
HD bugs IK

Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. hulkingDreadnaught> ==BEGIN==
  2. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Y-Ou, state y-Our bl-O-Od caste.
  3. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: BRONZE. Why do you ASK?
  4. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I was instructed t-O select an esperhandle fr-Om a list, and y-Ours was -On it.
  5. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: It was indeed.
  6. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I refuse t-O w-Ork with highbl-O-Ods, s-O I am ensuring y-Ou are n-Ot -One.
  7. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: I am not.
  8. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: But before we progress, may I ask WHY you will not?
  9. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Pers-Onal grudge.
  10. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Fair enough.
  11. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: What do you need to KNOW?
  12. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I trust y-Ou will be alright with me inputting y-Our handle?
  13. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: I will be, but in truth I do not KNOW whether a person may have two clients or servers.
  14. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I was t-Old n-Othing ab-Out "clients", -Only servers.
  15. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: If one is a SERVER, the person they are connected to is their CLIENT.
  16. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: That w-Ould make sense.
  17. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: What else has AA t-Old y-Ou ab-Out this file?
  18. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Little. Much of my KNOWLEDGE is from experience.
  19. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: And what has y-Our experience taught y-Ou?
  20. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: One is meant to put down the three large machines, the CRUXTRUDER, the ALCHEMITER and the TOTEM LATHE, then put down the pre-punched card.
  21. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: These w-Ords s-Ound fake.
  22. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Then, have the client open the CRUXTRUDER, prototype something with the ORB, and lathe the totem.
  23. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: All words are fake before they are used in language.
  24. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Do not be DENSE, please.
  25. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Y-Our insult shall be ign-Ored.
  26. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Then, place the carved totem on the ALECHEMITER and alchemize.
  27. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Then, you will need to do something that has changed the two times I've seen it.
  28. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: You will then enter... something ELSE.
  29. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Explain.
  30. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: I, and my hive, was transported to a strange LAND of pink snow, rainbows and totems.
  31. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Hivern went somewhere els.
  32. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: It seems as if every-One is telling me strange things t-Onight.
  33. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: D-O y-Ou have any pr-O-Of -Of y-Our claims?
  34. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Indeed.
  35. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Not particularly.
  36. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Pictures that could be doctored, screenshots that could be fabricated.
  37. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Agreed.
  38. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Have you input my name yet?
  39. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I have n-Ot.
  40. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I was ensuring y-Ou were n-Ot a highbl-O-Od.
  41. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Very well.
  42. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I w-Ould n-Ot trust y-Ou, but y-Ou seem t-O have n-O reas-On t-O lie t-O me.
  43. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: I never lie if it could harm KNOWLEDGE.
  44. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Underst-O-Od.
  45. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I shall input y-Our handle, then?
  46. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: You may.
  47. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Thank y-Ou.
  48. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Bef-Ore I d-O, may I ask y-Our name?
  49. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Lucius Aemohs
  50. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: It has been interesting talking t-O y-Ou, Lucius.
  51. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: My name is Thrave Galrok.
  52. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Indeed.
  53. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Good to meet you.
  54. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: Y-Ou as well.
  55. <hulkingDreadnaught> HD: I will g-O input y-Our handle n-Ow, farewell, Lucius.
  56. <infiniteKnowledge> IK: Farewell.
  57. * hulkingDreadnaught [HD] has ceased trolling infiniteKnowledge [IK]
  58. <hulkingDreadnaught> ==END==
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