
Élégie, Opus 24 - Chap 5 - Menuet

Nov 2nd, 2012
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  1. The world was a wonderful blur for Vinyl Scratch.
  3. As she looked out from the cab window, she traced a hoof on the plate glass, trying to follow the lights of the night with it. She watched excitedly as the ponies on the street passed by, waving to a few of them absently. Her entire body felt warm, pulsing with energy. As she watched the night, Vinyl felt her body pulsing in tune with it. Trying to focus her mind was nearly impossible though. She knew she was going to work, but for some reason it was hard to place just what she was going to do when she got there.
  5. At least that horrible itch in her nethers had been quelled. She rubbed a hoof over her marehood, sighing as she fell back into her seat. ‘Well, let’s not rule anything out.’ She thought. Suddenly the cab came to a stop, tossing the unbalanced pony to the floor in a pile. The cab driver opened the door to find a giggling unicorn lewdly touching herself. He coughed, averting his gaze. “O…oh! We’re here!” Vinyl tumbled out, thanking the cabbie. He shut the door, and turned to leave, having already been paid.
  7. “Mr. Cab Driver!” Vinyl called out. He turned to look over at his tipsy passenger, only to see her mooning him, her tail lifted high in the air. “Want to come to my show?” She called out, laughing.
  9. He looked over at her as she tried to find her hooves on the sidewalk. “Lady.” He yelled out. “Ya really need some professional help.” He rode off quickly into the night, leaving a slightly disheveled Vinyl Scratch.
  11. Ignoring the looks of bystanders on the sidewalk, the white mare strutted inside, using the front door instead this time. Already one of the ponies from last night noticed her walk in, and poked her friend in the ribs excitedly. Their faces beamed as they walked over to the performer.
  13. “See I told you she’d be back tonight, Minty.” The blue and grey unicorn said to her companion.
  15. “Awesome show last night, Pon3!” The other aquamarine and purple unicorn held up a hoof.
  17. Vinyl stared at it for a moment. ‘Was this a hallucination?’ She thought. ‘This can’t be real. Two ponies standing here, waiting for me, wanting to hear me. This is unreal.’ Her face lit up. Her eyes shone brilliantly as Vinyl lifted her hoof and bumped it against the other mares, winking at her. “Don’t worry girls. It’s gonna be even better tonight. You can count on it!”
  19. As she walked through the club, she saw only approving nods and grins. Was this what it felt like to be somepony?
  21. Vinyl hurried back to her dressing room, wishing she had her glasses with her. Mostly to hide her eyes welling up with tears. She was just so damned happy. A wild excitement was flowing through her. The unicorn knew she should be feeling only fatigue. But she found she couldn’t even concentrate on that. All she could feel was an uncontrollable sort of happy energy pulsing out of her chest. It was like Octavia sticking her all over again, but this sensation wouldn’t fade away.
  23. She looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her mane back into spikes, and applying some dark pink eye shadow to cover for the missing shades. “Yah. I could definitely get used to this.”
  25. Walking out past the curtain this time was beyond anything Vinyl ever imagined. She wasn’t afraid at all this time. She knew when she stepped out, everyone would be cheering for her.
  27. They wouldn’t be ponies throwing broken bottles. They wouldn’t be shouting insults and slurs.
  29. Walking over to her equipment, she placed her earphones on her head, holding her hoof in a familiar position over her well used turntable. Every motion for the night was laid out for her, in plain sight. She could see every beat in her mind. Fuelling herself off the crowd, she dropped the needle and flicked the amp on high. She felt the small sliders of her synthesizer as she grasped them with her magic, the familiar resistance as she moved and adjusted them.
  31. Vinyl Scratch looked out over the club. She saw all the ponies watching her; saw the excitement and admiration in their eyes. The lights were almost so bright, that she had to squint without her glasses. As she felt the track about to start, Vinyl smiled a little grin to herself.
  33. This was going to be the best night ever.
  36. No pony that saw that show would have ever denied Vinyl any praise ever again. Her energy was boundless. For six straight hours she had played, never missing a beat. Even her fans were exhausted walking out of the club that evening.
