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a guest
Jun 26th, 2017
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text 16.73 KB | None | 0 0
  1. * {
  2. 2. .Colors
  3. 3. ..On: { .Enable #Color-Talker | echo Colors are now Enabled, $me $+ . }
  4. 4. ..Off: { .Disable #Color-Talker | echo Colors are Disabled, $me $+ . }
  5. 5.}
  6. 6.#Color-Talker on
  7. 7.ON *:INPUT:*:{ if ( $left($1,1) == / ) || ($ctrlenter) || ($inpaste) return | else {
  8. 8. if (%fuck1 == off) return {
  9. 9. else {
  10. 10. if (!* isin $1) return
  11. 11. if ( %txtver == FireColour1 ) { say 0,8/7,8\8,7/4,7\7,4/5,4\4,5/1,5\5,7/4,8 $1- 5,7\1,5/4,5\5,4/7,4\4,7/8,7\7,8/0,8\ | halt }
  12. 12. if ( %txtver == FireColour2 ) { say 8,0%0,8%8,84,8%8,4%4,45,4%4,5%5,50,5%5,1%0,10,1 $1- 0,15,1%0,5%5,54,5%5,4%4,48,4%4,8%8,80,8%8,0% | halt }
  13. 13. if ( %txtver == RainbowColor ) { var %a = 10 11 6 14 9 15 | msg $target $regsubex($1-,/([^ ])/g,$+($chr(3),$gettok(%a,$iif($calc(\n % $numtok(%a,32)),$v1,$numtok(%a,32)),32),$chr(44),01,\1)) | halt }
  14. 14. if ( %txtver == RainbowColour2 ) { var %a = 04 07 08 09 11 12 06 | msg $target $regsubex($1-,/([^ ])/g,$+($chr(3),$gettok(%a,$iif($calc(\n % $numtok(%a,32)),$v1,$numtok(%a,32)),32),$chr(44),01,\1)) | halt }
  15. 15. if (%addnick) && (!%me) && ($regex($gettok($1-,1,32),/^( $+ $iif($chan,$c.nicks,$+(\Q,$target,\E|\Q,$me,\E)) $+ ):$/Si)) { var %txtn $+(9,$mid(%c.norm,4),$chr(40),14,$regml(1),9,$chr(41),) | tokenize 32 $gettok($1-,2-,32) }
  16. 16. if (%acronym) tokenize 32 $replacexcs($1-,evil,(04â—£_04â—¢ $+ %c.punc $+ ),foff,$chr(31) $+ ┌∩┐ $+ $chr(31) $+ (4â—£15_4â—¢ $+ %c.punc $+ ) $+ $chr(31) $+ ┌∩┐ $+ $chr(31) $+,:3,❤,f.f,ƒ.ƒ,>.>,».»,BUTTERFLY, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ,c.c,ç.ç,<.<,«.«,<3,«3,LOL,-Laughing Øut Loud-,BRB,-Bee Are Bee-,?,?¿,WTF,-What the Fudge?-,OMG!,-Øh My Dios!-,HB,-Hurry Back-,STAR,☆,WB,-Welcome Back-,ILY,-I «3 You-,LMAO,-Laughing My @ss Øff-,LMFAO,-Laughing My Fat @ss Øff-,BBL,-Be Back Later!-,BBS,-Be Back Soon-,TTYL,-Talk To You Later-,TY,-Thank You-,YW,-You're Welcome-,OMG!!,-Øh My Garrah!-,AFK,-Away From Keyboard-,ASL,-Age//Sex/Location-,JK,-Just Kidding-,LMSO,-Laughing My Socks Øff-,WTH,-What The Hell?!-,WTD,-What the Devil?!-,FU,-Fµck Yourself-,hbg,~Hurry Back Gorgeous ;]~,CUT, ✄,WINGS,☜♥☞,STAR,☆,LOVE,❤,degrees,°,2!,²,darkdot,,FU,~.:Fµck Yourself:.