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Dec 14th, 2019
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  1. An unsual title for an extremely unsual large reaching case study about the User @//Hen-tie and @//AlyssaB and their as so ill practice in customer treatment over several instances. No, I'm not the first one they have treated so piss poor but other examples of the past such as two other popular species owners. One short word of prologue, before I dive into what is called internet blood sports on a sincere Christmas Eve. As I am writing this I am on vacation in Marakesh, Morroko.
  3. Who: Hentie (DeviantArt) - Hen-tie (TH) - @/Myonehen (Twitter) -
  4. Issue: Forced Refund only based on third-party communications to her Locking account
  6. Who: DrawinglyWillingly
  7. Issue: Requested to chargeback for the unfilled portion of the problematic order Wystaria was later involved in.
  9. [Add Case - Hentie]
  10. Show about how the artist Boopeep also was criticized for forcing a refund
  11. Also talk about how Hentie basically enabled Drawingly further culiminating in the recent hacking claims
  12. This is in addition to Drawingly's unverified stunt with the emails targeting her children
  13. In short, Hentie had never given you a chance at all, but came with a decision already made. No one who has spent $3200 on someone they look up to deserve that.
  15. In recent times, there used to be a similar Toyhouse case, in which a customer named [Lolita] was forced upon a refund against their own will and without them even given to slightest chance settle matters with words instead of actions, by the artist Beepbob. The case can be read here in detail, since I will be taking its position to build up this Artist Beware on.
  16. I don't even wanna delve much into my private situation, since it has absolutely nothing to do, but I'd like to get one statement off my chest, since its been bugging me. ever since this whole ordeal started six months ago. I am truely devastated that all of this even happened, and I will take the majority of the blame on me, but never ever have a unrightfully chargedback anyone without a particular reason in mind, nor have I ever sent someone death threats nor hacked any account... This is just wrong to accuse someone with such high claims without any bulletproof evidence to back it up. Especially when Drawingly/Garcia pulled the same stunt when she sent Kujito a Note that he showed me, that accused both of us of doxxing her and the children of hers. I said a lot of things out of anger that were not publicly acceptable in thos discord, such as going even going as far as going against my own friends that I stood close to and insulted them in the worst possible manner. This also includes how I behaved in the public space of those community discords. But never did I let things escarlate, and tried to solve any dispute with members civilly in the DMs. So it that seems extremely petty when those private DMs are being hold against me, to prove the point that I am a "monsterous creature" as they seem to try to dipict me. I But back then all of this was just too much for me to bare and handle and even now this oydessey dosen't seems to find a final end, and this issue pretty much mutated to the certain degree you would call "internet bloodsports".
  18. Now where should I start, in June I privately inquired Hen-tie on DeviantArt, upon seeing and reading her newest OTA journal about custom Lilidae slots on my DeviantArt tab. I stated that I would offer an estimate of around a minimum 1800 USDs to upwards 3000 USDs in total. Some time passed and after thinking for a long time teeth grindingly, how much my final offer was going to be, I decided to settle for [3000$] adding [Art by Rucyna] as an Add-On, giving Rucyna the option of Co-Ownership of the Custom Character, Originally it was just to show Rucyna my graditute and kindess towards working on my custom which ordered from her. Why I immediately entrusted Rucyna who I barely even knew and met before, with a co-ownership is a topic I rather not wish to delve into, therefore I will skip this part. So, we both were quite exceited from what I can tell, about obtaining the slot and immediately I plotted together with Rucyna how I imagine him to look like in the end design wise. More or less, it was something very personal so I was indeed very emotionally invested towards, since my father paid 3/4 of the entire custom as a birthday present. But my exceitment would be short lived, when suddenly my custom order was canceled by hen-tie at the 20th of July, without any given reason. First, I assumed that Hen-tie took it as a insult, that I made a public thread on Toyhouse, listing my custom slot open for entertaining offers, really looking at getting other Lilidaes or optionally an Browbird. It was a legitmate offer that I advertised there and I would also really be willing to accept some of they hit the spot. But later I learned through proxies sources by other people of the adoptables community, who were kind enough to ask Hen-tie into why my order was ultimately canceled, one month after obtaining