  38. And yet the white unicorn still seemed perky as she walked out the back door. High on her fans admiration and whatever the fuck Octavia was giving her, she walked unsteadily down the alley. Her fatigue was creeping up on her. Vinyl had reached the point where she started really wanting to feel tired but couldn’t bring herself to do it. It was almost as if a little motor was inside her, forcing her to continue moving about. Not entirely unpleasant, but somewhat unnerving.
  40. She forgot all about it as she saw the familiar form of Octavia standing near the street, a black shawl pulled over her neatly trimmed mane. She glanced at Vinyl impassively. “Hello Vinyl. Have a good show, I trust?”
  42. Vinyl threw herself at the grey pony, nearly knocking her off her hooves. She giggled slightly. “Oh it was only the best night ever Octy! You should have come. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy after a show.” She nuzzled her friend closely.
  44. Octavia turned her head away. “Well…I’m sure it was.” She walked slightly away from Vinyl, suddenly finding the direct contact with her unpleasant. “I hope you didn’t forget. We still have a small show to do. You’re not tired, are you?”
  46. Vinyl laughed. “That’s one thing I’m not right now. Honestly I feel like I could do anything tonight.”
  48. Octavia jumped into the carriage that she had waiting for her. She stuck her head out, smiling at Vinyl and beckoning her inside. “Good. Because I know this client is absolutely dying to see you again.”
  50. As Vinyl walked over, she looked to see if it was the same cab driver. She seemed a bit disappointed that it wasn’t. The white unicorn hopped inside. “Sounds good to me!” She misjudged her jump, and slid against Octavia roughly. She looked over at the other mare with a silly grin, rubbing her face against her muzzle. “Mmm…where are we going?”
  52. Octavia looked down at her friend, staring with wide, glassy eyes at her as she rubbed against Octavia’s fur. If they didn’t have a schedule to keep, Octavia would have loved to take her again, right there in the cab. But it was only a passing bout of lust. “I told you already earlier. Did you forget?”
  54. She only received a blank stare from the white unicorn.
  56. Sighing, Octavia gave her a tiny grin. “We’re going to Fancy Pants’ mansion my dear. You’re playing a short ‘performance’ for him tonight.”
  58. Something tried clicking in Vinyl’s head. But nearly immediately it was drowned out by the sheer ecstasy of the night. She buried her muzzle into Octavia’s warm neck, rubbing the soft fur against her face. She smelled so nice. The longer she rested herself against the earth pony, the more distant the twinge of fear became.
  60. Octavia merely stared out the window, deep in thought. Without even realizing it, she began stroking the electric blue mane under her with her hoof, bringing a slight sigh from Vinyl Scratch. They didn’t have far to go. They were already downtown, and Fancy Pants lived in the exclusive residential area near the city center. Hell, in some circles his house WAS the city center. The buildings outside were changing from high rises to large, stately mansions, mostly darkened this evening. Except for one. Towering above the neighboring dwellings, one loomed like an old ancient castle, the rough stone contrasting with the newer, neat structures around it. So unlike the other buildings in the area, it was a darker, gothic structure; almost seemingly built to keep ponies in rather than out. Even in the warm cab Octavia shuddered when she saw it.
  62. The cab driver glanced back with a look of trepidation, but Octavia merely waved him on. The steel gate in front of the building parted noiselessly, swallowing the carriage like a gaping maw.
  65. Octavia shuddered inside the cold rock walls. Even though the courtyard was done extravagantly, there was still some cold, menacing feeling that sunk in to her bones. The outside wall was far higher than it needed to be to keep common criminals out. The walls in front of the pony towered tall above, with small slit like windows; more at home in a medieval siege than the height of luxurious living.
  67. She just wanted to get this over with.
  69. Vinyl didn’t seem affected at all. She stumbled out of the carriage, bumping Octavia’s flank. She seemed to find this hilarious, and burst into a fit of giggles. The grey mare furrowed her brow slightly, and clapped a hoof on the other pony’s back, leading her to the door. Octavia glanced at the cabby to tell him he could go, but he had needed no incentive. He already had hooked back up to his carriage and sped out of the courtyard, thankful to be leaving.
  71. The monstrous wood portal was simplistic in its design, but its purpose was obvious: to keep ponies out, or in, depending on the point of view. A rather oversized unicorn operated the door with magic from the darkness at the edge of the room, his gruff face barely acknowledging the two mares as they entered. Octavia tried to avoid eye contact as she walked quickly through, entering a large chamber.
