
Episode for Devilverse

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. -Tonight's the night of the 1st Football game....But Jalen have no plans on going to watch it as he is signing up both him and Ira for the Brooklyn Bash, a Smash 4/Melee Regional 2 weeks from now, In Smash 4 singles and dubs with the 2 as teammates, while Ira is playing Pokemon Moon in his room with him on his desktop. Been 3 days since that Football Pep rally and Ira still haven't look up Football, but is curious on going to the game. While Jalen doesn't want to go, He relents when he sees Ira holding back a temper-tantrum.
  3. -At the same time in the house, Lux and Foleo are back from shopping for clothes. Lux is sad at not seeing Lucina for a while, and Foleo add on that she haven't seen her at school lately...And she's too scared to ask her brother regarding her whereabouts. However, an idea comes to Foleo's mind, every Football game, the Christian Crusaders host the food stands nearby. Maybe Lucina will be there, she mention....Lux is hooked and wants to go to this "Game played with their feet on the balls". Just in time for Ira to drag her dad down with a winning smile with the fact that Lux and Foleo wanna go. Losing this, Jalen sighs and assemble everyone to get in the car
  5. -They arrive at the Crusader Field, behind the HS with the Brooklyn Crusaders getting ready to play against the Manhattan Tigers with the Crusaders coming out to a roaring home crowd. Ira and Jalen go to the stands to look for Lucina while Lux and Foleo does the same on the ground level, Ira keep an eye on the game and is enamored by the physical violence of it and wanna join it along with making Jalen do so. Meanwhile, Foleo and Lux finds Lucina sleeping in her car in the parking lot and is dismayed to hear that not only was she kicked off the Student Council body, but she was kicked out of her home just tonight due to leaving her faith by her mom and granddad.
  7. -Lux suggest Lucina to come over to Jalen's home after tonight so they can find out what to do with all of this, Meanwhile Jalen just got done telling Ira all he know about the sport of Football, with Ira smiling very widely about the idea of joining this team and crushing people...The 2 leave the stands, but not before they get approached by the likes of Siegbert and his coons. Siegbert demands his brother to come back home and will not take no for an answer...But Ira scares them all off with a punch to one of the goon's chest, breaking 3 ribs and then giving Siegbert such a harsh glare that he felt his death in 7 different ways, he run off with his friends as the 2 teens find Lux comforting a broken Lucina and Foleo looking quite worried. The 5 head home towards Jalen's house....Lux in Lucina's car as Foleo is in Jalen's with him and Ira.
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