSecurityAnswerHeadingLabel=Enter the answer to the secret question and press the 'Reset Password' button. An email will be sent to you containing your temporary password.
  65. resetPassword_questionLabel=Question:
  66. resetPassword_answerLabel=Answer:
  67. resetPassword_resetPasswordButtonLabel=Reset Password
  68. resetPassword_errorLabel=Error
  69. resetPassword_errorMessageInvalidUsername=The system can not retrieve the username you entered. Please try again.
  70. resetPassword_errorMessageInvalidSecurityAnswer=Your security answer was not correct. Please Try again.
  72. #-----------------------------------------------#
  73. # Change password resources #
  74. #-----------------------------------------------#
  75. resetPassword_headingLabel=Plase enter your new password twice, then press submit.
  76. changePassword_passwordLabel=Password:
  77. changePassword_passwordConfirmLabel=Confirm Password:
  78. changePassword_submitBtn=Submit
  79. changePassword_errorLabel=Error
  80. changePassword_errorPasswordMismatch=Password and Confirm Password do not match.
  81. resetPassword_passwordNeedsResetLineOne=You are currently in the process of changing your password.
  82. resetPassword_passwordNeedsResetLineTwo=Please log into the League of Legends community site to finish changing your password. You can find the site here:
  83. resetPassword_dialogTitle=Password Needs Reset
  84. resetPasswordURL=
  86. #-----------------------------------------------#
  87. # Login error messages #
  88. #-----------------------------------------------#
  89. LOGIN-0001=Client version {0} is rejected by server.
  90. LOGIN-0002=The Player Support Team is currently reviewing your account. You will be able to log into your account shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  91. LOGIN-0003=This account has been suspended until {0}. Please check the email address associated with your League of Legends account for additional details.
  92. LOGIN-0003-PERMABAN=This account has been permanently suspended. Please check the email address associated with your League of Legends account for additional details.
  93. # Tencent uses these ALTBAN messages to provide more information since players don't get info emails when banned.
  94. LOGIN-0003-ALTBAN-1=Dear player, your access to League of Legends is temporary limited due to the previous negative behavior on this account. The total access limitation consists 3 days suspension and 20 games with Chat Restrictions. Let us play positively and protect our game environment together.
  95. LOGIN-0003-ALTBAN-2=Dear player, your access to League of Legends is temporary limited due to the previous negative behavior on this account. The total access limitation consists 7 days suspension and 30 games with Chat Restrictions. Let us play positively and protect our game environment together.
  96. LOGIN-0003-ALTBAN-3=Dear player, your access to League of Legends is temporary limited due to the previous negative behavior on this account. The total access limitation consists 14 days suspension and 40 games with Chat Restrictions. Let us play positively and protect our game environment together.
  97. LOGIN-0003-ALTBAN-3-PERMABAN=This account has been permanently suspended due to severe negative behavior. Contact Player Support for additional information.
  98. LOGIN-0004=This account has been suspended by the <b>LeaverBuster</b> system until {0} due to idling in and/or leaving matches. Further offenses will result in longer bans. If this behavior is a result of technical issues, please resolve them before attempting further matchmade games. Please visit the <b>LeaverBuster</b> FAQ at <a href=""></a> for more information.
  99. LOGIN-0004-PERMABAN=This account has been permanently suspended. Please check the email address associated with your League of Legends account for additional details.
  100. LOGIN-0005=This account has been suspended until {0} due to a Tribunal ban. Please check the email address associated with your account. A reform card has been sent to you with more information.
  101. LOGIN-0005-PERMABAN=This account has been permanently banned by the Tribunal. Please see the email address associated with your account for additional details.
  102. LOGIN-0006=Invalid username/password combination. Please try again.
  103. LOGIN-0007=The server is currently busy. Please try again later.
  104. LOGIN-0008=This account is currently being transferred to another region. Please try logging in to the appropriate region in five minutes.
  105. LOGIN-0009=This account is currently in the process of being transferred in from another region. Please try logging in again in five minutes.
  106. LOGIN-0010=Your account has transferred to another region. Please try logging in to the appropriate region.
  107. LOGIN-0011=Your account has had a high number of failed logins recently and has been rate-limited to prevent hacking attempts. Please try again later.
  108. LOGIN-0012=Because shutdown law is now in effect, you are currently unable to log in.
  109. LOGIN-0013=Operating system {0} is rejected by the server.
  110. LOGIN-0014=Access to the Mac beta is currently limited to registered users.
  111. LOGIN-0016=According to the play schedule set by you or your parent, you cannot play at this time.\nClick <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to check your play schedule.
  112. LOGIN-0017=The Game Industry Promotion Act requires users under the age of 18 to obtain approval by a legal representative to play the game.\nClick <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> for the legal representative agreement.
  113. LOGIN-0018=In order to protect your account we're rolling out new password requirements. You <b>must <a href="http://{0}">change your League of Legends password</a> immediately</b> before you may login to play.\n\nTo learn more go to: <a href="http://{0}">http://{0}</a>
  114. LOGIN-0018_Title=Security Warning
  115. LOGIN-0018_Button=Change Password
  116. LOGIN-0018_PromptURL=https://{0}
  118. #-------------
  119. # Hammer Industries:
  120. #-------------
  121. LOGIN-1001=Please enter the verification code from your email.
  122. LOGIN-1002=Please enter the verification code from your SMS mobile device.
  123. LOGIN-1003=Due to a recent Player Support request, you must verify your new email address before logging in.
  124. has detected a new login on your League of Legends account. Please check your email for more details.
  125. LOGIN-1005=This location has been verified for a one time login.
  126. LOGIN-1006=This will remain as one of your login locations.
  129. #-----------------------------------------------#
  130. # URLs #
  131. #-----------------------------------------------#
  132. siteURL=
  133. createAccountURL=
  134. recoverUsernameURL={0}/{1}/forgot-username
  135. recoverPasswordURL={0}/{1}/forgot-password
  136. legalURL=
  139. #-----------------------------------------------#
  140. # General error messages #
  141. #-----------------------------------------------#
  142. GEN-0001=Connection Failure: Unable to connect to the server.\n\nInformation regarding what may have caused this error can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.\n\nService availability can be viewed on the League of Legends Server Status web page.
  143. GEN-0002=Connection Timeout: The request to the server timed out.
  144. GEN-0003=Connection Error
  145. GEN-0004=An unexpected error has occurred
  146. GEN-0005=Error
  147. GEN-0006=An unknown error has occurred
  148. GEN-0007=Unknown Error
  149. GEN-0008=An error occurred attempting to submit logs.<br/>{0}
  151. #-----------------------------------------------#
  152. # Summoner first login resources #
  153. #-----------------------------------------------#
  154. summonerFirstLogin_welcome=Welcome to League of Legends! Since this is your first time in the game, we will take you through some basic setup of your Summoner and some helpful tutorials.
  155. summonerFirstLogin_instructions=Press Continue to Setup Your Summoner.
  156. summonerFirstLogin_continue=Continue
  158. preferences_transitionsFilterLabel=Disable Menu Animations
  159. preferences_transitionsFilterTooltip=This will improve performance on some machines.
  160. preferences_loginMusicToggleLabel=Disable Login Music
  162. #-----------------------------------------------#
  163. # Game Reconnect #
  164. #-----------------------------------------------#
  165. inGameReconnectMessage=You have left a game in progress.\nClick here to reconnect to your game now.
  166. reconnectButtonText=Reconnect
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