  73. “Octy! Lookit this guy! He’s bucking huge!”
  75. Octavia shut her eyes in annoyance. She wished she could just keep walking, but she knew that was impossible now. Turning around slowly, she decided to just get this over as quickly as possible.
  77. Vinyl had practically draped herself over the large, hulking guard. From the look on his face, it didn’t appear that he enjoyed it. The white mare poked a hoof along his broad chest, feeling his ample frame. “Ohh, he’s pretty strong! Do you work out a lot, Mr. Guard?” She giggled to herself as she measured his forelegs. The sudden intrusion into his space apparently was more than he could bear. The guard clopped a hoof down loudly on the stone floor, pushing Vinyl back. For the first time, Octavia could see him clearly, outlined in the light. The light yellow unicorn had a face crossed with two horrible scars. His face was a mix of intimidation and sorrow at the same time. His gaze alone caused her coat to stand on end.
  79. “Please, you are expected in the ballroom. Don’t make the Master angry.” He said in a surprisingly soft tone. Although he did not advance on the two mares, he stood his ground, making it apparent their only path was further inside.
  81. “Vinyl…let’s go.” Octavia grabbed the other mare firmly, pulling her down an adjoining hallway. The unicorn didn’t resist, she seemed far too captivated by the guard staring them down. Before Vinyl realized it, they had walked down a long arched hallway, entering a small waiting room. From the clamor overheard through the walls, Vinyl assumed it must be the ballroom. A small twinge of excitement pricked through her as she thought of going on stage once more.
  83. The unicorn turned her head to talk to Octavia. It was then she realized it wasn’t her adrenaline she felt. Octavia drew her hoof back from Vinyl’s white fur, holding a syringe, shining in the light. She withdrew it and in a businesslike manner, placed it in a small case under her shawl. The earth pony didn’t raise her head at first. She found she was afraid to face the other mare.
  85. “W…what was that?” Vinyl said in a panicked voice, rubbing the small of her neck where the needle had pricked her.
  87. Octavia still was avoiding her gaze. She looked down at the floor, her normally confident stance looking shaky.
  89. Vinyl tried to push through the haze she felt, as her survival instincts kicked in. She felt a strange fear welling inside her. She grabbed the earth pony with a hoof, grasping her mane roughly, pulling Octavia close. “What the fuck did you just give me?!”
  91. Octavia looked her in the eyes, her gaze wavering. “It’s something to take your pain away. I just wanted to help you this one time, Vinyl.”
  93. “What are you talking about? I’m fine…I’m not in any pain. I never felt better before tonight.”
  95. “It’s not for the drugs I gave you. Please, just know I’m trying to help you. Just know I tried to help you this one time!” Octavia pushed her way out of Vinyl’s grasp, backing away.
  97. The white unicorn tried to grasp at her again, but found her hoof found only air. As she looked at her limb hovering in midair, she suddenly became aware of how heavy her body had become. “Wh…what is…this…” As Vinyl talked, she felt her lungs turn fuzzy. Even breathing felt weird, as she struggled just to stay on her hooves.
  99. Octavia backed away, a hurt expression on her face. For the first time what she had done was completely dawning on her. There was no way back now. She saw from the darkness behind Vinyl two shadowy shapes appear from the darkness. They were nearly twice as large as the small unicorn. Although, at this point, it barely mattered. A smaller shape walked behind them, obscured in the darkness.
  101. The two large figures stepped into the light. They were both huge earth ponies, muscular and tall. They both sported no-nonsense expressions as they flanked the white unicorn, not particularly addressing her. It was more the look that an owner might give a disobedient pet.
  103. “Octy.” Vinyl was shaking now from her exertions as she tried to stay upright. “Who…are these ponies?”
  105. Octavia found herself unable to answer. Backing away, she stepped out of the light from the chandelier above them, choosing instead to hide herself in the darkness of the corner of the room. The third pony approached her. Clad in a fine silken tuxedo, his mane blue mane was carefully cut and styled, his impeccable appearance looking slightly out of place in the gothic mansion. He wore a large grin on his face as he surveyed the unsteady mare in the middle of the room.
