
Death Rule: Unforgiving Apha

Jul 24th, 2014
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  1. In the middle of a dark alley, a little girl covered her head as rocks were being thrown at her by older schoolboys who had robbed her mother who lay next to her. They laughed as they continued their assault. She cried as loud as her lungs could allow, hoping someone, anyone, could hear her.
  2. "Get away from her you guys!" yelled one of the boys to the group.
  3. "Why should we? We can't just let this freak go unpunished." answered one of them as he threw a rock at the girl's eye. She quickly closed it to avoid getting it damaged.
  4. "Yeah, she should just go crawl into a hole and die!" Jeered another, he stopped throwing rocks and went up to the unconscious body of the girl's mother and began to kick her head; laughing manically as he did.
  5. "STOP IT!" the girl yelled, at that moment the world faded to black as her memory became a blank.
  7. By the time she knew what had happened, two of the three boys laid dead in front of her; the third sat in the corner and had fear planted into his face at the girl. When she tried to approach him the boy ran away from her as though she were a monster. Now she was all alone...
  8. -----------------------------
  9. Tina awoke in a stupor; her head was ringing and felt nauseous. Upon getting her bearing she looked around where she was. The dimly lit room had a rusty door, a dirty cot, a broken mirror, a toilet (which seemed to have been used but never flushed), and a spigot for a sink. Taking a deep breath, she smelled the dampness of the room which made her cough harshly.
  10. "Damn, maybe this room could use a good cleaning." She said to herself as she coughed. At that point it hit Tina; she was no longer in her home, in a flurry she quickly checked herself for any scars or the like.
  11. "Any organs missing? Yes? No?" After checking herself thoroughly, she sighed in relief; she had not become a victim of the organ traffickers.
  12. "Ok, so if I wasn't kidnapped for my organs, then what was I kidnapped for." She thought to herself.
  14. *pat, pat, pat*
  15. Tina snapped out of her thoughts as she heard something coming from the door.
  16. *pat, pat, pat*
  17. The noise came again, this time it was closer.
  18. "Who's there?" she yelled. No response. Looking around Tina found a lead pipe underneath the bed. Grabbing it she slowly made her way to the door.
  20. *pat, pat, pat*
  21. The noise was now right outside the door. It was now or never. Quickly opening the door, Tina ran out yelling at the top of her lungs as she stormed out. The person who had been making the noise fell to the ground, and quickly shouted:
  22. "Ahh, I'm not going to hurt yah!" Tina stopped the pipe at mid-swing as she looked at her traumatized victim. He was a gangly boy with short, hay colored hair, jade-green eyes, wearing a t-shirt that seemed too big on him and a pair of worn down jeans held onto his hip with an old leather belt.
  24. "Well, it's seems I'm not the only one tah' find myself here." He muttered as Tina lowered her pipe. Looking at the teen, she knew he was no immediate danger; after all she was the one with the weapon.
  25. "So, mind if I can ask you your name?" she asked. The kid smirked as he answered her,
  26. "Well lil' miss, I'M Devon Worth, and if you would be so kind, just call me Worth."
  27. "Well Worth, do you know exactly where we are?"
  28. "I don't have a clue. I was looking for someone that did, but it looks like neither you nor I have any idea." Worth said as he shrugged his shoulders. Tina looked around, the hall extended as far as the eye could see.
  29. "It looks like the hall goes down farther, you wanna check it out?" she asked Worth.
  30. "Sure, beats sitting around here." Worth answered her as he took the lead.
  31. After walking for a good while, Tina tried to spark some conversation between the two.
  33. "So Worth, were you from?"
  34. "Well, my dad's from the Vinishi Archipelagos, and my Ma's from Cornish Plains, which is where I grew up."
  35. "Ahh that explains the accent." Tina remarked, she had wondered why he talked the way he did.
  36. "So, where you from miss?" Worth asked.
  37. "The name's Tina Blatchford, not 'Miss' and I'm from Kromedale; the largest city in the continent."
  38. When she was finished speaking, Worth snickered a bit.
  40. "What's so funny?"
  41. "Its yer name! I never thought anyone would name their kid Tina." Worth yelled as be broke into a fit of laughter, he only stopped when he saw Tina once again brandished the lead pipe. From then on the two didn't talk to each other until they made it into a large room. In the room was a doorway which leads to another room and, of course, the continuing hall.
  43. "This looks like a nice place to hang around for a while. What you think?" Worth asked Tina
  44. "Well, I guess this place isn't half...."
  46. Tina and Worth looked at the entrance to the other room; the noise had originated from there.
  48. "Should we check it out?"
  49. "Seems like a good idea."
