
Summary Story 202108

Aug 11th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - Names are mostly not official. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  5. # Chapter 2
  7. >> Tyvas
  9. Scene started with Harve and Turien waiting for Tyvas to drink with them, unaware of the circumstances. As Tyvas and Lund arrived, at first Tyvas told Harve and Turien to leave. Tyvas did not want to inform them of the circumstances because they would want to join him. However Lund told him that they would be considered accomplices if Tyvas acted anyway and would not be safe either. Tyvas gave them a final warning before telling them the truth. Scene shifted to Leftia being brought to a cell by a soldier and a silver hair guy, later named Karl (jp: Karu).
  11. Tyvas told Harve and Turien to stand by when he went to rescue Leftia. They would draw attention if they moved in a group but Tyvas would need their help to escape from the camp later. Tyvas managed to sneak to Leftia's room but found nobody there, only to be found by Karl, a member of Ishe's squad. Karl revealed that he knew Leftia's location and told Tyvas to ask him by force because he always wanted to try fighting Tyvas, one that was said to be equal in strength as Ishe. Tyvas, not willing to expose his intention to rescue Leftia, refused and left. Karl praised that Tyvas was not only strong but thought his actions through.
  13. Tyvas deduced that Ishe, as Karl's captain, would know Leftia's location so he looked for her. Ishe warned him not to act foolishly but commented that it had been a while since she saw that sparkle in Tyvas' eyes. She challenged Tyvas to beat her in battle then she would tell him. After the battle, despite recognising that they were both not using their full strength, Ishe told Tyvas that Leftia was at experimental ground, to conduct experiment to activate Proto-Omega. Porto-Omega was artificial Omega. Despite being much weaker, it could be used to determine whether the rider (?) could fuse with real Omega and control it. Ishe told Tyvas that she would be there. If Tyvas were to go, she would fight him seriously with the intent to kill.
  15. Tyvas and Lund left to meet up with Turien and Harve. Ishe had noticed Karl was there and called him out. Ishe asked Karl if he would report the fact that she revealed Leftia's location, but Karl insisted that he did not hear anything and would not interfere the fight between them. Karl recognised that Ishe and Tyvas were special to each other (as rivals probably) and Ishe commented that she had a good subordinate.
  17. Tyvas, Lund met up with Turien, Harve and rushed to the experimental ground head on as they did not have time. Then they met Karl with a lot of Elmund soldiers. Tyvas questioned Karl about how he felt about sacrificing Leftia. Karl mentioned how he did not like it either and great war would ensue if they activated Omega. But he was ultimately a soldier and would follow superior's orders. And he wanted to test Tyvas strength if he had the capability (purity of his intent?) to face Ishe. Then the fight started.
  19. Karl could not see intent of killing in Tyvas and said his intention was impure (shounen manga stuff, "pure" here being devoted to what one sets out to do blah blah). But Tyvas answered that Leftia would be sad if she learnt that people were killed in order to rescue her. He understood that it was something that sounded pretty yet unrealistic, but he would devote himself to the ideal and his sword would not be used to bear more sadness. Karl recognised his purity and let him through. As Tyvas group left, Karl muttered that he wished Ishe would win yet Tyvas would still rescue Leftia, and that was indeed something that sounded pretty yet unrealistic.
  21. >> Rain
  23. It was mentioned how squad one members were even gathered for the mission to retrieve the one who fused with destruction. Rain, Loca and Marubom questioned if it was okay for them to participate as they were squad 8 member and outsider. Nini answered that Rain managed to accumulate great achievements in short period to earn Myulen's trust, while Loca and Marubom were already approved to be together since they were Rain's acquaintances.
  25. Back then Myulen mentioned the girl was accompanied by a single armoured man. Luce questioned how so many squads were needed to account for one man, and Myulen said the man was reported to be on par with first squad members. Rain asked about the one who fused with destruction, to which Myulen answered she had the same power as Snefringa, as the only means to go against Omega. Rain was bothered why her existence was considered top secret if she was a countermeasure against Omega. Nini warned him not to speak ill of Myulen and said she received new intel regarding the armoured man's location.
  27. Loca asked Neiricka if she really forgot why she always got irritated at Loca's face. Neiricka seemed to have forgotten that she even mentioned that. Loca and Marubom deduced that Neiricka suffered some form of memory loss disease. Then Loca asked Neiricka why Luce was antagonistic towards Rain. Neiricka commented how it seemed important but she could not recall, and had a feeling it was for Neiricka's own sake. Then on the other side, Rain questioned Luce the same thing, and he recalled back in season 3 Luce said Rain did not look like someone he hated, but rather someone he must surpass. Rain asked if Luce fought his father to which Luce asked if Rain's father name was Raegen. Luce asked if Raegen ever mentioned Luce, which Rain denied. Luce commented that Raegen kept his promise but he could not tell Rain if Raegen did not. Then a Omega species dinosaur interrupted them.
  29. (Interestingly it was apparently the largest Omega species they had ever seen but appeared very small in battle... In battle Loca commented how Livonia was indeed not meant for sight-seeing but perfect for self-training) As they were having hard time and Luce asked Nini for approval to use Wigarl, some voice showed up saying how first squad members should face Omega species of that level with their own bodies. And the voice turned out to be Oscar (jp: Osuka), number 2 in Kaledvulf, vice leader of first squad. He told Luce and Neiricka to stand back and took care the dinosaur with overwhelming strength.