  107. “Ah, so our entertainment for the evening has arrived?” Fancy Pants said happily, his voice filling the room. He assessed the white unicorn for a moment, scratching his muzzle as he scrutinized her. “She looks as if she can barely stand, Miss Octavia. Are you quite certain she will be able to properly satisfy my guests? They can be so hard to please, you see.”
  109. “I only gave her the usual dose, Fancy. She’s been up for almost two days straight. I couldn’t help that, if you recall.” She glared back at the colt. Fancy returned her stare, with his odd smile and piercing snow blue eyes. Octavia snapped her head away. She knew better than to question him, especially here.
  111. “For your sake I certainly hope she can perform. I certainly have a distaste for her music, but I’m afraid this genre has become quite popular in the kingdom.” He walked slowly toward Vinyl. He eyed her closely, lifting her tail up playfully, flipping it over her back, exposing her. He chuckled at the sight. “Still hungry for it even now, Miss Scratch?” He reached out a hoof and drug it along the exposed slit, rubbing the mare’s juices along her flank.
  113. Vinyl fidgeted slightly but found her body didn’t want to cooperate. She felt her tail move and her nethers become exposed, but when she tried to move it back, she found there was no response. She gave an annoyed sigh as she lowered her head. Even holding it upright was a struggle.
  115. Fancy Pants seemed extremely amused with his new acquisition. “You really have outdone yourself this time, Octavia. I don’t know where you get these compounds but this is by far the most interesting one yet.”
  117. The grey mare merely nodded slightly. “If you have my fee, Fancy, I’ll be leaving then.”
  119. “Why in such a rush, Octavia? Are you certain you wouldn’t like to stay for this evening’s festivities?”
  121. “N…no, I’m really not into that Fancy. I tried last time, it was just…strange.” She found herself stammering slightly, a rare occurrence for her. She had attended just one of Fancy’s parties before, and it was a moment in her life she tried to block out. The things she saw there should not be seen by anypony.
  123. “Hmm, a pity.” Fancy turned to the mare, his smile immediately coming back on. “Well then my dear, if this is all you desire.” Fancy clopped a hoof twice on the stone floor, and one of his associates, an orange pony with a rather vicious scar on his chest walked forward, depositing a large sack of bits on the floor. Octavia walked forward, and flipped a small case towards Fancy. He caught it deftly with his magic, opening it. There were three clear vials and a clean syringe. Octavia picked up the sack of coins, hiding it under her shawl.
  125. “Just give her a quarter of each vial every day, but no more today; she’s already had too much. She won’t sleep if you keep dosing her. If you need more…”
  127. Fancy cut her off. “Oh, we won’t need more, Octavia.” He said, flashing her that same smile.
  129. Octavia backed up a step, her blood running cold. She had to will herself to move under his piercing stare. “I…I’ll be going then. Farewell, Fancy.” She turned and started down the hallway. As soon as she broke from his gaze, she found it was much easier to move. Her hooves carried her quickly to the door. Never had she wanted to be out of this place more than this moment.
  132. In the small room, the white colt paced slowly around Vinyl. He moved in close to her face, rubbing his muzzle along hers. He smelled her deeply. “Mmm, Miss Scratch, I’m so glad you decided to return. Did you know, that after our little romantic tryst, I mentioned your name to some of my colleagues, and they simply could not wait to see you. You may not be very famous yet, but I think you will find yourself very popular here.”
  134. Vinyl was shaking uncontrollably. She wasn’t sure if it was the drugs or just her anxiety cutting through her like a knife. She tried to hide herself from this strange aristocratic pony. Burying herself in her front hooves, she cowered away from him, wishing desperately that he would leave. Suddenly she felt a sharp crack on her neck, jolting her upright.
  136. Fancy Pants stood there, smiling. In his hands he held an old leather collar and leash. The mare felt the smooth, cool strap slide along her neck. She felt the buckle catch. Hot tears streamed down her face. Blinking them back did no good; her emotions finally came crashing upon her, and she found herself unable to control her sobs. The leather leash was pulled tight, jerking her upwards. The mare had no choice but to obey.
