Guest User


a guest
Jun 12th, 2013
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text 2.72 KB | None | 0 0
  1. double_buffer yes
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  39. TEXT
  41. ${color white}Laptop - $sysname $kernel on $machine
  42. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  43. ${color Gold} System:
  44. ${color white}Uptime: ${color #33FF33}$uptime ${color white}Load: ${color #33FF33}$loadavg
  45. ${color white}CPU Usage: ${color #33FF33}${cpu}% ${color gray}${cpubar}
  46. #${cpugraph 20,240 000000 ffffff}
  47. ${color white}RAM Usage: ${color #33FF33}$mem${color white}/${color #CCFF00}$memmax ${color white}- ${color #33FF33}$memperc% ${color gray}$membar
  48. ${color white}Processes: ${color #33FF33}$processes ${color white}Running:${color #33FF33} $running_processes
  49. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  50. ${color Gold}File systems:
  51. ${color white}/ ${color #33FF99}${fs_used /}${color white}/${color #CCFF00}${fs_size /} ${color gray}${fs_bar /}
  52. ${color white}/home ${color #33FF99}${fs_used /home}${color white}/${color #CCFF00}${fs_size /home} ${color gray}${fs_bar /home}
  53. ${color white}Films ${color #33FF99}${fs_used /home/ /Films}${color white}/${color #CCFF00}${fs_size /home/ /Films} ${color gray} ${fs_bar /home/ /Films}
  54. ${color white}Windows ${color #33FF99}${fs_used /home/ /Windows}${color white}/${color #CCFF00}${fs_size /home/ /Windows} ${color gray}${fs_bar /home/ /Windows}
  55. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  56. ${color Gold}Temperatures:
  57. ${color white}CPU: ${color #33FF33}${execi 10 sensors | grep temp1 | awk '{print $2}'}
  58. ${color white}/dev/sda: ${color #33FF33}${execi 10 sudo /usr/bin/hddtemp /dev/sda -q | awk '{print $3; }' | cut -c 1-2}°С
  59. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  60. ${color Gold}Battery: ${color #33FF33}$battery ${color gray}$battery_bar
  61. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  62. ${color Gold}Pacman: ${color #33FF33}${execi 30 /home/ /scripts/ }
  63. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  64. ${color Gold}Weather: ${color #33FF33}${execi 300 /home/ /scripts/ "EUR|BY|BO001|PRUZHANY|"}
  65. ${color black}$stippled_hr
  66. ${color Gold} MPD: ${color gray}${alignc}$mpd_artist - $mpd_title
  67. ${color white}$mpd_status
  68. ${color gray}$mpd_bar
  69. ${color black}$stippled_hr
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