~,3/4,¾,1/2,½,hbg,~.:Hurry Back Gorgeous ;]:.~,HEART,♥,!A, ⓐ,!B,â“‘,!C,â“’ ,!D,â““ ,!E,â“” ,!F,â“•,!G,â“– ,!H,â“— ,!I,ⓘ ,!J,â“™ ,!K,â“š ,!L,â“› ,!M,â“œ ,!N,ⓝ ,!O,â“ž ,!P,â“Ÿ ,!Q,â“ ,!R,â“¡ ,!S,â“¢ ,!T,â“£ ,!U,ⓤ ,!V,â“¥ ,!W,ⓦ ,!X,ⓧ ,!Y,ⓨ ,!Z,â“©,MALE,♂ ,FEMALE,♂ ,FLOWER, ✿,PEACE, ☮,lovers!, 웃 ❤ ìœ ,TARGET,⊙,BABY,εїз,SIDEWAYS,❥,YIN,☯,SOD,✡,1`,➊,2`,âž‹,3`,➌,4`,➍ ,5`,➎,6`,➏,7`,➐,8`,âž‘,9`,âž’,C1,â™”,C2,♚,C3,â™›)
  17. 17. if (%emoticon) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/( $+ $c.ereg $+ |\?(?=[]})"'.?!:({[]| ['"]| |$))/gi,$replacecs(\1,x,×,X,×,s,§,S,§,D,Ð,d,Ð,p,Þ,P,þ,?,?,O,$c.rand.upper.o,o,$c.rand.lower.o,-,¬,>.<,[-.-]",$chr(41),$c.rand.hap,$chr(40),$c.rand.unhap,C,Ç,c,ç,U,Û,u,û,F,ƒ))
  18. 18. if (%autoformat) && ($len($1-) > 1) && (!%me) tokenize 32 $regsubex($replacex($1-,dont,don't,w/ $+ $chr(32),$chr(32) $+ with,b/c,because),/(^[A-z]|(?<=[.?!:]\s)[A-z]|\bi\b)/g,$upper(\1)) $+ $iif($regex($1-,/^(?![!?@.]).+(?<=[A-z0-9])(?<![]^_`\\[])$/),)
  19. 19. if (%addnick) && ($chan) { var %x $nick(#,0) | while (%x) { tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $nick(#,%x) $+ \E)(?=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$nick(#,%x),)) | dec %x } }
  20. 20. else tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $+($me,\E,|\Q,$target) $+ \E)(?=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$iif(\1 == $me,$me,$target),))
  21. 21. var %y $chan(0) | while (%y) { tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $chan(%y) $+ \E)(?=[]})".'?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$chan(%y),)) | dec %y }
  22. 22.
  23. 23. if (%c.punc) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/((?: $+ $c.ereg $+ |[^A-z\s]|[]^_`\\[])+)/gi,$+(,%c.punc,\1,%c.norm))
  24. 24. if (%c.caps) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=^|[A-z\s]| $+ %c.norm $+ )(?<! $+ %c.punc $+ [A-z])([A-Z]+)(?=[A-z\s]| $+ %c.punc $+ |$)/g,$+(,%c.caps,\1,%c.norm))
  25. 25.
  26. 26. tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/((?:\d{1,2})?\S+)/g,$+(,%c.hnick,$strip(\1),%c.norm,))
  27. 27. tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/((?:\d{1,2})?\S+)/g,$+(12,$chr(40),04,%c.hnick,$strip(\1),09,%c.norm,12,$chr(41),,))
  28. 28. msg $target %txtn $+(,$iif(%underline,),$iif(%bold,),%c.norm,$1-,)
  29. 29. haltdef
  30. 30. }
  31. 31. }
  32. 32. }
  33. 33.}
  34. 34.
