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Jan 21st, 2020
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  1. #include <a_samp>
  3. #undef MAX_PLAYERS
  4. #define MAX_PLAYERS 50
  6. #include <foreach>
  7. #include <fcnpc>
  8. #include <streamer>
  9. #include <zcmd>
  11. new boss_cp = 0;
  12. new boss_icon = 0;
  13. new boss = 65535;
  14. new bool:in_boss[MAX_PLAYERS char] = {false,...};
  15. new Text:boss_hp = Text:65535;
  16. new boss_timer = 0;
  18. #define BOSS_NAME "BOSS_NPC" //npc name
  19. #define BOSS_END_TIME 300000 //battle time
  20. #define BOSS_ICON 23 //icon type
  21. #define BOSS_DIALOG 1265 //boss dialog id
  22. #define BOSS_WORLD 5 //boss virtual world
  23. #define BOSS_SKIN 269 //boss skin
  24. #define PLAYER_WEAPON 31 //player weapon
  25. #define BOSS_WEAPON 31 //boss weapon
  26. #define BOSS_HEALTH 5000.0 //boss health
  27. #define BOSS_ACCURACY 0.125 //boss accuracy
  28. #define BOSS_CASH 80000 //victory cash
  29. #define BOSS_SCORE 25 //victory score
  31. Float:Pracent(Float:x, Float:y)
  32. {
  33. return ((x/y)*100);
  34. }
  36. public OnFilterScriptInit()
  37. {
  38. boss_hp = TextDrawCreate(275.0, 420.0, "~w~%~r~~h~100");
  39. FCNPC_SetWeaponShootTime(boss, BOSS_WEAPON, 200);
  40. TextDrawFont(boss_hp, 3);
  41. TextDrawLetterSize(boss_hp, 1.0, 1.2);
  42. TextDrawSetOutline(boss_hp, 1);
  43. boss_cp = CreateDynamicCP(1088.3391, 1075.5221, 10.8382, 2.5, 0);
  44. boss_icon = CreateDynamicMapIcon(1088.3391, 1075.5221, 10.8382, BOSS_ICON, 0, 0);
  45. boss = FCNPC_Create(BOSS_NAME);
  46. FCNPC_SetVirtualWorld(boss, BOSS_WORLD);
  47. FCNPC_Spawn(boss, BOSS_SKIN, 1088.3391, 1075.5221, 10.8382);
  48. FCNPC_SetWeapon(boss, BOSS_WEAPON);
  49. FCNPC_SetHealth(boss, BOSS_HEALTH);
  50. return 1;
  51. }
  53. public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
  54. {
  55. new name[47];
  56. if(in_boss{playerid})
  57. {
  58. GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
  59. strcat(name, " has lost the boss battle!");
  60. SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00FF, name);
  61. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
  62. KillTimer(boss_timer);
  63. boss_timer = 0;
  64. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  65. TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, boss_hp);
  66. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
  67. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "You lost the battle!");
  68. }
  69. return 1;
  70. }
  72. public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
  73. {
  74. if(in_boss{playerid})
  75. {
  76. in_boss{playerid} = false;
  77. KillTimer(boss_timer);
  78. boss_timer = 0;
  79. TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, boss_hp);
  80. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  81. SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00FF, "The boss battle is open now");
  82. }
  83. return 1;
  84. }
  86. public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[])
  87. {
  88. if(in_boss{playerid})
  89. {
  90. if(strcmp("/leavebossmg", cmdtext) != 0)
  91. {
  92. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You cant use command during boss fight /leavebossmg");
  93. return 0;
  94. }
  95. }
  96. return 1;
  97. }
  99. CMD:leavebossmg(playerid, params[])
  100. {
  101. new name[47];
  102. if(!in_boss{playerid}) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are not in boss battle");
  103. GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
  104. strcat(name, " has left the boss battle!");
  105. KillTimer(boss_timer);
  106. boss_timer = 0;
  107. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
  108. SpawnPlayer(playerid);
  109. in_boss{playerid} = false;
  110. TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, boss_hp);
  111. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  112. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "You quit the boss battle");
  113. SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00FF, name);
  114. return 1;
  115. }
  117. public FCNPC_OnTakeDamage(npcid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
  118. {
  119. new string[18], Float:hp;
  120. hp = FCNPC_GetHealth(boss)-amount;
  121. format(string, 18, "~w~%%~r~~h~%d", floatround(Pracent(hp, BOSS_HEALTH), floatround_round));
  122. TextDrawSetString(boss_hp, string);
  123. return 1;
  124. }
  126. public OnFilterScriptExit()
  127. {
