

Sep 8th, 2017
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  1. TL;DR it's unfortunate that I found your server while doing research for a bot because I am genuinely vested in what your sever has to offer. Please read the full memo.
  3. Hello. I don't mean to bother you but, this is Astrydax. I was banned from the server earlier when I made what I thought was very polite inquiry about the bot system you have/had running. I really was trying to be humble and made sure to
  4. use my please and thank you's ^_^ , the responses I got from your community were very kind, helpful, and welcoming. While it's true that I do develop bots for profit as my fiverr listing was sleuthed by your members. The research I was
  6. doing on this particular bot was for an open source project I created and continue to maintain for the SW RPG Edge of the Empire. This is a project in which I am very passionate about. A tool I offer free to any gamer that could benefit
  8. from it's use, and as such I want to add as many relevant features as possible. Which is how I came to hear about your fantastic bot and it's calendar integrations.
  10. I play SW:EoTE, DnD, M:TG and other table top games. Since my fiverr was sleuthed you can confirm the validity of this by checking my years old tappedout dot net account under the same name Royalcrown28 . I am also the owner of the
  11. server Discord D&D , a small and humble dnd 3.5 server.) I don't know how else to establish my genuine interest in the tabletop community.
  12. I do want to be very kosher here, but I was fairly taken aback by the rash response I received and the instaban action taken. I understand why it happened from a moderators view, but at the same time think this was handled poorly. I
  14. merely asked if your bot was offline after its commands failed. When a member told me it was broken. I asked if the source code was available. Upon which members referred me to your in house creators of the bot (people just like me). I
  15. thanked them for their kind responses then headed off to my best mates wedding. I hadn't even had a chance to reach out to them or talk to anyone else in the server. But I did make sure to thank those who pointed me the right way before
  16. taking my leave.
  18. When I returned I received a rather nasty and frankly insulting message from dyno.
  19. You were banned from TTSClub, It appears you only came here to steal bot code. No the code isn't open source, no you can't use it to make money on fiverr.
  21. commands This is why we can't have nice things.
  22. It's very clear that the aim of this action was to embarrass. Be that as it may, I want to apologize for any action's I took that offended your members/admins/and bot devs or made them feel threatened in any way.
  23. I would hope that while your members were sleuthing my account they would take it one step further and look into anyone of my clients that all left 5 star reviews and ask them about my personal character. They will all tell you that I
  24. was more interested in giving them the proper gaming experience that I would have wanted than making money. I spent weeks working full time for one of those clients for $8. He was a little kid that wanted a pokemonGO bot that let him
  25. know when a growlithe was nearby his house (his favorite pokemon).
  26. I am a full time dev. I decided when I was 12 years old that I wanted to make things that gamers like myself would enjoy. I got a degree to accomplish that goal and have been doing everything I can to stay true to that. It absolutely
  27. sickens me when I receive insulting messages like the ban response the server you manage sent me; Just because I happen to have a family to feed while choosing to make things for gamers. You always want people to make things like
  28. discord itself but then demonize people that do this full time and expect not to starve while offering these things. I'm an indie dev, I am not getting rich off of anything I do. I'm merely (and barely) trying to get by while making
  29. things for the communities that matter to me. I have the credentials to get a quality game dev job, but prefer to service the demographic of my choosing (people like you) rather than some corporate interest.You can ask any client on they
  31. and they will tell you I genuinely care about offering others the best gaming experience they can. I know that's the case, because I take time and effort to make sure my clients know this about me.
  32. Which brings me to my point. I was polite, heard of your server while talking with my friends/colleagues that work on the SW:EotE bot with me. I got excited an decided to take a look. The bot didn't work, so I reached out. Your members
  33. were nice and I respected them likewise. Then I was banned.
  35. The angry part: Kindly asking someone if a someone minds sharing their code is not, as it was put, "Stealing code". In my circles this is a very common request we receive when doing non-profit work, we help other devs to make great
  36. things for my favorite people. I was not "using it to make money on fiverr" as the software I maintain is open source and accessible to anyone under the MIT license it can be found here, where several people have already forked it for
  37. their own use.
  38. GitHub
  39. Astrydax/SWEotE-Discord-Dice-Roller
  40. SWEotE-Discord-Dice-Roller - Discord Bot Companion for the SW:EotE RPG
  42. I suppose my biggest quarrel is that all of this could have been resolved had anyone simply reached out to me before taking rash action. The irony is that while I was use to doing the opposite of what you accuse me of, that is sharing
  43. code and achievements to make better user experiences, I mistakenly assumed that your devs were genuinely vested in offering player experience. While the things I create are assets to everyone, it was made clear that what you have are
  44. assets to only the leaders of your committee.
  46. Like the TL;DR says I would hope to leave this all behind and be able to use your server for what it has to offer as a tabletop crossroads. If not then I understand and respect your decision.
  48. Whichever the case, I sternly advise that you make no further attempts to cause any further defamation to Astrydax Development, LLC's character and reputation. I am a respected professional in the development community and have spent
  50. years serving such community in my profession and building a positive reputation.
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