  35. 35.Menu *,menubar {
  36. 36. $me $+ 's Exclusive Talker
  37. 37. .$style(3) Current Colour - $iif(%txtver,%txtver,None set)
  38. 38. .-
  39. 39. .$iif(%emoticon,$style(1)) Emoticons:$iif(%emoticon,unset %emoticon,set %emoticon 1) | echo -a [Emoticons turned $iif(%emoticon,on,off) $+ .]
  40. 40. .$iif(%autoformat,$style(1)) Automatic formatting:$iif(%autoformat,unset %autoformat,set %autoformat 1) | echo -a [Automatic formatting turned $iif(%autoformat,on,off) $+ .]
  41. 41. .$iif(%acronym,$style(1)) Acronyms:$iif(%acronym,unset %acronym,set %acronym 1) | echo -a [Acronyms turned $iif(%acronym,on,off) $+ .]
  42. 42. .$iif(%addnick,$style(1)) Address Nicks:$iif(%addnick,unset %addnick,set %addnick 1) | echo -a [Address Nicks turned $iif(%addnick,on,off) $+ .]
  43. 43. .-
  44. 44. .$iif(%bold,$style(1)) Bold:$iif(%bold,unset %bold,set %bold 1) | echo -a [Bold turned $iif(%bold,on,off) $+ .]
  45. 45. .$iif(%underline,$style(1)) Underline:$iif(%underline,unset %underline,set %underline 1) | echo -a [Underline turned $iif(%underline,on,off) $+ .]
  46. 46. .-
  47. 47. .Talkers
  48. 48. ..$iif(%txtver == FireColour1,$style(3)) Fire Colour 1:set %txtver FireColour1 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  49. 49. ..$iif(%txtver == FireColour2,$style(3)) Fire Colour 2:set %txtver FireColour2 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  50. 50. ..$iif(%txtver == RainbowColor,$style(3)) Rainbow Colour:set %txtver RainbowColor | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  51. 51. ..$iif(%txtver == RainbowColour2,$style(3)) Rainbow Colour:set %txtver RainbowColour2 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  52. 52. .Coloured Caps/Punctuation
  53. 53. ..$iif(%txtver == Custom,$style(1)) Custom
  54. 54. ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.norm)),$style(1)) Normal
  55. 55. ....$iif(00* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 00
  56. 56. ....$iif(01* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 01
  57. 57. ....$iif(02* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 02
  58. 58. ....$iif(03* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 03
  59. 59. ....$iif(04* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 04
  60. 60. ....$iif(05* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 05
  61. 61. ....$iif(06* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 06
  62. 62. ....$iif(07* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 07
  63. 63. ....$iif(08* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 08
  64. 64. ....$iif(09* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 09
  65. 65. ....$iif(10* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 10
  66. 66. ....$iif(11* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 11
  67. 67. ....$iif(12* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 12
  68. 68. ....$iif(13* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 13
  69. 69. ....$iif(14* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 14
  70. 70. ....$iif(15* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 15
  71. 71. ....$iif(!%c.norm,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.norm
  72. 72. ...$iif((%txtver == Custom) && ($mid(%c.norm,4)),$style(1)) Background
  73. 73. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,00),$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,00
  74. 74. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,01),$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,01
  75. 75. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,02),$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,02
  76. 76. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,03),$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,03
  77. 77. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,04),$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,04
  78. 78. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,05),$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,05
  79. 79. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,06),$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,06
  80. 80. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,07),$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,07
  81. 81. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,08),$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,08
  82. 82. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,09),$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,09
  83. 83. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,10),$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,10
  84. 84. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,11),$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,11
  85. 85. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,12),$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,12
  86. 86. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,13),$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,13
  87. 87. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,14),$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,14
  88. 88. ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,15),$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,15
  89. 89. ....$iif(!$mid(%c.norm,4),$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3)