  51. The two walked side-to-side carefully as they entered the room. Inside were 6 other people, their faces had a look of horror etched into them as they looked at the ground below. Following their gaze, Tina looked down.
  53. "Yahhhhhhhhh!"
  55. She tried to look away, but it was too late. The image of the man's body on the floor had become engraved into her mind. His chest was ripped open; inside the cavity some of the organs had fallen out and littered the floor in a pool of dark crimson. Tina fell to the floor as she felt like she was going to throw up; the shock was too great for her.
  56. "Hey kid, get her out of here!" yelled one of the men in the room, snapping out of the horrifying trance Worth grabbed Tina by her forearm and dragged her out of the room.
  57. ===
  58. Worth dragged Tina from the room but found it increasingly difficult since she refused to continue moving.
  59. "You ok?" he asked Tina, her look began to bother him since she seemed to be getting pale.
  60. Yes…"she answered softly, "I just need a place to lie down. Maybe back to the rooms?'
  61. Seeing that her condition was getting worse he nodded and lifted her up bridal style, walking back towards the hallway, they were stopped by two people.
  62. "Wait you two!" The girl yelled to catch Worth's attention. He turned around and looked straight at the pair. They were two of the girls from the room.
  63. 'What's up?" He asked them
  64. "We're coming with you." The second girl answered "With the current air around here, we don't want to stick around."
  65. "Well, I'm not surprised." He said, with the current situation they were all a little shaken up. "C'mon"
  66. -----------------
  67. "Hmm, it seems our two little pets have left us?"
  68. "Don't worry, they won't get far."
  69. -------------------
  70. Worth and his fellow company walked down the hall looking for the rooms they have seen before.
  71. "So, who are you girls?" Worth asked; the first to answer his question was the schoolgirl.
  72. "Umm, I'm Yuuki, and my friend here is Marionette…"
  73. "But you can call me Mary!" the other girl intervened. Looking at his company, he was a bit glad to have someone to talk to since Tina had apparently knocked out.
  74. "Hey, can we ask where you're going with her?" Yuuki asked, she pointed at Tina's unconscious form still held tightly in Worth's arms.
  75. "She wanted to go back to the room she was in." he answered.
  76. "Oh…So I guess that means you two are…" Mary started, but was stopped mid-sentence by Worth
  77. "What're you saying?! Do you think we're a-a-a…?"
  78. "I didn't say you were, it's just tah you going to all this trouble for her; most people in our situation would have just left her for dead." Mary stated.
  79. "Wait, What'jha you mean about situation?" he asked, the girls faces looked worrisome. From her jacket, Mary pulled out a PDA; its sleek silver look was overshadowed by the red image of two feathers in a circle on the screen.
  80. "Do you have one?' she asked; Worth thought back to when he woke up, there was a PDA right next to the bed but had ignored it.
  81. "I did, but…"
  82. "You know, you need it…umm, sorry but I didn't catch your name…"
  83. "It's Worth, and why do I need it?"
  84. Yuuki looked at the PDA, pressed a few buttons and came up with a screen; on it was a list of rules, they were as followed:
  86. Rules for the Game:
  87. 1) All players of the game must be informed of the Gamepiece installed into them. The Gamepiece is located in the upper chest cavity. The Gamepiece can rip open the Players chest at any time if ordered by the Game Master.
  88. 2) All players must each have a PDA in their possession within 24 hours after the game starts, failure to comply will result in Gamepiece activating.
  89. 3) All players must complete all objectives given by the Game Master; failure to complete them will result in Gamepiece activating. Rule is nullified if objective is destroyed by another player with the same objective.
  90. 4) At the beginning of the Game there will be 4 Trump Card Players, the cards will be dealt randomly. Their abilities are as followed:
  91. a) The Fool: Able to change objectives with another Player; can only be used twice.
  92. b) The Tower: Able to deactivate a Player's Gamepiece, can only be used once and only when near a player who's Gamepiece has activated.
  93. c) The Hermit: Able to see all active objectives; can be used indefinitely.
  94. d) Judgment: Able to activate another player's Gamepiece; can only be used once and if the Player's Gamepiece has activated.
  95. 5) At the conclusion of the Game, the winner will receive $10,000 plus $1,000 extra for every kill they have.
  96. 6) The Game is considered to be finished when:
  97. a) The Game Master ends the game
  98. b) All Players are dead
  99. c) All objectives are complete
  100. ----------------------------
  101. Time until Game Start: 1hr. 35min.
  102. ----------------------------
  104. Mary turned off the PDA and put it back in her pocket. Worth was now in shock at the current turn of events.
  105. "So, what you're saying is that…"
  106. "You may have to kill her? Yes." Yuuki finished. Worth looked down at the 2 girls in front of him; for all he knew they could kill him within half a day.