  138. “There we are, that’s a good girl. Now, we are going to go out and see your adoring audience. However, I must warn you, that any attempt to leave my party or insult any of my guests will be met with…some unpleasantness. I sincerely hope you will be a good little pony, Miss Scratch.” Fancy chuckled, pulling the leash shorter, bringing her close to him. She followed him, trying hard to concentrate on her hooves so she didn’t fall. As she left the small chamber, she became aware of more and more light streaming down the hallway. The murmur of many ponies talking echoed softly through the walls. Vinyl felt some desperate hope as she entered the grand ballroom. She blinked the lights from her eyes and saw her first glimpse of Fancy Pants’ party.
  140. Immediately her heart sank into her stomach. The sight was indescribable. Before her were many of Canterlot’s elite, many ponies she had heard of and respected. They wore all manner of bizarre clothing. The mares sported tight fitting dresses of leather or tightly stretched linen, with tails restrained in upright positions, so that any passing pony could see their fully exposed sex. The males wore similar fabrics, however their erect members were displayed lewdly, sometimes with rings or other implements to keep them hard.
  142. Almost inconceivable for the young unicorn, there were dozens of foals here too. Young colts and fillies, both were dressed in all manner of slutty costumes. She saw one young foal embracing an older colt in a full kiss as he fondled a hoof along her small breasts. Another colt had his muzzle hanging open in pleasure as a small filly gave him a hoofjob. Still other foals were chained to pillars in the great chamber, being submitted to all manner of depraved activities.
  144. Vinyl tried to back away from the sight, but the leather leash snapped tight, jerking her back to reality. She looked into Fancy Pants’ eyes and saw a gleam of pure joy. “Welcome to my soiree, Miss Scratch. As you can see, everyone is already enjoying themselves.” He motioned towards an elevated stage, laid out with all the usual components the DJ pony usually needed for her shows. Although from a cursory glance she could tell they weren’t hers, and were purchased recently. She put up little resistance as Fancy led her over, and attached her leash to a ring in the floor. Vinyl reared her head back weakly, testing it, but the strap held solidly.
  146. “And now my dear, I believe my guests would like some music. If you would be so kind.”
  148. The white pony could already tell before even taking the stage this wasn’t going to work. Whatever Octavia had injected her with was different. She felt so heavy now. She concentrated on each hoof, trying to will the muscles and tendons to lift it, exertion evident on her face as she struggled to even reach the stairs. Vinyl wobbled slightly as her vision grew fuzzy. Struggling to lift her eyelids, she glanced backwards, only to feel the leash snap taunt. Fancy attempted to drag the unicorn onto the stage, finding she was more substantial than she appeared. Fancy Pants let out an annoyed grunt, suddenly aware that there were now party goers pointing at him. Laughing at his predicament.
  150. Nothing enraged him more than when people laughed at him.
  152. He flipped the leash to one of his earth pony cronies. “Hold this bitch down!” He snarled angrily. Deftly popping Octavia’s case open with his magic, he removed a syringe and began to fill it to the maximum dose. “I’m afraid I have no choice, Miss Scratch. No one makes a fool of me at my own party.”
  154. He jabbed the needle into her flank roughly, grinning to himself as he felt the metal tip scrape against rough pelvic bone. Instead of the shriek he was looking for, all he got was a barely audible mumble. He twisted the steel needle in the smooth muscle, nearly shuddering to himself as he felt the tough flesh give way to the surgical instrument. She merely turned her head towards him, her unsteady gaze focusing on the shiny instrument burrowing around inside her. He became even more angered when he could get no response from the slumping pony. He narrowed his eyes, and depressed the entirety of the plunger deep inside Vinyl, giving her at least double the usual dosage. Vinyl’s eyes widened at the sight. She knew it was entirely too much. She tried to raise a hoof to pull out the offending syringe, but forgot her balance in the process, falling roughly on her side, nearly knocking the breath from her.
  156. This didn’t seem to please the earth pony holding her leash at all. He jerked her to her feet by raising the leash, causing the collar to cut into her neck, choking her. Her hooves thrashed in midair for a moment, before he set her down, letting her find footing on the floor once more, coughing as she struggled to breathe. Even as she felt the pain in her neck and flank, she also felt the familiar warmth spreading over her. Only this time, instead of a wave it was a tremendous avalanche of sensation. Her hooves felt light again.
