

Aug 16th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &f» &bKnockFFA &8| &7
  5. #
  6. #
  7. #
  8. every 1 minutes:
  9. set {Minuten} to "%minute%"
  10. set {Stunden} to "%hour%"
  11. if {Stunden} is "23":
  12. if {Minuten} is "1":
  13. set {SpielerVorGestern} to {SpielerGestern}
  14. set {NeueSpielerVorGestern} to {NeueSpielerGestern}
  15. set {SpielerGestern} to {SpielerHeute}
  16. set {NeueSpielerGestern} to {NeueSpielerHeute}
  17. set {NeueSpielerHeute} to 0
  18. set {SpielerHeute} to 0
  19. delete {JoinHeute::*}
  20. if {Gestern} is true:
  21. set {VorGestern} to true
  22. set {Gestern} to true
  23. on join:
  24. if {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  25. set {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} to true
  26. add 1 to {RegestrierteSpieler}
  27. add 1 to {NeueSpielerHeute}
  28. if {JoinHeute::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  29. set {JoinHeute::%player's uuid%} to true
  30. add 1 to {SpielerHeute}
  31. command /Serverstats:
  32. trigger:
  33. play "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 5
  34. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Serverstatistiken" to player
  35. set {Stammspieler} to "%{SpielerHeute}-{NeueSpielerHeute}%"
  36. set {StammspielerGestern} to "%{SpielerGestern}-{NeueSpielerGestern}%"
  37. set {StammspielerVorGestern} to "%{SpielerVorGestern}-{NeueSpielerVorGestern}%"
  38. if {Gestern} is not set:
  39. set {SpielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  40. set {NeueSpielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  41. set {StammspielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  42. if {VorGestern} is not set:
  43. set {SpielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  44. set {NeueSpielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  45. set {StammspielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  46. wait 0.001 ticks
  47. format slot 0 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  48. format slot 1 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  49. format slot 2 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  50. format slot 3 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  51. format slot 5 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  52. format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&6Serverstatistiken" with lore "&7&m----------------------|| &6Registriert: &7%{RegestrierteSpieler}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler Heute: &7%{SpielerHeute}%|| &7Stammspieler Heute: &7%{Stammspieler}%|| &7Neue Spieler Heute: &7%{NeueSpielerHeute}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler Gestern: &7%{SpielerGestern}%|| &7Stammspieler Gestern: &7%{StammspielerGestern}%|| &7Neue Spieler Gestern: &7%{NeueSpielerGestern}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler VorGestern: &7%{SpielerVorGestern}%|| &7Stammspieler VorGestern: &7%{StammspielerVorGestern}%|| &7Neue Spieler VorGestern: &7%{NeueSpielerVorGestern}%||&7&m----------------------" to be unstealable
  53. format slot 6 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  54. format slot 7 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  55. format slot 8 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  56. command /Serverstatsdelete:
  57. trigger:
  58. send "&7Alle Stats wurden gelöscht!"