  128. TextDrawDestroy(boss_hp);
  129. FCNPC_Destroy(boss);
  130. DestroyDynamicCP(boss_cp);
  131. DestroyDynamicMapIcon(boss_icon);
  132. if(boss_timer != 0)
  133. {
  134. KillTimer(boss_timer);
  135. boss_timer = 0;
  136. foreach(new i : Player)
  137. {
  138. if(!in_boss{i}) continue;
  139. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 0);
  140. SetPlayerHealth(i, 100.0);
  141. break;
  142. }
  143. }
  144. return 1;
  145. }
  147. public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
  148. {
  149. new Float:HP;
  150. if(checkpointid == boss_cp)
  151. {
  152. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "Check if the boss battle is open from anywhere /boss");
  153. if(boss_timer != 0)
  154. {
  155. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Someone is in this challange please wait");
  156. return 1;
  157. }
  158. GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
  159. if(HP <= 100.0)
  160. {
  161. ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BOSS_DIALOG, 0, "{FF0000}Boss Battle", "{FF0000}Are you ready to fight the boss?", "{00FF00}Ready", "{FF0000}Im Out");
  162. }
  163. }
  164. return 1;
  165. }
  167. forward BOSS_END();
  169. public BOSS_END()
  170. {
  171. foreach(new i : Player)
  172. {
  173. if(!in_boss{i}) continue;
  174. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 0);
  175. SpawnPlayer(i);
  176. PlayerPlaySound(i, 1058, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  177. SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFF00FF, "Boss Battle out of time!");
  178. in_boss{i} = false;
  179. TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, boss_hp);
  180. }
  181. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  182. boss_timer = 0;
  183. return 1;
  184. }
  186. public FCNPC_OnDeath(npcid, killerid, reason)
  187. {
  188. new name[24], string[74];
  189. if(npcid == boss)
  190. {
  191. if(boss_timer == 0) return 1;
  192. GetPlayerName(killerid, name, 24);
  193. KillTimer(boss_timer);
  194. boss_timer = 0;
  195. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(killerid, 0);
  196. SpawnPlayer(killerid);
  197. in_boss{killerid} = false;
  198. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  199. TextDrawHideForPlayer(killerid, boss_hp);
  200. PlayerPlaySound(killerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  201. GivePlayerMoney(killerid, BOSS_CASH);
  202. SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+BOSS_SCORE);
  203. SendClientMessage(killerid, 0x00FF00FF, "You won the boss battle!");
  204. format(string, 74, "%s won the boss battle and got +$%d and %d scores", name, BOSS_CASH, BOSS_SCORE);
  205. SendClientMessageToAll(0x00FF00FF, string);
  206. }
  207. return 1;
  208. }
  210. CMD:boss(playerid, params[])
  211. {
  212. if(boss_timer != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Boss battle is closed currently");
  213. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "Boss battle is open");
  214. return 1;
  215. }
  217. public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
  218. {
  219. switch(dialogid)
  220. {
  221. case BOSS_DIALOG:
  222. {
  223. if(response)
  224. {
  225. //Save Weapons Here
  226. if(boss_timer != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Someone allready started this challange you gotta click faster on the buttons!");
  227. ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid);
  228. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "To leave boss battle /leavebossmg");
  229. boss_timer = SetTimer("BOSS_END", BOSS_END_TIME, false);
  230. GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, PLAYER_WEAPON, 9999999);
  231. TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, boss_hp);
  232. SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1142.1877, 1101.8240, 11.0000);
  233. in_boss{playerid} = true;
  234. FCNPC_Respawn(boss);
  235. FCNPC_SetHealth(boss, BOSS_HEALTH);
  236. FCNPC_SetWeaponAccuracy(boss, BOSS_WEAPON, BOSS_ACCURACY);
  237. FCNPC_SetWeapon(boss, BOSS_WEAPON);
  238. TextDrawSetString(boss_hp, "~w~%~r~~h~100");
  239. FCNPC_UseInfiniteAmmo(boss, true);
  240. FCNPC_AimAtPlayer(boss, playerid, true);
  241. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, BOSS_WORLD);
  242. return 1;
  243. }
  244. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Haha chicken!");
  245. }
  246. }
  247. return 0;
  248. }
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