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- interface StandardDiceDeck {
- totalDice: number
- dicePairs: DicePair[]
- }
- interface WeightedDiceDeck {
- totalDice: number
- dicePairs: DicePair[]
- probabilityWeighting: number
- recentlyRolledCount: number
- }
- export class DiceControllerBalanced extends BaseDiceController {
- private readonly minimumCardsBeforeReshuffling: number
- private readonly probabilityReductionForRecentlyRolled: number
- private readonly probabilityReductionForSevenStreaks: number
- private weightedDiceDeck: WeightedDiceDeck[]
- private cardsLeftInDeck: number
- private readonly recentRolls: number[]
- private readonly maximumRecentRollMemory: number
- private readonly weightedEventDiceDeck: DiceControllerBalancedCKEventDie
- private readonly sevenStreakCount: {playerColor: PlayerColor, streakCount: number}
- private readonly totalSevensRolledByPlayer: Map<PlayerColor, number>
- private readonly logger: Logger
- private readonly numberOfPlayers: number
- constructor(gameController: GameController) {
- super()
- this.logger = gameController.logger
- this.numberOfPlayers = gameController.players.length
- this.initWeightedDiceDeck()
- this.reshuffleWeightedDiceDeck()
- this.updateWeightedDiceDeckProbabilities()
- this.minimumCardsBeforeReshuffling = 13
- this.probabilityReductionForRecentlyRolled = 0.34
- this.probabilityReductionForSevenStreaks = 0.4
- this.recentRolls = []
- this.maximumRecentRollMemory = 5
- this.sevenStreakCount = {playerColor: PlayerColor.None, streakCount: 0}
- this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer = new Map<PlayerColor, number>()
- this.weightedEventDiceDeck = new DiceControllerBalancedCKEventDie(this.logger)
- }
- throwDice(playerColor: PlayerColor): DicePair {
- this.initTotalSevens(playerColor)
- return this.drawWeightedCard(playerColor)
- }
- throwEventDice(): number {
- return this.weightedEventDiceDeck.throwEventDice()
- }
- private drawWeightedCard(playerColor: PlayerColor): DicePair {
- if(this.cardsLeftInDeck < this.minimumCardsBeforeReshuffling) this.reshuffleWeightedDiceDeck()
- this.updateWeightedDiceDeckProbabilities()
- this.adjustWeightedDiceDeckBasedOnRecentRolls()
- this.adjustSevenProbabilityBasedOnSevens(playerColor)
- return this.getWeightedDice(playerColor)
- }
- private initWeightedDiceDeck() {
- this.weightedDiceDeck = []
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 2, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 3, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 4, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 5, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 6, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 7, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 8, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 9, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 10, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 11, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- this.weightedDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 12, dicePairs: [], probabilityWeighting: 0, recentlyRolledCount: 0})
- }
- private reshuffleWeightedDiceDeck() {
- const standardDiceDeck = DiceControllerBalanced.getStandardDiceDeck()
- for(const [totalDiceIndex, dicePairsForTotalDice] of standardDiceDeck.entries()) {
- this.weightedDiceDeck[totalDiceIndex].dicePairs = dicePairsForTotalDice.dicePairs
- }
- const totalCombinations = 36
- this.cardsLeftInDeck = totalCombinations
- }
- private updateWeightedDiceDeckProbabilities() {
- for(const diceDeckForTotalDice of this.weightedDiceDeck) {
- diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting = diceDeckForTotalDice.dicePairs.length / this.cardsLeftInDeck
- }
- }
- private getWeightedDice(playerColor: PlayerColor): DicePair {
- const totalProbabilityWeight = this.getTotalProbabilityWeight()
- let targetRandomNumber = Math.random() * totalProbabilityWeight
- for(const diceDeckForTotalDice of this.weightedDiceDeck) {
- if(targetRandomNumber <= diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting) {
- const drawnCard = ArrayUtils.randomElementFromArray(diceDeckForTotalDice.dicePairs)
- ArrayUtils.removeElementFromArray(diceDeckForTotalDice.dicePairs, drawnCard)
- this.recentRolls.push(diceDeckForTotalDice.totalDice)
- diceDeckForTotalDice.recentlyRolledCount += 1
- this.cardsLeftInDeck -= 1
- if(this.recentRolls.length > this.maximumRecentRollMemory) this.updateRecentlyRolled()
- if(diceDeckForTotalDice.totalDice == 7) this.updateSevenRolls(playerColor)
- return drawnCard
- }
- targetRandomNumber -= diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting
- }
- this.logger.logError('Something seriously wrong with weighted dice deck')
- const defaultRollIfError = {dice1: 3, dice2: 4}
- return defaultRollIfError
- }
- private getTotalProbabilityWeight(): number {
- let totalProbabilityWeight = 0
- for(const dicePairs of this.weightedDiceDeck) {
- totalProbabilityWeight += dicePairs.probabilityWeighting
- }
- return totalProbabilityWeight
- }
- private updateRecentlyRolled() {
- const ignore0and1 = 2