  59. delete {firstjoin::*}
  60. delete {RegestrierteSpieler}
  61. delete {NeueSpielerHeute}
  62. delete {JoinHeute::*}
  63. delete {SpielerHeute}
  64. delete {VorGestern}
  65. delete {Gestern}
  93. #
  94. # Spielevents
  95. #
  96. on break:
  97. if player is in world "world":
  98. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  99. cancel event
  100. on inventory click:
  101. if player is in world "world":
  102. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  103. cancel event
  104. on drop:
  105. if player is in world "world":
  106. cancel event
  107. on pickup:
  108. if player is in world "world":
  109. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  110. cancel event
  111. on hunger meter change:
  112. if player is in world "world":
  113. cancel event
  114. on damage:
  115. if victim is in world "world":
  116. if damage cause is fall:
  117. cancel event
  118. on place:
  119. if player is in world "world":
  120. wait 5 seconds
  121. set event-block to redstone block
  122. wait 1 seconds
  123. set event-block to air
  124. command /build:
  125. trigger:
  126. if player is in world "world":
  127. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  128. send "{@prefix}Du bist nun im &aBaumodus"
  129. set player's gamemode to creative
  130. set {build.%player%} to true
  131. else:
  132. delete {build.%player%}
  133. set player's gamemode to survival
  134. send "{@prefix}Du bist nicht mehr &cBaumodus"
  135. on damage:
  136. if victim is in world "world":
  137. victim's y-coordinate is higher than {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  138. cancel event
  139. wait 1 ticks
  140. heal victim
  141. on any movement:
  142. if player is in world "world":
  143. player's y-coordinate is smaller than {KNOCKFFA.TODESHÖHE.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  144. if {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} is not set:
  145. set player's gamemode to adventure
  146. set {nuuuumbero} to random integer between 1 and 5
  147. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumbero}%}
  148. delete {respawn.%player%}
  149. clear player's inventory
  150. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  151. loop all players in "world":
  152. if {Angriff.%loop-player%.%player%} is true:
  153. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7getötet"
  154. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7getötet" to loop-player
  155. stop
  156. send "{@prefix}&cDu bist gestorben"
  157. player's y-coordinate is smaller than {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  158. if {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} is not set:
  159. if {respawn.%player%} is not set:
  160. set player's gamemode to survival
  161. set {respawn.%player%} to 1
  162. clear player's inventory
  163. play "item_pickup" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  164. set slot 0 of player to stick named "&6Knüppel"
  165. enchant slot 0 of player with knockback 1
  166. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 7:
  167. set slot 1 of player to unbreakable fishing rod named "&eEnterhaken"
  168. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 2:
  169. set slot 1 of player to 368 named "&2Enderperle"
  170. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 3:
  171. set slot 1 of player to 5 332 named "&7Schneeball"
  172. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 4:
  173. set slot 0 of player to stick named "&6Knüppel-II"
  174. enchant slot 0 of player with knockback 2
  175. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 5:
  176. set slot 1 of player to 15 24 named "&eBlöcke"
  177. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 6:
  178. set slot 1 of player to 399 named "&fBoost"
  179. on damage:
  180. if victim is in world "world":
  181. if attacker is a player:
  182. if attacker is not "%victim%":
  183. loop 53 times:
  184. set {Angreifer.%victim%} to attacker
  185. wait 0.0625 second
  186. set {Angriff.%attacker%.%victim%} to true
  187. set {Angriff.%attacker%.%victim%} to false
  188. clear {Angreifer.%victim%}
  189. stop
  190. #
  191. # JOIN
  192. #
  194. on join:
  195. delete {build.%player%}
  196. delete {respawn.%player%}
  197. if {bungeemode} is "Bungeecord":
  198. set {nuuuumber} to random integer between 1 and 5
  199. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumber}%}
  200. set player's gamemode to adventure
  201. clear player's inventory
  202. set join message to "{@prefix}&e%player% &7ist dem Spiel &abeigetreten"
  203. send "{@prefix}Es wird auf der &7Map &6%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}% &7mit dem Kit %{KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT}% &7gespielt"
  204. wait 1 ticks
  205. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  206. on quit:
  207. set leave message to "{@prefix}&e%player% hat das Spiel &cverlassen"
  209. #
  210. # KnockOut Befehl
  211. #
  212. command /knockffa [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  213. trigger:
  214. if arg-1 is not set:
  215. send "{@prefix}Hilfe:"
  216. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bsetup&7> <&bName&7>"
  217. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&baddmap&7> <&bName&7>"
  218. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bdeletemap&7> <&bName&7>"
  219. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&blist&7>"
  220. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bconfigurate&7>"
  221. if arg-1 is "setup":
  222. if arg-2 is set:
  223. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is set:
  224. set {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} to 1
  225. set {KnockFFA.SETUP} to arg-2
  226. send "{@prefix}Du bist nun im &aSetup &7von der Map &d%arg-2%"
  227. set player's gamemode to creative
  228. set {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} to true
  229. clear player's inventory
  230. wait 1 ticks
  231. set slot 0 of player to 348 named "&7» &eSetze den Spawn"
  232. set slot 1 of player to 267 named "&7» &bSetze die PVPhöhe"
  233. set slot 2 of player to 152 named "&7» &cSetze die Todeshöhe"
  234. set slot 7 of player to 145 named "&7» &6Mapwechsel: %{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten"