  158. Fancy was walking around to her face now. She still was hacking slightly, trying to draw breath through her burning windpipe. He leaned in closely to her. She could smell the cologne again, the same from the carriage, almost overpowering now as he came in close to her face. “Now Miss Scratch, you are going to play for my guests. If you play well you may stay here in my mansion.” The filly’s heart suddenly sank at the prospect. She thought of the foals chained in the chamber. She was going to be here forever like them.
  160. Fancy Pants continued whispering into her ear. “However, Vinyl, if you play poorly, you are of no use to me. And I’m afraid you’ll end up in the refuse, with my other useless items.” He smiled sweetly as he pulled his head away. The mare found her mind clearing entirely as the euphoric wave reached her face. Every time her heart pumped she felt more alive. Her senses became more acute than ever before, until even the air in the room became palpable. She was breathing shallow and fast as her rage welled up inside. She thought back to that room where he strapped her down, and did horrible things to her. The sickening look on his face as he drank in her suffering.
  162. But more importantly, she remembered being in the shower with Octavia. Her vision was still blurry as hell and she wanted to pass out whenever she tried to focus on anything, but she knew it didn’t matter. Vinyl willed all the heat inside her to form as a spell, combining it with her own unicorn magic, not bothering to focus it or even direct it. Her horn suddenly pulsed with neon blue energy, concentrating until it appeared to be white hot. Fancy Pants had barely any time to react as his monocle popped from his face in surprise. He lunged behind his nearby bodyguard, the surprised earth pony looking on, dumbstruck.
  164. The ponies in the front row were looking on with amused smiles, thinking the show was finally starting. Obviously this was some scripted event, perhaps to add some drama before this whore musician was defiled on stage. They laughed as Fancy played his part, darting behind his bodyguard. Nearly instantly however, the air around them began to feel warm. There were some hushed words of fright from the crowd. But they were all drowned out as a brilliant flash burst forth from Vinyl Scratch’s horn. She shielded herself from the intense heat, but the ponies around her were not so lucky.
  166. The few in the immediate front row did not feel much pain at all, as the nerves in their faces were burned away. A sudden warmth could be felt on their hides, and as they tried to blink away the flash, several of them found themselves blinded permanently as the heat wave had burned away eyelids and toasted corneas like grapes in an oven. Those further out in the audience sustained some burns, but were left in a far better state, as their blindness was only temporary, caused by the intense light.
  168. The bodyguard was by far the worst off. Completely unprepared for the blast, his hide was immediately charred on one side, his coat igniting and burning as it was blown from his body. The impact pushed him back a few feet, tossing the corpse on top of Fancy Pants, crushing him to the ground. The posh pony laid there, dazed, for a few moments. He had been badly burned on his lower body. His fine silken tux melted into his coat, causing further pain as he writhed on the ground. If he was shouting anything, it was impossible to hear above the complete chaos of the ballroom as those ponies not tied or chained to anything fled for their lives. Tormenting others was all good fun, but when a victim fought back to this extent, the upper crust of Canterlot appeared to decide discretion was the better part of valor.
  170. Vinyl Scratch’s heart raced as she looked around. She never had conjured anything even remotely that big before. She saw the smoking corpse of the guard before her. Taking a step towards him, the first thing she felt was pity. Until she saw the charred leash, now laying limply in his dead hoof. She reached to her neck and unclipped it. The unicorn looked around and saw more bodies, some still thrashing on the ground, moaning in agony. She saw a mare with a smoldering mane, futilely trying to smite the flames out with her hooves. Gathering her emotions and thoughts together, the white pony pushed herself to look away. She had to get out of here.
  172. The large chamber offered few clues on where an exit might be, and the chaos caused by the party goes stampeding out didn’t give the high strung unicorn much of a chance to think. She shook her head, trying to pull some sense together. Obviously the guests were fleeing. So that must be the exit. She jumped off the elevated stage, over the twitching bodies affected by the aftermath of her spell. Her hoof caught as she landed clumsily, causing a sharp stab of pain through her leg. The pain was nearly immediately dulled by the drugs coursing through her. She galloped towards the far arched exit, not even noticing the limp in her left front hoof.