  31. After Oscar reprimanded Luce and Neiricka for being weak, he told Rain to show him his proof of transcendence. Then Oscar commented that Rain's proof of transcendence was different from them and understood why Myulen took a liking into Rain. It was then revealed that 1st squad members did not inherit proof of transcendence from Snefringa, but took an enhancement drug required to ride Wigarl when promoted to 1st squad. The drug was called crimson blood of vow (know the meaning but don't know the reading of the last two kanjis, chikai no XX). Neiricka did not remember such a fact but Luce confirmed it. Then the conversation is interrupted when Nini received new intel that the armoured man and the one who fused with destruction showed up in a (military) base nearby.
  33. Then when Rain and Loca were alone, Rain told her he felt something different from Oscar's power compared to his blood awakening, yet he could feel that Luce's was the same as his. Rain noticed Luce had a complicated expression when Oscar talked about the drug, that Luce seemed to want to tell Rain something important yet could not. On the other side, Neiricka commented that how she did not like to deal with Oscar but she would forget everything immediately anyway. Luce asked Neiricka if she remembered the village, to which Neiricka asked in which mission the village was involved to. Then Luce said never mind and told her it was not a village they went for a mission. Luce said to himself some day he would make Neiricka recall the village, then a flashback of a village of folks collapsed on the floor.
  35. The group arrived at a base that suffered heavily damage and split up to look for the armoured man. Then Rain found collapsed soldiers and the soldiers told him that the armoured man was extremely angry with the loss of his comrades. Then the armoured man and the one who fused with destruction were revealed to be a bulky man in golden armour and a hooded girl with light blue hair (Well it was made pretty obvious it was not Tyvas group this chapter and given what happened with Loca, Marubom we learnt better).
  37. The armoured man, Vanhelmer (jp: Vanherumā), said he was born with the purpose to destroy the world. As they fought, Vanhelmer easily defeated Rain. The child, Ihana (jp: Ihana), noticed Rain was still alive and told Vanhelmer to kill him. Rain muttered something about his frequent dream, Ihana commented that he could be having a nightmare. Vanhelmer decided to let him live, to let him witness living nightmares.
  39. >> Tyvas
  41. As the group got close to the experimental grounds, Turien proposed that he would wreck havoc to act as a decoy, then Tyvas could fight Ishe and Harve to rescue Leftia in the meantime. Tyvas and Harve did not like the idea but asked Turien that they would escape alive together after they rescued Leftia. Scene shifted to Luont in front of Proto-Omega, commenting how pressurising it was despite being a prototype. Then Ishe reported that Prince Tahat (jp: Tahato) arrived. Tahat arrived to witness the experiment and had some (uninteresting) conversation with Luont.
  43. Tyvas group noticed that the experiment had already started as Proto-Omega moved out from the building. Turien spotted Leftia in the Proto-Omega. Then they started to test the destruction weapon in Proto-Omega, and Tahat asked Luont to let him try controlling it. Harve was angry at what they were making Leftia do, then they met Ishe. Tyvas told Turien and Harve to go ahead as he challenged Ishe (who commented how she wanted to be the one that could take Tyvas head-on as a warrior). Then Turien and Harve were blocked by Karl instead.
  45. Tyvas used his full strength and won. Tyvas commented how he did not want to face her after he lost his family and Ishe's purity. As Ishe let Tyvas go, she muttered why she was not satisfied even after fighting Tyvas at full strength. Then she had a flashback of her seeing Tyvas with his family and commented that it was something that nothing can be done (hinting that she liked him romantically I guess). Tyvas eventually met up with Turien and Harve who somehow managed to beat Karl.
  47. However, they were spotted by Luont and Tahat offered to handle them. Then Tahat proceeded to control Proto-Omega into firing a beam at Tyvas group. Harve was injured in the process and Leftia lamented about it.
  49. Tyvas, Turien and Lund approached the Proto-Omega as Harve was injured and left behind. Apparently Leftia was conscious and told them not to come near as she had no idea what she was doing. Tyvas told Leftia to trust him and she eventually agreed to wait for him. Then, Tahat was confused Proto-Omega did not move as he controlled as Leftia managed to resist the control. Then the leading researcher said that they were actually suppressing the control in consideration to Leftia's body. Luont told him to maximise the control as it would become pointless if they were to lose her there. As Tahat seemingly regained control of Proto-Omega, he commented that he did not do anything and Proto-Omega attacked on its own. The leading researcher deduced that Leftia lost consciousness and it was caused by the impulse of destruction hidden in her consciousness. Tyvas decided that the only way was to defeat Proto-Omega. As Proto-Omega lost control, it was shown that the beam hit Luont and Tahat. Luont seemingly covered Tahat with his body but the result was not shown yet.
  51. Eventually Tyvas succeeded and took unconscious Leftia out of it, and escaped with the group. Then, Leftia woke up and screamed in devastation and fear. Leftia was afraid of what she had done and the lives she took. Tyvas reassured her that he would bring her to a place where she could live in peace. Then Tyvas said that he would protect her even if the whole world became her enemies (FF8 reference probably).
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