
Scrap Knight

Nov 21st, 2015
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  1. Name: Lancelot
  2. Type: Scrap Knight
  3. Height: 6'2(Medium ranking)
  4. Appearance: The scrap knight has a one handed spear that could also extend to a two handed spear(The spear is composed out of metal so the body isn't made out of wood because that's a shitty component). And he also carries a very large Shield that has a spartha sheathed into it the shield is about 5 ft long and wide so it generally covers a large portion of his body. He also wears a medium weight based Knight like armor(Looking for some pics to describe him better) and wears a helm that takes the designs of a roman commander helm (Aka it has those bristles on the top of it).
  5. Personality: Lancelot doesn't talk as much and he is none-aggressive ;he has a dislike towards violence and it is a rare occassion that he talks unless he is ordered too by a higher ranking Scrap knight.
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