  107. "But on the other hand…" His mind drifted in the opposite direction, he may be forced to kill them. The thought of taking a human life did not suit him. The rest of the walk was silent until they reached the rooms. Entering the first room in the hall, Worth put Tina down on the bed , looking down at her, he ignored Yuuki's presence in the room.
  108. "If you want, we can watch her until…"
  109. "Ok…" he answered her. Stepping outside, Worth made his way back to where he woke up.
  110. "Back to where it started." he sighed. Opening the door, he made his way inside and locked the door behind him.
  111. ====
  112. The broken man tried to crawl away from his assailant, but was quickly dragged back to face her assault.
  113. "Please ____, forgive me!" the man yelled. His hair was grabbed tightly by the woman and was forced to look at her dead-on.
  114. "Well Chris, you remember what I told you when you hired me?!" The assassin yelled as she continued to yank at Chris's locks; blood was already starting to seep down his forehead. "I told you I would come after you if you didn't pay me after the job!" The Assassin violently threw Chris against a nearby dumpster. Hitting his back, Chris fell down onto the floor as the assassin approached him with a handgun.
  115. "Please don't…" he begged her.
  116. "You should have thought of that before you hired me." She said before firing a round into his skull.
  117. ----------------
  118. Tina jumped from her sleep quickly as she awoke from her dream. Looking around, she saw two women of whom she had never seen before.
  119. "Mary, go call Worth; tell him she's up." The schoolgirl said to her companion who nodded and ran out.
  120. "Umm, excuse but…who are you?" Tina asked the girl.
  121. "Oh, my name's Yuuki. And what's yours?"
  122. "Tina. Could I ask how long I was out?" She asked Yuuki
  123. "I'd say for a few hours; hard to tell in this place." Yuuki answered. Tina then smiled at Yuuki and said "Thanks for watching me while I was asleep." Getting up from the bed, she then made her way to the door, but stopped short as Mary burst into the room.
  124. "Yuuki, he's locked himself in!"
  125. -----------------
  126. Devon ran alongside his 2 brothers on the vast fields of the town of Shundale.
  127. "C'mon Dev, hurry up or dad's gonna yell at us again!" Devon's oldest brother yelled as he lead the pack.
  128. "I'm right behind you Rick, don't you worry!" He answered back. They had finished the fieldwork early today and had hung around the Vallen Manor. They were almost home when something had caught their eye; in the distance was a flickering light coming from the middle of the field.
  129. "Hey Rick, do ya' think there's a fire over there?" The youngest brother asked.
  130. "I don't know Tim; I guess we better check it out." Rick answered him.
  132. As the three began to make their way towards the light, an air of uneasiness began to spread. They were having doubts about heading over there and more than once did Tim say to head back.
  133. "Just keep going you big baby, we're almost there." By the time they had gotten to the place where the light was, all three were ready to turn back. Pushing the long strands of grain aside, they saw something that made them all recoil in horror.
  135. In the middle of the field were 2 men who were burning the naked body of a woman on an upside-down crucifix, the woman's intestines had been pulled out and left to hang from the opening of her stomach, around the burning flame was a circle of blood. The three began to move back from the sight, but before they could get far enough Tim had slipped which alerted the two men of their presence. One of the men held a spear-like object that was used to lunge at Tim, fearing his life was over he closed his eyes expecting the blade to pierce him, but it never came. Instead a few spurts of warm blood had landed on him, and when he opened his eyes, at the end of the spear was his older brother Rick.
  136. "Rick!" Devon yelled in shock as his brother's crumpled body fell to the ground with the spear still inside him.
  137. "Tim, get out of here, just run!" He sobbed as his young brother stood up. The two then ran for their lives; they did not look back at the burning woman, the corpse of their brother, or the two men. They just ran; neither knowing where they were going.
  139. By the time Devon knew where he was, the field had disappeared; he was now near an abandoned shed. Overhead, lightning struck as rain began to pour down on the area. Taking place inside the shed, Devon curled up into a ball and slowly began to lose consciousness
  140. "I'm sorry Rick, I'm so sorry." He cried before finally falling asleep
  141. -------------------------------
  142. Worth awoke from his sleep as he heard banging from nearby. Sitting up, he saw he was back in the room. From the door, yelling could be heard.
  143. "Worth, get up! Tina's awake; if you don't get out here she's going to leave!" Yuuki yelled
  144. "Alright, I'm comin'!" Worth answered back, picking up the PDA from the floor, he put it in his pocket and unlocked the door to step outside.
  145. "I wonder how Tim is doing…" he wondered to himself as the boor behind him closed.
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