  235. set slot 8 of player to 388 named "&7» &aFertig"
  236. if {bungeemode} is "Spigot":
  237. set slot 6 of player to 35:9 named "&7» &3Spigot mode"
  238. stop
  239. set slot 6 of player to 35:4 named "&7» &eBungeecord mode"
  240. else:
  241. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  242. if arg-1 is "addmap":
  243. if arg-2 is set:
  244. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is not set:
  245. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Map &e%arg-2% &7erfolgreich &aerstellt"
  246. set {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} to true
  247. add arg-2 to {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  248. else:
  249. send "{@prefix}&cDiesen Mapnamen gibt es bereits schon"
  250. if arg-1 is "deletemap":
  251. if arg-2 is set:
  252. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is set:
  253. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Map &c%arg-2% &7erfolgreich &cgelöscht"
  254. delete {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%}
  255. remove arg-2 from {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  256. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.1}
  257. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.2}
  258. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.3}
  259. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.4}
  260. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.5}
  261. else:
  262. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  263. if arg-1 is "list":
  264. if {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*} is set:
  265. send "{@prefix}Maps:"
  266. loop {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}:
  267. send "&8- &b%loop-value%"
  268. else:
  269. send "{@prefix}&cEs wurden noch keine Maps erstellt"
  270. if arg-1 is "addspawn":
  271. if arg-2 is set:
  272. if arg-3 is set:
  273. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is true:
  274. set {arg-3} to arg-3
  275. if {arg-3} is smaller than 5:
  276. set {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.%arg-3%} to location of player
  277. send "{@prefix}Du hast &aerfolgreich &7den &e%arg-3%-Spawn &7auf der Map &e%arg-2% &agesetzt"
  278. else:
  279. send "{@prefix}&cDu kannst nur bis zu 4 Spawns setzen"
  280. else:
  281. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  282. if arg-1 is "configurate":
  283. set {KNOCKFFA.minute} to 0
  284. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 1
  288. #
  290. #
  291. every 1 seconds:
  292. remove 1 from {KNOCKFFA.sekunden}
  293. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is smaller than 0:
  294. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is bigger than 0:
  295. remove 1 from {KNOCKFFA.minute}
  296. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 59
  297. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  298. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 0:
  299. set {KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP} to random element out of {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  300. broadcast "{@prefix}Es wird nun auf der &aMap &d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}% &7gespielt" in "world"
  301. loop all players in "world":
  302. set {nuuuumbers} to random integer between 1 and 4
  303. teleport loop-player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumbers}%}
  305. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 0
  306. set {KNOCKFFA.KIT} to random integer between 1 and 8
  307. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 7:
  308. loop all players in "world":
  309. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&eEnterhaken"
  310. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &eEnterhaken" for 2 seconds
  311. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 2:
  312. loop all players in "world":
  313. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&2Enderperle"
  314. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &2Enderperle" for 2 seconds
  315. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 3:
  316. loop all players in "world":
  317. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&7Schneeball"
  318. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &7Schneeball" for 2 seconds
  319. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 4:
  320. loop all players in "world":
  321. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&6Knüppel II"7
  322. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &6Knüppel II" for 2 seconds
  323. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 5:
  324. loop all players in "world":
  325. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&eBlöcke"
  326. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &eBlöcke" for 2 seconds
  327. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 6:
  328. loop all players in "world":
  329. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&fBoost"
  330. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &fBoost" for 2 seconds
  331. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 8:
  332. loop all players in "world":
  333. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&aClassic"
  334. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &aClassic" for 2 seconds
  335. loop all players in "world":
  336. set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
  337. delete {respawn.%loop-player%}
  338. play sound "ANVIL_USE " to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  339. clear loop-player's inventory
  340. wait 1 ticks
  341. set slot 4 of loop-player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  345. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 1:
  346. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 0:
  347. loop all players in "world":
  348. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  349. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &61 Minute" in "world"
  350. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  351. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 30:
  352. loop all players in "world":
  353. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  354. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &630 Sekunden" in "world"