  175. At the far side of the room, Fancy Pants blinked the darkness from his eyes, only to be greeted by a wall of blackness in front of his muzzle. His nostrils were assailed by burnt horseflesh. He attempted to move a back leg, but found any small movement caused him searing pain as the burned and cracking hide split open. With a surge of anger, he lit his horn with a violent shade of red and flung the now useless guard from him, letting it fall against the nearby wall with a sickening cracking noise.
  177. Pushing through the pain, he craned his neck to survey the damage. All the skin below his chest was a mess of burned fur and melted tuxedo. His perfect tail was singed nearly completely off. He grit his teeth in anger as her realized he was in no shape to give chase, let alone stand.
  179. A shadow cast over him as he was attempting to remove the remnants of his clothing. He snapped his neck around only to be greeted by his other remaining bodyguard, still rubbing his eyes as he recovered from the blinding flash. He was standing behind Vinyl during the blast, and seemed relatively unhurt. The muscled unicorn cleaned ash from his eyes, wiping a hoof across his scarred face. His name was Steel Hoof, just another son of a beggar that Fancy Pants had spirited away in the night. Fancy was the only father he had ever known. Like the rest of Fancy’s guards, he had grown up inside the mansion. And like all the rest, he was utterly loyal, completely sociopathic, and entirely without mercy.
  181. “Boss!” He shouted, coming over and attempting to help the smoldering pony to his hooves. Fancy grimaced at the movement, and smashed a forehoof into the guard’s muzzle as hard as he could.
  183. “Idiot! Don’t waste your time moving me. Go alert the other guards and tell them to fetch me a medic.” He snarled. “And I want you to lock this place down and personally find that bitch and kill her. I don’t care how you do it.” He managed a sly smirk even through the pain. “Have some fun with her.”
  185. Steel Hoof wasted no time. He nimbly dashed off after the young musician, eager to fulfill his master’s orders.
  188. ‘This place is a fucking maze!’ Vinyl thought to herself. She had lost the fleeing crowd after they recognized her chasing them and had darted off, too fast for the crippled pony to chase them. Now she was left alone in some sort of large lounge, and the full effects of the massive dose Fancy had given her were overriding her adrenaline. It was becoming impossible to concentrate, and her whole body was starting to feel like gelatin, completely loose and wobbly. She felt so hot, and she couldn’t seem to catch her breath, struggling to take fast and shallow gasps.
  190. A clattering of hooves could be heard coming through an adjoining passage. The echoes rang painfully through her brain. Her head darted from side to side. Somepony was coming. The mare picked a hallway and ran for it, trying to ignore her badly sprained ankle. Somehow this passage felt different. It was well lit, and there were many sitting benches arranged around her. It took a moment to register, but Vinyl recognized this place. It was the hallway she and Octavia had entered through. Or if it wasn’t, it was incredibly similar. A desperate stirring of hope rose in her chest.
  192. A moment later and she saw it. The large, wooden doors she had entered through earlier. Only now, they were firmly locked. Her mind running wild with the implications of being imprisoned in this place, she desperately forced her magic against the door, testing it. It was as solid as the stone wall around it. Vinyl tried to concentrate, and slow her breathing. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on the lock itself. It was so hard. Her body was nearly trembling from the effects of the drug, sweat beading on her coat. Her mind was becoming jumbled as she tried to picture the tumblers inside, directing her magic carefully as she readjusted them. The first tumbler clicked into place, and the unicorn felt a surge of pride as she started on the next one.
  194. As she started to fumble with the second tiny tumbler inside the door, Vinyl felt a tight grasp of magical power around her back leg. She gasped quickly as her eyes shot open, only to see the world turn upside down. The familiar yellow coated unicorn with the scars greeted her again. The angered look on his face was the only thing she saw before he tossed her casually across the room with his magic, sending her skidding painfully on the stone floor, until she finally hit the far wall with a thud. She coughed slightly as the wind was knocked out of her, gasping as she felt a wet trickle down her flank where the ground had gashed her open. She tried to find her footing again, but forget her injured forehoof as it bucked under her weight, sending her to the floor again.