  90. 90. ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.punc)),$style(1)) Punctuation
  91. 91. ....$iif(00* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 00
  92. 92. ....$iif(01* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 01
  93. 93. ....$iif(02* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 02
  94. 94. ....$iif(03* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 03
  95. 95. ....$iif(04* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 04
  96. 96. ....$iif(05* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 05
  97. 97. ....$iif(06* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 06
  98. 98. ....$iif(07* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 07
  99. 99. ....$iif(08* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 08
  100. 100. ....$iif(09* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 09
  101. 101. ....$iif(10* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 10
  102. 102. ....$iif(11* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 11
  103. 103. ....$iif(12* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 12
  104. 104. ....$iif(13* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 13
  105. 105. ....$iif(14* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 14
  106. 106. ....$iif(15* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 15
  107. 107. ....$iif(!%c.punc,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.punc
  108. 108. ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.caps)),$style(1)) Caps
  109. 109. ....$iif(00* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 00
  110. 110. ....$iif(01* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 01
  111. 111. ....$iif(02* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 02
  112. 112. ....$iif(03* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 03
  113. 113. ....$iif(04* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 04
  114. 114. ....$iif(05* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 05
  115. 115. ....$iif(06* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 06
  116. 116. ....$iif(07* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 07
  117. 117. ....$iif(08* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 08
  118. 118. ....$iif(09* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 09
  119. 119. ....$iif(10* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 10
  120. 120. ....$iif(11* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 11
  121. 121. ....$iif(12* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 12
  122. 122. ....$iif(13* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 13
  123. 123. ....$iif(14* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 14
  124. 124. ....$iif(15* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 15
  125. 125. ....$iif(!%c.caps,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.caps
  126. 126. ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.hnick)),$style(1)) Nick Highlighter
  127. 127. ....$iif(00* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 00
  128. 128. ....$iif(01* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 01
  129. 129. ....$iif(02* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 02
  130. 130. ....$iif(03* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 03
  131. 131. ....$iif(04* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 04
  132. 132. ....$iif(05* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 05
  133. 133. ....$iif(06* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 06
  134. 134. ....$iif(07* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 07
  135. 135. ....$iif(08* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 08
  136. 136. ....$iif(09* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 09
  137. 137. ....$iif(10* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 10
  138. 138. ....$iif(11* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 11
  139. 139. ....$iif(12* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 12
  140. 140. ....$iif(13* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 13
  141. 141. ....$iif(14* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 14
  142. 142. ....$iif(15* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 15
  143. 143. ....$iif(!%c.hnick,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.hnick
  144. 144. .-
  145. 145. .Reset colours:unset %txtver | unset %c.* | echo -a [Colors Off]
  146. 146.}
  147. 147.alias c.ereg return (?<=[]})"'.?!:({[]| ['"]| ||^)(?:[DX'O:;x=>][])<ZOPFSGDVX3:;\|=([](?<![ods][fosbvp])|[\Q0xcvuo-><\E][_,.']+[\Q0xcvuo-><\E]|\.o\.)(?=[]})"'.?!:({[]| ['"]| |$)
  148. 148.alias c.rand.upper.o return $replace($rand(1,7),1,Ø,2,Ò,3,Ó,4,Ô,5,Õ,6,Ö,7,©)
  149. 149.alias c.rand.lower.o return $replace($rand(1,9),1,ø,2,ò,3,ó,4,ô,5,õ,6,ö,7,ð,8,¤,9,º)
  150. 150.alias c.rand.hap return $replace($rand(1,6),1,$chr(41),2,›,3,»,4,>,5,$chr(125),6,])
  151. 151.alias c.rand.unhap return $replace($rand(1,7),1,$chr(40),2,‹,3,«,4,¢,5,<,6,$chr(123),7,[)
  152. 152.alias c.nicks { var %x 1,%r | while (%x <= $nick(#,0)) && ($len(%r) < 928) { var %r %r $+(\Q,$nick(#,%x),\E) | inc %x } | return (?<=[]})".?`!:({[]| ['"]| |^)( $+ $replace(%r,$chr(32),$chr(124)) $+ )(?=[]})".?!:({[]| |$) }
  153. 153.#Color-Talker end
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