  355. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  356. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 15:
  357. loop all players in "world":
  358. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  359. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &615 Sekunden" in "world"
  360. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  361. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 10:
  362. loop all players in "world":
  363. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  364. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &610 Sekunden" in "world"
  365. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  366. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 5:
  367. loop all players in "world":
  368. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  369. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &65 Sekunden" in "world"
  370. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  371. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 4:
  372. loop all players in "world":
  373. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  374. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &64 Sekunden" in "world"
  375. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  376. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 3:
  377. loop all players in "world":
  378. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  379. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &63 Sekunden" in "world"
  380. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  381. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 2:
  382. loop all players in "world":
  383. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  384. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &62 Sekunden" in "world"
  385. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  386. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 1:
  387. loop all players in "world":
  388. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  389. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &61 Sekunden" in "world"
  390. loop all players in "world":
  391. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is bigger than 9:
  392. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is bigger than 9:
  393. set action bar of all players in world "world" to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  394. else:
  395. set action bar of all players in world "world" to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e0%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  397. else:
  398. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is bigger than 9:
  399. set action bar of all players in world "world" to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e0%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  400. else:
  401. set action bar of all players in world "world" to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e0%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e0%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  404. on load:
  405. if {KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL} is not set:
  407. #
  408. # EDITMODE
  409. #
  410. on rightclick with 145:
  411. if {KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL} is not 30:
  413. else:
  415. set slot 7 of player to 145 named "&7» &6Mapwechsel: %{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten"
  416. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  417. send "{@prefix}Du hast den &aMapwechsel &7auf &6%{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten &7gesetzt"
  419. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 1
  420. on rightclick with 348:
  421. if {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} is 5:
  422. set {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%.5} to location of player
  423. set {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} to 1
  424. set {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%.%{KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}%} to location of player
  425. send "{@prefix}Du hast den &e%{KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}%-Spawn &7für die Map &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &agesetzt"
  426. add 1 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}
  427. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  428. on rightclick with 267:
  429. set {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%} to y-coord of player
  430. send "{@prefix}Du hast die &bPVPhöhe &7für &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &7gesetzt"
  431. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  432. on rightclick with 152:
  433. set {KNOCKFFA.TODESHÖHE.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%} to y-coord of player
  434. send "{@prefix}Du hast die &cTodeshöhe &7für &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &7gesetzt"
  435. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  436. on rightclick with 35:4:
  437. wait 0.1 tick
  438. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  439. set slot 6 of player to 35:9 named "&7» &3Spigot mode"
  440. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Version auf &3Spigot &ageändert"
  441. set {bungeemode} to "Spigot"
  442. on rightclick with 399:
  443. push player upwards at speed 2.0
  444. play "WITHER_SHOOT" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  445. set slot 1 of player to air named "&a"
  446. on rightclick with 388:
  447. play "level_up" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  448. send "{@prefix}Du hast das &aSetup &7abgeschlossen"
  449. clear player's inventory
  450. delete {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%}
  451. set player's gamemode to survival
  452. wait 1 ticks
  453. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  454. set {nuuuumber} to random integer between 1 and 4
  455. delete {respawn.%player%}
  456. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumber}%}
  457. on rightclick with 35:9:
  458. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  459. set slot 6 of player to 35:4 named "&7» &eBungeecord mode"
  460. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Version auf &eBungeecord &ageändert"
  461. set {bungeemode} to "Bungeecord"
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