- const totalDiceFiveRollsAgo = this.recentRolls[0]
- this.weightedDiceDeck[totalDiceFiveRollsAgo - ignore0and1].recentlyRolledCount -= 1
- this.recentRolls.shift()
- }
- private adjustWeightedDiceDeckBasedOnRecentRolls() {
- for(const diceDeckForTotalDice of this.weightedDiceDeck) {
- const probabilityReduction = (diceDeckForTotalDice.recentlyRolledCount * this.probabilityReductionForRecentlyRolled)
- const probabilityMultiplier = 1 - probabilityReduction
- diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting *= probabilityMultiplier
- if(diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting < 0) diceDeckForTotalDice.probabilityWeighting = 0
- }
- }
- private initTotalSevens(playerColor: PlayerColor) {
- if(this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.get(playerColor) != undefined) return
- this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.set(playerColor, 0)
- }
- private updateSevenRolls(playerColor: PlayerColor) {
- const sevensRolledByPlayer = this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.get(playerColor) ?? 0
- this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.set(playerColor, sevensRolledByPlayer + 1)
- if(playerColor == this.sevenStreakCount.playerColor) {
- this.sevenStreakCount.streakCount += 1
- return
- }
- this.sevenStreakCount.playerColor = playerColor
- this.sevenStreakCount.streakCount = 1
- }
- protected adjustSevenProbabilityBasedOnSevens(playerColor: PlayerColor) {
- if(this.numberOfPlayers < 2) return
- const streakAdjustmentPercentage = this.getStreakAdjustmentConstant(playerColor)
- const playerSevensAdjustmentPercentage = this.getSevenImbalanceAdjustment(playerColor)
- let sevenProbabilityAdjustment = 1 * playerSevensAdjustmentPercentage + streakAdjustmentPercentage
- const minimumAdjustment = 0
- const maximumAdjustment = 2
- if(sevenProbabilityAdjustment < minimumAdjustment) sevenProbabilityAdjustment = minimumAdjustment
- if(sevenProbabilityAdjustment > maximumAdjustment) sevenProbabilityAdjustment = maximumAdjustment
- const ignore0and1 = 2
- const sevenIndex = 7 - ignore0and1
- this.weightedDiceDeck[sevenIndex].probabilityWeighting *= sevenProbabilityAdjustment
- }
- private getStreakAdjustmentConstant(player: PlayerColor): number {
- const isStreakForOrAgainstPlayer = this.sevenStreakCount.playerColor == player ? -1 : 1
- return this.probabilityReductionForSevenStreaks * this.sevenStreakCount.streakCount * isStreakForOrAgainstPlayer
- }
- private getSevenImbalanceAdjustment(playerColor: PlayerColor): number {
- const totalSevens = this.getTotalSevensRolled()
- if(totalSevens < this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.size) return 1
- const sevensPerPlayer = this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.get(playerColor) ?? 0
- const percentageOfTotalSevens = sevensPerPlayer / totalSevens
- const idealPercentageOfTotalSevens = 1 / this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.size
- const adjustmentBecauseOfSevensImbalance = 1 + ((idealPercentageOfTotalSevens - percentageOfTotalSevens) / idealPercentageOfTotalSevens)
- return adjustmentBecauseOfSevensImbalance
- }
- private getTotalSevensRolled(): number {
- let totalSevensRolled = 0
- for(const totalSevensRolledByPlayer of this.totalSevensRolledByPlayer.values()) {
- totalSevensRolled += totalSevensRolledByPlayer
- }
- return totalSevensRolled
- }
- private static getStandardDiceDeck(): StandardDiceDeck[] {
- const standardDiceDeck: StandardDiceDeck[] = []
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 2, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 3, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 2}, {dice1: 2, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 4, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 3}, {dice1: 2, dice2: 2}, {dice1: 3, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 5, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 4}, {dice1: 2, dice2: 3}, {dice1: 3, dice2: 2}, {dice1: 4, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 6, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 5}, {dice1: 2, dice2: 4}, {dice1: 3, dice2: 3}, {dice1: 4, dice2: 2}, {dice1: 5, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 7, dicePairs: [{dice1: 1, dice2: 6}, {dice1: 2, dice2: 5}, {dice1: 3, dice2: 4}, {dice1: 4, dice2: 3}, {dice1: 5, dice2: 2}, {dice1: 6, dice2: 1}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 8, dicePairs: [{dice1: 2, dice2: 6}, {dice1: 3, dice2: 5}, {dice1: 4, dice2: 4}, {dice1: 5, dice2: 3}, {dice1: 6, dice2: 2}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 9, dicePairs: [{dice1: 3, dice2: 6}, {dice1: 4, dice2: 5}, {dice1: 5, dice2: 4}, {dice1: 6, dice2: 3}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 10, dicePairs: [{dice1: 4, dice2: 6}, {dice1: 5, dice2: 5}, {dice1: 6, dice2: 4}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 11, dicePairs: [{dice1: 5, dice2: 6}, {dice1: 6, dice2: 5}]})
- standardDiceDeck.push({totalDice: 12, dicePairs: [{dice1: 6, dice2: 6}]})
- return standardDiceDeck
- }
- }
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