  196. Steel Hoof advanced slowly, remembering fully what had happened to the other guard and to Fancy Pants. Although to be honest, this mare didn’t look like anything to be worried about. She couldn’t even stand up. “I’m going to make you pay for what you did to the master, you little bitch.” He said in a low voice as he stepped towards her. The guard noticed Vinyl falter on her front left hoof. Smiling, he directed his magic, grasping it firmly, and pulling the bone sharply, grinding the sprained joint painfully, jerking the leg away from the prone mare.
  198. Vinyl felt a sudden stabbing pain, and then no more. Her left leg wouldn’t respond anymore. She looked down in horror as the guard bent it as an improbable angle. She wanted to look away, but found it impossible. The bone held briefly under the strain, then snapped abruptly, the ruined limb being forced back against itself under the sudden freedom. The magic released, and Vinyl jerked the limb back towards her, cradling it against her body.
  200. “Oh, this is going to be fun, little Miss Musician.” Steel said as he formed his magic into a glowing yellow hammer. He was most proud of this ability. Amidst his training, he had found a predisposition to forming all manner of tools in midair. If he had not been taken by Fancy all those years ago, maybe he would have been a great carpenter or blacksmith. But none of that mattered now. There was only one use for his talent in this mansion.
  202. Vinyl was seeing things in a sort of blurred slow motion. She saw the hammer coalesce in midair, feeling the fear as it moved towards her. Her left forehoof was numb and unusable. Inexorably her grip on reality was slipping quicker now as her brain filled with apathy to mix with her euphoria. Part of her saw that deadly hammer and wished for it to just come and finish it all. She didn’t feel the pain anyways.
  204. And yet she still had some thoughts that burned through this haze. Vinyl still knew she wanted to be a musician. She still wanted to be famous. The mare had ever so briefly felt that warm glow that comes from being on stage in front of her fans. Once you feel that sensation, it’s impossible to forget. If she ever wanted to feel that again, she had to live.
  206. As she looked up from the stone floor, everything became obvious. The room she was trapped in was the answer. These solid stone walls and floors would be perfect. As the hammer reared back to strike, she directed her own magic deep into the floor. She felt out the stones; good, thick limestone slabs. It only took the mare but a moment. She sent a pulse into them, rocking them sharply, her body vibrating as the waves shook the ground and turned the air in the entire chamber into a thick mess of errant sound waves.
  208. Steel Hoof was caught completely unaware. The ground beneath him shuddered, and he lost his concentration on his conjured tool. He jerked his head around, trying to find the source of this sound. It was building on his skull like a crushing sphere of pressure. He reached a hoof up to his head in a vain effort to staunch the sound waves from his skull.
  210. Vinyl gasped shallowly as she pushed all of her being into the floor. Her horn glowed vibrantly as she saw the glowing hammer dissolve above her, mere feet from her crippled frame. The exhilaration of escape coursed through her, and she doubled her efforts. Careful to shield herself from the effects, she turned the entire chamber into a shuddering amphitheater.
  212. The yellow guard now staggered as the waves of sound almost became visible. He clenched his head tightly in his hooves, as he tried to shield himself magically, but finding it impossible to muster the will power to concentrate against the sound. A coolness dribbled down his upper neck as his ears began to bleed from the sheer pressure. He groaned as he dropped to his knees.
  214. With a final push of energy, Vinyl directed the last of her energy into the chamber. Forming the lowest bass note she could, she drew forth a dangerous symphony of magic, musical energy. She watched as the guard’s eyes rolled back in his head, his muscular frame dropping to the ground as the sounds rapidly vibrated through his body. She felt small stones rain from above as the chamber practically shook itself apart. Dust filled the mare’s vision as she covered her head with her hooves, sheltering from the crescendo. The doors took the deep notes full force, groaning under the strain. Iron hinges groaned, the pins buckling under the tremendous force. There was a piercing groan from the oak doors as they buckled, the white pony curling up tightly against the destruction.
  216. Coughing against the dust clouding the chamber, Vinyl could see a shimmer of moonlight breaking through the now ruined opening. She blinked the debris from her eyes, reaching out her good right hoof to right herself. All the muscles in her body felt loose and useless. Concentrating on her limbs, she willed herself to her hooves, shaking the small stones and dust from her electric blue mane. Curling her broken left hoof up against her, she hobbled out into the Canterlot night.
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