it which was three months before the payment plan would have originally ended, so I was more than on time with my payment. At the time before all this happened, I indeed looked up to Hentie and admired her art style, otherwise I wouldn't be willing to dish out such a hafty amount for a Closed Species slot to begin with. Believe me, if I had any malicious intends planned I wouldn't invite someone for co-ownership on board in the first place, and if she indeed truely was scared of me charging her back, why didn't she asked me to tranfer funds via SEPA-billing (Bank tranfer methods overseas) or through other third party money transfer sites such as Western Union. I was aggravted and more than rightfully so furious so, I went to Niku/Resilverflare to voice my dissappointment in Hentie as an artist, since I knew from other sources that they both where friends. (that is the same person that can be seen in the screenshots of Hentie's PSA, where she tried to censor who the person behind it really is). Some days passed, and then suddenly I was informed by someone of the community that Hentie put up a blacklist against me, defaming me in the process and discipling her followers in not engaging in any business with me... and that's where my mental health went a rollercoaster ride. Nobody, ever, who spent such high amounts should deserve to be treated this poorly. Especially from someone who claims to conduct business in a formal manner. I am angry at Hentie still to this hour and moment for how she keeps on treating me, with as little respect as earthly possible. Especially, in the events of me really do engaging in the attempt to commit suicide all over this. It really happend. It wasn't all just for a show that the police came to my house to got me to stop. I do was caught in the process of whatever lunacy I was about to commit in the bathroom of my parents house (that naked). To give the readers of this PSA entry a glimpse. I am not insane but I feel robbed of my dignity and my face from the public, all because of what happened and took place. It really hurts to read between the lines of Henties responses how little she cares what she caused for hardship to me both mentally and physically. I desperately tried to explain her the story of what really happened on discord multiple times, but what am I supposed to do when someone sits on their ears and shows zero emotional investment into a topic or downright still insists to falsely accuse me of having scammed someone, who still keeps on scamming and deluting people into trusting DrawinglyWillingly.
  21. [Add Case - Drawingly / Wystaria ]
  22. Show the conversations regarding the combined order and how there was no way to partially chargeback for the incomplete part.
  23. Admit that you made a mistake involving Wystaria, that that was inexcusable and had later said things out of pride and anger.
  24. However depict that Wystaria & co portraying you as an outright scammer is unfair and untrue given the length of time you bought from.
  25. End with Wystaria claiming double deduction is untrue, as you refunded her, and she said she gave that money to Drawingly. So her paying Drawingly twice is her own decision.
  27. About the case regarding DrawinglyWillingly, I never scammed her, but infact she scammed me and my friends and other customers in the process of never fully delivering their custom orders, YCHs and other commissions. We had a final dispute in which she deliberately forced me to charge her back. She advertised that she was going to animate the Owl in the discord channel and according to those informations I was given I was interested in entering the auction with the 200$ bid and winning it. It never received to this day the animation that it was advertised with. And I also never received my Custom Folklore in a Beserker Form as I ordered from Drawingly. So I did just chargeback all amounts through my Bank and PayPal, except one. But because I forgot due to my health issues that I already resold the Owl Folklore, I ended up accidently also filing a chargeback on that character for which I already received my funds back. That Wystaria decided to refund Drawingly the money, is something that happened on HER OWN ACCORD. If she wants to listen to Drawinglys blackmails, thats her own soup to dig in and burn herself. Nobody told her to pay her back any amount, so my emotional investment is almost zero. I don't feel sorry for neither of those people and their emotional blackmail perform on people.
  29. [Other Notes] - A look into the personal relationship between you and Drawingly.
  31. My relationship towards Drawingly could be described as - you leave me alone and I leave you alone.
  32. [Resolution] - Honestly, I don't even know if at this point I even want a compensation from Hentie, due to the fact what happened all and that she once again dragged this topic infront of the public eye. I wished she would apologize finally for what hardship she caused me and leave me alone. I'm not even interested anymore in a "Make your own" slot, I just want that she leaves me alone.
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